66 research outputs found

    Observing Volcanoes from the Seafloor in the Central Mediterranean Area

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    The three volcanoes that are the object of this paper show different types of activity that are representative of the large variety of volcanism present in the Central Mediterranean area. Etna and Stromboli are sub-aerial volcanoes, with significant part of their structure under the sea, while the Marsili Seamount is submerged, and its activity is still open to debate. The study of these volcanoes can benefit from multi-parametric observations from the seafloor. Each volcano was studied with a different kind of observation system. Stromboli seismic recordings are acquired by means of a single Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS). From these data, it was possible to identify two different magma chambers at different depths. At Marsili Seamount, gravimetric and seismic signals are recorded by a battery-powered multi-disciplinary observatory (GEOSTAR). Gravimetric variations and seismic Short Duration Events (SDE) confirm the presence of hydrothermal activity. At the Etna observation site, seismic signals, water pressure, magnetic field and acoustic echo intensity are acquired in real-time thanks to a cabled multi-disciplinary observatory (NEMO-SN1 ). This observatory is one of the operative nodes of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO; www.emso-eu.org) research infrastructure. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we speculate about deep Etna sources and follow some significant events, such as volcanic ash diffusion in the seawater

    Observing Volcanoes from the Seafloor in the Central Mediterranean Area

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    The three volcanoes that are the object of this paper show different types of activity that are representative of the large variety of volcanism present in the Central Mediterranean area. Etna and Stromboli are sub-aerial volcanoes, with significant part of their structure under the sea, while the Marsili Seamount is submerged, and its activity is still open to debate. The study of these volcanoes can benefit from multi-parametric observations from the seafloor. Each volcano was studied with a different kind of observation system. Stromboli seismic recordings are acquired by means of a single Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS). From these data, it was possible to identify two different magma chambers at different depths. At Marsili Seamount, gravimetric and seismic signals are recorded by a battery-powered multi-disciplinary observatory (GEOSTAR). Gravimetric variations and seismic Short Duration Events (SDE) confirm the presence of hydrothermal activity. At the Etna observation site, seismic signals, water pressure, magnetic field and acoustic echo intensity are acquired in real-time thanks to a cabled multi-disciplinary observatory (NEMO-SN1 ). This observatory is one of the operative nodes of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO; www.emso-eu.org) research infrastructure. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we speculate about deep Etna sources and follow some significant events, such as volcanic ash diffusion in the seawater.Published2983A. Ambiente MarinoJCR Journalrestricte

    Multiparametric seafloor exploration: the Marsili Basin and Volcanic Seamount case (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    Exploration of ocean seafloor is of paramount importance for a better understanding of the geodynamic evolution of our Planet. The pilot experiment of ORION-GEOSTAR 3 EC project was the first long-term continuous geophysical and oceanographic experiment of an important seafloor area of Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, the Marsili abyssal plain. The latter hosts the Marsili Seamount which is Europe’s one of the largest underwater volcano of Plio-Pleistocenic age. In spite of its dimensions, it is rather unknown about the present characteristics and activity. For this reason, we deployed a deep-sea observatory network, composed by two bottom observatories, on the seafloor at the base of the seamount at 3320 m b.s.l., in the period December 2003-May 2005. Some of the instruments on board the observatory were: broad-band seismometers, hydrophones, gravity meter, two magnetometers (scalar and vectorial), 3D single-point current meter, ADCP, CTD, automatic pH analyser and off-line water sampler for laboratory analyses. The first successful scientific objective was to obtain long-term continuous recordings under a unique time reference. The data analysis shows that they are generally of good quality and really continuous (only a few gaps). As a first step we performed a classification of seismic waveforms, a first inversion of magnetic variational data, and a first analysis of gravity meter, chemical and oceanographic data. Analysis of individual time series has shown interesting results, i.e. depth of the magnetic Moho under the Marsili, attenuation of recorded seismic body waves and clues of hydrothermal circulation. We show examples of the preliminary data analysis together with first results and comparisons among data coming from different sensors.PublishedCambridge, UK, February 24-26, 20091.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientale3.8. Geofisica per l'ambienteope

    Multiparametric seafloor exploration: the Marsili Basin and Volcanic Seamount case (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    Exploration of ocean seafloor is of paramount importance for a better understanding of the geodynamic evolution of our Planet. The pilot experiment of ORION-GEOSTAR 3 EC project was the first long-term continuous geophysical and oceanographic experiment of an important seafloor area of Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, the Marsili abyssal plain. The latter hosts the Marsili Seamount which is Europe’s one of the largest underwater volcano of Plio-Pleistocenic age. In spite of its dimensions, it is rather unknown about the present characteristics and activity. For this reason, we deployed a deep-sea observatory network, composed by two bottom observatories, on the seafloor at the base of the seamount at 3320 m b.s.l., in the period December 2003-May 2005. Some of the instruments on board the observatory were: broad-band seismometers, hydrophones, gravity meter, two magnetometers (scalar and vectorial), 3D single-point current meter, ADCP, CTD, automatic pH analyser and off-line water sampler for laboratory analyses. The first successful scientific objective was to obtain long-term continuous recordings under a unique time reference. The data analysis shows that they are generally of good quality and really continuous (only a few gaps). As a first step we performed a classification of seismic waveforms, a first inversion of magnetic variational data, and a first analysis of gravity meter, chemical and oceanographic data. Analysis of individual time series has shown interesting results, i.e. depth of the magnetic Moho under the Marsili, attenuation of recorded seismic body waves and clues of hydrothermal circulation. We show examples of the preliminary data analysis together with first results and comparisons among data coming from different sensors

