687 research outputs found

    Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas : entering in the craft beer trend with Affligem

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    Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) is one of biggest players in the Portuguese beer industry. In 2013, together with Unicer, its biggest competitor, both groups owned 94% of the market. Part of the Heineken International Company since 2007, SCC was invited to be part of the worldwide launch of Affligem, the new global brand from Heineken group. Aiming to be the beacon brand in the specialty beer category, Affligem is a Belgian abbey beer with almost one thousand years of history. Besides trying to conquer this segment and fighting against the growth of national craft beer brands’ popularity, Affligem intended to address meal occasions. From a vast and extensive market research, SCC discovered that meal occasions were not being associated with beer. And what was the challenge? While the specialty beer segment represented only 2% of the entire industry, mainstream brands led the market with a share of almost 90%. Consumers were changing their buying behavior, being more price sensitive and doing less out of home activities. Additionally, 70-80% of buying decisions were made inside the store. With a limited marketing budget, Diogo, one of SCC’s Premium Beer & Specialties brand managers knew how important it was to choose the right packaging: entering in off-trade with loose bottle or 3-pack.A Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas (SCC) é um dos principais players no mercado das cervejas em Portugal. Em 2013, 94% do mercado era detido pela SCC e Unicer, um dos seus maiores concorrentes. Pertencente ao Grupo Heineken desde 2007, a SCC foi convidada a fazer parte do lançamento mundial de Affligem, a nova marca global do grupo. Com o objectivo de ser a marca líder no segmento das cervejas especiais, Affligem é uma cerveja belga de abadia com mais de mil anos de história. Mais do que tentar ter sucesso neste segmento e de lutar contra a crescente popularidade das marcas nacionais de cerveja artesanal, Affligem assumiu também o compromisso de se associar ao contexto da refeição. Após um vasto e exaustivo estudo de mercado, a SCC concluiu que nenhuma a cerveja não era uma bebida considerada às refeições. Qual era então o desafio? Enquanto o segmento das cervejas especiais representava apenas 2% do mercado, as marcas mainstream dominavam o mesmo em quase 90%. O aumento de sensibilidade ao preço e a diminuição no número de actividades realizadas fora de casa traduziam algumas das mudanças no comportamento do consumidor. Adicionalmente, 70-80% das decisões de compra eram tomadas dentro da loja. Diogo, um dos brand managers do departamento de Premium Beer & Specialties da SCC, perante um orçamento de marketing limitado, sabia quão importante era escolher o packaging correcto: entrar na distribuição moderna com garrafa solta ou 3-pack

    Corporate education: Driving aspects towards networked corporate university

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    This article aims to analyze the maturity evolution process of the stages of the corporate education system, listing the driving aspects of this process. To accomplish it, a qualitative research with a descriptive exploratory approach was carried out through an integrative review. The survey and systematic review were based on the analysis of existing scientific knowledge about "corporate education" and "evolution of the corporate education system". In the end, it is possible to list 25 driving factors for the evolution of the corporate education system to be considered by organizations that intend to reach the last stage of evolution, the Networked Corporate University (NCU), the most contemporary model proposed by the literature. In conclusion, this study brings theoretical contributions advancing on the existing theories and practices, as it can be considered that, when the Corporate Education System evolves towards the NCU stage, it will meet the context requirement that drives it to amplify the vision, beyond human capital, to social and relational capital

