189 research outputs found

    Supply chain business intelligence: model proposal and implementation to support the online sales supply chain end to end operation of a portuguese electronics retail company

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceIn today’s highly competitive business environment, the adoption of Supply Chain Management is seen as an advantage. It provides not only effective integration, but also cooperation within the supply chain. However, in order to achieve further integration, other practices are needed. With growing volumes of data, businesses are required to ensure its appropriate flow, integration and analysis. This project, named “Supply Chain Business Intelligence ‐ Model proposal and implementation to support the online sales supply chain end to end operation of a Portuguese electronics retail company” had as its main goal the development of a conceptual model of a Business Intelligence system to address the needs of an online sales supply chain end to end operation. The proposed model should not focus on a specific company. Instead, it should provide a solution for other similar problems. The project starts with the definition of the problem, objectives and methodology. It is then followed by the literature review, which consists of a thorough research to identify best practices and previous works in the literature that dealt with similar problems. The research focuses on three main topics: Supply Chain Management, Internet Retail Industry and Business Intelligence. A conceptual model is then developed, which consists of four main steps: definition of the overall requirements, metrics, data mart model and dashboards. For the data mart model, it is important to identify the business process, the appropriate granularity and respective dimensions and fact tables. It is then followed by a case study, which consists in the implementation of the model to solve Company X’s problem. As outputs of the project, both data mart and dashboards are considered, since they are part of the artifact needed to achieve the business requirements. Finally, a discussion and evaluation of the results is conducted. Even though the implementation part of the project presented some challenges, the final solution still showed improvements for Company X and proved to be appropriate for the provided business requirements. Limitations and possible aspects of improvements are presented in the last chapter of the project


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    Este artigo se propõe a refletir sobre a política de atenção ao usuário de álcool e outrasdrogas levando em conta a obra O Alienista de Machado de Assis e a história de LouisAlthusser, associando internação compulsória ao destino da impronúncia como umasentença definitiva, algo que encarcera o sujeito, sem ao menos dar-lhe o direito àresposta. Por vivermos dias de intenso encarceramento de usuários de drogas, quer sejadaqueles incluídos no art. 28 da Lei 11343, quer seja os incluídos em tratamentosfechados, prolongados e, por vezes, sem anuência do sujeito, sem que ao menos possafalar do seu ato, do que significa o seu enebriamento, é que este estudo se engendrará.Dessa forma, farei uma abordagem sobre a exclusão, em especial a exclusão que temrecaído sobre o usuário de drogas, em suas múltiplas vertentes: encarceramento, longasinternações, e mesmo a lógica do afastamento como forma de resolução à questão douso e abuso de substâncias psicoativas

    Trabajo de titulación previo a la obtención del Título de Ingeniera en Administración de Empresas y Negocios.

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    Este plan de negocios tiene como fin crear una empresa para la elaboración y comercialización de cigarrillos a base de valeriana con filtro de mora y menta en la ciudad de Ambato. La información fue recolectada de acuerdo a fuentes primarias y secundarias con el propósito de conocer los gustos y las necesidades que buscan los clientes mediante lo cual propone sustituir los cigarrillos que contienen ingredientes perjudiciales para la salud, en vista de que existe un alto índice de consumidores fumadores compulsivos con síntomas de ansiedad y nerviosismo. El proyecto está conformado por un esquema que detalla el área de marketing, para determinar la oferta y demanda del producto. Posteriormente se incursiono en el área de producción, en la cual se da a conocer los ingredientes que posee el producto, su diferenciación, frente a otro producto similar que no posee componentes naturales. En tercer término, se da a conocer comoestará estructurado el proyecto y su forma administrativa, con el objeto de buscar su eficiencia. Además, se determina toda el área legal y jurídica que compete a este tipo de proyectos y finalmente se realizara la evaluación financiera para determinar suviabilidad


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    The continuous process toward agriculture is the main reason of the substitution and even disappearance of the ovine cattle of the province. The internal market is barely developed and strongly seasonal. The objective of this work is to characterize the chain of ovine meat of the province of Cordoba. The used data come from primary information: surveys and interviews to described informants, and of secondary information. Even though, the ovine production net has a complementary character of other cattle activities and agricultural, the present and potential demand of the lamb meat follows in increase. This study also has detected important restrictions for the integral development of the chain, the most notable aim to the tax burden, the sanitary problems and the commercial informality. The National Ovine Law had important impacts on primary production but the commercialization by informal channels could not be reverted. The industry appears like the main receiver of the final value of the product. The preliminary results pretend the definition of policies that promote the join work of public and private sectors to assure the development of the ovine sector seeking the opportunities that this market offers.Diagnosis, Ovine meat chain, Cordoba-Argentina, FODA., Agribusiness,

    Síntomas de estrés, niveles de salud mental y felicidad de los funcionarios de la Universidad de Talca durante el período de paro y toma estudiantil 2011