    NEMO-SN1 Abyssal Cabled Observatory in the Western Ionian Sea

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    The “NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory - Submarine Network 1” (NEMO-SN1) seafloor observatory is located in the central Mediterranean Sea, Western Ionian Sea, off Eastern Sicily (Southern Italy) at 2100 m water depth, 25 km from the harbour of the city of Catania. It is a prototype of a cabled deep-sea multiparameter observatory and the first one operating with real-time data transmission in Europe since 2005. NEMO-SN1 is also the first-established node of the “European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory” (EMSO, http://www.emso-eu.org), one of the incoming European large-scale research infrastructures included in the Roadmap of the “European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures” (ESFRI, http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/roadmap.htm) since 2006. EMSO will specifically address long-term monitoring of environmental processes related to Marine Ecosystems, Climate Change and Geo-hazards. NEMO-SN1 has been deployed and developed over the last decade thanks to Italian funding and to the EC project “European Seas Observatory NETwork - Network of Excellence” (ESONET-NoE, 2007-2011) that funded the “Listening to the Deep Ocean - Demonstration Mission” (LIDO-DM) and a technological interoperability test (http://www.esonet-emso.org/). NEMOSN1 is performing geophysical and environmental long-term monitoring by acquiring seismological, geomagnetic, gravimetric, accelerometric, physico-oceanographic, hydroacoustic, bio-acoustic measurements. Scientific objectives include studying seismic signals, tsunami generation and warnings, its hydroacoustic precursors, and ambient noise characterisation in terms of marine mammal sounds, environmental and anthropogenic sources. NEMO-SN1 is also an important test-site for the construction of the “Kilometre-Cube Underwater Neutrino Telescope” (KM3NeT, http://www.km3net.org/), another large-scale research infrastructure included in the ESFRI Roadmap based on a large volume neutrino telescope. The description of the observatory and its most recent implementations is presented. On 9th June, 2012 NEMO-SN1 was successfully deployed and is working in real-time.Published358 - 3741.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleJCR Journalrestricte

    Single-frame multiparameter platforms for seafloor geophysical and environmental observations: projects and missons from GEOSTAR to ORION

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    The paper presents an overview of recent seafloor long-term single-frame multiparameter platform developed in the framework of the European Commission and Italian projects starting from the GEOSTAR prototype. The main features of the different systems are described as well as the sea missions that led to their validation. The ORION seafloor observatory network recently developed, based on the GEOSTAR-type platforms and engaged in a deep-sea mission at 3300 m w.d. in the Mediterranean Sea, is also describe

    Gas and seismicity within the Istanbul seismic gap

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    Understanding micro-seismicity is a critical question for earthquake hazard assessment. Since the devastating earthquakes of Izmit and Duzce in 1999, the seismicity along the submerged section of North Anatolian Fault within the Sea of Marmara (comprising the “Istanbul seismic gap”) has been extensively studied in order to infer its mechanical behaviour (creeping vs locked). So far, the seismicity has been interpreted only in terms of being tectonic-driven, although the Main Marmara Fault (MMF) is known to strike across multiple hydrocarbon gas sources. Here, we show that a large number of the aftershocks that followed the M 5.1 earthquake of July, 25th 2011 in the western Sea of Marmara, occurred within a zone of gas overpressuring in the 1.5–5 km depth range, from where pressurized gas is expected to migrate along the MMF, up to the surface sediment layers. Hence, gas-related processes should also be considered for a complete interpretation of the micro-seismicity (~M < 3) within the Istanbul offshore domain

    The Stromboli geophysical experiment. Preliminary report on wide angle refraction seismics and morphobathymetry of Stromboli Island (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) based on integrated offshore-onshore data acquisition (Cruise STR06 R/V URANIA)

