2,174 research outputs found

    Orbital Magnetism and Current Distribution of Two-Dimensional Electrons under Confining Potential

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    The spatial distribution of electric current under magnetic field and the resultant orbital magnetism have been studied for two-dimensional electrons under a harmonic confining potential V(\vecvar{r})=m \omega_0^2 r^2/2 in various regimes of temperature and magnetic field, and the microscopic conditions for the validity of Landau diamagnetism are clarified. Under a weak magnetic field (\omega_c\lsim\omega_0, \omega_c being a cyclotron frequency) and at low temperature (T\lsim\hbar\omega_0), where the orbital magnetic moment fluctuates as a function of the field, the currents are irregularly distributed paramagnetically or diamagnetically inside the bulk region. As the temperature is raised under such a weak field, however, the currents in the bulk region are immediately reduced and finally there only remains the diamagnetic current flowing along the edge. At the same time, the usual Landau diamagnetism results for the total magnetic moment. The origin of this dramatic temperature dependence is seen to be in the multiple reflection of electron waves by the boundary confining potential, which becomes important once the coherence length of electrons gets longer than the system length. Under a stronger field (\omega_c\gsim\omega_0), on the other hand, the currents in the bulk region cause de Haas-van Alphen effect at low temperature as T\lsim\hbar\omega_c. As the temperature gets higher (T\gsim\hbar\omega_c) under such a strong field, the bulk currents are reduced and the Landau diamagnetism by the edge current is recovered.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    Spontaneous aortic rupture in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1

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    Neurofibromatosis type I (NF-1) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder occurring in 1 in 3,000 individuals. Vasculopathy is a rarely reported finding in patients with NF-1. Here, we report a case of recurrent aortic pseudoaneurysm after endovascular aneurysm repair in a 49-year-old male patient with NF-1. On the sixth postoperative day following a successful open surgical repair of an aortic pseudoaneurysm, he developed hemoperitoneum due to a delayed rupture of the mesenteric artery branch. This was treated with endovascular coil embolization. We report the clinical features and histologic findings of this rare vascular disorder with a review of the relevant literature

    Reactive Oxygen Species Released from Hypoxic Hepatocytes Regulates MMP-2 Expression in Hepatic Stellate Cells

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    Hypoxia is a common environmental stress factor and is associated with fibrogenesis. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), produced by hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), plays an important role in liver fibrogenesis. However, inconsistent results have been reported on the impact of hypoxia on MMP-2 expression and activity in HSCs. We speculated that cell–cell interaction is involved in the regulation of MMP-2 expression and activity at low oxygen level in vivo. Therefore, in this report we investigated the mechanism by which hypoxic hepatocytes regulates MMP-2 expression in HSCs. Our results showed that the conditioned medium from hypoxia-treated rat hepatocytes strongly induced the expression of MMP-2 mRNA and protein in rat HSC-T6 cells. Reduced glutathione neutralized ROS released from hypoxic hepatocytes, leading to reduced MMP-2 expression in HSC-T6 cells. In addition, phospho-IκB-α protein level was increased in HSC-T6 cells treated with hypoxia conditioned medium, and NF-κB signaling inhibitor inhibited MMP-2 expression in HSC-T6 cells. Taken together, our data suggest that ROS is an important factor released by hypoxic hepatocytes to regulate MMP-2 expression in HSCs, and NF-κB signaling is crucially involved in ROS-induced MMP-2 expression in HSCs. Our findings suggest that strategies aimed at antagonizing the generation of ROS in hypoxic hepatocytes and inhibiting NF-κB signaling in HSCs may represent novel therapeutic options for liver fibrosis

    Cosolvent, ions, and temperature effects on the structural properties of cecropin A-Magainin 2 hybrid peptide in solutions

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    Antimicrobial peptides are promising alternative to traditional antibiotics and antitumor drugs for the battle against new antibiotic resistant bacteria strains and cancer maladies. The study of their structural and dynamics properties at physiological conditions can help to understand their stability, delivery mechanisms, and activity in the human body. In this article, we have used molecular dynamics simulations to study the effects of solvent environment, temperature, ions concentration, and peptide concentration on the structural properties of the antimicrobial hybrid peptide Cecropin A–Magainin 2. In TFE/water mixtures, the structure of the peptide retained α-helix contents and an average hinge angle in close agreement with the experimental NMR and CD measurements reported in literature. Compared to the TFE/water mixture, the peptide simulated at the same ionic concentration lost most of its α-helix structure. The increase of peptide concentration at both 300 and 310 K resulted in the peptide aggregation. The peptides in the complex retained the initial N-ter α-helix segment during all the simulation. The α-helix stabilization is further enhanced in the high salt concentration simulations. The peptide aggregation was not observed in TFE/water mixture simulations and, the peptide aggregate, obtained from the water simulation, simulated in the same conditions did dissolve within few tens of nanoseconds. The results of this study provide insights at molecular level on the structural and dynamics properties of the CA-MA peptide at physiological and membrane mimic conditions that can help to better understand its delivery and interaction with biological interfaces. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 1–14, 201

    Orbital Magnetism in the Ballistic Regime: Geometrical Effects

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    We present a general semiclassical theory of the orbital magnetic response of noninteracting electrons confined in two-dimensional potentials. We calculate the magnetic susceptibility of singly-connected and the persistent currents of multiply-connected geometries. We concentrate on the geometric effects by studying confinement by perfect (disorder free) potentials stressing the importance of the underlying classical dynamics. We demonstrate that in a constrained geometry the standard Landau diamagnetic response is always present, but is dominated by finite-size corrections of a quasi-random sign which may be orders of magnitude larger. These corrections are very sensitive to the nature of the classical dynamics. Systems which are integrable at zero magnetic field exhibit larger magnetic response than those which are chaotic. This difference arises from the large oscillations of the density of states in integrable systems due to the existence of families of periodic orbits. The connection between quantum and classical behavior naturally arises from the use of semiclassical expansions. This key tool becomes particularly simple and insightful at finite temperature, where only short classical trajectories need to be kept in the expansion. In addition to the general theory for integrable systems, we analyze in detail a few typical examples of experimental relevance: circles, rings and square billiards. In the latter, extensive numerical calculations are used as a check for the success of the semiclassical analysis. We study the weak-field regime where classical trajectories remain essentially unaffected, the intermediate field regime where we identify new oscillations characteristic for ballistic mesoscopic structures, and the high-field regime where the typical de Haas-van Alphen oscillations exhibit finite-size corrections. We address the comparison with experimental data obtained in high-mobility semiconductor microstructures discussing the differences between individual and ensemble measurements, and the applicability of the present model.Comment: 88 pages, 15 Postscript figures, 3 further figures upon request, to appear in Physics Reports 199