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    73 p.El propósito del estudio es identificar síntomas de estrés, niveles de salud mental y felicidad experimentados durante el período de paro-toma estudiantil del año 2011, por los funcionarios de la Universidad de Talca, de acuerdo a variables socio-demográficas y condiciones laborales.Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia a académicos y administrativos,constituyéndose una muestra de 163 participantes, 92 (56,4%) hombres y 71 (43,6%) mujeres.De ellos, 48 (29,4%) son administrativos, 96 (58,9%) académicos y 19 (11,7%) académicos que cumplen funciones de gestión. Se les aplicó dos instrumentos consignados en una encuesta de Calidad de Vida Laboral Universitaria, confeccionada por Moyano Díaz (2010) para el efecto: la escala de Felicidad de Lyubormirsky & Lepper y el cuestionario de salud general de Goldberg (GHQ12), controlándose algunas variables socio-demográficas. Los resultados para la muestra total de funcionarios indican que los síntomas de estrés y los niveles salud mental habituales no se vieron alterados producto de la toma estudiantil, aunque sí la felicidad reportada es significativamente baja. Asimismo, al considerar el tipo de contrato, el acceso de los funcionarios a sus lugares habituales de trabajo y el sexo, se observan alteraciones en los síntomas de estrés, los niveles de salud mental y felicidad de los evaluados. Estos resultados sugieren adoptar medidas ante situaciones similares, comenzando por la prevención a través del conocimiento de los efectos producidos sobre las variables mencionadas, además de la entrega de información oportuna, respecto a aspectos laborales de interés para los involucrados, mientras el fenómeno se esté produciendo. Palabras clave: Paro, toma, salud mental, bienestar subjetivo y felicidad

    Diseño De Un Sistema De Gestión Integral Para El Manejo De Residuos Sólidos En El Mercado “La Merced”

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    An integral management system was designed to handle solid waste from “La Merced” market in the city of Riobamba. For this purpose, a causeeffect relationship was established and an environmental diagnosis (base line) was made to know where the problem arose due to the mishandling of the solid waste. A random sampling was applied, which allowed it to know how many sample should be studied. The information was gathered in a seven day sampling period, March 16 -22 of 2015. The identification, characterization and quantification of the solid waste along with the identification of negative environmental impacts were carried out in order to pose alternative proposals for the integral management of the solid waste generated at this market. The results obtained showed an impact of moderate level (55%) with a mean of 550,38 kg/day. Profitable organic material was identified (85% plastic, 7% paper, 1% cardboard and 2% of other residuals). The calculated per capita production (PCP) was 0,18 kg/inhabitant/day. It is concluded that with the implementation of this research some of the environmental problems caused by the mishandling of the waste will diminish. It is recommended that the “Manual of Integral Management of Solid Waste” be implemented in “la Merced” market, which will contribute to pose solutions that help to improve the quality of life of the population, promoting an ecologically proper management of the waste, from its generation to its final disposal

    Influência Da Massa Corporal Na Frequência De Linfedema E Outras Complicações Depois De Cirurgia Para Câncer De Mama

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    This study assessed the influence of pre-operative body mass index (BMI) has upon lymphedema, scar tissue adhesion, pain, and heaviness in the upper limb at two years after surgery for breast cancer. Methods: retrospective analysis of 631 medical records of women who underwent surgery for breast cancer and were referred to the Physiotherapy Program at Prof. Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti Women's Hospital of the Center for Integral Women's Health Care, CAISM/UNICAMP between January 2006 and December 2007. Results: mean age of women was 56.5 years (±13.7 years) and the most part (55%) were overweight or obese, surgical stages II and III were present in 63% of women studied. Radical mastectomy was the most frequent surgery (54.4%), followed by quadrantectomy (32.1%). In the first year after surgery, there was no significant association between BMI categories and incidence of scar tissue adhesion, pain, heaviness and lymphedema. In the second year, overweight and obese women had higher rates of heaviness in the upper limb and lymphedema. For lymphedema, there was a significant difference among BMI categories (p=0.0268). Obese women are 3.6 times more likely to develop lymphedema in the second year after surgery (odds ratio 3.61 95% CI 1.36 to 9.41). Conclusion: BMI ≥25kg/m2 prior to treatment for breast cancer can be considered a risk factor for developing lymphedema in the two years after surgery. There was no association between BMI and the development of other complications.231849

    Elaboración y aplicación de un manual para prevenir el maltrato infantil por parte de los padres de familia bajo el efecto del alcohol hacia los niños del séptimo año de educación básica de la escuela “Indomamérica” del cantón Saquisilí, durante el año lectivo 2010 - 2011.

