8,438 research outputs found

    The Physics Potential of Future Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

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    We discuss in detail different future long baseline neutrino oscillation setups and we show the remarkable potential for very precise measurements of mass splittings and mixing angles. Furthermore it will be possible to make precise tests of coherent forward scattering and MSW effects, which allow to determine the sign of Δm2\Delta m^2. Finally strong limits or measurements of leptonic CP violation will be possible, which is very interesting since it is most likely connected to the baryon asymmetry of the universe.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, to appear in ``Neutrino Mass'', Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, ed. by G. Altarelli and K. Winter, references adde

    The Inhomogeneous Invariance Quantum Supergroup of Supersymmetry Algebra

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    We consider an inhomogeneous quantum supergroup which leaves invariant a supersymmetric particle algebra. The quantum sub-supergroups of this inhomogeneous quantum supergroup are investigated.Comment: 11 pages. No figur

    Extracting Matter Effects, Masses and Mixings at a Neutrino Factory

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    We discuss and quantify different possibilities to determine matter effects, the value and the sign of Deltam312Delta m^2_{31}, as well as the magnitude of sin22θ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13} in very long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. We study neutrino oscillation at a neutrino factory in the νμνμ\nu_\mu\to\nu_\mu disappearance and νeνμ\nu_e\to\nu_\mu appearance channels with and without muon charge identification. One possibility is to analyze the νeνμ\nu_e\to\nu_\mu appearance channels leading to wrong sign muon events, which requires however very good muon charge identification. Without charge identification it is still possible to operate the neutrino factory both with μ\mu^- and μ+\mu^+ beams and to analyze the differences in the total neutrino event rate spectra. We show that this leads already to a quite good sensitivity, which may be important if right sign charge rejection capabilities are insufficient. With muon charge identification one can study the νμνμ\nu_\mu\to\nu_\mu disappearance and the νeνμ\nu_e\to\nu_\mu appearance channels independently. The best method is finally achieved by combining all available information of the νμνμ\nu_\mu\to\nu_\mu disappearance and νeνμ\nu_e\to\nu_\mu appearance channels with charge identification and we show the sensitivity which can be achieved.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum noise memory effect of multiple scattered light

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    We investigate frequency correlations in multiple scattered light that are present in the quantum fluctuations. The memory effect for quantum and classical noise is compared, and found to have markedly different frequency scaling, which was confirmed in a recent experiment. Furthermore, novel mesoscopic correlations are predicted that depend on the photon statistics of the incoming light

    Educational innovation in tourism and hospitality studies: Addressing accessibility and gender equality-related challenges