    Translocating the blood-brain barrier using electrostatics

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    Copyright © 2012 Ribeiro,Domingues, Freire,Santos and Castanho. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in other forums, provided the original authors and source are credited and subject to any copyright notices concerning any third-party graphics etc.Mammalian cell membranes regulate homeostasis, protein activity, and cell signaling. The charge at the membrane surface has been correlated with these key events. Although mammalian cells are known to be slightly anionic, quantitative information on the membrane charge and the importance of electrostatic interactions in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics remain elusive. Recently, we reported for the first time that brain endothelial cells (EC) are more negatively charged than human umbilical cord cells, using zeta-potential measurements by dynamic light scattering. Here, we hypothesize that anionicity is a key feature of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and contributes to select which compounds cross into the brain. For the sake of comparison, we also studied the membrane surface charge of blood components—red blood cells (RBC), platelets, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC).To further quantitatively correlate the negative zeta-potential values with membrane charge density, model membranes with different percentages of anionic lipids were also evaluated. From all the cells tested, brain cell membranes are the most anionic and those having their lipids mostly exposed, which explains why lipophilic cationic compounds are more prone to cross the blood-brain barrier.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia — Ministério da Educação e Ciência (FCT-MEC, Portugal) is acknowledged for funding (including fellowships SFRH/BD/42158/2007 to Marta M.B. Ribeiro, SFRH/BD/41750/2007 to Marco M. Domingues and SFRH/BD/70423/2010 to João M. Freire) and project PTDC/QUI-BIQ/119509/2010. Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (European Commission) is also acknowledged for funding (FP7-PEOPLE-2007-3-1-IAPP, Project 230654)

    La voz de las supervivientes mayores en el entorno rural: aproximación al fenómeno de la violencia de género

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    [Resumen] Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal explorar el fenómeno de la violencia de género que han experimentado un grupo de mujeres mayores de un entorno rural, profundizando en sus percepciones y vivencias de cara al mismo para tratar de descubrir los factores asociados a su aparición y mantenimiento. Está enfocado desde una metodología cualitativa, conformándose la muestra por dos supervivientes que acuden a una asociación enmarcada en un municipio de A Coruña.[Resumo] Este estudo ten como obxectivo principal explorar o fenómeno da violencia de xénero que experimentaron un grupo de mulleres maiores dun entorno rural, profundizando nas súas percepcións e vivencias de cara ó mismo para tratar de descubrir os factores asociados a súa aparición e mantemento. Está enfocado desde unha metodoloxía cualitativa, conformándose a mostra por dúas superviventes que acuden a unha asociación enmarcada nun municipio de A Coruña.[Abstract] This study´s main objective is to explore about the phenomenon of violence against women experienced by a group of older women from a rural environment, deepening in their perceptions and experiences towards the same to try to discover the factors associated with its appearance and maintenance. It´s focused from a qualitative methodology, conforming the sample by two survivors that go to an association framed in a municipality of A Coruña.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2016/201

    Taxa de crescimento e estado nutricional do cafeeiro em sistema de produção orgânico

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    Devido a baixa concentração de N nos fertilizantes orgânicos, são necessárias doses elevadas dessas fontes para suprir as exigências do cafeeiro. Por esta razão, o N é o nutriente mais limitante na cafeicultura orgânica. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar, em sistema orgânico de produção, a influência da Crotalaria juncea no crescimento e estado nutricional de cultivares de café, bem como quantificar o aporte de biomassa vegetal e de N via fixação biológica, além do efeito sobre as características químicas do solo. O experimento foi constituído por seis cultivares de café (Coffea arabica), cultivadas com e sem Crotalaria juncea. A crotalária foi semeada em novembro de 2001, e aos 76 dias foi podada a meia altura. Aos 175 dias, foi cortada e quantificada a biomassa vegetal, os teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e a abundância natural de 15N. O cultivo da crotalária proporcionou o aporte de 16 t ha-1 de matéria seca e a reciclagem de 444, 21, 241, 191 e 44 kg ha-1 de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, respectivamente. Os cultivares 'Obatã' e 'Catuaí Vermelho' apresentaram as maiores taxas de crescimento em altura, enquanto os cultivares 'Icatu' e 'Oeiras', as menores taxas. A fixação biológica de N proporcionou um aporte de N superior a 200 kg ha-1 de N, demonstrando ser uma alternativa para o produtor fertilizar os sistemas orgânicos com N. O cultivo da crotalária permitiu que o teor de N acumulado no tecido foliar dos cafeeiros se mantivesse igual após um ciclo da cultura, ao contrário do que foi observado nas parcelas não cultivadas com a leguminosa.In view of the low N concentration in organic fertilizers, it is necessary to use high rates of such fertilizers to attend coffee crop requirements. Hence, N is the most limiting nutrient for organic coffee production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) organic fertilization on the growth and nutritional status of coffee cultivars, as well as to quantify plant biomass and N input derived from biological nitrogen fixation, and their effect on soil chemical characteristics. The experiment consisted of six coffee (Coffea arabica) cultivars intercropped with and without sunn hemp sown in November 2001 and pruned at mid-height 76 days later. At 175 days, the standing biomass of the legume was cut, measuring dry mass, total N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and 15N natural abundance, resulting 16 t ha-1 of dry mass and the recycling of 444, 21, 241, 191, and 44 kg ha-1 of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, respectively. Cultivars 'Obatã' and 'Catuaí Vermelho' presented the highest growth rates in terms of plant height, while cultivars 'Icatu' and 'Oeiras' presented the lowest rates. Biological nitrogen fixation associated to the legume introduced more than 200 kg ha-1 of N, which is a demonstration that N fertilization in organic cropping systems is a valuable alternative. Intercropping lead to a constant coffee leaf N content during the entire cropping cycle, contrary to what was observed in plots grown without sunn hemp

