763 research outputs found


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    This dissertation concerns the dialogical encounters that take place between social workcr and client within the social services. The empirical material consists of 21 dialogues, 19 of which wcre recorded at two social welfare offices, one located in the center of Stockholm and the other in a suburb, and two which were recorded at the youth counseling office. In all, the material comprises 5150 individual utterances. In the literature, the type of dialogical cncounters studicd is called "institutional discourse". The theoretical approach in the analysis is based on an interactionist perspective, particularly with respect to dialogical analysis of verbal encounters. The aim of thc study is to analyse the dialogue between social worker and client from three points of de parture: participallt structure, topic, and inherent perspectives. In studying the discourse, the ini tiative-response (IR-) method of analysis was applied. The IR-method focuses on the dynamics of the dialogue, its pattern of dominance and its coherence. The results show that the social worker was interactively dominant in about two-thirds of the dialogues studied, but this dominance was most forcefully evident with respect to soliciting inititatives. With respect to content, the study concerns how the topical structure of the dialogue is constructed, i.e. which topics are taken up in the discourse and which of the parties steers the transition between topics. In the case of transitions to a topic defined as the main issue of the dialogue, it was the social worker who, in four-fifths of the cases, strategically steered the course of the dialogue. The perspective analysis undertaken in the study is concerned with investigating how different topics are treated in the dialogues, i.e. which of the parties "establishes" the perspectives and which "submits" to them . This analysis, made on a selection of seven of the 21 dialogical encounters, shows that it was the social worker who, in about two-thirds of thc cases, established by means of various interactive moves a bureaucratic or social welfare perspective on thc main topic sequences. Lastly, discursive dominance and power are discussed in the light of the prececling analyses

    Children As Eyewitnesses : Memory recall and face recognition

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    Through centuries, witnesses to crimes have played an important role for the police to get a conviction of the culprit. This dissertation examined how accurate children are as witnesses of events and when participating in lineups. In Study 1, participants were tested with free recall and focussed questions. Children aged 8-9 years, 11-12 years and adults in two experiments witnessed film events with forensic relevance. The results showed that the children in a free recall report can be as accurate as adults and as realistic in their confidence judgments of the correctness of their memories as adults. In Study 2, children, 10-11 years old and adults participated in sequential lineups arranged according to the Swedish Police instructions in experiment 1 and compared with elimination lineup in experiment 2. A staged crime video was used followed by lineups one week later. The results indicated that elimination lineups according to the Swedish National Police Board instructions is advantageous for children but make the task more difficult for adults. Compared to experiment 1 with sequential method the children had increased correct identifications in target-present lineup and decreased false identifications in target-absent lineup. Study 3 investigated if self-perception and self-doubt correlates with accuracy and confidence. The result indicated was that at least in target-absent lineup one must be careful to relay on a child witness with strong self-confidence. The results of this dissertation indicate, that given the appropriate types of questions and forms of questioning children can be fairly trustworthy witnesses, sometimes at the level of adults. Participating in a lineup the children performed at a level comparable to adults when the target was in the lineup. With target-absent lineup, children made more false identifications than adults. Target-absent lineups, with children, also had negative correlations to accuracy

    Ground Source Heat Pumps vs. Conventional HVAC: A Comparison of Economic and Environmental Costs

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    The world is undergoing a dramatic transformation with regard to how it produces and consumes energy due to increasing demand from developing nations and diminishing new resource discoveries. In addition, there has been increased concern over the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment. All of these issues have created a combined pressure to force the world to begin to redefine how energy is utilized. Geothermal or ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) may provide one potential solution to these problems. This research investigated vertical borehole closed-loop GSHP systems in direct comparison to natural gas furnaces combined with traditional air-conditioning (NGAC) for 51 locations in the United States. The study utilized Trane Trace 700, Geothermal Loop Design, and Building Life-Cycle Cost 5 software packages for analysis. Although the installation costs for GSHP systems were 257% higher than NGAC systems, the operating costs were 33% lower. The mean simple and discounted payback periods for the GSHP system were 10 and 15 years, respectively. Carbon dioxide emissions were found to be 2.2% higher for the GSHP systems due to their use of coal-fired electricity in most locations. The overall life-cycle cost was 19.0% lower when selecting the GSHP system over the NGAC system

