8 research outputs found

    Impact of Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease on Cardiovascular Outcomes and Platelet P2Y(12) Receptor Antagonist Effects in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes : Insights From the PLATO Trial

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    Background-There are limited data on how the combination of diabetes mellitus (DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects cardiovascular outcomes as well as response to different P2Y(12) receptor antagonists, which represented the aim of the present investigation. Methods and Results-In this post hoc analysis of the PLATO (Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes) trial, which randomized acute coronary syndrome patients to ticagrelor versus clopidogrel, patients (n=15 108) with available DM and CKD status were classified into 4 groups: DM+/CKD+ (n=1058), DM+/CKD- (n=2748), DM-/CKD+ (n=2160), and DM-/CKD- (n=9142). The primary efficacy end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke at 12 months. The primary safety end point was PLATO major bleeding. DM+/CKD+ patients had a higher incidence of the primary end point compared with DM-/CKD- patients (23.3% versus 7.1%; adjusted hazard ratio 2.22; 95% CI 1.88-2.63; P Conclusions-In acute coronary syndrome patients, a gradient of risk was observed according to the presence or absence of DM and CKD, with patients having both risk factors at the highest risk. Although the ischemic benefit of ticagrelor over clopidogrel was consistent in all subgroups, the absolute risk reduction was greatest in patients with both DM and CKD.Peer reviewe

    A literature study about information in clinical trials

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    Alla nya lÀkemedel som tas fram mÄste prövas pÄ mÀnniskor. Dessa kliniska lÀkemedelsprövningar sker efter vissa kriterier enligt en lagstyrd process för att uppfylla myndigheternas krav. Innan nÄgon studiespecifik ÄtgÀrd utförs mÄste patienten dvs. försökspersonen fÄ relevant information samt underteckna informerat samtycke. Detta Àr en process och innebÀr att den som tillfrÄgas att delta i forskning skall informeras om den övergripande planen för forskningen, syftet med forskningen, de metoder som kommer att anvÀndas, de konsekvenser och ev. risker och fördelar forskningen kan innebÀra, vem som Àr ansvarig samt patientens rÀtt att nÀr som helt avbryta sin medverkan. Uppsatsen Àr en litteraturstudie med syfte att belysa den information, bÄde den muntliga och skriftliga, som ges och tas emot inför stÀllningstagandet om att delta i en klinisk lÀkemedelsprövning. Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visar att det Àr mÄnga faktorer som spelar in innan patienten ger sitt samtycke att delta. Att tÀnka pÄ att lÀgga lÀsbarhetsgraden pÄ en acceptabel nivÄ sÄ att alla kan lÀsa och förstÄ vad informationen innebÀr anses vara av stor vikt. Ibland kan texten vara pÄ en för akademisk nivÄ för en lekman att förstÄ. De patienter som hade minimala eller kraftiga symptom av sin sjukdom var mindre benÀgna att vilja delta i lÀkemedelsprövningar. Om patienten Àr nöjd respektive missnöjd med den behandling som han fÄr för tillfÀllet spelar ocksÄ roll. FörhÄllandet till lÀkaren kan ha betydelse vid förfrÄgan om att delta. LÀkaren har en potentiellt kraftfull roll som kan pÄverka stÀllningstagandet. Flera författare önskar att relevant studiepersonal skall bli mer involverade i prövningsprocessen för att ta till vara patientens intressen och se till att myndigheternas krav gÀllande informationsprocessen följs

    Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes.

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    BACKGROUND: Ticagrelor is an oral, reversible, direct-acting inhibitor of the adenosine diphosphate receptor P2Y12 that has a more rapid onset and more pronounced platelet inhibition than clopidogrel. METHODS: In this multicenter, double-blind, randomized trial, we compared ticagrelor (180-mg loading dose, 90 mg twice daily thereafter) and clopidogrel (300-to-600-mg loading dose, 75 mg daily thereafter) for the prevention of cardiovascular events in 18,624 patients admitted to the hospital with an acute coronary syndrome, with or without ST-segment elevation. RESULTS: At 12 months, the primary end point--a composite of death from vascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke--had occurred in 9.8% of patients receiving ticagrelor as compared with 11.7% of those receivin

    Rebuilding research capacity in fragile states : The case of a Somali–Swedish global health initiative

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    This paper presents an initiative to revive the previous Somali–Swedish Research Cooperation, which started in 1981 and was cut short by the civil war in Somalia. A programme focusing on research capacity building in the health sector is currently underway through the work of an alliance of three partner groups: six new Somali universities, five Swedish universities, and Somali diaspora professionals. Somali ownership is key to the sustainability of the programme, as is close collaboration with Somali health ministries. The programme aims to develop a model for working collaboratively across regions and cultural barriers within fragile states, with the goal of creating hope and energy. It is based on the conviction that health research has a key role in rebuilding national health services and trusted institutions