60 research outputs found

    Relevance of Skills in Total Quality Management in Engineering Studies as a Tool for Performing Their Jobs

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    [EN] The Spanish higher education system needs to adapt to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area and to this end, it is necessary for higher education institutions to improve the quality of university education, leading to an increase in competency-based learning activities aimed at developing the skills of graduates. Since university graduates face a large number of requirements when entering the labour market, they need to develop and constantly update the appropriate skills to carry out their work properly. This paper aims to address two fundamental questions. First, do engineering graduates need acquired skills in Total Quality Management (TQM) to perform their jobs successfully? Secondly, which job profile requires the highest level of Total Quality Management training and knowledge? We carried out different multivariate statistical analyses using a sample of engineering graduates who had been in the labour market for two years. The results show that knowledge of this type of management philosophy is necessary for adequate job performance. The job profile requiring the highest level of skills in TQM is described.Martínez-Gómez, M.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM.; Carrión García, A. (2020). Relevance of Skills in Total Quality Management in Engineering Studies as a Tool for Performing Their Jobs. Sustainability. 12(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12052065S115125Kanji, G. K., Malek, A., & Tambi, B. A. (1999). Total quality management in UK higher education institutions. Total Quality Management, 10(1), 129-153. doi:10.1080/0954412998126Heijke, H., Meng, C., & Ramaekers, G. (2003). An investigation into the role of human capital competences and their pay‐off. International Journal of Manpower, 24(7), 750-773. doi:10.1108/01437720310502113Jaca, C., & Psomas, E. (2015). Total quality management practices and performance outcomes in Spanish service companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26(9-10), 958-970. doi:10.1080/14783363.2015.1068588Chen, R., Lee, Y.-D., & Wang, C.-H. (2018). Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage: serial mediation of transformational leadership and executive ability. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31(5-6), 451-468. doi:10.1080/14783363.2018.1476132Weil, S. (1999). Re-creating universities for ‘beyond the stable state’: from ‘Dearingesque’ systematic control to post-Dearing systemic learning and inquiry. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 16(2), 171-190. doi:10.1002/(sici)1099-1743(199903/04)16:23.0.co;2-aSleezer, C. M., Gularte, M. A., Waldner, L., & Cook, J. (2008). Business and Higher Education Partner to Develop a High-Skilled Workforce: A Case Study. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 17(2), 65-81. doi:10.1111/j.1937-8327.2004.tb00308.xPossa, G. (2006). Europe’s Universities in Response to Europe’s Challenges. Higher Education in Europe, 31(4), 355-357. doi:10.1080/03797720701302907Andrews, J., & Higson, H. (2008). Graduate Employability, ‘Soft Skills’ Versus ‘Hard’ Business Knowledge: A European Study. Higher Education in Europe, 33(4), 411-422. doi:10.1080/03797720802522627Yusof, S. M., & Aspinwall, E. (2000). Total quality management implementation frameworks: Comparison and review. Total Quality Management, 11(3), 281-294. doi:10.1080/0954412006801Dean, J. W., & Bowen, D. E. (1994). MANAGEMENT THEORY AND TOTAL QUALITY: IMPROVING RESEARCH AND PRACTICE THROUGH THEORY DEVELOPMENT. Academy of Management Review, 19(3), 392-418. doi:10.5465/amr.1994.9412271803Hellsten, U., & Klefsjö, B. (2000). TQM as a management system consisting of values, techniques and tools. The TQM Magazine, 12(4), 238-244. doi:10.1108/09544780010325822Curry, A., & Kadasah, N. (2002). Focusing on key elements of TQM – evaluation for sustainability. The TQM Magazine, 14(4), 207-216. doi:10.1108/09544780210429816Hackman, J. R., & Wageman, R. (1995). Total Quality Management: Empirical, Conceptual, and Practical Issues. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(2), 309. doi:10.2307/2393640Singh, P. J., & Smith, A. J. R. (2004). Relationship between TQM and innovation: an empirical study. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 15(5), 394-401. doi:10.1108/17410380410540381Asif, M., Searcy, C., Garvare, R., & Ahmad, N. (2011). Including sustainability in business excellence models. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(7), 773-786. doi:10.1080/14783363.2011.585784Rocha-Lona, L., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Lim, M. K., & Kumar, V. (2015). Corporate Sustainability and Business Excellence. 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM). doi:10.1109/ieom.2015.7093844Zink, K. J. (2007). From total quality management to corporate sustainability based on a stakeholder management. Journal of Management History, 13(4), 394-401. doi:10.1108/17511340710819615Lagrosen, Y., & Lagrosen, S. (2019). Creating a culture for sustainability and quality – a lean-inspired way of working. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-15. doi:10.1080/14783363.2019.1575199Motwani, J. (2001). Critical factors and performance measures of TQM. The TQM Magazine, 13(4), 292-300. doi:10.1108/13683040010362300Rahman, S. (2001). A comparative study of TQM practice and organisational performance of SMEs with and without ISO 9000 certification. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 18(1), 35-49. doi:10.1108/02656710110364486Petroni, A. (2002). Critical factors of MRP implementation in small and medium‐sized firms. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(3), 329-348. doi:10.1108/01443570210417623Brah, S. A., & Ying Lim, H. (2006). The effects of technology and TQM on the performance of logistics companies. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(3), 192-209. doi:10.1108/09600030610661796Hervás Jorge, A., Ayats, J. C., Desantes, R., & Juliá, J. F. (2012). Las prácticas en empresa como uno de los ejes vertebradores de la empleabilidad. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior. doi:10.22201/iisue.20072872e.2012.8.70Kass, G. V. (1980). An Exploratory Technique for Investigating Large Quantities of Categorical Data. Applied Statistics, 29(2), 119. doi:10.2307/2986296Kaiser, H. F. (1958). The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Psychometrika, 23(3), 187-200. doi:10.1007/bf0228923