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    Les institucions d'educació superior en turisme i hostaleria són determinants per contribuir a l'Agenda 2030 de les Nacions Unides i als Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS), però les empreses del sector turístic-hoteler tenen moltes dificultats per aconseguir els objectius de sostenibilitat. Aquesta tesi doctoral, adoptant un enfocament de mètodes mixt, proposa projectes socials de múltiple impacte que cerquen l’excel·lència en recerca, educació de màxima qualitat i divulgació pública rellevant, amb el compromís de promoure una societat justa. Els estudis es van organitzar en dues fases. En la primera fase, analitzem les limitacions que dificulten l'accessibilitat (ODS 11) i la igualtat de gènere (ODS 5) en contextos turístics i hotelers. L'accessibilitat es contempla en l'ODS 11: Ciutats i comunitats sostenibles, i la igualtat de gènere en l'ODS 5: Igualtat de gènere. En la segona fase, proporcionem claus sobre el tipus de d’experiència educativa innovadora que podria contribuir a educar els / les estudiants i els / les futurs/es líders del turisme i l'hoteleria, afavorint l'accessibilitat (ODS 11) i la igualtat de gènere (ODS 5). Un principi rector subjacent a el disseny i la implementació de les dues fases va ser promoure un enfocament d'aliances, en línia amb l'ODS 17: Aliances per assolir els objectius. El primer estudi exploratori examina la intenció de viatjar a allotjaments accessibles en famílies amb menors diagnosticats amb trastorn de l'espectre autista en base a enquestes (N = 117), analitzant els resultats mitjançant regressió logística. Els resultats obtinguts han permès conèixer les limitacions de viatge en relació al turisme accessible, proporcionant informació útil per a futures recerques, així com per als proveïdors d'allotjament. El segon estudi aplica un enfocament qualitatiu, analitzant les experiències de dones líders d'associacions directives de dones a Catalunya (Espanya). Els nostres resultats han revelat que aquestes associacions empoderen a les dones creant consciència sobre les barreres de gènere, millorant la consciència social sobre la igualtat de gènere en els òrgans de presa de decisions, i ampliant les xarxes professionals i l'accés als recursos. El tercer estudi, un estudi de cas de mètode mixt, proposa una aproximació pedagògica que impulsa l'agencialitat dels estudiants, mitjançant una combinació d'enfocaments pedagògics transformacionals: un repte professional relacionat amb accessibilitat en turisme aplicant design-thinking com a mètode de resolució de problemes, i l'ús de diaris d'aprenentatge com a eines de reflexió autoregulades. Els resultats han mostrat un canvi positiu en les actituds dels estudiants cap a les persones amb discapacitat i el desenvolupament d'una reflexivitat crítica, específicament respecte al turisme per a tots. Finalment, el quart estudi és una intervenció educativa pilot sobre igualtat de gènere amb participació de múltiples agents, seguint un enfocament d'innovació oberta. L'estudi es va centrar en les percepcions dels estudiants i facilitadors sobre l'experiència d'ensenyament i aprenentatge, oferint una proposta d'avaluació per a iteracions futures.Las instituciones de educación superior en turismo y hotelería son determinantes para contribuir a la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), pero las empresas del sector turístico-hotelero tienen muchas dificultades para alcanzar los objetivos de sostenibilidad. Esta tesis doctoral, adoptando un enfoque de métodos mixto, propone proyectos sociales de múltiple impacto que promueven la excelencia en la investigación, educación de máxima calidad y divulgación pública relevante, sumando compromiso en la promoción de una sociedad justa. Los estudios se organizaron en dos fases. En la primera fase, analizamos las limitaciones que dificultan la accesibilidad (ODS 11) y la igualdad de género (ODS 5) en contextos turísticos y hoteleros. Accesibilidad se contempla en el ODS 11: Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles, e igualdad de género en el ODS 5: Igualdad de género. En la segunda fase, proporcionamos claves sobre el tipo de experiencia educativa innovadora que puede contribuir a educar a los/las estudiantes y a los/las futuros/as líderes del turismo y la hostelería, favoreciendo la accesibilidad (ODS 11) y la igualdad de género (ODS 5). Un principio rector que subyace al diseño y la implementación de ambas fases fue promover un enfoque de alianzas, en línea con el ODS 17: Alianzas para lograr los objetivos. El primer estudio exploratorio examinó la intención a viajar a alojamientos accesibles en familias con menores diagnosticados con trastorno del espectro autista en base a encuestas (N = 117), analizando los resultados mediante regresión logística. Los resultados obtenidos nos permitieron conocer las limitaciones de viaje con relación al turismo accesible, proporcionando información útil para futuras investigaciones, así como para los proveedores de alojamiento. El segundo estudio aplicó un enfoque cualitativo, analizando las experiencias de mujeres líderes de asociaciones directivas de mujeres en Cataluña (España). Nuestros resultados revelaron que estas asociaciones empoderan a las mujeres creando conciencia sobre las barreras de género, mejorando la conciencia social sobre la igualdad de género en los órganos de toma de decisiones, y ampliando las redes profesionales y el acceso a los recursos. El tercer estudio, un estudio de caso de método mixto, propone una aproximación pedagógica que impulsa la agencialidad de los estudiantes, mediante una combinación de enfoques pedagógicos transformacionales: un reto profesional relacionado con accesibilidad en turismo, aplicando design-thinking como método de resolución de problemas, y el uso de diarios de aprendizaje como herramientas de reflexión autorreguladas. Los resultados presentaron un cambio positivo en las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia las personas con discapacidad y el desarrollo de una reflexividad crítica, específicamente con respecto al turismo para todos. Finalmente, el cuarto estudio fue una intervención educativa piloto sobre igualdad de género con participación de múltiples agentes, siguiendo un enfoque de innovación abierta. El estudio se centró en las percepciones de los estudiantes y facilitadores sobre la experiencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje, ofreciendo una propuesta de evaluación para iteraciones futuras.Hospitality and tourism organizations are struggling to achieve sustainability targets. To contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), tourism and hospitality higher education institutions are decisive. This Ph.D. dissertation, adopting a mixed-methods approach, proposed ‘societal multiple-impact projects’ that aim at excellence in research, outstanding education, and relevant public outreach, while committing to advancing a just society. Studies were organized in two phases. Accessibility is targeted by SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities, and gender equality by SDG 5: Gender equality. In the first phase, we analyzed the constraints that hinder accessibility (SDG 11) and gender equality (SDG 5) in tourism and hospitality contexts. In the second phase, we provided clues regarding the kind of educational innovation pedagogy that may contribute to educate students and potentially future leaders in tourism and hospitality to favor accessibility (SDG 11), and gender equality (SDG 5). A guiding principle underlying the design and implementation of both phases was to promote a multiple-stakeholder approach, in line with SDG 17: Partnership for the goals. The first exploratory study examined intention to travel to accessible accommodation by families of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Surveys were collected (N = 117), and results were analyzed using logistic regression. The results obtained allowed us to learn about travel constraints related to accessible tourism, providing useful insights for future research as well as to accommodation providers. The second study applied a qualitative approach to access the experiences of female leaders from management associations in Catalonia (Spain). Our findings showed that these associations empower women by creating awareness of gender barriers, enhancing social awareness of gender equality in decision-making bodies, expanding professional networks and access to resources. The third study, a mixed-methods case study, proposed campus-based pedagogy that elicited students’ agency through a combination of transformational pedagogical approaches: an action-based challenge related to accessibility in tourism, applying design thinking as a problem-solving method, and using learning logs as self-regulating reflective tools. Results showed a positive change in students’ attitudes towards people with disabilities, and the development of critical reflexivity, specifically regarding tourism for all. Finally, the fourth study was a pilot educational intervention on gender equality with multi-stakeholder involvement, following an open innovation approach. The study focused on students and facilitator perceptions regarding the teaching and learning experience, while an assessment proposal for subsequent iterations was provided