    Otimização de uma unidade industrial de produção de dióxido de cloro

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    Mestrado em Engenharia QuímicaO dióxido de cloro é um oxidante seletivo com vasta aplicação industrial no branqueamento de pasta de celulose. A Celbi tem duas linhas de produção de dióxido de cloro, com uma capacidade nominal de 14 ton/dia cada, baseadas no processo de redução do clorato de sódio pelo peróxido de hidrogénio em meio ácido. Após a paragem anual para manutenção de Setembro 2012, começaram a ocorrer decomposições frequentes do ClO2 nos reatores que obrigaram a paragens das linhas. Para dar resposta aos objetivos de produção de pasta branqueada na Celbi para 2012 e 2013 tornou-se urgente efetuar uma otimização operacional desta unidade. O primeiro objetivo desta dissertação consistiu em realizar um diagnóstico à unidade de produção de dióxido de cloro para identificar as causas das decomposições do ClO2 na fase gasosa. O segundo objetivo consistiu em implementar as correções e manutenção necessárias para o seu funcionamento normal. O terceiro objetivo consistiu em otimizar a operação das duas linhas e efetuar balanços materiais para demonstrar a otimização do rendimento e do custo específico de produção do dióxido de cloro. Efetuou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre o estado da arte em tecnologias de produção de ClO2, com especial destaque para o processo HP-A existente na Celbi. Realizou-se um programa intensivo de controlo da qualidade das matérias-primas, visto terem sido alvo de suspeita de contaminações com matéria orgânica ou ferro capazes de decompor o ClO2 nos reatores. Concluiu-se que a alimentação dos reatores com soluções de clorato de sódio com concentrações acima de 720 g/L recristalizavam nas tubagens e originavam decomposições do ClO2 nos reatores devido, possivelmente, a concentrações elevadas localizadas. As decomposições na linha 1 estavam também relacionadas com arrastamento de partículas de ferrugem pelos difusores de ar e com a orientação do tubo injetor de ácido, que se encontrava muito próximo de um dos difusores de ar, provocando arrastamento de ácido sulfúrico concentrado para a fase gasosa e promovendo a decomposição do ClO2. Esta anomalia foi corrigida na paragem programada de Maio de 2013. A produção efetiva de 14 ton/dia foi atingida no mês de Fevereiro de 2013 na linha 2 e no mês de Maio na linha 1. Entre Dezembro de 2012 e Fevereiro de 2013 conseguiu-se aumentar o rendimento global das linhas de 90-92% para 96-97%, o que contribuiu para uma redução significativa do custo específico de produção do ClO2.Chlorine dioxide is a selective oxidizing agent with broad industrial application in pulp bleaching. Celbi has two production lines of chlorine dioxide based on the reduction of sodium chlorate with hydrogen peroxide in acidic medium. Each line has a nominal capacity of 14 tons/day. After the annual shutdown for maintenance in September 2012, frequent decompositions of ClO2 began to occur in the reactors, which forced the stops of both lines. To meet the production goals of bleached pulp for 2012 and 2013 at Celbi, it became urgent to implement an operational optimization program for this unit. The first goal of this thesis was the diagnosis of this unit to identify the causes of ClO2 decompositions in primary reactors. The second goal was the implementation of the necessary corrections and maintenance for its normal operation. The third goal was the operational optimization of both lines and the calculation of material balances to demonstrate the yield gain and the reduction of the ClO2 specific cost. A literature review was conducted on the state of the art technologies to produce ClO2, with special emphasis on the HP-A process that exists at Celbi. An intensive quality control study of raw materials was conducted, as they have been the prime suspect of iron or organic matter contamination that can cause ClO2 decomposition. It was concluded that feeding the reactors with sodium chlorate solutions with concentrations above 720 g/L causes recrystallization in the lines and produce ClO2 decompositions inside the reactor due to localized high concentrations. In line 1, decompositions were also associated with entrainment of rust particles in the air vents and the orientation of the acid injector, which was very close to one of the air diffusers at the bottom of the reactor, causing entrainment of concentrated sulfuric acid in the gas phase and promoting the decomposition of ClO2. This anomaly was corrected during the scheduled stop in May 2013. The effective production of 14 ton/day was reached in line 2 in February 2013 and in line 1 in May 2013. Between December 2012 and February 2013, the overall yield of the lines increased from 90-92% to 96-97%, which contributed to a significant reduction of the ClO2 specific cost