    Health benefits of zumba: A systematic review

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    El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática fue resumir y analizar los beneficios para la salud, tanto a nivel físico como psicológico, de una actividad colectiva tan popular y practicada a día de hoy, como es el Zumba. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos Medline/Pubmed para encontrar todos los estudios publicados hasta el 15 de noviembre de 2016 bajo la palabra clave “Zumba”. Se encontraron 15 publicaciones que cubrían los criterios de inclusión. Según el estado actual de la literatura científica, practicar Zumba reporta beneficios significativos a nivel antropométrico (disminuye el índice de masa corporal), en la composición corporal (disminuyendo la grasa corporal), en la condición física (aumenta el consumo máximo de oxígeno), a nivel de calidad de vida (autopercepción física y bienestar psicológico). Por todo ello, se pude concluir que practicar Zumba repercute positivamente para la salud, y se recomienda que sea llevada a cabo por un monitor, ya que los beneficios son mayores que cuando se práctica siguiendo las directrices de un DVD.The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize and analyse the health benefits, both physical and psychological, a collective activity so popular and practiced today as is the Zumba. For this purpose, a search was conducted in Medline/Pubmed database to find all the studies published until 15 November 2016, under the key word "Zumba". 15 publications covering the inclusion criteria were found. As it is current state of the literature on this topic, the main benefits of this activity occur significantly to anthropometric level (decreases the body mass index), body composition (decreases the body fat), fitness (increase the maximum oxygen consumption), as well as also the parameters of quality of life (physical self-perception and psychological well-being). Therefore, the conclusion is that the Zumba practice has a positive impact on health, and it is recomended to do it with an instructor because there are more benefits than to practice in front of a DVD.peerReviewe

    Wearable Inertial Measurement Unit to Measure External Load: A Full-Season Study in Professional Soccer Players

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    This work is funded by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia/ Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior through national funds and when applicable co-funded EU funds under the project UIDB/50008/2020.The aim of this study was to describe weekly acute workload (wAW), chronic workload (wCW), acute: chronic workload ratio (wACWR), training monotony (wTM), and training strain (wTS) variations over a full season across playing positions. Twenty-one professional soccer players were daily monitored during 48 consecutive weeks. Total distance, sprint total distance (STD), highspeed running distance (HSRd), maximum speed, number of the repeated sprints, and body load (BL) were obtained during training and matches using aWearable Inertial Measurement Unit. The wAW was determined for each external load measure. The wCW, wACWR, and wTM were calculated based on BL metric. Higher values of weekly STD were observed in lateral defenders/wingers (LDW) compared to central defenders/forwards (CDF) (p = 0.009; ES = Large) and midfielders (MDF) (p = 0.034; ES = Large). Additionally, weekly HSRd was higher in LDW vs. CDF (p = 0.016; ES = Large) and MDF (p = 0.011; ES = Large). The CDF presented a lower weekly number of repeated sprints than LDW (p = 0.021; ES = Large). In conclusion, weekly external load metrics were position-dependent over the season. Moreover, LDW a presented greater weekly STD, HSRd, and number of repeated sprints compared to other positions.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia/ Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior through national fundsEU funds UIDB/50008/202


