2,925 research outputs found

    Psychometric test for blind adults and children, critical issues and perspectives

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    In literature a paucity of issues to measure cognitive functioning in the blinds is available (Rich, Anderson, 1965; Pichot, 1968; Newland, 1969; Vander Kolk, 1977; Nelson, Joyce, Dias, 2002) but in these reviews it is clear that they are not yet widely available without further support for research and development. This is particularly true for blind children. The purpose of the current study is to provide a proposal version of some of the Visual Performance Subtests adapted to blind children

    Selected Problems in Multi-Sample Statistical Inference

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    In Chapter 1, a natural semiparametric model for case control study data is discussed, and the asymptotic properties of two simple methods of estimation are explored. The probability element of the model can be factored into a known positive function h involving the finite dimensional structural parameter, an infinite dimensional nuisance parameter in the form of the probability element dP of a distribution, and a normalizing constant. In the setup of interest, a sample of size n is available from a population with a distribution from the aforementioned model . A second, independent sample provides information only about the infinite-dimensional nuisance parameter P. The methods of estimation involve replacing the infinite-dimensional parameter with the empirical distribution function based on the second sample, and constructing semiparametric analogs of the maximum likelihood estimator and the method of moment estimator. The simplicity of these semiparametric estimators permits analysis of their asymptotic distribution even when n and m grow at different rates, yielding very natural and interpretable asymptotic results. In the case where n=o(m), the analog of the maximum likelihood estimator is asymptotically efficient. Chapter 2 explores a related parametric asymptotic statistics problem. Suppose a sample of size m is available from a population with density fY(y; lambda), and an independent sample of size n is available from a population with density fX(x;lambda,alpha). Here &lambda is regarded as a nuisance parameter and &alpha is the structural parameter, where &lambda and &alpha are scalars. One approach to estimation of &alpha would be to compute the maximum likelihood estimator based on both samples. A second approach would be to first find the maximum likelihood estimator of &lambda from the first sample, and to then treat it as the true parameter when using maximum likelihood estimation based on the second sample. Chapter 2 compares the asymptotic behavior of these two estimators under different assumptions about the rate of growth of m relative to n. In chapter 3 we consider interval estimation for small area proportions based on data collected under stratified random sampling. We focus on the case where the stratum sample sizes and the true proportions are small for all strata, and for simplicity we assume equal stratum sample sizes. The objective is to construct a confidence interval for each of the true stratum proportions, Pi. A commonly used small area empirical Bayes model for a single stratum's true proportion Pi assumes that the distributions of the sampled stratum proportions and the prior distribution of the true stratum proportions are normal. The well-documented problems of the normal approximation to the binomial, particularly when the sample size is small and the probability of success is close to 0 or 1, raise questions about the adequacy of such a model when the Pi and the stratum sample sizes are small. We argue that a more reasonable model in this setting is to assume that the sampled stratum counts have binomial distributions and that the prior distribution of the true stratum proportions follows a beta distribution. We propose a new empirical Bayes confidence interval based on this model, and examine related simulation results

    Crosstalk between adipocytes and immune cells in adipose tissue in an obese inflammatory state: role of contact-mediated signaling

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    Obesity is defined as heightened fat accumulation leading to health impairments. It has been directly correlated to cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes mellitus, and cancer. Heightened cytokine levels are found in serum and adipose tissue of obese subjects, including TNFα (tumor necrosis factor alpha), IL-6 (interleukin-6), and MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), being characterized as a chronic low-grade inflammatory disease. In this dissertation, I have generated a novel co-culture model between adipocytes and immune cells (derived from splenocytes) that mimics inflammation seen in obese adipose tissue. This co-culture model allows for distinct evaluation between secreted paracrine factors (indirect cultures) and these factors plus direct cell contact. Paracrine signaling from both cell types increased the release of IL-6 and MCP-1, with a concomitant decrease of TNFα, whereas direct physical contact exacerbated the effects. The anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 (interleukin-10) did not play a role in the decreased secretion of TNFα. A time course study showed that direct and indirect co-cultures exhibited differential secretion rates, demonstrating cytokine-specific regulatory mechanisms. To determine specific cellular cytokine contributions, directly cultured cells were separated and analyzed showing both adipocytes and immune cells contribute significantly to inflammation. Adipocytes express MCP-1 and IL-6, whereas immune cells, TNFα and IL-6. Additionally, TNFα is necessary for this augmentation of IL-6 and MCP-1 secretion in direct contact. By use of non-toxic levels of signaling pathway inhibitors, I verified that the changes in cytokine secretions are mediated by NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B) and MAPKs (mitogen-activated protein kinases). Specifically, NF-κB is the major signaling cascade for TNFα production, IL-6 is regulated by NF-κB, JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase), and p38, whereas MCP-1 by NF-κB, JNK, and MEK1. Analysis of the cell adhesion molecules on adipocytes identified 42 molecules. Direct contact with immune cells produced an up-regulation of Cadherin-1, claudin-4, -8, and -11, and down-regulation of Integrin alpha 6 in adipocytes. In conclusion, these results illustrate that direct contact and crosstalk between adipocytes and immune cells is paramount for exacerbation of inflammation in obesity. These changes are mediated by specific signaling cascades and cell adhesion molecules, which are important novel targets for this disease

    Evidencia de la ley de Okun para Colombia, Chile y Argentina: 1980-2014.