    Deflated GMRES for Systems with Multiple Shifts and Multiple Right-Hand Sides

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    We consider solution of multiply shifted systems of nonsymmetric linear equations, possibly also with multiple right-hand sides. First, for a single right-hand side, the matrix is shifted by several multiples of the identity. Such problems arise in a number of applications, including lattice quantum chromodynamics where the matrices are complex and non-Hermitian. Some Krylov iterative methods such as GMRES and BiCGStab have been used to solve multiply shifted systems for about the cost of solving just one system. Restarted GMRES can be improved by deflating eigenvalues for matrices that have a few small eigenvalues. We show that a particular deflated method, GMRES-DR, can be applied to multiply shifted systems. In quantum chromodynamics, it is common to have multiple right-hand sides with multiple shifts for each right-hand side. We develop a method that efficiently solves the multiple right-hand sides by using a deflated version of GMRES and yet keeps costs for all of the multiply shifted systems close to those for one shift. An example is given showing this can be extremely effective with a quantum chromodynamics matrix.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    P Systems: from Anti-Matter to Anti-Rules

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    The concept of a matter object being annihilated when meeting its corresponding anti-matter object is taken over for rule labels as objects and anti-rule labels as the corresponding annihilation counterpart in P systems. In the presence of a corresponding anti-rule object, annihilation of a rule object happens before the rule that the rule object represents, can be applied. Applying a rule consumes the corresponding rule object, but may also produce new rule objects as well as anti-rule objects, too. Computational completeness in this setting then can be obtained in a one-membrane P system with non-cooperative rules and rule / anti-rule annihilation rules when using one of the standard maximally parallel derivation modes as well as any of the maximally parallel set derivation modes (i.e., non-extendable (multi)sets of rules, (multi)sets with maximal number of rules, (multi)sets of rules a ecting the maximal number of objects). When using the sequential derivation mode, at least the computational power of partially blind register machines is obtained

    Direct test of the MSW effect by the solar appearance term in beam experiments

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    We discuss if one can verify the MSW effect in neutrino oscillations at a high confidence level in long-baseline experiments. We demonstrate that for long enough baselines at neutrino factories, the matter effect sensitivity is, as opposed to the mass hierarchy sensitivity, not suppressed by sin22θ13\sin^2 2 \theta_{13} because it is driven by the solar oscillations in the appearance probability. Furthermore, we show that for the parameter independent direct verification of the MSW effect at long-baseline experiments, a neutrino factory with a baseline of at least 6000 km is needed. For superbeams, we do not find a 5σ5\sigma discovery potential of the MSW effect independent of sin22θ13\sin^2 2 \theta_{13}. We finally summarize different methods to test the MSW effect.Comment: Minor changes, references updated; somewhat shorter version appeared in Phys. Lett. B; 9 pages, 2 figure

    Vacuum mimicking phenomena in neutrino oscillations

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    It is shown generally that any oscillation probability in matter with approximately constant density coincides with that in vacuum to the first two nontrivial orders in Δmjk2L/E\Delta m^2_{jk}L/E if Δmjk2L/E1|\Delta m^2_{jk}L/E|\ll 1 and GFNeL1|G_F N_e L|\ll 1 are satisfied.Comment: 7 pages, uses revtex; added two reference