1,368 research outputs found

    Accessibility dynamics and regional cross-border cooperation (CBC) perspectives in the portuguese—spanish borderland

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    Accessibility plays a major role in achieving sustainable transport, and therefore urban and regional sustainability. The urban public transport system promotes mobility and realizes a large part of urban movements. Moreover, improving accessibility in order to promote sustainable transport requires the application of new concepts and indicators as a powerful tool in the process of creating a balanced urban transport system. In this regard, one of the main goals of this research is to present an overview of the relevant accessibility indicators and assessment of accessibility in regional Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) in order to transcendence challenges and obstacles for sustainable transportation in these regions along of Portuguese-Spanish border. This paper focuses on the accessibility of cross-border cooperation scenarios along the border regions of Alto Alentejo (Portugal) and Badajoz (Spain) where the Case Study Research Method (CSR) made it possible to recognize accessibility as a key factor in territorial success. Also, accessibility analysis can assess improvements as well as regional imbalances. In addition, this methodology can be used to identify missing links, which requires new investments enabling long-term sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diseño del sistema de locomoción y dribbler de un microrobot

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es, partiendo del prototipo de robot creado por el equipo LSI Robosoccer 2010, comprobar la funcionalidad de los sistemas que lo componen decidiendo cuáles de ellos son óptimos para las futuras generaciones y, en caso de no serlo, desarrollar modificaciones o crear nuevos diseños que cumplan con los requisitos exigidos. Con tal propósito, en los diferentes capítulos del documento se describirá el estado inicial del sistema que compone el robot y, posteriormente, las mejoras, modificaciones o nuevos diseños desarrollados para la nueva generación.Ingeniería Industria

    Estimates of the likelihood of threats are related to intolerance of uncertainty and learning

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    In the present experiment, we assessed the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings of threats both in the presence of conditioned stimuli (CS) that signalled the delivery of an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), and after making an avoidance response. Participants learned the relationship between several pictures serving as CSs and an aversive sound serving as the US, and learned to avoid the US through a procedure including alternating pavlovian and negative reinforcement training phases. Expectancy ratings were measured on every training trial. Our results only showed a significant association between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings made after avoidance responses. This association was found only when the avoidance response was made in the presence of CSs signalling that the aversive sound was avoidable. The increase in intolerance of uncertainty was related to lower expectancy ratings in good learners, and to higher expectancy ratings in bad learners. These results are tentatively explained by invoking a view of intolerance of uncertainty as an exaggerated reaction to uncertainty aimed at learning to avoid threats.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia y Competitividad. Proyecto Nacional I+D+i. PSI2014-56061

    Application of piecewise-linear switched-capacitor circuits for random number generation

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    An unconventional application of switched-capacitor (SC) circuits is discussed. A systematic method for the design of piecewise-linear (PL) parasitic-insensitive SC chaotic discrete maps is given. A simple circuit which generates a random one-bit digital sequence is reported. Simulation results show that the random behavior is not significantly altered by large (about 5%) variations in the values of the design parameters, which makes monolithic implementation feasible. Simulation results and layout for a 2- mu m double-metal CMOS prototype are included

    New measurement methods for anechoic chamber characterization

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    As a continuation of the work presented in 122nd AES Convention, this paper tries to study in depth the anechoic chambers qualification. The purpose of this paper is to find parameters that allow the characterization of this type of enclosures. The proposal that becomes in this work is trying to obtain data of the anechoic chambers absorption by means of the transfer functions between pairs of microphones, or by means of the impulse response between pairs of microphones. Based on the results of the transfer functions between pairs of microphones can be checked easily agreement of the inverse squared law, allowing to determine the chamber cut-off frequency. Making a band-pass filtering it could be confirmed the anechoic chambers qualification

    Estudio general de los suelos de Sierra Morena y cuenca alta del Guadalquivir en las provincias de Córdoba y Jaén

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    109 páginas.-- 1 figura.-- 7 tablas.-- 13 fotos en color de paisajes.-- 15 perfiles de suelos con fotos en color... Trabajo presentado para optar al Premio de Investigación creado por el Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros de Córdoba, en conmemoración del 52 Dia Universal del Ahorro.El presente trabajo ofrece un conocimiento general de los principales suelos existentes en el territorio que abarca, considerando los factores que son responsables de su formación y evolución, y estableciendo su relación con el medio en que se encuentran a través de su localización geográfica y distribución. Conocidas estas principales unidades edáficas en función - de dichos factores y de sus caracteres morfológicos y analíticos, se han ordenado de acuerdo con los últimos sistemas de clasificación de suelos hasta el nivel que los datos disponibles y el índole del estudio lo han permitido. Las unidades estudiadas (Unidades Taxonómicas) se han agrupado en función de una geomorfología y litología común para constituir las unidades cartográficas del mapa general de suelos que se acompaña, formando asociaciones.N

