444 research outputs found

    The causal dimension of deliberative democracy in the reform of criminal law.

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    El objetivo de este artículo es identificar las consideraciones de quiénes deben guiar la sanción o reforma de la ley penal. Este objetivo cobra relevancia si consideramos que las diferentes respuestas pueden impactar en las tasas de cumplimiento del derecho penal y en los niveles de coacción estatal arbitraria. Para ello, se analizarán algunas propuestas teóricas que se ubican en una recta cuyos extremos están ocupados, respectivamente, por el populismo y el elitismo penal. Estos argumentos son reconstruidos en el debate sobre la reforma del Código Penal Argentino. En este debate, la disminución de la interferencia proveniente del delito y la disminución de la interferencia estatal arbitraria se presentan como objetivos incompatibles. En parte, ello se debe a que las propuestas teóricas que alimentan los argumentos del debate presentan algunas limitaciones para satisfacer ambas demandas. El republicanismo, a través de la defensa de una democracia deliberativa fuerte, tiene capacidad para satisfacer ambas demandas, aparentemente antagónicas. Sin embargo, esa capacidad se ve disminuida en sociedades desiguales. Por ello defenderé que una reforma guiada por aquella propuesta republicana tiene una capacidad que se limita a disminuir la interferencia estatal y mantener iguales los índices del delito.The aim of this paper is to identify the considerations of those who should guide the enactment or amendment of the criminal law. Such objective becomes relevant when considering the different responses that may have an impact on the compliance rates of criminal law and on the levels of arbitrary state coercion. The paper will discuss some theoretical proposals that are placed on a straight line and which extremes are occupied by penal populism at one end and elitism at the other. These arguments are restored in the debate on the reform of the Argentine Penal Code. In this paper, decreasing interference from crime and decreasing state interference are presented as incompatible objectives. In part, this is so because the theoretical proposals pose certain restrictions to meet both demands. Republicanism has the capability to meet such demands, which seem antagonistic at times, through a strong defense of deliberative democracy. However, this ability is diminished in unequal societies. It is my contention that a reform guided by such Republican proposal has the potential to reduce state interference and maintain steady rates of crime.Fil: Frontalini Rekers, Romina Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Foraminifera in transitional environments

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    Date du colloque : 08/2012International audienc

    Responsabilidad moral y penal de los funcionarios por las privaciones abusivas de la libertad

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    La aplicación del Código de Faltas ha dado lugar a una serie de consecuencias moral y penalmente reprochables. Las privaciones abusivas de la libertad son paradigmáticas porque nos remiten al problema de las múltiples manos. Para formular una versión tipo de un enunciado de responsabilidad retrospectivo condenatorio evaluaré los argumentos que han sido utilizados desde la teoría moral y la teoría penal como respuesta a aquel problema.Fil: Frontalini Rekers, Romina Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales.; Argentin

    The response of cultured meiofaunal and benthic foraminiferal communities to lead contamination: results from mesocosm experiments.

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    partially_open13sìLead (Pb) is regarded as a highly toxic element that poses a serious threat to biota. A mesocosm experiment was performed to assess the influence of Pb on meiofaunal (metazoans within 45–500 mm) and benthic foraminiferal (protozoan) communities. To this end, sediments bearing such communities were incubated in mesocosms, exposed to different levels of Pb in seawater, and monitored for up to 8 wk. Concentrations of Pb <1ppm in water did not promote a significant increase of this metal in sediments. Relatively high concentrations of Pb seemed to affect meiofaunal and benthic foraminiferal communities by reducing their richness or diversity, and the abundance of the most sensitive taxa. The mesocosm approach can be considered an effective method to document the responses of meiofaunal and benthic foraminiferal communities to various kinds and concentrations of pollutants over time. This approach allows the evaluation of dose–response relationships, validates the outcomes of field studies, and possibly confirms the sediment quality guidelines and thresholds.openFrontalini F., Semprucci F., Di Bella L., Caruso A., Cosentino C., Maccotta A., Scopelliti G., Sbrocca C., Bucci C., Balsamo M., Martins V., Armynot du Châtelet E., Coccioni R.,Frontalini, F.; Semprucci, F.; Di Bella, L.; Caruso, A.; Cosentino, C.; Maccotta, A.; Scopelliti, G.; Sbrocca, C.; Bucci, C.; Balsamo, M.; Martins, V.; Armynot du Châtelet, E.; Coccioni, R

    The nematode assemblage of a coastal lagoon (Lake Varano, southern Italy): ecology and biodiversity patterns

