387 research outputs found

    Supporting memory and identity in older people: findings from a ‘Sandpit’ process

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    Identity in old age is challenged by physical changes, evolving roles within the family, and life transitions such as retirement. Supporting identity is therefore important in later life, and might be assisted by media technologies which allow people to reflect on their lives, record their personal histories and share these with family, friends and caregivers. This possibility was explored in two creative ‘Sandpits’ with older people as part of the SUS-IT project, funded by the New Dynamics of Ageing programme in the UK. Discussions were held with PC and non-PC user groups of retirement age to understand memory and identity practices and elicit reactions to three novel product concepts. These included a Reminiscing Radio for life review, a Story Lamp for associating spoken stories with photographs and memorabilia, and a pair of virtual reality Travel Glasses for transporting you back to a special place in the past. The main findings of these discussions will be presented, along with concepts generated by the participants in a re-design exercise. This paper will also show how the sandpits enabled older people to be involved in the design process by allowing them to shape early design concepts through exploring their own ideas and motivations


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    Older people can often fall on the wrong side of the ‘digital divide’ in terms of accessing and enjoying new digital technology. One approach to this issue is to provide training programmes and customisation techniques for using existing technology. However, another is to re-invent technology with and for older people themselves. In this paper, I propose four recommendations for re-invention, and illustrate these with examples in the domain of digital photography

    The challenge of designing for diversity in older users

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    Purpose: The older population is not a homogenous group and show significant diversity in constitution, capabilities and experience. In order for new and emerging digital technologies to be inclusive, it is crucial to encompass this diversity and employ a design process that is sensitive to it. Current approaches to inclusive design tend to seek one design for all, focusing on users who are least engaged with digital technology. In this paper we outline an alternative approach to inclusive design based on co-design with both digitally engaged and unengaged user groups. In our study, as part of a multi-disciplinary group in the New Dynamics of Ageing (UK) funded collaborative research project, older people from different walks of life were invited to four different themed workshops called ‘sandpits’ to explore current and emerging technologies in a playful and creative context to help them envisage the potential implications these technologies can have in their lives as well as to identify key issues and user requirements for further development. This paper will discuss the outcome from three of those sandpits. The themes explored in these three sandpits were 1) Custom computers for older people 2) Supporting Identity and memory in later life and 3) Social connections with new technology. Methods. A total of 66 older people participated in the three sandpits conducted between 2009 and 2010. Separated into PC and non-PC users groups, they were involved in discussions and shown open ambiguous envisionments that responded to the themes through hands-on demonstration, role-play or dramatic enactment of their use. Broadly taking into account the role of technology generations effects, the envisionments were modeled and presented as appliances, incorporating forms of products and interactions that older people are familiar with to encourage in-clusion. The older participants were then involved in the redesign of these envisionments through a collaborative design process. Results and discussion The design responses from older PC and non-PC user groups revealed a difference in the type of embodiment they want for Internet-enabled applications. Both groups redesigned the concepts based on their experience, interests, familiarity with the technology they have and its associated infrastructure or lack thereof. In general, non-PC user groups preferred the appliance nature of the envisionments, and incorporated the functions they were interested in performing, such as capturing spoken stories, sharing photographs, chatting over TV programmes, etc into these appliances. In contrast, PC owners questioned the need for separate appliances and often re-designed them as PC applications or Internet services with emphasis placed on modality and compatibility with their existing infrastructure. The paper will discuss the difficulty and challenge of bridging the gap between the diversity of technology and its users

    Designing interactive newsprint

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    The possibility of linking paper to digital information is enhanced by recent developments in printed electronics. In this article we report the design and evaluation of a local newspaper augmented with capacitive touch regions and an embedded Bluetooth chip working with an adjunct device. These allowed the interactive playback of associated audio and the registration of manual voting actions on the web. Design conventions inherited from paper and the web were explored by showing four different versions of an interactive newspaper to 16 community residents. The diverse responses of residents are described, outlining the potential of the approach for local journalism and recommendations for the design of interactive newsprint

    Our Story : Addressing Challenges in Development Contexts for Sustainable Participatory Video

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    Participatory Video (PV) is emerging as a rich and valuable method for monitoring and evaluating (M & E) projects in the International Development sector. Although shown to be useful for engaging communities within short-term monitoring exercises or promotion, PV in these contexts presents significant complexity and logistical challenges for sustained uptake by Development organizations. In this paper, we present Our Story, a digitally mediated work flow iteratively designed and deployed on initiatives in Indonesia and Namibia. Developed in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), it supports end-to-end PV production in the field, and was specifically developed to make PV a more sustainable tool for monitoring. We discuss and evaluate Our Story, reporting on how by lowering skills barriers for facilitators and leveraging consumer technology, PV can be delivered at scale

    Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars II. Restricted NLTE Calculations for a Solar-Like Atmosphere

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    We test our knowledge of the atomic opacity in the solar UV spectrum. Using the atomic data compiled in Paper I from modern, publicly available, databases, we perform calculations that are confronted with space-based observations of the Sun. At wavelengths longer than about 260 nm, LTE modeling can reproduce quite closely the observed fluxes; uncertainties in the atomic line data account fully for the differences between calculated and observed fluxes. At shorter wavelengths, departures from LTE appear to be important, as our LTE and restricted NLTE calculations differ. Analysis of visible-near infrared Na I and O I lines, two species that produce a negligible absorption in the UV, shows that observed departures from LTE for theses species can be reproduced very accurately with restricted (fixed atmospheric structure) NLTE calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Ap
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