162 research outputs found

    Scale development to evaluate differences between concern about falling and fear of falling: the concern and fear of falling evaluation

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    PurposeIndividuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience fear of falling (FOF), which is associated with negative health and quality-of-life consequences. Prior research has used FOF and concern about falling (CAF) interchangeably, but persons with MS report that CAF and FOF represent separate constructs that lie on a continuum. Unfortunately, no scale exists to understand the differences between CAF and FOF. Therefore, we developed a novel questionnaire, the Concern and Fear of Falling Evaluation (CAFFE), in which respondents rank their CAF and FOF on a continuum across various activities. This study aims to describe the scale development process and examine its psychometric properties.MethodsIn a single online survey, MS participants responded to demographic questionnaires, indicated whether they experience CAF and FOF, and completed the CAFFE. Psychometric evaluation of the CAFFE involved internal consistency, split-half cross validation, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).ResultsOut of 1,025 respondents, 64.6% reported CAF and 47.2% reported FOF. The EFA yielded a two-factor solution encompassing activities in open (factor 1) and closed environments (factor 2). The CFA replicated this two-factor solution and the CAFFE demonstrated excellent internal consistency (α = 0.98).ConclusionThe 27-item CAFFE is a highly reliable and valid measure capturing the tipping point at which point CAF moves to FOF. Future research should seek to define the tipping point from the MS community, as CAF may be an adaptive mechanism, whereas FOF may be a maladaptive behavior

    Motor-cognitive dual-task deficits in individuals with early-mid stage Huntington's disease

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    Background. Huntington’s disease (HD) results in a range of cognitive and motor impairments that progress throughout the disease stages; however, little research has evaluated specific dual-task abilities in this population, and the degree to which they may be related to functional ability. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to a) examine simple and complex motor-cognitive dual-task performance in individuals with HD, b) determine relationships between dual-task walking ability and disease-specific measures of motor, cognitive and functional ability, and c) examine the relationship of dual-task measures to falls in individuals with HD. Methods. Thirty-two individuals with Huntington’s disease were evaluated for simple and complex dual-task ability using the Walking While Talking Test. Demographics and disease-specific measures of motor, cognitive and functional ability were also obtained. Results. Individuals with HD had impairments in simple and complex dual-task ability. Simple dual-task walking was correlated to disease-specific motor scores as well as cognitive performance, but complex dual-task walking was correlated with total functional capacity, as well as a range of cognitive measures. Number of prospective falls was strongly correlated to dual-task measures. Conclusions. Our results suggest that individuals with HD have impairments in cognitive-motor dual-task ability that are related to disease progression and specifically functional ability. Dual-task measures appear to evaluate a unique construct in individuals with early to mid-stage HD, and may have value in improving the prediction of falls risk in this population

    Cognitive-Motor Interference in Neurodegenerative Disease: A Narrative Review and Implications for Clinical Management

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    This paper provides a narrative review of cognitive motor interference in neurodegeneration, including brain imaging findings specific to interference effects in neurodegenerative disease, and dual task assessment and intervention in Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS), and Huntington’s disease (HD). In a healthy central nervous system the ability to process information is limited. Limitations in capacity to select and attend to inputs influence the ability to prepare and perform multiple tasks. As a result, the system balances demands, switching attention to the most task-relevant information as it becomes available. Limitations may become more apparent in persons with neurodegenerative diseases (ND) with system-specific impairments in PD, MS, and HD. These ND affect both cognitive and motor function and are thus particularly susceptible to dual task interference. Issues related to performer and task characteristics and implications of these findings for both the standard assessment of dual task abilities as well as development and evaluation of interventions aimed at improving dual task ability are discussed. In addition, we address the need for optimizing individualized assessment, intervention and evaluation of dual task function by choosing cognitive and motor tasks and measures that are sensitive to and appropriate for the individual’s level of function. Finally, we use current evidence to outline a 5-step process of clinical decision making that uses the dual task taxonomy as a framework for assessment and intervention

    Relationships Among Apathy, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Function in Huntington\u27s Disease.

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    Up to 90% of individuals with Huntington\u27s disease (HD)-a progressive, inherited neurodegenerative disorder-experience apathy. Apathy is particularly debilitating because it is marked by a reduction in goal-directed behaviors, including self-care, social interactions, and mobility. The objective of this study was to examine relationships between variables of apathy, functional status, physical function, cognitive function, behavioral status/emotional function, and health-related quality of life. Clinician-rated measures of physical, cognitive, and behavioral function, including one clinician-rated item on apathy, and self-reported measures of physical function, health-related quality of life, and emotional, cognitive, and social function were collected in a single session from 487 persons with the HD mutation (prodromal, N=193; early-stage manifest, N=186; late-stage manifest, N=108). Multiple linear regression models were used to examine which outcomes best predicted clinician-rated apathy after controlling for disease stage. Greater apathy related to less independence, increased motor impairment, and more clinician-rated behavioral problems (i.e., anger, irritability, depression). Similarly, poorer self-reported health-related quality of life; greater chorea; greater upper- and lower-extremity dysfunction; greater speech and swallowing dysfunction; worse anxiety, depression, and behavioral dyscontrol; worse cognitive function; and less satisfaction with social roles related to greater apathy. In conclusion, apathy related to physical, cognitive, and behavioral dysfunction across disease stages. Future work should explore whether clinical interventions targeting different functional domains may have the potential to reduce apathy in this patient population

    Pautas Ă©ticas para la reanimaciĂłn cardiopulmonar en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Colombia