    Relatório de Estágio de Marta João Rebelo Freire

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    O presente relatório de estágio surge no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Educativa Supervisionada, inserida no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este documento resulta de todo o percurso de formação inicial nos contextos de Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, que permite a construção de um perfil duplo, que congrega a construção de conhecimentos sobre cada um dos níveis educativos. Este traduz-se nas aprendizagens realizadas ao longo do processo educativo, contribuindo para a construção de uma identidade enquanto profissional de perfil duplo, habilitado para a prática educativa nas duas valências. Este relatório apresenta a construção de uma identidade profissional investigativa, crítica e reflexiva através da articulação de uma sustentação teórica e prática em que se promove uma educação centrada na aprendizagem da criança e ainda na construção de saberes intrínsecos ao papel docente. É ainda abordado o contributo da Metodologia de Investigação-ação num processo incessante de observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão, permitindo a construção da futura docente que proporcione práticas educativas transformadoras com base no interesses, dificuldades e necessidades de cada criança. Assim, foi possível desenvolver diversas ações pedagógicas inovadoras que se apoiaram no paradigma socioconstrutivista em que se privilegia metodologias ativas. Em ambos os contextos educativos, optou-se pela Metodologia de trabalho por projeto, sustentadas na constante observação, comunicação e colaboração com o par pedagógico, as orientadoras cooperantes e as supervisoras institucionais em que se procurou ir ao encontro dos interesses, motivações, dificuldades, ritmos de aprendizagem e capacidades de cada criança.This internship report comes within the scope of the Supervised Educational Practice curricular unit, included in the study plan of the Master's in Pre-School Education and 1st Cycle of Basic Education. This document results from the entire course of initial training in the contexts of Pre-School Education and 1st Cycle of Basic Education, which allows the construction of a double profile, which brings together the construction of knowledge about each of the educational levels. This is reflected in the learning carried out throughout the educational process, contributing to the construction of an identity as a professional with a double profile, qualified for the educational practice in both abilities. This report presents the construction of an investigative, critical and reflective professional identity through the articulation of theoretical and practical support in which an education centered on children's learning is promoted and also on the construction of knowledge intrinsic to the teaching role. The contribution of the Action & Research Methodology in an incessant process of observation, planning, action, evaluation and reflection is also addressed, allowing the development of the future teacher who provides transformative educational practices based on the interests, difficulties and needs of each child. Thus, it was possible to develop several innovative pedagogical actions that were supported by the socio-constructivist paradigm in which active methodologies are privileged. In both educational contexts, the project work Methodology was chosen, based on constant observation, communication and collaboration with the pedagogical pair, the cooperating supervisors and institutional supervisors in which we sought to meet the interests, motivations, difficulties, learning rhythms and abilities of each child