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    El maltrato infantil es un fenómeno que surge con el hombre, por lo que es tan antiguo como la humidad, no se presenta de forma aislada, sino que involucra una gran variedad de factores biopsicosociales. El maltrato infantil de los alumnos de séptimo año de educación básica de la escuela “Indoamérica” del cantón Saquisilí por parte de los padres de familia cuando consumen alcohol, motivo a la presente, con el objetivo de erradicar la ingesta de alcohol en los padres de familia y elevar el rendimiento de los estudiantes, la metodología que se empleo fue la utilización de cuestionarios, encuestas, a través de las técnicas de observación, para saber como se lleva el proceso del inter-aprendizaje. El trabajo de investigación aportó al esclarecimiento de los contenidos teóricos y científicos para erradicar la violencia infantil por la frecuente ingesta de alcohol, con lo que se pueden mejorar el rendimiento y la calidad de vida de los alumnos, se propuso un manual dirigido a los padres de familia del séptimo año de educación básica para concientizar y erradicar la violencia infantil con dichos contenidos científicos

    Influencia del índice de masa corporal en la frecuencia de linfedema y otras complicaciones después de la cirugía para el cáncer de mama

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    Objective: this study assessed the influence of pre-operative body mass index (BMI) has upon lymphedema, scar tissue adhesion, pain, and heaviness in the upper limb at two years after surgery for breast cancer. Methods: retrospective analysis of 631 medical records of women who underwent surgery for breast cancer and were referred to the Physiotherapy Program at Prof. Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti Women's Hospital of the Center for Integral Women's Health Care, CAISM/UNICAMP between January 2006 and December 2007. Results: mean age of women was 56.5 years (±13.7 years) and the most part (55%) were overweight or obese, surgical stages II and III were present in 63% of women studied. Radical mastectomy was the most frequent surgery (54.4%), followed by quadrantectomy (32.1%). In the first year after surgery, there was no significant association between BMI categories and incidence of scar tissue adhesion, pain, heaviness and lymphedema. In the second year, overweight and obese women had higher rates of heaviness in the upper limb and lymphedema. For lymphedema, there was a significant difference among BMI categories (p=0.0268). Obese women are 3.6 times more likely to develop lymphedema in the second year after surgery (odds ratio 3.61 95% CI 1.36 to 9.41). Conclusion: BMI ?25kg/m2 prior to treatment for breast cancer can be considered a risk factor for developing lymphedema in the two years after surgery. There was no association between BMI and the development of other complications.Avaliou-se a influência do índice de massa corporal (IMC) pré-operatória na ocorrência de linfedema, aderência cicatricial, dor e peso no membro superior nos primeiros dois anos após cirurgia para câncer de mama. O estudo é uma análise retrospectiva, secundária de 631 prontuários de mulheres submetidas à cirurgia para câncer de mama e encaminhadas ao Programa de Fisioterapia do Hospital Professor Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, CAISM /UNICAMP, entre janeiro de 2006 e dezembro de 2007. Eram mulheres com idade média de 56,5 anos (±13,7 anos), a maioria (55%) com sobrepeso ou obesa. Os estádios clínicos II e III foram encontrados em 63% das mulheres. Mastectomia radical foi a cirurgia mais frequente (54,4%), seguida por quadrantectomia (32,1%). No primeiro ano após a cirurgia não houve associação significativa entre as categorias do índice de massa corporal e incidência de aderência cicatricial, dor, peso e linfedema. No segundo ano, mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade apresentaram maiores taxas de peso no membro superior e linfedema. Para linfedema houve diferença significativa entre as categorias de índice de massa corporal (p=0,0268). Mulheres obesas têm 3,6 vezes mais chance de desenvolver linfedema no segundo ano após a cirurgia (odds ratio 3,61 95% IC 1,36-9,41). Concluiu-se que IMC ?25kg/m2 anterior ao tratamento para câncer de mama pode ser considerado fator de risco para desenvolvimento do linfedema dois anos após a cirurgia. Não houve associação entre IMC e outras complicações.231849

    Intensidade de uso de crack de acordo com a classe econômica de usuários internados na cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil

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    OBJETIVOS: Investigar se há associação entre intensidade e frequência de uso de crack e o nível econômico de dependentes da droga e verificar se há relação entre classe econômica e intensidade e frequência de uso de crack em homens adultos em internação psiquiátrica. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal quantitativo. Instrumentos: entrevista estruturada, Critérios de Classificação Econômica Brasil e Miniexame do Estado Mental. Tratamento estatístico: análises descritivas e inferenciais (testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis - nível de significância de 5%). RESULTADOS: Duzentos e vinte e um participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: (1) Grupo de maior nível econômico (classes A e B) e (2) Grupo de menor nível econômico (Classes C, D e E). Não houve diferença significativa (p = 0,893 - teste de Mann-Whitney) entre os grupos quanto à intensidade e à frequência de uso de crack. Também não houve relação significativa (p = 0,549 - teste de Kruskal-Wallis) entre classe econômica (A, B, C, D e E) e intensidade e frequência de uso de crack. CONCLUSÃO: Os dependentes de crack de maior e de menor poder aquisitivo não diferiram de forma significativa com relação à intensidade e à frequência de uso da droga. Não houve relação entre classe econômica e intensidade e frequência de uso de crack nesta amostra