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    La civilización es una realidad evolutiva continua que fomenta la reformulación de las metodologías de planificación y la ordenación del territorio para adaptar los viejos métodos a las necesidades actuales. Requiere una presencia ineludible del proceso empírico, con herramientas e indicadores que pueden, en la gestión territorial y la intervención local, contribuir a la implementación de la sostenibilidad creciente y el desarrollo funcional. Este trabajo, además de detallar el alcance global del proyecto, pone de relieve las metodologías utilizadas para la identificación y análisis de áreas territoriales específicas y también contempla el nuevo marco de investigación y las oportunidades de desarrollo creadas por el Proyecto OTALEX-C. Enmarcado dentro del ambito de la region EuroACE y del Proyecto OTALEX-C, un estudio de caso relacionado con la Eurociudad de Elvas-Badajoz será analizado y evaluado. Un protocolo establecido en 2013 entre las ciudades de Elvas y Badajoz conducio a la creación de la Euro-ciudad. Sin embargo, tres años más tarde, varias cuestiones muestran poca claridad. A este respecto, la identificación, el análisis y la evaluación de los factores que pueden influir en el éxito territorial en las zonas transfronterizas se consideran fundamentales para lograr un desarrollo sostenible mediante proyectos y estrategias de cooperación transfronteriza, lo que conduce a una mejora de las normas de vida de los habitantes transfronterizos. Hoy en día, la investigación muestra que los efectos e impactos que los proyectos de CBC representan en la región no son visibles. Las regiones europeas donde se han encontrado similitudes pueden verse como un paso más en el que se pueden aplicar descripciones y métodos idénticos. Algunas de estas soluciones pueden encontrarse en el Proyecto de CBC de Elvas-Badajoz

    The Obesity Paradox: Associations between the Body Mass Index and Self-Perceived Health, Depression Status, and Pain Level in Older People

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    Population growth and physical inactivity have led to health and social consequences derived from chronic diseases and decreased quality of life in the elderly. Some research suggests that overweight in older people may not be associated with the negative effects on some health indicators. This study analysed the associations between Self-Perceived Health (SPH), Depression status, Pain Level, and Body Mass Index (BMI) in people over 70 years who are residents in Spain, with a final sample composed of 13,895 participants. A cross-sectional study using data from the European Health Surveys in Spain (EHIS2014 and 2020) and the National Health Survey (ENSE2017) was conducted. Dependency associations were observed between SPH, Depression Status, and Pain Level with BMI in the outcomes from the three surveys analysed (p < 0.001). Negative SPH, Depression Status, and Severe/Extreme Pain Degree prevalence were higher in the Underweight groups, being the lowest in Normal-weight and Overweight groups (p < 0.05). High levels of negative SPH, Depression, and Severe/Extreme Pain risks were found in the Underweight compared to the Normal-weight group, but not in Overweight ones. Overweight was not linked with an increased risk of the conditions analysed compared to the Normal-weight groups in older residents in Spain. The Underweight group presented the highest negative SPH prevalence, Depression, and Severe/Extreme Pain. Moreover, Obesity increased the negative SPH, Depression, and Pain Degree risks compared to the Normal-weight and Overweight groups in this population.The author Á.D.-Z. (FPU20/04201) was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Grant FPU20/04201 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and, as appropriate, by “European Social Fund Investing in your future” or by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”

