514 research outputs found

    In the Beginning was the Deed? Discovering the Presence of the Spirit in Social Construction

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    The relationship between socio-constructionism and Christian theology has not been sufficiently explored. This paper critically analyses some of the main insights of socio-constructionist theories and suggests that a reinterpretation of the idea of social construction from a theistic perspective can avoid the unresolved problems of its radical versions. The paper argues that an order of meaning, whose origin cannot be reduced to human action, has to be presupposed for practices of social construction to work. This resonates with the belief in God´s action in human reality

    On the relevance of chaos for halo stars in the solar neighbourhood II

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    In a previous paper based on dark matter only simulations we show that, in the approximation of an analytic and static potential describing the strongly triaxial and cuspy shape of Milky Way-sized haloes, diffusion due to chaotic mixing in the neighbourhood of the Sun does not efficiently erase phase space signatures of past accretion events. In this second paper we further explore the effect of chaotic mixing using multicomponent Galactic potential models and solar neighbourhood-like volumes extracted from fully cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, thus naturally accounting for the gravitational potential associated with baryonic components, such as the bulge and disc. Despite the strong change in the global Galactic potentials with respect to those obtained in dark matter only simulations, our results confirm that a large fraction of halo particles evolving on chaotic orbits exhibit their chaotic behaviour after periods of time significantly larger than a Hubble time. In addition, significant diffusion in phase space is not observed on those particles that do exhibit chaotic behaviour within a Hubble time

    Graphite and carbon black materials as catalysts for wet peroxide oxidation

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    This study explores the application of non-porous carbon materials, two graphites (G-F, G-S) and two carbon blacks (CB-V and CB-C) as catalysts for wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO). The activity, efficiency and stability of these carbon materials have been evaluated using phenol as target compound. The catalyst screening experiments were carried out batch-wise at CPhenol,0=1g/L, CH2O2,0=5g/L, Ccat=2.5g/L, T=80°C and pH0=3.5. The results allow concluding that CB-C was the most stable catalyst, although it showed a lower oxidation and mineralization activity than G-S and CB-V. Increasing the temperature up to 90°C allowed complete phenol conversion and around 70% TOC reduction with 100% efficiency of hydrogen peroxide consumption upon 20h reaction time at 5g/L CB-C load. As a consequence of the initial oxidation of the carbon surface, the electrochemical properties of CB-C were favorably changed upon CWPO and its catalytic performance was improved from the first to the second use and then maintained upon successive applications in a five-cycle testThe authors wish to thank the Spanish MICINN for the financial support through the projects CTQ2008-03988/PPQ and CTQ2010-14807. The Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid is also gratefully acknowledged for the financial support through the project S2009/AMB-158

    Ionic and conformational mobility in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid blends: Dielectric and electrical conductivity behavior

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    [EN] The glass transition dynamics and the charge transport for blends composed of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and the ionic liquid (IL) 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide, [Emim] [TESI] have been investigated as a function of different IL content (0, 10, 25 and 40 % wt) by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) and broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (BDS) in wide frequency and temperature ranges (0.1 Hz-1 MHz and -120 to 150 degrees C, respectively). The inclusion of the IL in the polymer matrix affected the main relaxation process (beta-relaxation) of the amorphous phase of the polymer matrix detected with all the techniques employed. It is demonstrated, that the chain segments of PVDF and the IL are mixed at the nanometer range. The blends were homogeneous regardless of the amount of IL and the glass transition temperature (Tg) shifted to lower temperatures as the IL content was increased. A good agreement between the Tg measured by BDS and DSC was observed for all PVDF/IL samples. The conductivity formalism revealed significant contributions of the IL concentration to the conductivity behavior of the blends in that is described by charge motion and electrode polarization effects. The activation energy of all the PVDF/IL samples, calculated by Dyre model, decreased with IL addition with respect to that of neat PVDF. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2013. The authors thank FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT under the projects PTDC/CTM-ENE/5387/2014, PTDC/EEI-SII/5582/2014 and UID/CTM/50025/2013 and Grants SFRH/BPD/121526/2016 (D.M.C.), SFRH/BPD/112547/2015 (C.M.C.). Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the project MAT2016-76039-C4-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) (including the FEDER financial support) and from the Basque Government Industry Department under the ELKARTEK and HAZITEK programs is also acknowledged. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program. CIBER Actions are financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Correia, D.; Sabater I Serra, R.; Gómez-Tejedor, JA.; De Zea Bermudez, V.; Andrio Balado, A.; Meseguer Dueñas, JM.; Gómez Ribelles, JL.... (2018). Ionic and conformational mobility in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid blends: Dielectric and electrical conductivity behavior. Polymer. 143:164-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2018.04.019S16417214