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    The pandemic caused by COVID19 is associated with an increase in the number of cases of cardiorespiratory arrest, which has resulted in ethical concerns regarding theenforceability of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as well as the conditions to carry it out. The risk of aerosol transmission and the clinical uncertainties about the efficacy, the potential sequelae, and the circumstances that could justify limiting this procedure during the pandemic have multiplied the ethical doubts on how to proceed in these cases.Based on ethical and legal grounds, this paper offers a practical guide on how to proceed in the clinical setting in cases of cardiopulmonary arrest during the pandemic. The criteria of justice, benefit, no harm, respect for autonomy, precaution, integrity, and transparency are asserted in an organized and practical framework for decision-making regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation.La pandemia de COVID-19 se ha asociado con un incremento en el número de casos de paro cardiorrespiratorio y con ello han aumentado las inquietudes éticas en torno a la exigencia de la reanimación cardiopulmonar, así como sobre las condiciones para realizarla. El riesgo de contagio por aerosoles y las incertidumbres clínicas sobre la eficacia, las potenciales secuelas y las circunstancias que podrían justificar la limitación del procedimiento durante la pandemia, han multiplicado las dudas éticas sobre cómo proceder en estos casos.Con base en fundamentos éticos y jurídicos, en el presente artículo se ofrece una guía práctica sobre cómo proceder en los casos de paro cardiopulmonar en el contexto de la pandemia. Los criterios de justicia, beneficio, no daño, respeto a la autonomía, precaución, integridad y transparencia, se presentan de forma organizada y práctica para la adopción de decisiones en materia de reanimación cardiopulmonar

    Ethical guidelines for the allocation of scarce health resources in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia

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    La pandemia por COVID-19 ha traído una inmensa presión sobre recursos sanitarios limitados, que incluyen personal de salud, elementos de protección personal y, de manera especialmente preocupante, camas de cuidado intensivo, ventiladores y demás equipos requeridos para el cuidado crítico

    Clinical Practice Guideline to Improve Locomotor Function Following Chronic Stroke, Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury, and Brain Injury

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    Background: Individuals with acute-onset central nervous system (CNS) injury, including stroke, motor incomplete spinal cord injury, or traumatic brain injury, often experience lasting locomotor deficits, as quantified by decreases in gait speed and distance walked over a specific duration (timed distance). The goal of the present clinical practice guideline was to delineate the relative efficacy of various interventions to improve walking speed and timed distance in ambulatory individuals greater than 6 months following these specific diagnoses. Methods: A systematic review of the literature published between 1995 and 2016 was performed in 4 databases for randomized controlled clinical trials focused on these specific patient populations, at least 6 months postinjury and with specific outcomes of walking speed and timed distance. For all studies, specific parameters of training interventions including frequency, intensity, time, and type were detailed as possible. Recommendations were determined on the basis of the strength of the evidence and the potential harm, risks, or costs of providing a specific training paradigm, particularly when another intervention may be available and can provide greater benefit. Results: Strong evidence indicates that clinicians should offer walking training at moderate to high intensities or virtual reality–based training to ambulatory individuals greater than 6 months following acute-onset CNS injury to improve walking speed or distance. In contrast, weak evidence suggests that strength training, circuit (ie, combined) training or cycling training at moderate to high intensities, and virtual reality–based balance training may improve walking speed and distance in these patient groups. Finally, strong evidence suggests that body weight–supported treadmill training, robotic-assisted training, or sitting/standing balance training without virtual reality should not be performed to improve walking speed or distance in ambulatory individuals greater than 6 months following acute-onset CNS injury to improve walking speed or distance. Discussion: The collective findings suggest that large amounts of task-specific (ie, locomotor) practice may be critical for improvements in walking function, although only at higher cardiovascular intensities or with augmented feedback to increase patient's engagement. Lower-intensity walking interventions or impairment-based training strategies demonstrated equivocal or limited efficacy. Limitations: As walking speed and distance were primary outcomes, the research participants included in the studies walked without substantial physical assistance. This guideline may not apply to patients with limited ambulatory function, where provision of walking training may require substantial physical assistance. Summary: The guideline suggests that task-specific walking training should be performed to improve walking speed and distance in those with acute-onset CNS injury although only at higher intensities or with augmented feedback. Future studies should clarify the potential utility of specific training parameters that lead to improved walking speed and distance in these populations in both chronic and subacute stages following injury. Disclaimer: These recommendations are intended as a guide for clinicians to optimize rehabilitation outcomes for persons with chronic stroke, incomplete spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain injury to improve walking speed and distance

    C-Nap1 mutation affects centriole cohesion and is associated with a Seckel-like syndrome in cattle

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    Caprine-like Generalized Hypoplasia Syndrome (SHGC) is an autosomal-recessive disorder in Montbéliarde cattle. Affected animals present a wide range of clinical features that include the following: delayed development with low birth weight, hind limb muscular hypoplasia, caprine-like thin head and partial coat depigmentation. Here we show that SHGC is caused by a truncating mutation in the CEP250 gene that encodes the centrosomal protein C-Nap1. This mutation results in centrosome splitting, which neither affects centriole ultrastructure and duplication in dividing cells nor centriole function in cilium assembly and mitotic spindle organization. Loss of C-Nap1-mediated centriole cohesion leads to an altered cell migration phenotype. This discovery extends the range of loci that constitute the spectrum of autosomal primary recessive microcephaly (MCPH) and Seckel-like syndromes
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