58 research outputs found

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Stability Limits of Non-Axisymmetric Liquid Bridges under Microgravity Conditions

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    The stability of nonaxisymmetric liquid bridges under microgravity conditions is investigated. The influence on the stability of an almost cylindrical liquid bridge of axisymmetric effects like its volume, a small axial acceleration acting on it, and unequal-diameter supporting disks, as well as that of nonaxisymmetric perturbations like small lateral acceleration and noncoaxial supporting disks, has been analyzed by using standard bifurcation techniques. An expression for the maximum length of a liquid bridge, including all the above-mentioned effects, has been obtained. In addition, the effect on the stability of liquid bridges having noncoaxial supporting disks has been experimentally studied within the constraints of an Earth laboratory by using millimetric liquid bridges. Analytical and experimental results show that each one of the nonaxisymmetric perturbations like the ones here considered (lateral acceleration and eccentricity) can be, from the point of view of stability, as critical as axisymmetric perturbations. In addition, it is demonstrated that when both nonaxisymmetric perturbations are not negligible, the coupling of both perturbations can be a stabilizing effect on the liquid bridg

    SARS-CoV-2 Mutant Spectra at Different Depth Levels Reveal an Overwhelming Abundance of Low Frequency Mutations.

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    Populations of RNA viruses are composed of complex and dynamic mixtures of variant genomes that are termed mutant spectra or mutant clouds. This applies also to SARS-CoV-2, and mutations that are detected at low frequency in an infected individual can be dominant (represented in the consensus sequence) in subsequent variants of interest or variants of concern. Here we briefly review the main conclusions of our work on mutant spectrum characterization of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and SARS-CoV-2 at the nucleotide and amino acid levels and address the following two new questions derived from previous results: (i) how is the SARS-CoV-2 mutant and deletion spectrum composition in diagnostic samples, when examined at progressively lower cut-off mutant frequency values in ultra-deep sequencing; (ii) how the frequency distribution of minority amino acid substitutions in SARS-CoV-2 compares with that of HCV sampled also from infected patients. The main conclusions are the following: (i) the number of different mutations found at low frequency in SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra increases dramatically (50- to 100-fold) as the cut-off frequency for mutation detection is lowered from 0.5% to 0.1%, and (ii) that, contrary to HCV, SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra exhibit a deficit of intermediate frequency amino acid substitutions. The possible origin and implications of mutant spectrum differences among RNA viruses are discussed.post-print2277 K

    Vaccine breakthrough infections with SARS-CoV-2 Alpha mirror mutations in Delta Plus, Iota, and Omicron.

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    Replication of SARS-CoV-2 in the human population is defined by distributions of mutants that are present at different frequencies within the infected host and can be detected by ultra-deep sequencing techniques. In this study, we examined the SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra of amplicons from the spike-coding (S-coding) region of 5 nasopharyngeal isolates derived from patients with vaccine breakthrough. Interestingly, all patients became infected with the Alpha variant, but amino acid substitutions that correspond to the Delta Plus, Iota, and Omicron variants were present in the mutant spectra of the resident virus. Deep sequencing analysis of SARS-CoV-2 from patients with vaccine breakthrough revealed a rich reservoir of mutant types and may also identify tolerated substitutions that can be represented in epidemiologically dominant variants.post-print656 K

    SARS-CoV-2 Point Mutation and Deletion Spectra and Their Association with Different Disease Outcomes