    Differentiated thyroid cancer and pregnancy

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    Introduction and objective: The present review work aims to assess the mutual influence that pregnancy may have on the progression of differentiated thyroid carcinoma as well as the influence that differentiated thyroid carcinoma may have on pregnancy. Synthesis: Thyroid cancer appears frequently in women at reproductive age and during pregnancy. Since the most common presentation is as a thyroid nodule, proper management of this condition constitutes a priority while pregnancy. Thyroid ultrasound and ultrasound-guided FNA are fundamental tools for both correct diagnosis and monitoring thyroid nodules. Also, differentiated thyroid carcinoma can happen during pregnancy in at least three different settings (newly diagnosed, papillary thyroid microcarcinoma under active surveillance, and differentiated thyroid carcinoma previously treated before pregnancy) that must be approached in different ways. Usually, pregnancy does not present any additional risk for the prognosis of differentiated thyroid carcinomas. Furthermore, differentiated thyroid carcinoma does not appear to have a negative influence on the progression of pregnancy for either the mother or the fetus. The treatment of choice for new-onset carcinomas is surgery, which should be postponed after delivery whenever possible or carried out in the second trimester in the most aggressive cases. Papillary microcarcinomas do not appear to be significantly influenced by pregnancy and do not require special monitoring during gestation. For previously treated carcinomas, pregnancy does not worsen the prognosis in most cases either. Only those classified as having an incomplete structural response require special attention in their follow-up. Treatment with the appropriate doses of levothyroxine to achieve the most appropriate TSH levels for the risk situation is another of the fundamental cornerstones in the management of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Finally, treatment with I-131, if necessary, is formally contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.Introducción y objetivo: el presente trabajo de revisión pretende valorar la influencia mutua que puedan tener la gestación sobre la progresión del carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides, así como la influencia que el carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides pueda tener sobre la gestación. Síntesis: El cáncer de tiroides aparece con frecuencia en mujeres en edad reproductiva y durante el embarazo. Dado que la presentación más común es en forma de nódulo tiroideo, el manejo adecuado de esta patología constituye una prioridad durante la gestación. La ecografía tiroidea y la PAAF guiada por ecografía son herramientas fundamentales tanto para el correcto diagnóstico como para el seguimiento de los nódulos tiroideos. Además, el carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides puede presentarse durante el embarazo en al menos tres escenarios diferentes (recién diagnosticado, microcarcinoma papilar de tiroides bajo vigilancia activa y carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides tratado previamente antes del embarazo) que deben abordarse de distintas maneras. Por lo general, el embarazo no presenta ningún riesgo adicional para el pronóstico de los carcinomas diferenciados de tiroides. Además, el carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides no parece tener una influencia negativa en la progresión del embarazo ni para la madre ni para el feto. El tratamiento de elección de los carcinomas de nueva aparición es la cirugía, que debe posponerse hasta después del parto siempre que sea posible o realizarse en el segundo trimestre en los casos más agresivos. Los microcarcinomas papilares no parecen estar significativamente influenciados por el embarazo y no requieren un seguimiento especial durante la gestación. Para los carcinomas tratados previamente, el embarazo tampoco empeora el pronóstico en la mayoría de los casos. Solo aquellos clasificados como de respuesta estructural incompleta requieren especial atención en su seguimiento. El tratamiento con las dosis correctas de levotiroxina para conseguir los niveles de TSH más adecuados a la situación de riesgo, constituye otro de los pilares fundamentales en el manejo del carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides. Finalmente, el tratamiento con I-131, si fuera necesario, está formalmente contraindicado durante el embarazo y la lactancia

    Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) concentrations in synovial fluid of sound and osteoarthritic horses, and its correlation with proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF

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    El factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina I (IGF-1) es el factor de crecimiento conocido más importante para la reparación del cartílago en caballos. Promueve la mitosis de los condrocitos, la expresión de colágeno II y la producción de matriz extracelular. La osteoartritis (OA) es la condición musculoesquelética más común que causa cojera y bajo rendimiento en caballos deportivos. Se evaluó clínica y radiográficamente un total de 11 caballos cojos, y se confirmó que todos sufrían una cojera metacarpofalángica frontal mediante una prueba de flexión positiva, un bloqueo nervioso en 4 puntos bajos y un bloqueo intraarticular. La proteína total, IGF-1, IL-6 y TNFα se determinaron por ELISA, lo que demostró cambios y diferentes correlaciones entre la condición clínica, los cambios radiográficos y el grado de inflamación. Todos los caballos con dolor asociado a las articulaciones y, por lo tanto, asociado a la cojera, mostraron un aumento significativo de la proteína total (P<0.0001) y la concentración de IGF-1 (P<0.05). Las concentraciones de IL-6 y TNFα entre los controles y los caballos cojos mostraron diferencias significativas (P<0.01 y P<0.001 respectivamente). Los caballos con menos cambios radiográficos mostraron la mayor expresión de IGF-1 en el líquido sinovial, y los caballos con condiciones de OA más crónicas tuvieron niveles de expresión de IGF-1 muy similares a los de las articulaciones de control. En todas las articulaciones cojas, se identificó por medio de Western blot una isoforma de IGF-1 más ligera (~ 7.5 kDa) que estaba relacionada con la inflamación y es el peso molecular del péptido maduro, y todas las articulaciones de control expresaron una isoforma más pesada (~ 12 kDa). Este hallazgo podría conducir a una nueva investigación para secuenciar y apuntar a la isoforma que no se expresa durante un proceso inflamatorio dentro de una articulación, y para tener una mejor comprensión de su papel en la articulación del caballo.Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) is the most important known growth factor for cartilage repair in horses. It promotes mitosis of chondrocytes, collagen II expression, and extra cellular matrix production. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common musculoskeletal condition that causes lameness and poor performance in sport horses. A total of 11 lame horses were clinically and radiographically evaluated, and all were confirmed to suffer a front metacarpophalangeal lameness by a positive flexion test, a low-4-point nerve block and an intraarticular block. Total protein, IGF-1, IL-6 and TNFa were determined by ELISA, demonstrating changes and different correlations between clinical condition, radiographic changes and degree of inflammation. All horses with joint associated pain and therefore associated lameness, demonstrated a significant increase of total protein (P<0.0001) and IGF-1 concentration (P<0.05). Concentrations of IL-6 and TNFa between controls and lame horses demonstrated significant differences (P<0.01 and P<0.001 respectively). Horses with less radiographic changes, demonstrated the highest IGF-1 expression in synovial fluid, and horses with more chronic OA conditions had very similar IGF-1 expression levels than control joints. In all lame joints, it was identified by Western blot a lighter isoform of IGF-1 (~7.5 kDa) which was inflammation related and it is the molecular weight of the mature peptide, and all control joints expressed a heavier isoform (~12 kDa). This finding could lead to new research for sequencing and targeting the isoform which is not expressed during an inflammatory process within a joint, and to have a better understanding of its role in the horse’s joint

