41 research outputs found

    Tropical secondary forest regeneration conserves high levels of avian phylogenetic diversity

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    Secondary forests are promoted as having pivotal roles in reversing the tropical extinction crisis. While secondary forests recover carbon and species over time, a key question is whether phylogenetic diversity—the total evolutionary history across all species within a community—also recovers. Conserving phylogenetic diversity protects unique phenotypic and ecological traits, and benefits ecosystem functioning and stability. We examined the extent to which avian phylogenetic diversity recovers in secondary forests in the Colombian Chocó-Andes. sesPD, a measure of phylogenetic richness corrected for species richness, recovered to old-growth forest levels after ~ 30 years, while sesMPD, a measure of the phylogenetic distance between individuals in a community, recovered to old-growth levels even within young secondary forest. Mean evolutionary distinctiveness also recovered rapidly in secondary forest communities. Our results suggest that secondary forests can play a vital role in conserving distinct evolutionary lineages and high levels of evolutionary history. Focusing conservation and carbon-based payments for ecosystem services on secondary forest recovery and their subsequent protection thus represent a good use of scarce conservation resources

    How should beta-diversity inform biodiversity conservation?

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    To design robust protected area networks, accurately measure species losses, or understand the processes that maintain species diversity, conservation science must consider the organization of biodiversity in space. Central is beta-diversity - the component of regional diversity that accumulates from compositional differences between local species assemblages. We review how beta-diversity is impacted by human activities, including farming, selective logging, urbanization, species invasions, overhunting, and climate change. Beta-diversity increases, decreases, or remains unchanged by these impacts, depending on the balance of processes that cause species composition to become more different (biotic heterogenization) or more similar (biotic homogenization) between sites. While maintaining high beta-diversity is not always a desirable conservation outcome, understanding beta-diversity is essential for protecting regional diversity and can directly assist conservation planning. Beta-diversity reveals the spatial scaling of diversity loss.Beta-diversity illuminates mechanisms of regional diversity maintenance.Human activities cause beta-diversity to increase, decrease, or remain unchanged.Conservation significance of beta-diversity shift depends on local diversity dynamics

    An analysis of the deinstitutionalization of inflation-adjusted accounting practices in Brazilian companies

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    This article aims to analyze the deinstitutionalization of the inflation-adjustment accounting practices used by large Brazilian companies. The theoretical assumptions used were based on institutional theory, which provides a sociological interpretation of human behavior that recognizes the phenomenon of limited rationality and the political character of social action. Analyses were based on the empirical approach that was proposed by Oliver (1992). The research strategy consisted of questionnaires and interviews conducted in a population of 118 large Brazilian companies from Exame Magazine's list of the 500 largest companies. The primary respondents were accountants and controllers. Factor analysis, one-way ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis test were conducted using the approach proposed by Oliver (1992), and the research included 22 variables comprising 12 constructs and 6 qualitative hypotheses regarding the pressures that motivate the deinstitutionalization of inflation-adjusted accounting practices. Therefore, with regard to the constructs assessed, emphasis was placed on identifying the political pressures (the environment) and the functional pressures in both the organizational and environmental dimensions. However, the social pressures did not prove to be significant. We conclude that the process of deinstitutionalization results from a distinct combination of institutional factors, and these results are consistent with the findings from research conducted in the US market and in the UK

    A trait-based framework for predicting foodborne pathogen risk from wild birds

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    Recent foodborne illness outbreaks have heightened pressures on growers to deter wildlife from farms, jeopardizing conservation efforts. However, it remains unclear which species, particularly birds, pose the greatest risk to food safety. Using >11,000 pathogen tests and 1565 bird surveys covering 139 bird species from across the western United States, we examined the importance of 11 traits in mediating wild bird risk to food safety. We tested whether traits associated with pathogen exposure (e.g., habitat associations, movement, and foraging strategy) and pace-of-life (clutch size and generation length) mediated foodborne pathogen prevalence and proclivities to enter farm fields and defecate on crops. Campylobacter spp. were the most prevalent enteric pathogen (8.0%), while Salmonella and Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) were rare (0.46% and 0.22% prevalence, respectively). We found that several traits related to pathogen exposure predicted pathogen prevalence. Specifically, Campylobacter and STEC-associated virulence genes were more often detected in species associated with cattle feedlots and bird feeders, respectively. Campylobacter was also more prevalent in species that consumed plants and had longer generation lengths. We found that species associated with feedlots were more likely to enter fields and defecate on crops. Our results indicated that canopy-foraging insectivores were less likely to deposit foodborne pathogens on crops, suggesting growers may be able to promote pest-eating birds and birds of conservation concern (e.g., via nest boxes) without necessarily compromising food safety. As such, promoting insectivorous birds may represent a win-win-win for bird conservation, crop production, and food safety. Collectively, our results suggest that separating crop production from livestock farming may be the best way to lower food safety risks from birds. More broadly, our trait-based framework suggests a path forward for co-managing wildlife conservation and food safety risks in farmlands by providing a strategy for holistically evaluating the food safety risks of wild animals, including under-studied species