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    Mutant spectra of RNA viruses are important to understand viral pathogenesis and response to selective pressures. There is a need to characterize the complexity of mutant spectra in coronaviruses sampled from infected patients. In particular, the possible relationship between SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectrum complexity and disease associations has not been established. In the present study, we report an ultradeep sequencing (UDS) analysis of the mutant spectrum of amplicons from the nsp12 (polymerase)- and spike (S)- coding regions of 30 nasopharyngeal isolates (diagnostic samples) of SARS-CoV-2 of the first COVID-19 pandemic wave (Madrid, Spain, April 2020) classified according to the severity of ensuing COVID-19. Low-frequency mutations and deletions, counted relative to the consensus sequence of the corresponding isolate, were overwhelmingly abundant. We show that the average number of different point mutations, mutations per haplotype, and several diversity indices was significantly higher in SARS-CoV-2 isolated from patients who developed mild disease than in those associated with moderate or severe disease (exitus). No such bias was observed with RNA deletions. Location of amino acid substitutions in the three-dimensional structures of nsp12 (polymerase) and S suggest significant structural or functional effects. Thus, patients who develop mild symptoms may be a richer source of genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2 than patients with moderate or severe COVID-19. IMPORTANCE The study shows that mutant spectra of SARS-CoV-2 from diagnostic samples differ in point mutation abundance and complexity and that significantly larger values were observed in virus from patients who developed mild COVID-19 symptoms. Mutant spectrum complexity is not a uniform trait among isolates. The nature and location of low-frequency amino acid substitutions present in mutant spectra anticipate great potential for phenotypic diversification of SARS-CoV-2.post-print3280 K

    Intelligent system based on genetic programming for atrial fibrillation classification

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    This article focuses on the development of intelligent classifiers in the area of biomedicine, focusing on the problem of diagnosing cardiac diseases based on the electrocardiogram (ECG), or more precisely, on the differentiation of the types of atrial fibrillations. First of all, we will study the ECG, and the treatment of the ECG in order to work with it with this specific pathology. In order to achieve this we will study different ways of elimination, in the best possible way, of any activity that is not caused by the auriculars. We will study and imitate the ECG treatment methodologies and the characteristics extracted from the electrocardiograms that were used by the researchers who obtained the best results in the Physionet Challenge, where the classification of ECG recordings according to the type of atrial fibrillation (AF) that they showed, was realized. We will extract a great amount of characteristics, partly those used by these researchers and additional characteristics that we consider to be important for the distinction previously mentioned. A new method based on evolutionary algorithms will be used to realize a selection of the most relevant characteristics and to obtain a classifier that will be capable of distinguishing the different types of this pathology

    Evolución reciente de la superficie quemada por el incendio de Sierra Bermeja de 2021 (sur de España).

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    Desde el Plioceno los ecosistemas mediterráneos son susceptibles a los incendios forestales y han ido evolucionando con la incesante actividad de este factor ecológico natural. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la evolución a corto plazo del área afectada por el incendio forestal ocurrido en Sierra Bermeja (provincia de Málaga), con el fin de demostrar cómo está siendo la regeneración y recuperación de este ecosistema, claves en la gestión de su territorio. El fuego afectó a un entorno serpentínico donde se produjo uno de los incendios más relevantes de las últimas décadas en la provincia, con 8.401 hectáreas calcinadas. Para ello, se han utilizado técnicas de teledetección espacial aplicada, trabajo de campo y una exhaustiva búsqueda de información estadística relacionada con las principales características eco-geomorfológicas del área quemada. Los resultados arrojan que aproximadamente el 57,6% de Sierra Bermeja se vio afectada por este incendio, con grados de severidad moderado-alto y alto en la mayor parte de la superficie quemada. Como conclusión general, se identifican algunos sectores con recuperaciones más notables, especialmente en las áreas de monte bajo. Asimismo, cabe apuntar que el fuego ha provocado cambios significativos en determinadas propiedades edafológicas de los suelos muestreados.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Multiobjective RBFNNs Designer for Function Approximation: An Application for Mineral Reduction

