258 research outputs found

    On the iron Kalpha complex in magnetic cataclysmic variables

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    We present a compilation of spectra of the iron Kalpha region in magnetic cataclysmic variables, using data from the Chandra-HETG. The H-like, He-like and fluorescent components are clearly resolved, and there are hints of the structure within each component. The different shape of the He-like component in AM Her might be related to greater cyclotron cooling in this star. A surprising absence of Doppler shifts in the H-like and He-like components implies that the X-ray emission is predominantly from the denser, lower-velocity base of the accretion columns. This absence will allow ASTRO-E2 to resolve the structure in each component, leading to temperature diagnostics. We do not confirm the report that the H-like and He-like components of AO Psc are Compton broadened; however we do detect a Compton-downshifted shoulder to the fluorescent line of GK Per. Further, a Doppler-shifted wing of this line arises in the high-velocity, pre-shock flow.Comment: To appear in MNRAS; 5 page

    X-ray and UV emission from the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi in quiescence: Signatures of accretion and shocked gas

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    RS Ophiuchi is a recurrent nova system that experiences outbursts every ~20 years, implying accretion at a high rate onto a massive white dwarf. However, previous X-ray observations of the system in quiescence have detected only faint emission that is difficult to reconcile with the high accretion rate predicted by nova theory for such frequent outbursts. Here, we use new Chandra and XMM-Newton observations obtained 537 and 744 days after the 2006 outburst to constrain both the accretion rate onto the white dwarf and the properties of the nova ejecta at these times. We detect low level UV variability with the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor on day 744 that is consistent with accretion disk flickering, and use this to place a lower limit on the accretion rate. The X-ray spectra in both observations are well described by a two component thermal plasma model. The first component originates in the nova shell, which can emit X-rays for up to a decade after the outburst. The other component likely arises in the accretion disk boundary layer, and can be equally well fit by a single temperature plasma or a cooling flow model. Although the flux of the single temperature model implies an accretion rate that is 40 times lower than theoretical predictions for RS Oph, the best fit cooling flow model implies Mdot < 1.2x10^-8 M_sol/yr 537 days after the outburst, which is within a factor of 2 of the theoretical accretion rate required to power an outburst every 20 years. Furthermore, we place an upper limit on the accretion rate through an optically thick region of the boundary layer of 2.0x10^-8 M_sol/yr. Thus, the X-ray emission in quiescence is consistent with the accretion rate expectations of nova theory. Finally, we discuss the possible origins of the low temperature associated with the accretion component, which is a factor of 10 lower than in T CrB, an otherwise similar recurrent nova.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Outbursts of EX Hydrae: mass-transfer events or disc instabilities?

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    We present the 45-yr record of EX Hya's lightcurve and discuss the characteristics of its 15 observed outbursts. We then concentrate on the 1998 outburst, reporting the first outburst X-ray observations. We discover an X-ray beat-cycle modulation, indicating that an enhanced accretion stream couples directly with the magnetosphere in outburst, confirming our previous prediction. Optical eclipse profiles late in outburst show that the visible light is dominated by an enhanced mass-transfer stream overflowing the accretion disc. We are uncertain whether the enhanced mass transfer is triggered by a disc instability, or by some other cause. While in outburst, EX Hya shows some of the characteristics of SW Sex stars.Comment: To appear in MNRAS (8 pages; 9 figs

    RS Ophiuchi: Thermonuclear Explosion or Disc Instability?

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    Sokoloski et al (2008) have recently reported evidence that the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi produced a pair of highly collimated radio jets within days of its 2006 outburst. This suggests that an accretion disc must be present during the outburst. However in the standard picture of recurrent novae as thermonuclear events, any such disc must be expelled from the white dwarf vicinity, as the nuclear energy yield greatly exceeds its binding energy. We suggest instead that the outbursts of RS Oph are thermal--viscous instabilities in a disc irradiated by the central accreting white dwarf. The distinctive feature of RS Oph is the very large size of its accretion disc. Given this, it fits naturally into a consistent picture of systems with unstable accretion discs. This picture explains the presence and speed of the jets, the brightness and duration of the outburst, and its rise time and linear decay, as well as the faintness of the quiescence. By contrast, the hitherto standard picture of recurrent thermonuclear explosions has a number of severe difficulties. These include the presence of jets, the faintness of quiescence, and the fact the the accretion disc must be unstable unless it is far smaller than any reasonable estimate.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    A burst from the direction of UZ Fornacis with XMM-Newton

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    The XMM-Newton pointing towards the magnetic cataclysmic variable UZ For finds the source to be a factor > 10^3 fainter than previous EXOSAT and ROSAT observations. The source was not detected for the majority of a 22 ksec exposure with the EPIC cameras, suggesting that the accretion rate either decreased, or stopped altogether. However a 1.1 ksec burst was detected from UZ For during the observation. Spectral fits favour optically thin, kT = 4.4 keV thermal emission. Detection of the burst by the on-board Optical Monitor indicates that this was most probably an accretion event. The 0.1-10 keV luminosity of 2.1 x 10^30 erg/s is typical for accretion shock emission from high state polars and would result from the potential energy release of ~ 10^16 g of gas. There is no significant soft excess due to reprocessing in the white dwarf atmosphere.Comment: 7 pages, 2 postscript figures, ApJL, in pres