    SHE-TIMELINE: rescatando a las pioneras (in)visibles de la tecnología

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    By reviewing the inauguration data of universities around the world, it is easy to see that access has been very different for men and women. Sometimes, this difference is a few decades but centuries in some cases between university inauguration data and when, for the first time, a woman in classroom. By checking about pioneer women in technology, when compared with first men in technology, the differences are much more remarkable. Currently, there are men and women in engineering, all over the world, but population data are still far from-peer percentages. From the data collected in a survey about the first women graduates in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts-Architecture, Math) an animated time line allow to visualize the location of these pioneers over time. With this exercise, it should be possible to visualize how inclusive or conservative our universities have been, when compared with its homonyms from all over the world. When everything is done, everything is still to be done…Al revisar los datos de inauguración de las universidades de todo el mundo, es fácil ver que el acceso ha sido muy diferente para hombres y mujeres. A veces, esta diferencia es, en muchas ocasiones, de algunas décadas, pero en algunos casos han pasado siglos entre la fecha de inauguración de la universidad y el momento en que, por primera vez, una mujer está en sus aulas. En cuanto a las pioneras de la tecnología, al compararlas con los primeros hombres de tecnología, las diferencias son mucho más notables. Actualmente, hay hombres y mujeres en ingeniería en todo el mundo, pero los datos de población aún están lejos de ser paritarios. A partir de los datos recopilados en una encuesta sobre las primeras mujeres graduadas en STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Diseño-Arquitectura y Matemáticas), una línea temporal animada permite visualizar la ubicación de estas pioneras a lo largo del tiempo. Con este ejercicio, debería ser posible visualizar qué tan inclusivas o conservadoras han sido nuestras universidades, en comparación con sus homónimas de todo el mundo. Cuando todo está hecho, todo está por hacer…Postprint (published version

    Impacto de las plataformas globales en la competencia mediática y los resultados de las empresas de comunicación europeas

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    The market value and capitalization of traditional media companies have dropped dramatically in the last five years. This is due to the evolution of digital platforms and the emergence of global communications mega-corporations that have since absorbed the distribution of new information and entertainment content. It is also a consequence of the aggregation of value-added services generated through incessant innovation. Communications mega-corporations, the GAFANs (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Netflix), and audiovisual and telecommunications platforms reached market capitalizations ranging from 56% to 170% in the last five years (2012-17) respectively, whilst those of traditional media did not exceed 75 percent. Asymmetries on competition regulations against traditional media and the political alarm ignited by the so-called fake news or scandals due to the mishandling of users data awakened the European states and the EU about the urgency of filling the legal gap existing around the development of such platforms, particularly in order to demand rules and responsibilities comparable to those that apply to editorial groupsLa cotización y capitalización de las empresas de medios tradicionales se ha hundido en los últimos cinco años ante la evolución de las plataformas digitales y la conformación de mega grupos globales de comunicación que absorben la distribución de los nuevos contenidos informativos y de entretenimiento, así como la agregación de los servicios de valor añadido generados a través de su incesante innovación. Los mega grupos de comunicación, los GAFAN (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple y Netflix), y las plataformas de audiovisual y telecomunicaciones lograron en los últimos cinco años (2012-17) capitalizaciones de entre el 560 y el 170% respectivamente, frente a las de los medios tradicionales, que no pasaron del 75 por ciento. La asimetría de la regulación de la competencia frente a los medios tradicionales y la alarma política provocada por las fake news o los escándalos del uso impropio de datos de los usuarios despertó a los estados europeos y a la propia UE sobre la urgencia de llenar el vacío legal sobre el desarrollo de las plataformas para exigirles reglas de juego y responsabilidades como a los grupos editorialesResults included in this article belong to the project “Indicators related to broadcasters governance, funding, accountability, innovation, quality and public service applicable to Spain in the digital context” (Reference CSO2o15-66543-P), which is part of the National Programme for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research, National Sub-Programme for Knowledge Generation launched by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, and co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Also, this article is partly based on the activity of the Communication Management International Research Network (REDES 2016 G-1641 XESCOM) supported by the Department of Culture, Education and University Planning of the Xunta de Galicia (reference ED341D R2016 / 019). Marta Rodriguez-Castro is a FPU researcher in the PhD Program of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of SantiagoS