19,808 research outputs found

    Radio-continuum detections of Galactic Planetary Nebulae I. MASH PNe detected in large-scale radio surveys

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    We present an updated and newly compiled radio-continuum data-base for MASH PNe detected in the extant large scale "blind" radio-continuum surveys (NVSS, SUMSS/MGPS-2 and PMN) and, for a small number of MASH PNe, observed and detected in targeted radio-continuum observations. We found radio counterparts for approximately 250 MASH PNe. In comparison with the percentage of previously known Galactic PNe detected in the NVSS and MGPS-2 radio-continuum surveys and according to their position on the flux density-angular diameter and the radio brightness temperature evolutionary diagrams we conclude, unsurprisingly, that the MASH sample presents the radio-faint end of the known Galactic PNe population. Also, we present radio-continuum spectral properties of a small sub-sample of MASH PNe located in the strip between declinations -30arcdeg and -40arcdeg, that are detected in both the NVSS and MGPS-2 radio surveys.Comment: 13 figures and 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Planetary Nebula Surveys: Past, Present and Future

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    In this review we cover the detection, identification and astrophysical importance of planetary nebulae (PN). The legacy of the historic Perek & Kohoutek and Acker et al. catalogues is briefly covered before highlighting the more recent but significant progress in PN discoveries in our Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. We place particular emphasis on the major MASH and the IPHAS catalogues, which, over the last decade alone, have essentially doubled Galactic and LMC PN numbers. We then discuss the increasing role and importance that multi-wavelength data is playing in both the detection of candidate PN and the elimination of PN mimics that have seriously biased previous PN compilations. The prospects for future surveys and current efforts and prospects for PN detections in external galaxies are briefly discussed due to their value both as cosmic distance indicators and as kinematical probes of galaxies and dark matter properties.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the Asymmetric Planetary Nebula V Conference (Invited Review, Lake District, England, June 2010

    Flux calibration of the AAO/UKST SuperCOSMOS H-alpha Survey

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    The AAO/UKST SuperCOSMOS Hα\alpha Survey (SHS) was, when completed in 2003, a powerful addition to extant wide-field surveys. The combination of areal coverage, spatial resolution and sensitivity in a narrow imaging band, still marks it out today as an excellent resource for the astronomical community. The 233 separate fields are available online in digital form, with each field covering 25 square degrees. The SHS has been the motivation for equivalent surveys in the north, and new digital Hα\alpha surveys now beginning in the south such as VPHAS+. It has been the foundation of many important discovery projects with the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg Hα\alpha planetary nebula project being a particularly successful example. However, the full potential of the SHS has been hampered by lack of a clear route to acceptable flux calibration from the base photographic data. We have determined the calibration factors for 170 individual SHS fields, and present a direct pathway to the measurement of integrated Hα\alpha fluxes and surface brightnesses for resolved nebulae detected in the SHS. We also include a catalogue of integrated Hα\alpha fluxes for >>100 planetary and other nebulae measured from the SHS, and use these data to show that fluxes, accurate to ±\pm 0.10 - 0.14 dex (\sim25-35 per cent), can be obtained from these fields. For the remaining 63 fields, a mean calibration factor of 12.0 counts pix1^{-1} R1^{-1} can be used, allowing the determination of reasonable integrated fluxes accurate to better than ±\pm0.2 dex (\sim50 per cent). We outline the procedures involved and the caveats that need to be appreciated in achieving such flux measurements. This paper forms a handy reference source that will significantly increase the scientific utility of the SHS.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables (plus 7 pp. of supplementary online information). Version to appear in MNRA

    Are planetary nebulae derived from multiple evolutionary scenarios?

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    Our understanding of planetary nebulae has been significantly enhanced as a result of several recent large surveys (Parker et al., these proceedings). These new discoveries suggest that the `PN phenomenon' is in fact more heterogeneous than previously envisaged. Even after the careful elimination of mimics from Galactic PN catalogues, there remains a surprising diversity in the population of PNe and especially their central stars. Indeed, several evolutionary scenarios are implicated in the formation of objects presently catalogued as PNe. We provide a summary of these evolutionary pathways and give examples of each. Eventually, a full census of local PNe can be used to confront both stellar evolution theory and population synthesis models.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Future, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 283, held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, July 25-29 201

