674 research outputs found
Heritage Stone 4. The Piedra Berroqueña Region: Candidacy for Global Heritage Stone Province Status
The Piedra Berroqueña region in the Guadarrama Mountains, part of Spain’s Central Range, supplies most of the construction granite used in Madrid and surrounding provinces. The region’s quarrying towns preserve their granite extraction and hewing traditions. Historic quarries form part of the landscape, as do current extraction sites with huge reserves that guarantee a speedy supply of variously finished dimension stone. Piedra Berroqueña granite has been in use as a construction material since long before Roman times. Many important monuments, including San Lorenzo Royal Monastery at El Escorial (1563−1584), Madrid’s Royal Palace (1738−1764), the Alcalá Gate (1770−1778), the Prado Museum (1785−1808) and Puerta del Sol (one of Madrid’s main squares), owe their good state of preservation to the stone’s petrophysical characteristics and durability. The granite is also found in most of the city’s housing and streets, as well as in modern buildings the world over, such as the airport terminals at Athens and Cork, and the British consulate at Hong Kong. Four major types of monzogranite occur including: biotitic monzogranites containing some cordierite, biotitic monzogranites containing some amphibole, biotitic monzogranites having no cordierite or amphibole, and leucogranites. The petrological, petrophysical and chemical properties of Piedra Berroqueña, which afford it great durability, vary little from one variety to another and depend on the degree of alteration. Physical and chemical characteristics were determined for five granites representative of historic or active quarries in the Piedra Berroqueña region: Alpedrete (monzogranite containing cordierite); Cadalso de los Vidrios (leucogranite); La Cabrera (monzogranite containing amphibole); Colmenar Viejo (monzogranites containing cordierite) and Zarzalejo (monzogranites having no cordierite or amphibole). The Piedra Berroqueña region meets the requirements of a Global Heritage Stone Province, and this paper supports the Piedra Berroqueña region's application for recognition as such. This distinction would enhance public awareness of an area committed to quarrying and working the local stone.RÉSUMÉLa région de Piedra Berroqueña dans les monts de Guadarrama, qui fait partie de la chaine centrale d'Espagne, est la principale source du granite de construction utilisé à Madrid et dans les provinces environnantes. Les agglomérations de la région qui exploitent une carrière conservent leur tradition d’extraction et de taille du granite. Les anciennes carrières font maintenant partie du paysage, comme les sites d'extraction actuels avec d'énormes réserves ce qui garantit un approvisionnement rapide en pierre de taille de fini varié. Le granite de Piedra Berroqueña a été utilisé comme matériau de construction bien avant l'époque romaine. De nombreux monuments importants, y compris le monastère royal de San Lorenzo à l'Escurial (1563–1584), le palais royal de Madrid (1738–1764), la porte d'Alcalá (1770–1778), le musée du Prado (1785–1808) et la Puerta del Sol (une des principales places de Madrid), doivent leur bon état de conservation aux caractéristiques pétrophysiques et à la durabilité de la pierre. Ce granite se retrouve également dans la plupart des habitations et des rues de la ville, ainsi que dans des bâtiments modernes du monde entier, tels que les terminaux de l'aéroport d'Athènes et de Cork, et le consulat britannique à Hong Kong. Il est constitué de quatre grandes classes de monzogranite : des monzogranites à biotite contenant un peu de cordiérite, des monzogranites à biotite contenant un peu d’amphibole, des monzogranites à biotite ne contenant ni cordiérite ni amphibole, et les leucogranites. Les propriétés pétrographiques, pétrophysiques et chimiques des granites de Piedra Berroqueña qui leur assurent une grande durabilité, varient peu d'une variété à l'autre et dépendent du degré d'altération. Les caractéristiques physiques et chimiques ont été déterminées sur cinq granites représentatifs des carrières historiques et actives de la région de Piedra Berroqueña : Alpedrete (monzogranite à cordiérite); Cadalso de los Vidrios (leucogranite); La Cabrera (monzogranite à amphibole); Colmenar Viejo (monzogranite à cordiérite); et Zarzalejo (monzogranite sans cordiérite ni amphibole). La région Piedra Berroqueña répond aux critères d'une Province pétrologique du patrimoine mondial, et le présent article documente la candidature de la région de Piedra Berroqueña à cet effet. Cette distinction permettrait d'améliorer la sensibilisation du public concernant une région spécialisée dans l’extraction et à la taille de la pierre locale. Traduit par le Traducteu