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    Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs) are well known because, among other applications, they present a good perfor- mance when approximating functions. The function approximation prob- lem arises in the construction of a control system to optimize the process of the mineral reduction. In order to regulate the temperature of the ovens and other parameters, it is necessary a module to predict the ¯nal concentration of mineral that will be obtained from the source materials. This module can be formed by an RBFNN that predicts the output and by the algorithm that designs the RBFNN dynamically as more data is obtained. The design of RBFNNs is a very complex task where many parameters have to be determined, therefore, a genetic algorithm that determines all of them has been developed. This algorithm provides sat- isfactory results since the networks it generates are able to predict quite precisely the ¯nal concentration of mineral.Spanish CICYT Project TIN2004-01419European Commission's Research Infrastructures RII3-CT-2003-506079 (HPC-Europa

    La capacidad prospectiva y de visualización del escáner láser 3D aplicado al plan de conservación preventiva del conjunto cerámico, piedra y hierro de Antoni Gaudí y Josep María Jujol en la catedral gótica de Mallorca

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    [ES] En este trabajo se presenta la eficiencia prospectiva y de visualización del escáner láser 3D como herramienta aplicada a la elaboración de un plan de conservación preventiva sobre la obra cerámica de Antoni Gaudí y Josep María Jujol en la catedral gótica de Mallorca. El uso de esta técnica ha posibilitado su investigación en relación al almacenamiento digital y metrológico de toda la superficie y elementos plásticos integrados. De esta manera se determina la creación de una base de datos multidisciplinar e interactiva con contenidos documentales, técnico-materiales y prescriptivos a fin de elaborar el correspondiente plan de conservación preventiva.[EN] In this work it is presented the prospective and visualization efficiency of the 3D laser scanner as a tool applied to the elaboration of a preventive conservation plan of the ceramic done by Antoni Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujol in the gothic cathedral of Mallorca .The usage of this technique has enabled its investigation regarding digital information storage and metrology of the whole surface and plastic elements in it. This ways it is determined the creation of a multidisciplinary and interactive database with documental, technical and prescriptive content in order to compose the preventive conservation plan.HAR2009-09929. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación., Diagnosis por imagen e interpretación histórico-artística en los procesos de recuperación de la decoración mural. Islas Baleares. AAEE 0091/09.Conselleria de Innovació, Interior y Justicia del Govern de les Illes Balears., Documentación del proceso de restauración de la obra de Gaudí y Jujol en el conjunto absidal intergrado por el mural cerámico, cátedra de piedra y hierros de la capilla Real en la Catedral de Mallorca. AAEE123/09. Conselleria de Innovació, Interior y Justicia del Govern de les Illes Balear., Utilización del láser en el proceso de restauración de la obra de Gaudí en la Catedral de Mallorca. AECID (D/027824/09, D/031964/10).Ruiz, JA.; Garcés, S.; Gambús, M.; Mas, C.; Perales, F.; Ponseti, X. (2012). La capacidad prospectiva y de visualización del escáner láser 3D aplicado al plan de conservación preventiva del conjunto cerámico, piedra y hierro de Antoni Gaudí y Josep María Jujol en la catedral gótica de Mallorca. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(5):77-80. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4528OJS778035GONZÁLEZ MUÑOZ, Manuel J. et al (2010): "Uso de sistemas basados en escáner 3D para digitalización y estudio del patrimonio arqueológico" en Virtual Archaeology Review, pp. 99-102, [online] http://www.arqueologiavirtual.com/var/num1/23.pdf [Consulta: 10-02-2011]MARAMBÍO, A y GARCIA, P.(2006): "Escáner laser: modelo 3D y ortimagenes arquitectónicas de la iglesia de Santa Maria del Mar en Barcelona", ACE: architecture, city and evironment, nº2, pp. 178-187.RUBIO GIL, Daniel et al (2010): "Nuevos métodos para viejas tecnologías: Análisis y documentación de los materiales arqueológicos mediante la aplicaciación de sistemas láser-scanner 3D", en Virtual Archaeology Review, pp. 169-173, [online] http://www.arqueologiavirtual.com/var/num1/5.pdf [Consulta: 20-02-2011]TEJADO SEBASTIAN, Jose M. (2005): "Escaneado en 3D y prototipado de piezas arquelógicas: Las nuevas tecnologías en el registro , conservación y difusión del patrimonio arqueológico", en Iberia: Revista de la Antigüedad, nº 8, pp. 135-160