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl trabajo se realizó con el fin de identificar si hay suficiente evidencia empírica de la ley de Okun en los países de Colombia, Argentina y Chile, esto con el fin de analizar la relación entre crecimiento económico y tasa de desempleo a partir de un periodo de 1980-2014. Se tomará como referencia los dos primeros modelos que utilizó Arthur Okun, primeras diferencias y brechas.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 1. REVISION DE LITERATURA 2. MARCO TEORICO 3. METODOLOGIA 4. ESTIMACIONES Y RESULTADOS 5. CONCLUSIONES Y CONSIDERACIONES FINALES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoEconomist

    Women in Academia and Research: An Overview of the Challenges Toward Gender Equality in Colombia and How to Move Forward

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    Throughout history and over the last years, women have strongly intended to play central roles in addressing major aspects of the world's most urgent problems such as global poverty, health and climate change. Women have been in a continuous effort to promote health, educational and environmental sustainability programs. In exchange, women are facing countless obstacles to ensure gender equality. Colombia has until recently been highly affected by decades of violent armed conflicts. Today, peace processes are having considerable success on solving these conflicts, but several social problems still persist. One of these problems is gender inequality that systematically hampers the ability of women to progress and develop their full potential. This reborn Colombia following the peace negotiations, should be the key for having a country where men and women are treated equally and with justice. Instead women rights are still being continuously affected by violence, social exclusion, exploitation and discrimination. Gender inequality creates a big barrier that needs to be overcome by women that want to effectively contribute to a so necessary development of Colombia. Science is not an exception on the field of gender-equality, being a great disparity between men and women present in the Colombian scientific community. In this review we discuss the hurdles that scientific women face in Colombia. Furthermore, and by learning from the experiences of some successful female Colombian Scientists, we shed new lights on how women can overcome these challenges. We will also show how these female scientific leaders from different disciplines have combined efforts to build a better country with regards to science, education, technology and innovation. Lastly, we propose new ways to reach gender equality in the scientific community. We hope that this review will motivate many young female scientists to invest in their careers, and ultimately help in the social development of Colombia

    Análisis de la estructura organizacional del centro médico popular Dra. Lili Perez Sánchez y propuesta de reestructuración de procesos administrativos para potenciar el servicio al cliente.

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    El presente proyecto de investigación se orienta en el análisis de procesos administrativos en el Centro Médico Popular Dra.Lili Pérez Sánchez y reestructuración de estos mediante un estudio de tiempos y movimientos, modificación del manual de procesos para el personal, complementado con estrategias de marketing para llegar acertadamente al cliente.The following investigation project is oriented from the analysis of the administrative processes in the Popular Medical Center Dra.Lili Pérez Sánchez and re-structuring of this one, through a time of study and movements, modifying the personal manual, complementing with marketing strategies to get a more accurate way to the customer

    Challenges and opportunities of rewarding influencers in order to foster brand lift - the case of the brand kehl’s In Portugal

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    The objective of this thesis is to uncover the value of the use of influencers as a marketing tool, thoughthrough the case study of the skin care brand Kiehl’s Since 18511 in Portugal. The research focus on the activity of twelve influencers selected to help to promote Kiehl’s. More specifically, we explore the value added by each of the influencers. Through a longitudinal data collection and an analysis into the social media activity of the influencers, an attempt is made to measure the impact of this new marketing technique on the Brand Lift2. The research suggests that the influencers do not have a direct impact on the Brand Lift, but they can help potentialize the brand through the promotion of events, discounts and contests

    El rol del periodismo en los debates presidenciales en la Argentina y Brasil

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    Presidential debates are crucial in current election campaigns. How they are staged is the outcome of tense negotiations between media and politicians. This study aims to compare presidential debates’ format between Brazil and Argentina, with a special focus on the role journalists are allowed to take.To this end, it has reviewed archive and secondary sources and reconstructed the trajectories of presidential debates in both countries. While Brazil and Argentina are similar with respect to their political and media systems, they presidential debate’s histories differ markedly. This investigation’s result showthat journalists in Brazil, while having been marginalized from the overtly critical role they played on the first debates in the country, still play a role on them in current campaigns. In contrast, argentinian journalists are not allowed to participate on the debates, aside from a quiet moderating stance. This difference, we argue, is likely due to the different timing on which presidential debates in one and the other country have taken place. While in Brazil debates started being organized early on (with the first direct and democratic elections), at a time where the mass media were undoubtedly dominant, in Argentina these have only recently taken place, just when the media systems (there and elsewhere) are increasingly fragmented and the objectivity and neutrality of journalist is being questioned.Los debates presidenciales televisados son un momento central de las campañas contemporáneas. Resultan de tensas negociaciones entre medios de comunicación y políticos. A partir de un minucioso examen dearchivo y fuentes secundarias, este trabajo compara la evolución del género en Brasil y la Argentina desde el retorno de sus respectivas democracias hasta la actualidad: dos países latinoamericanos con sistemas políticos y mediáticos similares, pero con resultados diferentes en este sentido. Se centra en los formatos que predominan en ambos países, con especial atención al papel de los periodistas. Se constata que, si bien periodistas brasileños han debido ceder parcialmente al rol “crítico” que tenían en los primeros debatesdel actual período democrático (retirada que refleja una pérdida de credibilidad), todavía participan en la mayoría de los encuentros entre candidatos. En la Argentina, en cambio, se ha prohibido expresamente queperiodistas y representantes de los medios de comunicación tomen parte activa de los debates presidenciales televisados: se teme que tengan una actitud sesgada o poco objetiva. Las diferencias, argumentamos, tienen que ver con el diferente momento en el que los debates se originaron en cada país: más temprano en Brasil (en un momento de auge de los medios masivos de comunicación); más reciente en la Argentina, al calor de una creciente fragmentación del sistema mediático y de abiertos cuestionamientos al sector

