897 research outputs found

    Polaron Dissociation at the Insulator-to-Metal Transition

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    Considering the long range Coulomb interactions between large polarons in dielectrics, we propose a model for their crystallization when no bipolarons are formed. As the density increases, the melting is examined at T=OKT=OK. One possibility is the delocalization towards a liquid state of polarons. However, we show that this cannot happen if the electron-phonon coupling is larger than some critical value. The other competing mechanism is the dissociation of the polarons themselves, favored owing to their large mass at strong coupling. Finally, we propose a phase diagram for the insulator-to metal transition as a function of the density and electron-phonon coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published Mod. Phys. Lett. B; added 1 figure, references and minor change

    Is the Quantum Melting of a Polaron Wigner Crystal an Insulator-to-Superconductor transition ?

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    On examining the stability of a Wigner Crystal (WC) in an ionic dielectric, two competitive effects due to Polaron formation are found to be important: (i) the screening of the Coulomb forces which destabilizes the crystal, compensated by (ii) the increase of the carrier mass (polaron mass). The quantum melting of the Polaron Wigner Crystal (PWC) is examined. By calculating the quantum fluctuations of both the electrons and the polarization, we show that there is a competition between the dissociation of the Polarons at the insulator-to-metal transition (IMT), and a melting towards a polaron liquid. We find that at strong coupling (α>α\alpha > \alpha^*), a liquid state of polarons cannot exist, and the IMT is driven by polaron dissociation. Next, we show that the dipolar interactions between localized polarons are responsible for a phonon instability of the PWC as the density increases. This provides a new mechanism for the IMT in doped dielectrics. Examining the sign of the dielectric constant of the PWC, we conjecture that such an instability could yield an Insulator-to-Superconductor transition.Comment: 4 Pages, 2 Figures included, Int. Conf. M2S-HTSC-VI (Houston 2000) to be published in Physica

    On the stability of hole crystals in layered cuprates

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    Recent STM measurements have revealed the existence of periodic charge modulations at the surface of certain cuprate superconductors. Here we show that the observed patterns are compatible with the formation of a three-dimensional crystal of doped holes, with space correlations extending between different Cu-O layers. This puts severe constraints on the dynamical stability of the crystallised hole structure, resulting in a close relationship between the periodicity of the electronic modulation and the interlayer distance.Comment: completed reference list, fig. 3 corrected; accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J. B, Rapid Note

    Bose-Fermi mixtures in the molecular limit

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    We consider a Bose-Fermi mixture in the molecular limit of the attractive interaction between fermions and bosons. For a boson density smaller or equal to the fermion density, we show analytically how a T-matrix approach for the constituent bosons and fermions recovers the expected physical limit of a Fermi-Fermi mixture of molecules and atoms. In this limit, we derive simple expressions for the self-energies, the momentum distribution function, and the chemical potentials. By extending these equations to a trapped system, we determine how to tailor the experimental parameters of a Bose-Fermi mixture in order to enhance the 'indirect Pauli exclusion effect' on the boson momentum distribution function. For the homogeneous system, we present finally a Diffusion Monte Carlo simulation which confirms the occurrence of such a peculiar effect.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; final versio

    Polaron Crystallization and Melting: Effects of the Long-Range Coulomb Forces

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    On examining the stability of a Wigner crystal in an ionic dielectric, two competitive effects due to the polaron formation are found to be important: (i) the screening of the Coulomb force, which destabilizes the crystal, compensated by (ii) the increase of the carrier mass (polaron mass). The competition between the two effects is carefully studied, and the quantum melting of the polaronic Wigner crystal is examined by varying the density at zero temperature. By calculating the quantum fluctuations of both the electron and the polarization, we show that there is a competition between the dissociation of the polarons at the insulator-to-metal transition (IMT), and a melting towards a polaron liquid. We find that at strong coupling, a liquid state of dielectric polarons cannot exist, and the IMT is driven by the polaron dissociation. Next, taking into account the dipolar interactions between localized carriers, we show that these are responsible for an instability of the transverse vibrational modes of the polaronic Wigner crystal as the density increases. This provides a new mechanism for the IMT in doped dielectrics, which yields interesting dielectric properties below and beyond the transition. An optical signature of such a mechanism for the IMT is provided.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    Quantum Monte Carlo Study of a Resonant Bose-Fermi Mixture

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    We study a resonant Bose-Fermi mixture at zero temperature by using the fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo method. We explore the system from weak to strong boson-fermion interaction, for different concentrations of the bosons relative to the fermion component. We focus on the case where the boson density nBn_B is smaller than the fermion density nFn_F, for which a first-order quantum phase transition is found from a state with condensed bosons immersed in a Fermi sea, to a Fermi-Fermi mixture of composite fermions and unpaired fermions. We obtain the equation of state and the phase diagram, and we find that the region of phase separation shrinks to zero for vanishing nBn_B.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Quantized form factor shift in the presence of free electron laser radiation

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    In electron scattering, the target form factors contribute significantly to the diffraction pattern and carry information on the target electromagnetic charge distribution. Here we show that the presence of electromagnetic radiation, as intense as currently available in Free Electron Lasers, shifts the dependence of the target form factors by a quantity that depends on the number of photons absorbed or emitted by the electron as well as on the parameters of the electromagnetic radiation. As example, we show the impact of intense ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation on elastic electron scattering by Ne-like Argon ion and by Xenon atom. We find that the shift brought by the radiation to the form factor is in the order of some percent. Our results may open up a new avenue to explore matter with the assistance of laser

    2D-3D registration of CT vertebra volume to fluoroscopy projection: A calibration model assessment (doi:10.1155/2010/806094)

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    This study extends a previous research concerning intervertebral motion registration by means of 2D dynamic fluoroscopy to obtain a more comprehensive 3D description of vertebral kinematics. The problem of estimating the 3D rigid pose of a CT volume of a vertebra from its 2D X-ray fluoroscopy projection is addressed. 2D-3D registration is obtained maximising a measure of similarity between Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs (obtained from the CT volume) and real fluoroscopic projection. X-ray energy correction was performed. To assess the method a calibration model was realised a sheep dry vertebra was rigidly fixed to a frame of reference including metallic markers. Accurate measurement of 3D orientation was obtained via single-camera calibration of the markers and held as true 3D vertebra position; then, vertebra 3D pose was estimated and results compared. Error analysis revealed accuracy of the order of 0.1 degree for the rotation angles of about 1?mm for displacements parallel to the fluoroscopic plane, and of order of 10?mm for the orthogonal displacement.<br/

    Analytical evaluation of atomic form factors: application to Rayleigh scattering

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    Atomic form factors are widely used for the characterization of targets and specimens, from crystallography to biology. By using recent mathematical results, here we derive an analytical expression for the atomic form factor within the independent particle model constructed from nonrelativistic screened hydrogenic wavefunctions. The range of validity of this analytical expression is checked by comparing the analytically obtained form factors with the ones obtained within the Hartee-Fock method. As an example, we apply our analytical expression for the atomic form factor to evaluate the differential cross section for Rayleigh scattering off neutral atoms.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur