11 research outputs found

    Prendre cinc racions al dia entre fruites i hortalisses, un repte accessible per a tothom

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    Els canvis en l'estil de vida de les últimes dècades han fet que alguns sectors de la població s'hagin allunyat d'un patró alimentari saludable, i s'ha detectat la pèrdua de protagonisme de grups d'aliments de consum tradicional en el nostre medi, com són les fruites i hortalisses. Es defineixen en primer lloc els aliments que integren aquests grups, s'analitza el seu valor nutritiu i protector, les recomanacions de consum que fan diferents organismes i països, el concepte que els diferents grups d'experts defineixen com a «ració» de fruita i hortalisses. Així mateix es descriuen les dades oficials sobre el consum global a Espanya. Seguidament es justifica la necessitat de promocionar el consum d'aquests aliments fonamentals en la prevenció de trastorns i malalties prevalents en la societat actual (sobrepès i obesitat, hipertensió, malalties cardiovasculars, diabetis tipus II i alguns tipus de càncer). Per acabar s'analitzen les barreres existents per al seu consum i s'apunten estratègies i consells per incrementar i facilitar el consum diari de «cinc racions entre fruites i hortalisses» en el marc de la promoció de la salut.Lifestyle changes over the past decades have led some sectors of the population to diverge from healthy dietary patterns. As a result, some food groups, such as fruit and vegetables, have gradually lost ground despite traditionally being staples in this region. Firstly, the foods that make up these groups are defined and their nutritional and protective values are analysed,with allowance recommendations being outlined by different countries and institutions. Moreover, the concept of a fruit and vegetable “portion” is defined by different expert groups. Likewise, a description is given of the official data on global consumption in Spain

    Eating five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, a challenge open to everyone

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    Els canvis en l’estil de vida de les últimes dècades han fet que alguns sectors de la població s’hagin allunyat d’un patró alimentari saludable, i s’ha detectat la pèrdua de protagonisme de grups d’aliments de consumtradicional en el nostremedi, comsón les fruites i hortalisses. Es defineixen en primer lloc els aliments que integren aquests grups, s’analitza el seu valor nutritiu i protector, les recomanacions de consumque fan diferents organismes i països, el concepte que els diferents grups d’experts defineixen coma «ració» de fruita i hortalisses.Aixímateix es descriuen les dades oficials sobre el consumglobal a Espanya. Seguidament es justifica la necessitat de promocionar el consum d’aquests aliments fonamentals en la prevenció de trastorns imalalties prevalents en la societat actual (sobrepès i obesitat, hipertensió, malalties cardiovasculars, diabetis tipus II i alguns tipus de càncer). Per acabar s’analitzen les barreres existents per al seu consumi s’apunten estratègies i consells per incrementar i facilitar el consumdiari de «cinc racions entre fruites i hortalisses» en elmarc de la promoció de la salut.PARAULES CLAU: Fruites, hortalisses, verdures, antioxidants, promoció de la salut, prevenció demalalties prevalents.Lifestyle changes over the past decades have led some sectors of the population to diverge fromhealthy dietary patterns. As a result, some food groups, such as fruit and vegetables, have gradually lost ground despite traditionally being staples in this region.Firstly, the foods thatmake up these groups are defined and their nutritional and protective values are analysed,with allowance recommendations being outlined by different countries and institutions.Moreover, the concept of a fruit and vegetable “portion” is defined by different expert groups. Likewise, a description is given of the official data on global consumption in Spain.KEYWORDS: Fruit, vegetables, antioxidants, health promotion, prevalent disease prevention

    Psicoinmunología: dimensiones de personalidad y respuesta inmune

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    Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys.

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    Physical activity (PA) surveillance, policy, and research efforts need to be periodically appraised to gain insight into national and global capacities for PA promotion. The aim of this paper was to assess the status and trends in PA surveillance, policy, and research in 164 countries. We used data from the Global Observatory for Physical Activity (GoPA!) 2015 and 2020 surveys. Comprehensive searches were performed for each country to determine the level of development of their PA surveillance, policy, and research, and the findings were verified by the GoPA! Country Contacts. Trends were analyzed based on the data available for both survey years. The global 5-year progress in all 3 indicators was modest, with most countries either improving or staying at the same level. PA surveillance, policy, and research improved or remained at a high level in 48.1%, 40.6%, and 42.1% of the countries, respectively. PA surveillance, policy, and research scores decreased or remained at a low level in 8.3%, 15.8%, and 28.6% of the countries, respectively. The highest capacity for PA promotion was found in Europe, the lowest in Africa and low- and lower-middle-income countries. Although a large percentage of the world's population benefit from at least some PA policy, surveillance, and research efforts in their countries, 49.6 million people are without PA surveillance, 629.4 million people are without PA policy, and 108.7 million live in countries without any PA research output. A total of 6.3 billion people or 88.2% of the world's population live in countries where PA promotion capacity should be significantly improved. Despite PA is essential for health, there are large inequalities between countries and world regions in their capacity to promote PA. Coordinated efforts are needed to reduce the inequalities and improve the global capacity for PA promotion