Novel insights into maintaining genomic integrity: Wee1 regulating Mus81/Eme1
Maintenance of genomic integrity is essential for cell survival. Specifically, during DNA replication cells use a complex network of mechanisms that prevents genomic instability. Recently, we and others identified Wee1, a serine/threonine and tyrosine kinase, as a new modulator of the genomic stability during S phase. Loss of its activity causes a general DNA damage response activation and a decrease in replication fork speed. These effects are counteracted by the downregulation of the endonuclease complex Mus81-Eme1, showing a new link between this endonuclease and Wee1 during DNA replication. Here we discuss the function of Wee1 in genomic stability and its relationship with the Mus81-Eme1 complex
The direct rebound effect for two income groups : The case of Paraguay
Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Becas Don Carlos Antonio López (BECAL) (106/2017) ; Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral program of the Government of Catalonia's Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge.We estimate the direct rebound effect (DRE) for all energy services requiring electricity for their provision in Paraguayan households. Using recent panel data from 2001 to 2017, we estimate the magnitude of the DRE at the province and municipality levels. Because we estimate the DRE through the own-price elasticity of electricity demand, we not only provide the first empirical evidence of the DRE for Paraguay, a developing country, but also update the study of Paraguay's residential electricity demand. Our findings suggest a positive DRE emerges after an improvement in energy efficiency, but the magnitude of the DRE does not completely reduce the resulting energy savings. We find a lower DRE in low-income households, which may be explained by two factors: electricity is not the main source of energy for most low-income households, and most clandestine electricity connections are from low-income households. Paraguay is one of the countries with the highest generation of electricity per capita through hydroelectric plants. However, this electricity supply does not match electricity consumption, especially in low-income households, because of distribution issues in relation to energy sources. We derive from our findings some policy measures to improve the situation
Transition metal‐catalyzed carbon‐carbon bond forming reactions. Synthesis of a tetrahydroisoquinoline
[Resumo:] Este traballo de fin de grao encádrase dentro da liña xeral de investigación do noso
grupo, de pescuda de novas aplicacións dos organometálicos de indio(III) (R3In) en
síntese. Dentro deste obxectivo xeral, este TFG divídese en dúas partes:
(1) Na primeira parte estúdase a reactividade dos R3In en reaccións de
funcionalización C-H baixo catálise de metais de transición (Fe, Co e Cu).
(2) Na segunda parte deste traballo preténdese afondar na reactividade dos R3In
en reaccións non catalizadas por metais de transición. Con este fin,
sintetizouse una tetrahidroisoquinolina cun grupo desactivante na posición
C-5, mediante unha ruta sintética en 6 etapas. Dita tetrahidroisoquinolina será
empregada como substrato nun estudo sistemático de reactividade con R3In.[Resumen:] Este trabajo de fin de grado se encuadra dentro de la línea general de investigación
de nuestro grupo, de la búsqueda de nuevas aplicaciones de los organometálicos de
indio(III) (R3In) en síntesis. Dentro de este objetivo general, este TFG se divide en
dos partes:
(1) En la primera parte se estudia la reactividad de los R3In en reacciones de
funcionalización C-H bajo catálisis de metales de transición (Fe, Co y Cu).
(2) En la segunda parte de este trabajo se pretende profundizar en la reactividad
de los R3In en reacciones no catalizadas por metales de transición. Para ello
se sintetizó una tetrahidroisoquinolina con un grupo desactivante en la
posición C-5, mediante una ruta sintética en 6 etapas. Dicha
tetrahidroisoquinolina será utilizada como substrato en un estudio sistemático
de reactividad con R3In.[Abstract:] This degree dissertation is focused on the main investigation line of our research
group: the search for new synthetic applications of indium(III) organometallics (R3In).
Based on this main aim, this work was divided in two parts:
(1) In the first part of this work, the reactivity of R3In in C-H functionalization
reactions catalyzed by transition metal complexes (Fe, Co & Cu) was studied.
