2,561 research outputs found

    Efecto de dos especies de plantas invasoras fijadoras de nitrógeno sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo en el centro-sur de Chile

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    Dos especies invasoras leñosas, Acacia dealbata y Teline monspessulana (Fabaceae), ampliamente distribuidas en el centrosurde Chile, poseen la capacidad de fijar biológicamente el nitrógeno atmosférico y contribuir a la fertilidad del suelo. Sepresentan evidencias de potenciales cambios ocasionados por estas especies en las propiedades químicas del suelo en áreasaltamente degradadas de la Región del Bío-Bío, Chile.Dos especies invasoras leñosas, Acacia dealbata y Teline monspessulana (Fabaceae), ampliamente distribuidas en el centrosurde Chile, poseen la capacidad de fijar biológicamente el nitrógeno atmosférico y contribuir a la fertilidad del suelo. Sepresentan evidencias de potenciales cambios ocasionados por estas especies en las propiedades químicas del suelo en áreasaltamente degradadas de la Región del Bío-Bío, Chile

    Is there a signalling role for public wages? : evidence for the euro area based on macro data

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    Do public sector wages exert presures on private sector wages, or has private sector a leadership role in wage setting?. This paper tries to isolate the pure signalling effect that one sector might exert on the other by controlling for other determinants of wages (prices, productivity, institutions) for the main euro area economies (Germany, France, Italy and Spain) and the periods 1980-2007 and 1991-2007. It exploits avilable quarterly information not yet used in the literature, and combine different data sources in the framework of mixedfrecuencies time series models. The quarterly frequency of our data allows us to check the existence of strong evidence of public wages’ leadership, either in conjunction with bidirectional links from the private sector (Germany and Spain) or pure public wage leadership (France in the sample 1991-2007, Italy for within-the-year linkages)

    Una nueva asociación de matorral gipsófilo para el Sur de España (Provincia Bética)

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    El estudio de los matorrales gípsicos en el sur de España, revela la presencia de una comunidad diferente del resto de asociaciones descritas hasta el momento dentro de la alianza Lepidion subulati, al existir diferencias florísticas, ecológicas y biogeográficas. Por ello se propone la asociación Ononido angustifolii-Anthyllidetum cytisoidi nova, con un área subbética e hispalense, que se presenta en ambientes, secos y subhúmedos, sobre substratos gípsicos, los cuales dependiendo del ombrotipo se encuentran más o menos lavados, por lo que el matorral puede presentar más o menos gipsófitos estrictos. Asociación que se desarrolla sobre sustratos gípsicos, los cuales experimentan una pérdida de sales en ambientes seco-subhúmedos, por lo que esta nueva comunidad presenta un bajo porcentaje de gipsófilos estrictos frente a una mayor frecuencia de especies menos estrictas. Por lo que se propone la nueva alianza Resedo constrictae-Helianthemion syriacae nova de distribución ibérico-magrebíA study of the thickets growing on gypsum soils in the south of Spain reveals the presence of a community different from the other associations already described within the suballiance Lepidienion subulati as a result of the floristic, ecological and biogeographical differences. Therefore, we propose the association Ononido angustifolii-Anthyllidetum cytisoidi nova with a Subbetic and Hispalensean distribution. The association occurs in semiarid, dry and subhumid environments, on gypsum soils which, depending on the ombrotype, are more or less washed-out and, consequently, the thicket may comprise more o less strict gypsophytes. The association grows on gypsum soils which undergo salt deprivation in dry-subhumid environments. Thus, in this new community the percentage of strict gypsophilous taxa is low as compared to the number of less strict gypsophytes. To propose the new alliance Resedo constrictae-Helianthemion syriacae iberico-magrebi distribution

    Influence of rebar design on mechanical behaviour of Tempcore steel

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    22nd European Conference on Fracture, ECF 2018; Metropol Palace Belgrade; Serbia; 25 August 2018 through 26 August 2018; Code 145523Tensile behaviour of metals beyond the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) must be considered to calculate toughness or absorbed energy till fracture. Structural steels, designed to withstand earthquakes, are the typical material where post necking behaviour can be of paramount importance. This paper deals with the tensile stress-strain behaviour of Tempcore Rebar, a specifically shaped structural steel. Helical, short ribs, formed by rolling, protrude from the cylindrical basic shape of the Rebar. This help in increasing concrete/steel adherence in reinforced structures. On the other hand, those ribs make it difficult to assess strain distribution in the necking area, according to well-known theories describing neck profile. New or modified experimental methods, along with new theoretical approaches must be developed to help in studying neck profile evolution and corresponding stresses in rebars. Advances in such methods and theories are presented in this paper along with comparison with Tempcore cylindrical bars necking behaviour. The effect of ribs is clearly identified