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    Cruise STR06 on R/V Urania was performed in the framework of the ”INGV - DPC V2 - Monitoring and research activity at Stromboli and Panarea - Unit V2/03”, and resulted as a joint initiative between CNR (IAMC, Napoli and ISMAR, Bologna), INGV (Roma2, Osservatorio Vesuviano, Catania, Gibilmanna-CNT), University of Firenze and DPC, aiming to produce a seismic tomography of the Stromboli volcano, South Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea [Fig.1], and have insights into its 2-D structure and magma chambers. Cruise work plan was designed to extend at sea the existing Seismographic Network, complemented by several mobile stations, and to generate seismic shots by air-gun tuned array. 10 OBS were deployed around Stromboli, along the NE, SE and SW flanks of the volcano, according to (a) morphobathymetric analysis of available and newly produced DTMs, (b) modeling and (c) optimal lineaments with on-land recording stations. Seismic shots along radial and circle lines were obtained by a 4 GI-GUN 105+105 C.I. tuned array, while the absolute shot time was recorded at the resolution of ms. A request for ship time of R/V Uraniawas presented by IAMC, and a period of 7 days, including 2 day of transit was assigned to the project by CNR and scheduled for late November 2006. Cruise STR06 started in Naples 2006-11-27 and ended in Naples 2006-12-06. This paper reports the shipboard activities during the cruise STR06 on R/V Urania and some preliminary results regarding also the onshore activities carried out in order to perform the Stromboli geophysical experiment. A description of the ship, equipment and their usage is given thereinafter, along with details of the general settings, performances and some scientific and technical results.Istituto di Scienze Marine, ISMAR-CNR, BolognaPublished3.6. Fisica del vulcanismo1.4. TTC - Sorveglianza sismologica delle aree vulcaniche attiveope

    The Stromboli geophysical experiment. Preliminary report on wide angle refraction seismics and morphobathymetry of Stromboli Island (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) based on integrated offshore-onshore data acquisition (Cruise STR06 R/V URANIA)

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    Cruise STR06 on R/V Urania was performed in the framework of the ”INGV - DPC V2 - Monitoring and research activity at Stromboli and Panarea - Unit V2/03”, and resulted as a joint initiative between CNR (IAMC, Napoli and ISMAR, Bologna), INGV (Roma2, Osservatorio Vesuviano, Catania, Gibilmanna-CNT), University of Firenze and DPC, aiming to produce a seismic tomography of the Stromboli volcano, South Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea [Fig.1], and have insights into its 2-D structure and magma chambers. Cruise work plan was designed to extend at sea the existing Seismographic Network, complemented by several mobile stations, and to generate seismic shots by air-gun tuned array. 10 OBS were deployed around Stromboli, along the NE, SE and SW flanks of the volcano, according to (a) morphobathymetric analysis of available and newly produced DTMs, (b) modeling and (c) optimal lineaments with on-land recording stations. Seismic shots along radial and circle lines were obtained by a 4 GI-GUN 105+105 C.I. tuned array, while the absolute shot time was recorded at the resolution of ms. A request for ship time of R/V Uraniawas presented by IAMC, and a period of 7 days, including 2 day of transit was assigned to the project by CNR and scheduled for late November 2006. Cruise STR06 started in Naples 2006-11-27 and ended in Naples 2006-12-06. This paper reports the shipboard activities during the cruise STR06 on R/V Urania and some preliminary results regarding also the onshore activities carried out in order to perform the Stromboli geophysical experiment. A description of the ship, equipment and their usage is given thereinafter, along with details of the general settings, performances and some scientific and technical results

    Clinical features and outcomes of elderly hospitalised patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure or both

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    Background and objective: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure (HF) mutually increase the risk of being present in the same patient, especially if older. Whether or not this coexistence may be associated with a worse prognosis is debated. Therefore, employing data derived from the REPOSI register, we evaluated the clinical features and outcomes in a population of elderly patients admitted to internal medicine wards and having COPD, HF or COPD + HF. Methods: We measured socio-demographic and anthropometric characteristics, severity and prevalence of comorbidities, clinical and laboratory features during hospitalization, mood disorders, functional independence, drug prescriptions and discharge destination. The primary study outcome was the risk of death. Results: We considered 2,343 elderly hospitalized patients (median age 81&nbsp;years), of whom 1,154 (49%) had COPD, 813 (35%) HF, and 376 (16%) COPD + HF. Patients with COPD + HF had different characteristics than those with COPD or HF, such as a higher prevalence of previous hospitalizations, comorbidities (especially chronic kidney disease), higher respiratory rate at admission and number of prescribed drugs. Patients with COPD + HF (hazard ratio HR 1.74, 95% confidence intervals CI 1.16-2.61) and patients with dementia (HR 1.75, 95% CI 1.06-2.90) had a higher risk of death at one year. The Kaplan-Meier curves showed a higher mortality risk in the group of patients with COPD + HF for all causes (p = 0.010), respiratory causes (p = 0.006), cardiovascular causes (p = 0.046) and respiratory plus cardiovascular causes (p = 0.009). Conclusion: In this real-life cohort of hospitalized elderly patients, the coexistence of COPD and HF significantly worsened prognosis at one year. This finding may help to better define the care needs of this population
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