(2) In the second part of this work, we tried to get further in the reactivity of R3In
in non transition metal-catalyzed reactions. Thus a tetrahydroisoquinoline with
an electron withdrawing group at C-5 position, was synthetized following a
6 steps synthetic route. This tetrahydroisoquinoline will be further used as a
starting material on a systematic study of reactivity with R3In.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2016/201
¿Estilos o modelos? Las planificaciones nacionales para el desarrollo de Chile, Costa Rica y Uruguay a inicios del siglo xxi
In Latin America, different development styles have been tested which have been the result of the location between the real possibilities (linked to the objective conditions defined by their context) and the ideal desires of «being», influenced by the hegemonic trends of thought. The work focuses on analyzing and characterizing the national planning for development of the selected cases (Chile, 2014-2018; Costa Rica, 2015-2018, and Uruguay, 2015-2019), considering the different theoretical currents of development. In this way, it is attempted to generate empirical evidence to describe the development styles that have been tried to adopt in each of the selected countries and, with that, contribute to a general reflection on the main distinctive features of the development experiences that in Latin America they are being assumed at the beginning of this 21st centuryEn Latinoamérica, se han ensayado diferentes estilos de desarrollo, que han sido el resultado del emplazamiento entre las posibilidades reales (vinculadas a las condiciones objetivas definidas por su contexto) y los deseos ideales de «ser», influidos por las corrientes hegemónicas de pensamiento. El trabajo se focaliza en analizar y caracterizar las planificaciones nacionales para el desarrollo de los casos seleccionados (Chile, 2014-2018; Costa Rica, 2015-2018, y Uruguay, 2015-2019) a la luz de las diferentes corrientes teóricas sobre el desarrollo. De esta forma, se intenta generar evidencia empírica para describir los estilos de desarrollo que se han intentado adoptar en cada uno de los países seleccionados y, con ello, aportar una reflexión general sobre los principales rasgos distintivos de las experiencias de desarrollo que, en América Latina, se están asumiendo en los inicios de este siglo xxi
Evaluación de la citotoxicidad de una mezcla de ocho contaminantes a concentraciones de relevancia ambiental
The ubiquitous presence of pollutants and the accurate evaluation of their potential risks for environmental and human health is an area of major concern. We have simulated an in vitro scenario of long-term exposure to a mixture of eight pollutants at real environmental concentrations using mammalian Vero cells. Our results demonstrate that cellular proliferation rates were significantly altered, either by inhibition or stimulation, depending on the mixture composition and the exposure time. We encourage the urgency of reviewing safety levels for emerging contaminants accepted by regulatory agencies, considering that mixtures of pollutants represent a threat for environmental and human healthThis work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTM2008-00311; CTM2012-31344
Análisis de factibilidad económica para la implementación de un Laboratorio de Fabricación Digital
According with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) in their annual report about the Global Innovation Index (GII), Is explained the difference economies around the world according with their capability of innovation.De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (2020) por sus siglas en ingles WIPO; en su informe anual del índice de innovación global (GII) que mide y clasifica las diferentes economías del mundo de acuerdo con sus capacidades de innovación.De acordo com a OMPI (Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual) em seu relatório anual sobre o Índice Global de Inovação (GII), é explicada a diferença das economias em todo o mundo de acordo com sua capacidade de inovação. 
The direct rebound effect of electricity energy services in spanish households : evidence from error correction model and system GMM estimates
We review the empirical literature concerning the magnitude of the direct rebound effect in households, ocusing on econometric studies, and analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects for the estimation of the direct rebound effect. We then estimate the magnitude of the direct rebound effect of households' electricity consumption in Spain. Using panel data from 2007 to 2016 for all the Spanish provinces, we estimate the short- and long-run direct rebound effects. In order to deal with cointegration of variables and to solve potential spurious relationships between them, we use a two-step Error Correction Model. We also estimate the dynamic model through a GMM system. The results indicate a direct rebound effect between 26% and 35% in the short- run and around 36% in the long-run. These findings suggest that, in Spain, energy efficiency policies with the aim of saving electricity consumption are significantly less effective without complementary measures to tackle the direct rebound effect. Moreover, one can expect a greater electricity savings response from households to price changes than to income or weather changes. We find a significant influence of other energy sources that appear to be complementary to electricity consumption according to our estimation
Insights into coacervative and dispersive liquid-phase microextraction strategies with hydrophilic media - a review
Since the development of liquid-phase microextraction (LPME), different LPME modes depending on the experimental set-up to carry out the extraction have been described. Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME), in which a small amount of the water-insoluble extraction solvent is dispersed in the sample, is the most successful mode in terms of number of applications reported. Advances within DLLME have been mainly shifted to the incorporation of green, smart and tunable materials as extraction solvents to improve the sustainability and efficiency of the method. In this sense, hydrophilic media represent a promising alternative since the water-miscibility of these substances increases the mass transfer of the analytes to the extraction media, leading to higher extraction efficiencies. Considering the variety of hydrophilic media that have been incorporated in LPME approaches resembling DLLME, this review aims to classify these methods in order to clarify the confusing terminology used for some of the strategies. Hydrophilic media covered in this review comprise surfactants, polar organic solvents, deep eutectic solvents, ionic liquids, water-miscible polymers, and switchable solvents. Different physicochemical mechanisms of phase separation are discussed for each LPME method, including the coacervation phenomena and other driving forces, such as pH, temperature, salting-out effect, metathesis reaction and organic solvents. LPME modes are classified (in cloud-point extraction, coacervative extraction, aqueous biphasic systems, and different DLLME modes depending on the extraction medium) according to both the nature of the water-miscible extraction phase and the driving force of the separation. In addition, the main advances and analytical applications of these methods in the last three years are described.publishe
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