191 research outputs found

    Studie om reguleringsreserven i Oslo.

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    Sammendrag Masteroppgaven tar for seg begrepet “reguleringsreserve” og har som formĂ„l Ă„ undersĂžke om Oslo har en tilstrekkelig reserve av tomter for utvikling av boliger. Dette sett i sammenheng med fremtidig befolkningsutvikling. I lys av den pĂ„gĂ„ende debatten om antall boliger i reserven er vi ogsĂ„ nysgjerrig pĂ„ hva den reelle reserven bestĂ„r av. Vi har som grunnlag brukt data fra rapporten om bolig- og omrĂ„dereserven utarbeidet av Plan- og bygningsetaten. OmrĂ„dereserven handler om den delen av reserven hvor boligene kun finnes i omrĂ„deplaner og hvor det mĂ„ detaljreguleres fĂžr de kan bygges. Boliger i boligreserven er ferdig regulerte boliger. For en bedre forstĂ„else av hovedproblemstillingen har vi formulert underproblemstillinger som belyser utfordringer man mĂžter i arbeid med regulering av boligtomter og undersĂžkt hvorfor det ikke bygges flere boliger i Oslo. Oppgaven kombinerer teori med et kvalitativt eksplorerende forskningsdesign. Ved Ă„ intervjue fem store eiendomsutviklere, har vi fĂ„tt unik innsikt i deres erfaringer og synspunkter. Vi har ogsĂ„ intervjuet varaordfĂžrer i Oslos bystyre og planmyndigheter for Ă„ fĂ„ deres perspektiv pĂ„ reguleringsreserven. Masteroppgaven avdekket at omrĂ„dereserven er stor nok til Ă„ dekke det langsiktige boligbehovet da det finnes mange omrĂ„der i byen som kan transformeres og forsyne Oslo med boliger. NĂ„r det kommer til boligreserven, ser vi at det er behov for at den Ăžkes betraktelig. Vi har sjekket utbyggingsaktivitet i alle detaljreguleringer som boligreserven bestĂ„r av, og vi mener at det er urovekkende at det ikke pĂ„gĂ„r aktivitet for 45 % av boligene i boligreserven. Hvis man ikke klarer Ă„ heve andel av aktive boliger i reserven, vil det bli et stort gap mellom etterspĂžrsel og tilbud av nye boliger de neste Ă„rene. Videre mĂ„ ogsĂ„ tempo pĂ„ prosessen med detaljregulering og prosessen frem til igangsettelse Ăžkes for Ă„ fĂ„ en bedre flyt. Per i dag pĂ„gĂ„r det utbyggingsaktivitet i nĂŠrmere 6 300 boliger i reserven, men vi ser at i mange av disse sakene har det pĂ„gĂ„tt aktivitet i lang tid uten at planen har fĂ„tt igangsettingstillatelse. Vi har konkludert med at det finnes mange underliggende Ă„rsaker som gjĂžr at noen reguleringsplaner ikke blitt bygd ut, eller bruker lang tid pĂ„ Ă„ fĂ„ igangsettingstillatelse. Vi sitter igjen med en forstĂ„else at alle parter, bĂ„de de offentlige (politikere og myndighetsutĂžvere) og de private, kjenner til utfordringene, men ser problemene fra hvert sitt perspektiv. Rapport om bolig- og omrĂ„dereserve er objektiv rapport og korrekt i henhold til metodikken og fĂžringene som var lagt til grunn, men den klarer ikke Ă„ gi et realitetsbilde av de faktiske forholdene i boligreserven i Oslo. Etter Ă„ ha arbeidet med denne oppgaven, ser vi behov for en mer dynamisk rapport om reguleringsreserven som tar hensyn til utviklingsperspektivet. Vi har forstĂ„else for at rapporten i utgangspunktet kun var ment for Ă„ vise objektive og faktiske tall, men boligutvikling er komplisert og avhenger av mange faktorer. Gjennom intervjuer med utviklere har vi forstĂ„tt at det er behov for en mer dynamisk rapport som ogsĂ„ kan brukes som et styringsverktĂžy. Etter intervjuet med varaordfĂžrer fikk vi vite at han var enig i dette. Det har likevel vĂŠrt delte meninger om hvordan denne rapporten skulle utformes. NĂ„r det gjelder den eksisterende rapporten om bolig- og omrĂ„dereserven, mener vi at den bĂžr presenteres i en annen form, for eksempel i Excel, hvor det er lett Ă„ lage egne grupperinger og filtrere informasjon man trenger. I tillegg bĂžr student- og omsorgsboliger flyttes til egen kategori. Man bĂžr vurdere om det er hensiktsmessig Ă„ ha med planer som dateres tilbake til 1999. Av vĂ„re undersĂžkelser kommer det fram at disse planene i liten grad blir utbygd. Vi konkluderer med at boligbygging i Norge baserer seg pĂ„ et samspill mellom politikere, private utbyggere og offentlige myndighetsutĂžvere. I stedet for Ă„ se pĂ„ utfordringene fra ulike perspektiver, bĂžr disse etablere et stĂžrre tillitsforhold og en gjensidig forstĂ„else seg imellom.Abstract The Master's thesis deals with the concept of «regulatory reserve» and aims to investigate whether Oslo has a sufficient reserve of land for housing development or not. We will be looking into this subject in the context of future population. Considering the ongoing debate about the number of homes in the reserve, we are attentive to know what the real reserve consists of. While exploring the topic we have used data from the report on the housing and area reserve, prepared by the Planning and Building Agency, as a foundation. The area reserve is about the part of the reserve where the homes are only found in area plans and where detailed regulation (zoning plans) must be approved before the houses can be built. Homes in the housing reserve are fully regulated homes meaning they have approved zoning plans. For a better understanding of the main problem, we have formulated sub-problems that highlight challenges encountered in work with the regulation of residential plots and investigated why more housing is not being built in Oslo. The assignment combines theory with a qualitative exploratory research design. By interviewing five major property developers, we have gained exclusive insight into their experiences and views. We have also interviewed the deputy mayor of Oslor's city and council and planning authorities to get their perspective on the regulatory reserve. The masterr's thesis revealed that the area reserve is large enough to cover the long-term housing needs, as there are many areas in the city that can be transformed and supply Oslo with housing. When it comes to the housing reserve, we see that there is a need for it to be increased considerably. We have checked development activity in all the detailed regulations that make up the housing reserve, and we believe that it is worrying that there is no ongoing activity for 45% of the homes in the housing reserve. If it is not possible to raise the proportion of active housing in the reserve, there will be a large gap between demand and supply of new housing in the coming years. Furthermore, the pace of the process of detailed regulation and the process leading up to commencement must also be increased to achieve a better flow. As of today, development activity is taking place is close to 6,300 homes in the reserve, but we see that in many of these cases, activity has been going on for a long time without the plan receiving permission to start. We have concluded that there are many underlying reasons why some zoning plans have not been developed or take a long time to obtain a start-up permit. We are left with an understanding that all parties, both the public (politicians and government officials) and the private developers, are aware of the challenges, but see the problems from their own perspectives. The report on the housing and area reserve is an objective report and is correct in accordance with the practice and guidelines on which it was based, but it fails to give a realistic picture of the actual conditions in the housing reserve in Oslo. After working on this thesis, we see a need for a more dynamic report on the regulatory reserve that considers the development perspective. We understand that the report was initially only intended to show objective and actual figures, but housing development is complicated and depends on many factors. Through interviews with housing developers, we have understood that there is a need for a more dynamic report that can also be used as a management tool. After the interview with the deputy mayor, we understood that he agreed. There have nevertheless been divided opinions on how this report should be designed. Regarding the existing report on the housing and area reserve, we believe that it should be presented in a different format, for example in Excel, where it is easy to create your own groups and filter the information as needed. In addition, student and care homes should be moved to their own category. One should consider whether it is appropriate to include plan that date back to 1999. From our investigations, it appears that these plans are slight developed. We conclude that housing construction in Norway is based on an interaction between politicians, private housing developers, and public authorities. Instead of looking at the challenges from different perspectives, these should establish a greater relationship of trust and mutual understanding between them