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar cuál y en qué medida los parámetros ambientales influyen en la diversidad taxonómica y funcional de los nematodos y clasificar por primera vez el Estado de la Calidad Ecológica (EQS) de un ambiente de transición como la laguna de Varano (Italia meridional). La composición y el nivel de divesidad taxonómica son comparables con los reportados en todo el mundo para TEs. El análisis de componentes principales reveló que los factores que controlan la composición y las características biológicas de las comunidades son el tamaño del gránulo, la materia orgánica (MO), el índice de aportes contaminados (PLI) y sólo secundariamente la salinidad. Molgolaimus allgeni, Terschellingia longicaudata y Leptolaimus luridus aumentan en número en relación con el limo, la MO y el PLI, mientras Axonolaimus caudostriatus, Odontophora wieseri, Paramonhystera pelúcida y Paracanthonchus longicaudatus muestran valores más altos en relación con el potencial redox y el porcentaje de arena. La salinidad tuvo una influencia secundaria y en particular sobre las especies Calomicrolaimus honestus, Daptonema normandicum, Thalassomonhystera parva and Sabatieria pulchra. Con respecto a las caracteristicas funcionales, los grupos tróficos parecen estar relacionados, principalmente, con el tipo de sedimento, lo que a su vez influye en la naturaleza de los alimentos disponibles. El índice de madurez, así como las clases c-p, no siempre permite una clara interpretación de la interacción de factores naturales y antropogénicos, sin embargo, la mayor influencia de los canales San Antonino y San Francesco fue revelada por la comunidad de nematodos. De acuerdo a las clases de Calidad Ecológica (EcoQ) corrientes el Estado de Calidad Ecológica de la laguna de Varano varía entre bueno y pobre

    Meio- and macrofauna in the marine area of the Monte St. Bartolo Natural Park (Central Adriatic Sea, Italy)

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    This paper presents an integrated investigation of benthic foraminiferal, meiofaunal and macrofaunal assemblages that was carried out in front of the marine area of the Monte St. Bartolo Regional Natural Park (Adriatic Sea, Italy). Although this area is not yet subject to conservation plans, an overall good quality status of its benthic assemblages was documented. In particular, the assemblages were somewhat diversified and generally minimally to moderately affected by anthropogenic activities. Both the foraminifera and macrofauna seemed to be primarily influenced by variations in the habitat's features, whereas significant changes in the meiofaunal assemblage were related more to trophic supply fluctuations. These data suggest the potential vulnerability of this area and highlight the importance of defining and applying an appropriate integrated zone management plan

    Sources and metal pollution of sediments from a coastal area of the central western adriatic sea (Southern Marche region, Italy)

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    Sediments represent a critical compartment of marine coastal ecosystems due to the toxic and long-lasting effects of the contaminants buried therein. Here, we investigated the properties of surficial sediments in front of the Southern Marche Region coast (Central Adriatic Sea, Italy). The grain size of the surficial sediments was determined by X-ray sedigraphy. TN and OC contents were determined by elemental analysis. The concentrations of Al, Fe, Mg, K, S, Ca, Ti, P, Na, Mn, Mg, Li, As, Ba, Ga, Pb, Sr, and Zn were determined by ICP-OES to evaluate their spatial patterns and temporal trends. A Q-mode Factor Analyses was applied and resulted in the identification of three compositional facies (Padanic, Coastal, and Residual) characterized by common biogeochemical, mineralogical, sedimentological properties, transport pathway, and source. Some pollution indica-tors, such as the enrichment factor, the geoaccumulation index, and the pollution load index were calculated to assess the deviation from the natural background levels. The results showed a pollution by As and Ba due to the human activities in the 20th century. Furthermore, a general decreasing of Al, Ti, P, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ni, Pb, Sc, V, and Y concentrations from the background levels suggested a change in the sedimentation processes during the last decades

    Benthic Foraminifera as Proxies of Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Sant’Elia-Foxi Canyon (Gulf of Cagliari, Italy, Western Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    Marine coastal areas are highly dynamic and fragile environments characterised by a complex interplay of biological, physical, and chemical factors. These areas are also affected by anthropogenic activities with the discharge of organic and inorganic contaminants that alters the quality of the environment. In this work, the effects of anthropogenic activities (i.e., urban and industrial development) on benthic foraminifera have been investigated along the A2TM core collected from the Sant’Elia-Foxi Canyon (Gulf of Cagliari, Sardinia—western Tyrrhenian Sea). The Gulf of Cagliari has experienced intense urbanisation since the beginning of the twentieth century with the establishment of petrochemical complexes and harbour activities. The A2TM core, dating from 1907 to 2013, was analysed with an integrated approach that includes grain size, organic matter, and benthic foraminifera characterisation compared with geochemical characterisation. The variations in the composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the Margalef diversity index are related to the altered environmental conditions that reflect the historical development of the area and to the land-based activities surrounding the Gulf of Cagliari. The statistical analysis identifies two main intervals (i.e., the years 1907–1986 and 1986–2013) that are typified by different benthic foraminiferal assemblages and diversity values. Accordingly, the increases in organic matter content and both organic and inorganic contaminants are well mirrored by a major drop in foraminiferal diversity after 1973 and a major foraminiferal turnover after 1989. The composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the uppermost part of the core (i.e., 1989–2013) might suggest a lowering of the oxygen availability at the seafloor. These changes might be related to the increase in organic matter and the silty fraction in the same interval likely triggered by damming on land and wetland reclamation