    Standart Türk Dilinin Yumuşaklığı ve Ahenkliliği

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    Özet: Standart Türk dilinin yumuşaklığı birinci derecede seslerin yapısına bağlıdır, fakat ahenkliliği Türkçenin ses uyumlarına bağlıdır. Bunlar, Türkçenin melodi gibi hissedilmesine etken olmuşlardır. Türkçede büyük vokal uyumu, küçük vokal uyumu, konsonant uyumu ve vokal-konsonant uyumu vardır. Türk dilinde her şey uyum içindedir. Vokaller ilk önce aralarında uyum sağlarlar, sonra konsonantlar aralarında uyum kurarlar, sonunda vokaller ve konsonantlar. Bestede notalar belirli kurallara göre sıralandığı gibi, Türkçede de sesler, bu ses uyumu kurallarına göre sıralanırlar. Biz, tebliğimizde dilci olarak, Türkçenin yumuşaklığını ve ahenkliliğini aydınlatmak ve bu konuda 1928 yılında kabul edilen yeni alfabenin ve ses uyumlarının rölünü göstermek istedik. Anahtar kelimeler: vokaller, sonantlar, konsonantlar, ses uyumları, ahenk, Türkçe ahenk

    Att vara tvåspråkig. En undersökning om elevers attityd till sin tvåspråkighet

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    Syfte och metod Syftet med uppsatsen är att presentera en undersökning om tvåspråkiga elevers syn på den egna tvåspråkigheten. De övergripande frågorna som vi söker svar på är: Vilka attityder har tvåspråkiga elever till sin egen tvåspråkig- het? Spelar skolan någon roll för tvåspråkiga elevers attityd gentemot den egna tvåspråkigheten? Vilka för- och nackdelar upplever de? Vilket språk anser de att de behärskar bäst? För att undersöka detta har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av samtalsintervjuer med tio tvåspråkiga informanter från en heterogen respektive homogen skola. Med homogen skola avse vi en skola där procenten elever med ett annat modersmål än svenska är ungefär 10 %. Med heterogen skolan menar vi en skola där mängden elever med annat modersmål är betydligt större. Resultat Undersökningen visar att samtliga tvåspråkiga informanter har ett positivt förhållningssätt till sin tvåspråkighet. Det framgår även att informanternas syn på sina olika språk och kulturer är oberoende av skola. Däremot visar vår undersökning en skillnad i de positiva attityderna mellan informanterna från den homogena skolan och in- formanterna från den heterogena. Informanterna från den homogena skolan anser att det är bra att kunna språk för att få en möjlighet att kommunicera med omvärlden medan informanterna från den heterogena skolan lyfter fram en stolthet över sitt ursprung. Resultatet visar att samtliga informanter anser att tvåspråkighet och att vara tvåspråkig är något positivt men de upplever även nackdelar. Nackdelarna förekommer i mötet med omvärlden och då informanterna växlar mellan sina språk. Studien visar även att 9 av 10 informanter anser sig behärska det svenska språket bättre än sitt modersmål. Läraryrket I skolans uppdrag och värdegrund framgår det att den ökande globaliserings- och internationaliseringsprocessen ställer höga krav på människans kunskap och förståelse för den kulturella mångfalden vilket befrämjar en trygg identitetsutveckling. Skolan har en viktig roll i utvecklandet av förståelse för den kulturella mångfalden och ska agera som en social och kulturell arena för möten mellan människor. För att skapa förutsättningar för ett mång- kulturellt lärande anser vi det vara viktigt att titta på tvåspråkighet ur ett elevperspekti

    Evaluation of in vitro methods to determine the digestibility of amino acids in rumen undegraded corn silage

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    Intestinal and total tract digestibility of crude protein (CP) and amino acids in rumen undegraded protein (RUP-AA) in 5 corn silage hybrids were measured using the mobile bag technique (MBT). Two in vitro methods, the modified three-step procedure (TSP) and an in vitro procedure (IVP) developed by Sapienza Analytica, LLC (Slater, IA), were further evaluated to determine digestibility of RUP-AA in corn silage. Intestinal digestibility of RUP-AA in corn silage varied from 24 to 59%, indicating differences in intestinal digestibility among AA. The TSP and IVP tended to under predict RUP-AA digestibility compared with the MBT. Consequently relationships between the in vitro methods and the MBT for RUP-AA digestibility were poor. The TSP and IVP tended to be better predictors of total tract digestibility compared with the MBT. These results suggest the TSP and IVP are accurate in vitro methods to estimate total tract digestibility of CP and AA

    Розробка програмного забезпечення для оцінки та зміни параметрів якості растрових зображень

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    The developed software based on open systems and software is available for operating systems Linux and Windows. It is planned to develop for Android. The application uses assesses the quality bitmaps quantitative indicators. Quality of image is formed on the basis of the calculation and adjustment of brightness, contrast, contrast, tone, contrast, saturation, brightness and tone. Experimental results are shown as histograms. A convolution method to change the color characteristics of the pixels is presented

    Working Toward More Engaged And Successful Accounting Students: A Balanced Scorecard Approach