    Synthesis of Some Optically Active α-Pyridyl-carbinols and Determination of Absolute Configuration from the CD of Their in situ Complexes with [MO2(OAc)4 ]

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    Four new a-pyridyl-aryl-carbinols have been synthesized, and twelve such racemates have been for the first time resolved by standard procedures. From the positive CD-couplet of the complex between (S)-l and 23 an antiperiplanar arrangement of the H-C(OH, Ph)-C.(Py)-N-moiety could be derived as the preferred conformation. From the CD-spectra above 300 nm of this and seven other compounds of known absolute configuration in the presence of 23 the following correlation with stereochemistry was derived, which was then applied to determining the absolute configuration of fourteen other a-pyridyl-aryl-carbinols: for (R)-configuration negative CD-bands appear between 500 to 510 (sometimes detectable only as shoulder) and at 408 to 470 nm, between 335 to 380 nm apositive Cotton effect is registered, and another one shows up below 320 nm, which has mostly apositive sign for secondary, but anegative one for tertiary carbinols of the mentioned absolute sense of chirality

    Insights into the mechanism for gold catalysis: behaviour of gold(i) amide complexes in solution

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    We report the synthesis and activity of new mononuclear and dinuclear gold amide complexes . The dinuclear complexes and were characterised by single crystal X-ray analysis. We also report solution NMR and freezing point depression experiments to rationalise their behaviour in solution and question the de-ligation process invoked in gold catalysis

    Boosting self‐assembly diversity in the solid‐state by chiral/non‐chiral ZnII‐porphyrin crystallization

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    This work bases on the solid‐state study of a chiral ZnII‐porphyrin derivative (5,10,15,20‐tetra[(4‐R,R,R,R)‐methyl‐2‐phenoxy‐propanoate, 1) building block and its achiral analogous (2). Here, foreseen the rich molecular recognition of the designed metallo‐porphyrins (1 and 2) and tendency to crystallize, we recrystallized both using two sets of solvents (CH2Cl2/CH3OH and CH2Cl2/hexane). As a result, four different crystalline arrangements (1a‐b, 2a‐b, from 0D to 2D) were successfully achieved. We performed solid state studies for all the species, analysing the role played by chirality, solvent mixtures and surfaces (mica and HOPG), on the supramolecular arrangements. As for the combination of solvents and substrates we obtained a variety of micro‐sized species, from vesicles to flower‐shaped arrays, including geometrical microcrystals. Overall, our results emphasize the environmental susceptibility of metallo‐porphyrins and how this feature must be taken into account in their design