    Inquiry-based Science Education. A systematic review of Spanish production

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    Ante la creciente relevancia otorgada a la enseñanza basada en indagación tanto en el ámbito internacional como nacional, este artículo pretende aunar aquellos trabajos referentes a esta línea de investigación publicados entre 2007-2017 en las revistas españolas del área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Se han revisado 1941 artículos, incluyéndose 55 de ellos tras la aplicación de los criterios de selección establecidos, todo ello según las directrices de la Declaración PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). Los resultados muestran cuáles son los autores más prolíficos, la evolución de la producción científica, las etapas educativas consideradas, los tipos de estudios, sus diseños y las implicaciones educativas de su aplicación en las aulas. A la luz de estos, podemos concluir que no abundan autores o autoras con una excelsa producción referente a esta temática, pues esta línea de investigación es aún incipiente en España.Además, la atención dedicada a las distintas etapas educativas por la investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales no es equitativa, siendo las grandes perjudicadas las etapas de Educación Infantil y Primaria. Existen más artículos de naturaleza teórica que empírica, dado que queda patente la falta de estudios experimentales que testen este enfoque de enseñanza. No obstante, las implicaciones educativas derivadas de las publicaciones españolas son similares a las internacionales. Finalmente, hemos de abogar por un incremento de los estudios dirigidos a evaluar los beneficios de la enseñanza basada en indagación en las diferentes etapas educativas, incidiendo en las etapas de Educación Infantil y Primaria.Due to the growing importance given to teaching based on inquiry both at the international and national level, this article aims to further work related to this line of research published between 2007 and 2017 in the Spanish area of Didactic of Experimental Sciences. We reviewed 1941 articles, including 55 criteria for the selection, all according to the guidelines of the PRISMA statement (Elements of preferred reports for systematic reviews and meta-analyzes). The results show the most prolific authors, the evolution of scientific production, the educational stages considered, the types of studies, the designs and the educational implications of their application in the classrooms. In light of these, we can conclude that there are not many authors with an excellent production regarding this subject, because this research’s line is still incipient in Spain. The attention devoted to the different educational stages by research in Didactic of Experimental Sciences is not equitable, being the big ones harmed the stages of Infantile and Primary Education. There are more articles of a theoretical nature than empirical ones, given the lack of experimental studies that prove this teaching approach is patent. However, the educational implications derived from Spanish publications are similar to international ones. Finally, we have support the increasing of the studies aimed at evaluating the benefits of teaching based on inquiry in the different educational stages, focusing on the stages of Pre-school Education and Primary Education

    Computer programming teaching in learning High School Physics

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    Este trabajo desarrolla una propuesta didáctica para introducir actividades de programación por ordenador en la resolución de problemas de Física. Tal propuesta persigue un doble objetivo: por una parte facilitar, a través de la programación de simulaciones de Física, la asimilación de los contenidos de esta materia y, por otra, iniciar a los alumnos en la programación y en el pensamiento computacional. En este artículo se fundamenta teóricamente la propuesta, se presenta el material desarrollado para su implementación en el aula y se describe una intervención a modo de estudio piloto realizada en varios institutos, junto con su evaluación mediante cuestionarios dirigidos a los profesores y estudiantes participantes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una positiva percepción de la propuesta desarrollada.This paper develops a didactic proposal to introduce computer programming activities in physics problem solving. Such proposal has two objectives. The first one is to facilitate the assimilation of the physics contents through programming physics simulations. The second one is to initiate students in programming and computational thinking. In this paper our proposal is theoretically founded and the material developed for the classroom is presented. A scale intervention performed in several high schools is described and evaluated by means of two opinion questionnaires fulfilled by the enrolled students and teachers. The results obtained show a positive percepcion of the developed proposal