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    Prior research indicates that student engagement is the key to student success, as measured by college grades, degree completion, and graduate school enrollment.  We propose a set of goals and objectives for accounting students, in particular, to help them become engaged not only in the educational process, but also in the accounting profession.  Utilizing a balanced scorecard framework, we categorize these goals into three main perspectives: Learning and Growth, Student Professional Development, and Employer/Graduate School.  The proposed goals are related to each other, suggesting that accounting students recognize the wide reach of their experiences.  If students are able to see that their successful completion of coursework can lead to successful interactions with business professionals (i.e. potential employers), they will be more likely to work hard in their endeavors – in other words, they will be more engaged in the broader educational experience.  If they are more engaged in their educational experiences, they will be more likely to succeed


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    Saat ini pengering cengkeh masih menggunakan sistem manual yang mengandalkan sinar matahari waktu musim kemarau selama 4 hingga 5 hari dengan rata-rata waktu jemur antara 8 hingga 10 jam untuk setiap harinya (Angraini & Gani, 2017). Kendala lama proses pengeringan cengkeh saat musim hujan yang bergantung pada sinar matahari. Pengeringan cengkeh yang mengandalkan sinar matahari dapat dilakukan hanya waktu siang hari saat malam hari pengeringan cengkeh tidak dapat dilakukan. Masalah yang dihadapi produksi cengkeh yang semakin tingginya permintaan cengkeh kering seiringnya perkembangan industri rokok kretek di Indonesia produksi cengkeh membutuhkan alat pengering yang bisa melakukan proses pengeringan cengkeh tanpa perlu menggunakan sinar matahari agar bisa di lakukan kapanpun tanpa perlu mengandalkan sinar matahari. Alat pengering cengkeh menggunakan mikrokontroler NodeMCU ESP8266 dan terintegrasi dengan aplikasi android. Aplikasi android digunakan untuk mengontrol alat pengering cengkeh

    Maskuliinisuuden sekä Esterin arvojen ja asenteiden tarkastelua Esterin kirjassa

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    Tutkimuksen kohteena on Esterin kirja ja kirjasta valittujen henkilöiden maskuliinisuus ja jonkin verran feminiinisyys. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten maskuliinisuus tulee ilmi Esterin ja kirjan muiden henkilöiden toiminnassa ja retoriikassa. Maskuliinisuuden lisäksi tarkastelen Esterin käytöksen ja viestinnän takana vaikuttavia arvoja ja asenteita. Esterin käärö eli Megilla kuuluu varhaiseen juutalaiseen kirjallisuuden lajiin. Esterin kirjan tapahtumat sijoittuvat Persiaan ja ajoittuvat 400-luvulle eKr. Esterin kirja kertoo juutalaisista ja koko kansaa uhkaavasta tuhosta, minkä estämisessä kuningatar Esterillä on keskeinen rooli. Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani seuraavien henkilöiden diskursseja ja toimintaa: kuningatar Ester, kuningas Ahasveros, juutalainen Mordokai ja juutalaisten vainooja Haaman (hoviherra Memukan) sekä syrjäytetty kuningatar Vasti. Esterin kirjassa on useita eri teemoja, kuten sukupuolinäkemykset, kunnia ja häpeä, viha ja rakkaus, valta ja alamaisuus, maskuliinisuus ja feminiinisyys. Yksi keskeinen teema Esterin kirjassa on miehen ja naisen yhteys ja tasapaino, minkä olen tuonut uutena näkökulmana maskuliinisuustutkimukseen. Maskuliini ja feminiini tulisi toimia yhdessä, niin miehessä kuin naisessa kuin avioliitossa ja yhteisössä. Ester ja Mordokai pääsivät tavoitteeseensa toimiessaan yhdessä, samoin Ester ja Ahasveros, toisin kuin Vasti ja Ahasveros. Hegemonista maskuliinisuutta ilmeni jossain määrin kaikilla tutkimillani henkilöillä. Hegemoninen maskuliinisuus voidaan ajatella hallitsevana ja ei-hegemoninen maskuliinisuus alisteisena ja alamaisuuden valitsevana. Maskuliinisuus ja feminiinisyys eivät ole kilpailevia ominaisuuksia, vaan toisiaan täydentäviä. Ester toimi hegemonisesta maskuliinisuudesta käsin tuhon estämisessä ja alamaisiinsa nähden, mutta hän oli ei-hegemonisessa maskuliinisessa suhteessa Ahasverokseen ja Mordokaihin nähden. Esterin toiminnan taustalla oli Persian aikakauden mukainen yleinen normi vaimojen alamaisuudesta aviomiehilleen. Esterin merkittävimpinä arvoina nousi esille rohkeus, viisaus ja hurskaus ja hänen asenteinaan kunnioitus, nöyryys ja toisten neuvojen huomioon ottaminen