    A new soft X-ray spectral model for polars with an application to AM Herculis

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    We present a simple heuristic model for the time-averaged soft X-ray temperature distribution in the accretion spot on the white dwarf in polars. The model is based on the analysis of the Chandra LETG spectrum of the prototype polar AM Her and involves an exponential distribution of the emitting area vs. blackbody temperature a(T) = a0 exp(-T/T0). With one free parameter besides the normalization, it is mathematically as simple as the single blackbody, but is physically more plausible and fits the soft X-ray and far-ultraviolet spectral fluxes much better. The model yields more reliable values of the wavelength-integrated flux of the soft X-ray component and the implied accretion rate than reported previously.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum and Short Timescale Variability of AM Herculis from Observations with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope

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    Using the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), we have obtained 850-1850 angstrom spectra of the magnetic cataclysmic variable star AM Her in the high state. These observations provide high time resolution spectra of AM Her in the FUV and sample much of the orbital period of the system. The spectra are not well-modelled in terms of simple white dwarf (WD) atmospheres, especially at wavelengths shortward of Lyman alpha. The continuum flux changes by a factor of 2 near the Lyman limit as a function of orbital phase; the peak fluxes are observed near magnetic phase 0.6 when the accreting pole of the WD is most clearly visible. The spectrum of the hotspot can be modelled in terms of a 100 000 K WD atmosphere covering 2% of the WD surface. The high time resolution of the HUT data allows an analysis of the short term variability and shows the UV luminosity to change by as much as 50% on timescales as short as 10 s. This rapid variability is shown to be inconsistent with the clumpy accretion model proposed to account for the soft X-ray excess in polars. We see an increase in narrow line emission during these flares when the heated face of the secondary is in view. The He II narrow line flux is partially eclipsed at secondary conjunction, implying that the inclination of the system is greater than 45 degrees. We also present results from models of the heated face of the secondary. These models show that reprocessing on the face of the secondary star of X-ray/EUV emission from the accretion region near the WD can account for the intensities and kinematics of most of the narrow line components observed.Comment: 19 pp., 12 fig., 3 tbl. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal. Also available at http://greeley.pha.jhu.edu/papers/amherpp.ps.g

    The emission-line pulse pattern in the intermediate polar RX J0558

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    We observed the intermediate polar RX J0558+53 with the 4.2m WHT and find in the pulsed emission lines, a ``corkscrew'' pattern, which indicates a two-pole white dwarf accretion. The ``corkscrew'' pattern consists of two emission-line pulses, separated by half the white dwarf spin period, and moving from red to blue velocities. The detected emission-line pulsations have an amplitude of 1.1--2.7 per cent in the He II and Balmer emission lines on the 545-s spin period of the white dwarf which compare to 3.5-4.8 per cent for the continuum double-peak pulsations. We image the emission-line pulse pattern and is shown to lag the continuum pulse by 0.12 spin cycles. We interpret the pattern by invoking an accretion curtain from the disrupted, inner disc to the two poles of the magnetic white dwarf. The semi-amplitude of the He II pulse of 408+-35 km/s can be used to constrain the size of the magnetosphere, R ~ 4.1 x 10^4 km, and the magnetic moment of the white dwarf (~2.4 10^32 G cm^3). Power spectra show dominant frequencies at 2 \omega and 2 (\omega-\Omega) which suggest reprocessing of the white dwarf's illuminating beams in the accretion disc. Finally, the steady He II emission line shows a strong sinusoidal component moving from red to blue on the orbital period, with a width similar to that expected from irradiation of the secondary star. Imaging of the emission lines indicate illuminated locations at the inner side of the red star and the back side of the accretion disc.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS journal paper. in pres

    Syzygies of torsion bundles and the geometry of the level l modular variety over M_g

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    We formulate, and in some cases prove, three statements concerning the purity or, more generally the naturality of the resolution of various rings one can attach to a generic curve of genus g and a torsion point of order l in its Jacobian. These statements can be viewed an analogues of Green's Conjecture and we verify them computationally for bounded genus. We then compute the cohomology class of the corresponding non-vanishing locus in the moduli space R_{g,l} of twisted level l curves of genus g and use this to derive results about the birational geometry of R_{g, l}. For instance, we prove that R_{g,3} is a variety of general type when g>11 and the Kodaira dimension of R_{11,3} is greater than or equal to 19. In the last section we explain probabilistically the unexpected failure of the Prym-Green conjecture in genus 8 and level 2.Comment: 35 pages, appeared in Invent Math. We correct an inaccuracy in the statement of Prop 2.

    XMM-Newton and Swift observations of WZ Sge: spectral and timing analysis

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    WZ Sagittae is the prototype object of a subclass of dwarf novae, with rare and long (super)outbursts, in which a white dwarf primary accretes matter from a low mass companion. High-energy observations offer the possibility of a better understanding of the disk-accretion mechanism in WZ Sge-like binaries. We used archival XMM-Newton and Swift data to characterize the X-ray spectral and temporal properties of WZ Sge in quiescence. We performed a detailed timing analysis of the simultaneous X-ray and UV light curves obtained with the EPIC and OM instruments on board XMM-Newton in 2003. We employed several techniques in this study, including a correlation study between the two curves. We also performed an X-ray spectral analysis using the EPIC data, as well as Swift/XRT data obtained in 2011. We find that the X-ray intensity is clearly modulated at a period of about 28.96 s, confirming previously published preliminary results. We find that the X-ray spectral shape of WZ Sge remains practically unchanged between the XMM-Newton and Swift observations. However, after correcting for inter-stellar absorption, the intrinsic luminosity is estimated to be about 2.65X10^ 30 erg/s/cm^2 and 1.57X10^30 erg/s/cm^2 in 2003 and 2011, respectively. During the Swift/XRT observation, the observed flux is a factor of about 2 lower than that observed by XMM-Newton, but is similar to the quiescent levels observed various times before the 2001 outburst.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&A.10 pages, 9 figure
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