    Incidencia de una propuesta didáctica para el reconocimiento de la diversidad a partir de los problemas socialmente relevantes, en el aula de preescolar

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    El presente trabajo de investigación es realizado en la Institución Educativa Jaime Salazar Robledo, de la ciudad de Pereira, caracterizado por pertenecer a una comunidad educativa pluriétnica, con estudiantes en situación de vulnerabilidad social. La pregunta generadora es: ¿Cuál es la incidencia de una propuesta didáctica para el reconocimiento de la diversidad a partir de problemas socialmente relevantes, en el mejoramiento de la educación inclusiva de los estudiantes de grado transición 3 de la institución educativa Jaime Salazar Robledo, de la ciudad de Pereira? Se tiene como objetivo general determinar la incidencia de una propuesta didáctica para el reconocimiento de la diversidad a partir los Problemas socialmente Relevantes para el mejoramiento de la educación inclusiva de los estudiantes del grado Transición 3. Los objetivos específicos comprenden la valoración inicial y final del estado de la educación inclusiva, el diseño y desarrollo de la propuesta didáctica y la contrastación de los resultados de la valoración inicial con la valoración final de la Educación Inclusiva con el pretest y postest. Esta investigación está fundamentada en el enfoque metodológico analítico-explicativo, porque explica un fenómeno educativo y se basa en el principio de objetividad, pues intenta encontrar las causas de investigación, probar hipótesis para establecer objetivamente la relación entre causas y consecuencias de un fenómeno educativo como es la educación inclusiva, utilizando instrumentos dedicados netamente a la recolección de información, mediante el estudio de casos y orientado al resultado. El análisis de la información muestra que la propuesta didáctica no fue estadísticamente significativa por varia razones, entre ellas porque no fue un trabajo permanente, no tuvo continuidad y no hubo una relación pedagógica coherente entre los contenidos abordados durante las sesiones, el tiempo, el espacio y la relación docente estudiante. Por lo tanto, se supone la importancia de desarrollar nuevas alternativas que aseguren procesos significativos de trabajo en el aula en ciencias sociales, a partir de los problemas socialmente relevantes

    Aerobic power, huddling and the efficiency of torpor in the South American marsupial, Dromiciops gliroides.

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    During periods of cold, small endotherms depend on a continuous supply of food and energy to maintain euthermic body temperature (T(b)), which can be challenging if food is limited. In these conditions, energy-saving strategies are critical to reduce the energetic requirements for survival. Mammals from temperate regions show a wide arrange of such strategies, including torpor and huddling. Here we provide a quantitative description of thermoregulatory capacities and energy-saving strategies in Dromiciops gliroides, a Microbiotherid marsupial inhabiting temperate rain forests. Unlike many mammals from temperate regions, preliminary studies have suggested that this species has low capacity for control and regulation of body temperature, but there is still an incomplete picture of its bioenergetics. In order to more fully understand the physiological capacities of this "living fossil", we measured its scope of aerobic power and the interaction between huddling and torpor. Specifically, we evaluated: (1) the relation between basal (BMR) and maximum metabolic rate (MMR), and (2) the role of huddling on the characteristics of torpor at different temperatures. We found that BMR and MMR were above the expected values for marsupials and the factorial aerobic scope (from [Formula: see text]CO(2)) was 6.0±0.45 (using [Formula: see text]CO(2)) and 6.2±0.23 (using [Formula: see text]O(2)), an unusually low value for mammals. Also, repeatability of physiological variables was non-significant, as in previous studies, suggesting poor time-consistency of energy metabolism. Comparisons of energy expenditure and body temperature (using attached data-loggers) between grouped and isolated individuals showed that at 20°C both average resting metabolic rate and body temperature were higher in groups, essentially because animals remained non-torpid. At 10°C, however, all individuals became torpid and no differences were observed between grouped and isolated individuals. In summary, our study suggests that the main response of Dromiciops gliroides to low ambient temperature is reduced body temperature and torpor, irrespective of huddling. Low aerobic power and low time-consistency of most thermoregulatory traits of Dromiciops gliroides support the idea of poor thermoregulatory abilities in this species