    A toolkit to strengthen government budget surveillance

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    En este trabajo presentamos una herramienta para el seguimiento en tiempo real de la ejecución presupuestaria de las Administraciones Públicas en España. La herramienta incorpora un conjunto amplio de modelos estadísticos, con diferentes niveles de agregación entre partidas presupuestarias y subsectores de las Administraciones Públicas, que permiten procesar de manera efi ciente la sustancial información mensual y trimestral publicada actualmente por las autoridades estadísticas en España. La principal utilidad de la herramienta es complementar el análisis habitualmente realizado para detectar de manera anticipada posibles riesgos de desviación con respecto a los objetivos fi scales ofi cialesIn this paper we develop a comprehensive short-term fiscal forecasting system of use for the real-time monitoring of the Spanish government’s borrowing requirement. Spain has been at the centre of the recent European sovereign debt crisis, not least because of sizeable failures in meeting public defi cit targets. The system comprises a suite of models, with different levels of disaggregation (bottom-up vs top-downgeneral government vs sub-sectors), which are suitable for the automatic processing of the large amount of monthly/quarterly fi scal data currently published by the Spanish statistical authorities. Our tools are instrumental in the ex-ante detection of risks to offi cial projections, and can thus help reduce the ex-post reputational costs of budgetary slippage. On the basis of our results, we discuss how offi cial monitoring bodies could expand, on one hand, their toolkit to evaluate regular adherence to targets (moving beyond a legalistic approach) and, on the other, their communication policies as regards sources of risks to (ex-ante) compliance with budgetary target

    Formaciones de "Antirrhinum majus" en los territorios hispalenses

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    Stands of Antirrhinum majus in the Hispalense sectorPalabras clave. Asociación, sintaxonomia, corología, sur Península Ibérica, Echio boissieri-Antirrhinetum majii.Key words. Association, syntaxonomy, chorology, south of the Iberian Peninsula, Echio boissieri-Antirrhinetum majii

    Exploring the Emerging Domain of Research on Video Game Live Streaming in Web of Science: State of the Art, Changes and Trends

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    In recent years, interest in video game live streaming services has increased as a new communication instrument, social network, source of leisure, and entertainment platform for millions of users. The rise in this type of service has been accompanied by an increase in research on these platforms. As an emerging domain of research focused on this novel phenomenon takes shape, it is necessary to delve into its nature and antecedents. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive reference that allows future analyses to be addressed with greater rigor and theoretical depth. In this work, we developed a meta-review of the literature supported by a bibliometric performance and network analysis (BPNA). We used the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) protocol to obtain a representative sample of 111 published documents since 2012 and indexed in the Web of Science. Additionally, we exposed the main research topics developed to date, which allowed us to detect future research challenges and trends. The findings revealed four specializations or subdomains: studies focused on the transmitter or streamer; the receiver or the audience; the channel or platform; and the transmission process. These four specializations add to the accumulated knowledge through the development of six core themes that emerge: motivations, behaviors, monetization of activities, quality of experience, use of social networks and media, and gender issues

    Improving the Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Maraging Part Obtained by Cold Gas Spray Additive Manufacturing

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    The use of the cold gas spray (CGS) process as a metal additive manufacturing (MAM) technique for metallic part production has been deeply studied recently, mainly due to its advantages over other MAM techniques. CGS MAM is a high-productivity technique with a very low level of particle oxidation, microstructural changes, phase transformations, or deleterious residual thermal stresses in the part. The use of CGS MAM to produce maraging parts represents a gain for the industry by saving machining time and preventing raw material waste. Its wear resistance and corrosion behavior were evaluated in this work and were compared with cermet coatings deposited by high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) on the CGS MAM maraging. This work presents the innovative and effective combination of different thermal spraying processes and materials to obtain MAM maraging parts with higher wear resistance, evaluating abrasion, sliding, and water erosion wear type

    Simple Sonochemical Method to Optimize the Heating Efficiency of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia

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    We developed a fast, single-step sonochemical strategy for the green manufacturing of magnetite (Fe3O4) magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), using iron sulfate (FeSO4) as the sole source of iron and sodium hydroxide (Na(OH)) as the reducing agent in an aqueous medium. The designed methodology reduces the environmental impact of toxic chemical compounds and minimizes the infrastructure requirements and reaction times down to minutes. The Na(OH) concentration has been varied to optimize the final size and magnetic properties of the MNPs and to minimize the amount of corrosive byproducts of the reaction. The change in the starting FeSO4concentration (from 5.4 to 43.1 mM) changed the particle sizes from (20 ± 3) to (58 ± 8) nm. These magnetite MNPs are promising for biomedical applications due to their negative surface charge, good heating properties (˜324 ± 2 W/g), and low cytotoxic effects. These results indicate the potential of this controlled, easy, and rapid ultrasonic irradiation method to prepare nanomaterials with enhanced properties and good potential for use as magnetic hyperthermia agents