    Reflexión Política. Volumen 7 No. 14 de 2005

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    En el debate electoral venidero se va a practicar en Colombia la reforma política que en parte fue expedida por el Congreso tres años atrás (acto legislativo No. 1 de 2003), y la que zanjó la Corte Constitucional recientemente echando la base de un cambio indudablemente importante, al aprobar la reelección inmediata del Presidente de la República. Así se practica en no pocos Estados que ponen de presente su madurez democrática. Cabe esperar, a juzgar por las tentativas conocidas, que en lo futuro tengamos también reelección de alcaldes municipales y de gobernadores seccionales, proyecto que aún carece de suficiente opinión favorable.In the upcoming electoral debate, the political reform that was partially issued by Congress three years ago (legislative act No. 1 of 2003) and which was recently settled by the Constitutional Court will be practiced in Colombia, laying the foundation for an undoubtedly change. important, by approving the immediate re-election of the President of the Republic. This is how it is practiced in not a few States that show their democratic maturity. It is to be expected, judging by the known attempts, that in the future we will also have re-election of municipal mayors and sectional governors, a project that still lacks sufficient favorable opinion

    Exploring APOE genotype effects on Alzheimer's disease risk and amyloid β burden in individuals with subjective cognitive decline: The FundacioACE Healthy Brain Initiative (FACEHBI) study baseline results

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    Introduction: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) has been proposed as a potential preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Nevertheless, the genetic and biomarker profiles of SCD individuals remain mostly unexplored. Methods: We evaluated apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4's effect in the risk of presenting SCD, using the Fundacio ACE Healthy Brain Initiative (FACEHBI) SCD cohort and Spanish controls, and performed a meta-analysis addressing the same question. We assessed the relationship between APOE dosage and brain amyloid burden in the FACEHBI SCD and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohorts. Results: Analysis of the FACEHBI cohort and the meta-analysis demonstrated SCD individuals presented higher allelic frequencies of APOE ε4 with respect to controls. APOE dosage explained 9% (FACEHBI cohort) and 11% (FACEHBI and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohorts) of the variance of cerebral amyloid levels. Discussion: The FACEHBI sample presents APOE ε4 enrichment, suggesting that a pool of AD patients is nested in our sample. Cerebral amyloid levels are partially explained by the APOE allele dosage, suggesting that other genetic or epigenetic factors are involved in this AD endophenotype

    Banks of Cryopreserved Skin from Live Donors and Total Skin Allografts in the Surgery of Major Burnt Patients

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    Scarectomy and prompt coverage are some of the main cornerstones of the actual treatment of major burnt patients. This coverage can be definitive using autologous tissues or temporary with allografts, xenografts, and/or biosynthetic products. Skin allografts (SAs) are the gold standard therapeutic alternative among temporary coverages, since they mimic skin functions. However, cadaveric skin donation and procurement, a common SA source, are infrequent. On the other hand, there is a significant number of patients that, given their health condition, large amounts of skin must be resected for their clinical recovery, including patients submitted to corporal contouring surgeries with esthetic and/or reconstructive motives, usually eliminating the redundant skin as biological waste. This study describes a skin bank model from live donors and cryopreserved total skin cutaneous allografts (CTSCAs), a new type of SA resulting from a particular skin processing