    Thermal rho and sigma mesons from chiral symmetry and unitarity

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    We study the temperature evolution of the rho and sigma mass and width, using a unitary chiral approach. The one-loop pion-pion scattering amplitude in Chiral Perturbation Theory at finite temperature is unitarized via the Inverse Amplitude Method. Our results predict a clear increase with T of both the rho and sigma widths. The masses decrease slightly for high T, while the rho-pion-pion coupling increases. The rho behavior seems to be favored by experimental results. In the sigma case, it signals chiral symmetry restoration.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revtex. References and brief comments added. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic fluctuations in frustrated Laves hydrides R(Mn_{1-x}Al_{x})_{2}H_{y}

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    By neutron scattering, we have studied the spin correlations and spin fluctuations in frustrated Laves hydrides, where magnetic disorder sets in the topologically frustrated Mn lattice. Below the transition towards short range magnetic order, static spin clusters coexist with fluctuating and alsmost uncorrelated spins. The magnetic response shows a complexe lineshape, connected with the presence of the magnetic inhomogeneities. Its analysis shows the existence of two different processes, relaxation and local excitations, for the spin fluctuations below the transition. The paramagnetic fluctuations are discussed in comparison with classical spin glasses, cluster glasses, and non Fermi liquid itinerant magnets

    Aurigaia: mock Gaia DR2 stellar catalogues from the Auriga cosmological simulations

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    We present and analyse mock stellar catalogues that match the selection criteria and observables (including uncertainties) of the Gaia satellite data release 2 (DR2). The source are six cosmological high-resolution magneto-hydrodynamic ΛCDM zoom simulations of the formation of Milky Way analogues from the AURIGA project. Mock data are provided for stars with V 20 deg. The mock catalogues are made using two different methods: the public SNAPDRAGONS code, and a method based on that of Lowing et al. (2015) that preserves the phase-space distribution of the model stars. These publicly available catalogues contain five-parameter astrometry, radial velocities, multiband photometry, stellar parameters, dust extinction values, and uncertainties in all these quantities. In addition, we provide the gravitational potential and information on the origin of each star. By way of demonstration, we apply the mock catalogues to analyses of the young stellar disc and the stellar halo. We show that (i) the young outer stellar disc exhibits a flared distribution that is detectable in the height and vertical velocity distribution of A - and B -dwarf stars up to radii of ∼15 kpc, and (ii) the spin of the stellar halo out to 100 kpc can be accurately measured with Gaia DR2 RR Lyrae stars. These catalogues are well suited for comparisons with observations and should help to (i) develop and test analysis methods for the Gaia DR2 data, (ii) gauge the limitations and biases of the data, and (iii) interpret the data in the light of theoretical predictions from realistic ab initio simulations of galaxy formation in the ΛCDM cosmological model

    Membrane transporter dimerization driven by differential lipid solvation energetics of dissociated and associated states

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    Over two-thirds of integral membrane proteins of known structure assemble into oligomers. Yet, the forces that drive the association of these proteins remain to be delineated, as the lipid bilayer is a solvent environment that is both structurally and chemically complex. In this study, we reveal how the lipid solvent defines the dimerization equilibrium of the CLC-ec1 C

    Breast cancer PAM50 signature: Correlation and concordance between RNA-Seq and digital multiplexed gene expression technologies in a triple negative breast cancer series

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    Background: Full RNA-Seq is a fundamental research tool for whole transcriptome analysis. However, it is too costly and time consuming to be used in routine clinical practice. We evaluated the transcript quantification agreement between RNA-Seq and a digital multiplexed gene expression platform, and the subtype call after running the PAM50 assay in a series of breast cancer patients classified as triple negative by IHC/FISH. The goal of this study is to analyze the concordance between both expression platforms overall, and for calling PAM50 triple negative breast cancer intrinsic subtypes in particular. Results: The analyses were performed in paraffin-embedded tissues from 96 patients recruited in a multicenter, prospective, non-randomized neoadjuvant triple negative breast cancer trial (NCT01560663). Pre-treatment core biopsies were obtained following clinical practice guidelines and conserved as FFPE for further RNA extraction. PAM50 was performed on both digital multiplexed gene expression and RNA-Seq platforms. Subtype assignment was based on the nearest centroid classification following this procedure for both platforms and it was concordant on 96% of the cases (N = 96). In four cases, digital multiplexed gene expression analysis and RNA-Seq were discordant. The Spearman correlation to each of the centroids and the risk of recurrence were above 0.89 in both platforms while the agreement on Proliferation Score reached up to 0.97. In addition, 82% of the individual PAM50 genes showed a correlation coefficient > 0.80. Conclusions: In our analysis, the subtype calling in most of the samples was concordant in both platforms and the potential discordances had reduced clinical implications in terms of prognosis. If speed and cost are the main driving forces then the preferred technique is the digital multiplexed platform, while if whole genome patterns and subtype are the driving forces, then RNA-Seq is the preferred method