    Restauración del Real Coliseo de Carlos III, en San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid-España

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    The restoration of the Real Coliseo de Carlos III in El Escorial is an interesting work not only by the realization proper but also as a precedent in this kind of actions, always bearing in mind its peculiar circumstances both historical and artistic (16th century: The Monastery; 18th century; Charles the 3rd, the Baroque...) and later neglecting process, substitution, destruction, etc. that the building has suffered. The works for restoration are difficult as they involve a search in the past but without alter it. There are different positions from this fact, but in spite of alI good intentions, we have assisted to an irresponsible destruction of this historic heritage. The situation of the building, its surroundings, its ambience, etc. have determined in this case the precise and simple solution that must give a response to the colletive memory.La restauración del Real Coliseo de Carlos III en San Lorenzo de El Escorial puede interesar no sólo como realización en sí misma sino también como precedente en esta clase de actuaciones, teniendo presentes siempre sus circunstancias concretas tanto históricas como artísticas (s. XVI: el Monasterio; s. XVIII: Carlos III, el Barroco...) y el proceso posterior de abandono, sustitución, destrucción, etc. sufrido por el edificio. Las tareas de restauración son difíciles por lo que entrañan de búsqueda en el pasado sin intentar alterarlo. Existen distintas posiciones frente al hecho de la restauración pero, pese a todas las buenas intenciones, hemos continuado asistiendo a la irresponsable destrucción del patrimonio histórico. El entorno del edificio, su enclave, su ambiente, etc., determinaron, en este caso, una solución precisa y escueta, que diese respuesta a la necesitada memoria colectiva

    Complete Feshbach-type projection method to compute autoionizing states in Li-like atomic systems

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    ABSTRACT: A fully ab initio method of solution to compute autoionizing states in Li-like atomic systems based on the application of the Feshbach projection formalism is proposed. Applications of the Feshbach formalism, which in principle is a complete many-particle theory, to systems of more than two-active electrons are very scarce due to the limitations imposed by the practical construction of correct projection operators P and Q inherent to the theory. We include rigorously all the ingredients required by the Feshbach theory in order to compute accurate resonance parameters for the lowest autoionizing states of Li and Ne7+, for the 2Se, 2Po and 2De symmetries

    Comparative analysis of ephemeral river ecosystem services in agricultural and natural landscapes in mediterranean environments. A practical approach to Caia River (Portugal)

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    Mediterranean landscapes present a large amount of biodiversity and ecosystems leading to their unique identity. In fact, it is increasingly acknowledged that these ecosystems provide a large range of benefits, not only for the area where they are located but also for their surroundings. Benefits that may vary from aesthetical values to socioeconomic aspects that might influence territorial development, including also the preservation of those ecosystems. The ephemeral and intermittent rivers provide several and pivotal ecosystem services within to the environment. However, these services differ a lot from agricultural to natural landscapes – e.g. agricultural landscapes structure ́ is susceptible to dramatic changes through the seasons and water cycles. Thus, a comparison study between agricultural and natural Mediterranean environments landscapes have been carried out – allowing to deeply understand ephemeral rivers ecosystems systems and their dynamics. Considering the purpose of the study - a comparison analysis between river ecosystem services in agricultural and natural landscapes in Mediterranean environments have been conducted. Therefore, a Cross-Border ephemeral river – Caia River (Portugal-Spain) have been selected as a case study. The comparison has covered cultural, aesthetic, functional and socio-economic ecosystem services; showing the relevance of the functions granted by the river

    Quantitative Analysis of Seed Surface Tubercles in Silene Species

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    In the Caryophyllaceae, seed surfaces contain cell protrusions, of varying sizes and shapes, called tubercles. Tubercles have long been described in many species, but quantitative analyses with measurements of size and shape are lacking in the literature. Based on optical photography, the seeds of Silene were classified into four types: smooth, rugose, echinate and papillose. Seeds in each of these groups have characteristic geometrical properties: smooth seeds lack tubercles and have the highest values of circularity and solidity in their lateral views, while papillose seeds have the largest tubercles and lowest values of circularity and solidity both in lateral and dorsal views. Here, tubercle width, height and slope, maximum and mean curvature values and maximum to mean curvature ratio were obtained for representative seeds of a total of 31 species, 12 belonging to Silene subg. Behenantha and 19 to S. subg. Silene. The seeds of the rugose type had lower values of curvature. Additionally, lower values of curvature were found in species of S. subg. Silene in comparison with S. subg. Behenantha. The seeds of S. subg. Behenantha had higher values of tubercle height and slope and higher values of maximum and average curvature and maximum to mean curvature ratio.Project “CLU-2019-05-IRNASA/CSIC Unit of Excellence”, funded by the Junta de Castilla y León and co-financed by the European Union (ERDF “Europe drives our growth”)