    The planetary nebula Abell 48 and its [WN] nucleus

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    We have conducted a detailed multi-wavelength study of the peculiar nebula Abell 48 and its central star. We classify the nucleus as a helium-rich, hydrogen-deficient star of type [WN4-5]. The evidence for either a massive WN or a low-mass [WN] interpretation is critically examined, and we firmly conclude that Abell 48 is a planetary nebula (PN) around an evolved low-mass star, rather than a Population I ejecta nebula. Importantly, the surrounding nebula has a morphology typical of PNe, and is not enriched in nitrogen, and thus not the `peeled atmosphere' of a massive star. We estimate a distance of 1.6 kpc and a reddening, E(B-V) = 1.90 mag, the latter value clearly showing the nebula lies on the near side of the Galactic bar, and cannot be a massive WN star. The ionized mass (~0.3 M_Sun) and electron density (700 cm^-3) are typical of middle-aged PNe. The observed stellar spectrum was compared to a grid of models from the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) grid. The best fit temperature is 71 kK, and the atmospheric composition is dominated by helium with an upper limit on the hydrogen abundance of 10 per cent. Our results are in very good agreement with the recent study of Todt et al., who determined a hydrogen fraction of 10 per cent and an unusually large nitrogen fraction of ~5 per cent. This fraction is higher than any other low-mass H-deficient star, and is not readily explained by current post-AGB models. We give a discussion of the implications of this discovery for the late-stage evolution of intermediate-mass stars. There is now tentative evidence for two distinct helium-dominated post-AGB lineages, separate to the helium and carbon dominated surface compositions produced by a late thermal pulse. Further theoretical work is needed to explain these recent discoveries.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, to appear in MNRAS. Version 3 incorporates proof correction

    The Hα\alpha surface brightness - radius plane as a diagnostic tool for photoionized nebulae

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    The Hα\alpha surface brightness - radius (SrS-r) relation is a robust distance indicator for planetary nebulae (PNe), further enhanced by different populations of PNe having distinct loci in SrS-r space. Other types of photoionized nebulae also plot in quite distinct regions in the SrS-r plane, allowing its use as a diagnostic tool. In particular, the nova shells and massive star ejecta (MSE) plot on relatively tight loci illustrating their evolutionary sequences. For the MSE, there is potential to develop a distance indicator for these objects, based on their trend in SrS-r space. As high-resolution, narrowband surveys of the nearest galaxies become more commonplace, the SrS-r plane is a potentially useful diagnostic tool to help identify the various ionized nebulae in these systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 11th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics: Physics and Chemistry of the Late Stages of Stellar Evolution, held in Hong Kong, Dec 201

    Planetary Nebulae: Observational Properties, Mimics, and Diagnostics

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    The total number of true, likely and possible planetary nebulae (PN) now known in the Milky Way is nearly 3000, double the number known a decade ago. The new discoveries are a legacy of the recent availability of wide field, narrowband imaging surveys, primarily in the light of H-alpha. In this paper, we summarise the various PN discovery techniques, and give an overview of the many types of objects which mimic PN and which appear as contaminants in both Galactic and extragalactic samples. Much improved discrimination of classical PN from their mimics is now possible based on the wide variety of high-quality multiwavelength data sets that are now available. We offer improved taxonomic and observational definitions for the PN phenomenon based on evaluation of these better diagnostic capabilities. However, we note that evidence is increasing that the PN phenomenon is heterogeneous, and PN are likely to be formed from multiple evolutionary scenarios. In particular, the relationships between some collimated symbiotic outflows and bipolar PN remain uncertain.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures; presentation at the workshop on the Legacies of the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg H-alpha Planetary Nebula project, accepted by the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA

    K 1-6: an asymmetric planetary nebula with a binary central star

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    We present new imaging data and archival multiwavelength observations of the little studied emission nebula K 1-6 and its central star. Narrow-band images in H-alpha (+ [NII]) and [OIII] taken with the Faulkes Telescope North reveal a stratified, asymmetric, elliptical nebula surrounding a central star which has the colours of a late G- or early K-type subgiant or giant. GALEX ultraviolet images reveal a very hot subdwarf or white dwarf coincident in position with this star. The cooler, optically dominant star is strongly variable with a period of 21.312 +/- 0.008 days, and is possibly a high amplitude member of the RS CVn class, although an FK Com classification is also possible. Archival ROSAT data provide good evidence that the cool star has an active corona. We conclude that K 1-6 is most likely an old bona fide planetary nebula at a distance of ~1.0 kpc, interacting with the interstellar medium, and containing a binary or ternary central star. The observations and data analyses reported in this paper were conducted in conjunction with Year 11 high school students as part of an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant science education project, denoted Space To Grow, conducted jointly by professional astronomers, educational researchers, teachers, and high-school students.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted by the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA