50 research outputs found

    Magneto-optical spectroscopy of (Ga,Mn)N epilayers

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    We report on the magneto-optical spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence of a set of wurtzite (Ga,Mn)N epilayers with a low Mn content, grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The sharpness of the absorption lines associated to the Mn3+^{3+} internal transitions allows a precise study of its Zeeman effect in both Faraday and Voigt configurations. We obtain a good agreement if we assume a dynamical Jahn-Teller effect in the 3d4^{4} configuration of Mn, and we determine the parameters of the effective Hamiltonians describing the 5T_2^{5}T\_{2} and 5E^{5}E levels, and those of the spin Hamiltonian in the ground spin multiplet, from which the magnetization of the isolated ion can be calculated. On layers grown on transparent substrates, transmission close to the band gap, and the associated magnetic circular dichroism, reveal the presence of the giant Zeeman effect resulting from exchange interactions between the Mn3+^{3+} ions and the carriers. The spin-hole interaction is found to be ferromagnetic

    Filtração em cerâmica microporosa aplicada à remoção de cor e turbidez de água para abastecimento público

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    Um filtro cerâmico com porosidade de 0,1μm, 60 cm de altura e 6 cm de diâmetro e 1 cm de espessura foi utilizado para estudar a remoção de cor e turbidez da água bruta. A unidade apresentava 0,113m² de superfície externa e estava montada no interior de uma coluna em acrílico com 100 cm de altura e 23 cm de diâmetro, com volume útil de 41,5 L. A água bruta, utilizada na pesquisa, foi proveniente de uma represa onde os valores de turbidez variaram de 2,3 a 2,8 NTU e cor aparente de 93 e 109 PtCo. Foram empregadas 3 diferentes taxas de aplicação, sendo de 1,82, 3,16 e 4,49m3/m2.dia, onde foram realizadas três carreiras de filtração para cada taxa. A duração de cada carreira de filtração estabilizou em 100, 42 e 26 minutos, respectivamente para cada taxa de aplicação. As amostras de água, utilizadas para verificar sua qualidade, foram coletadas, na entrada e saída do filtro a cada 5 cm de perda de carga até completar 20 cm. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram uma eficiência na remoção de turbidez entre 75 e 80%, resultando valores de entre 0,53 e 0,58 NTU para a última carreira de filtração para cada taxa de aplicação. Em contrapartida o sistema não se mostrou eficiente para remoção de cor aparente ficando entre 27 e 38%, mantendo valores elevados, ou seja, superiores a 62 PtCo, dessa forma o sistema não se mostrou eficiente para a remoção de cor

    Note: Vectorial-magneto optical Kerr effect technique combined with variable temperature and full angular range all in a single setup

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    Here, we report on a versatile full angular resolved/broad temperature range/vectorial magneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE) magnetometer, named TRISTAN. Its versatility relies on its capacity to probe temperature and angular dependencies of magnetization reversal processes without the need to do any intervention on the apparatus during measurements. The setup is a combination of a vectorial MOKE bench and a cryostat with optical access. The cryostat has a motorized rotatable sample holder with azimuthal correction. It allows for simultaneous and quantitative acquisition of the two in-plane magnetization components during the hysteresis loop at different temperatures from 4 K up to 500 K and in the whole angular range, without neither changing magnet orientation nor opening the cryostat. Measurements performed in a model system with competing collinear biaxial and uniaxial contributions are presented to illustrate its capabilitiesP.P. acknowledges financial support from MINECO through Contract No. JCI-2011- 09602. F.J.T. acknowledges financial support from Ramon y Cajal program (RYC-2011-09617). This work has been supported by MINECO through Project Nos. MAT2011-25598 and MAT2012-39308, by the Comunidad de Madrid through Project No. S2013/MIT-2850 NANOFRONTMAG-CM and by EU-FP7 through NANOPYME Project (No. 310516

    Fine Control of In Vivo Magnetic Hyperthermia Using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Different Coatings and Degree of Aggregation

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    Cancer; Magnetic hyperthermia; NanoparticlesCáncer; Hipertermia magnética; NanopartículasCàncer; Hipertèrmia magnètica; NanopartículesThe clinical implementation of magnetic hyperthermia has experienced little progress since the first clinical trial was completed in 2005. Some of the hurdles to overcome are the reliable production of magnetic nanoparticles with controlled properties and the control of the temperature at the target tissue in vivo. Here, forty samples of iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles were prepared by similar methods and thoroughly characterized in terms of size, aggregation degree, and heating response. Selected samples were intratumorally administered in animals with subcutaneous xenografts of human pancreatic cancer. In vivo experiments showed that it is possible to control the rise in temperature by modulating the field intensity during in vivo magnetic hyperthermia protocols. The procedure does not require sophisticated materials and it can be easily implemented by researchers or practitioners working in magnetic hyperthermia therapies.This research was funded by European Commission H2020 programme (NoCanTher project, grant agreement no. 685795), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-106301RB-I00), Comunidad de Madrid (Consejería de Educación e Investigación, NANOMAGCOST-CM, ref. P2018/NMT-4321), COST actions MyWave (CA17115) and Nano2Clinic (CA17140). MICINN “Redes de Investigación” (RED2018-102626-T). IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, CEX2020-001039-S)

    Infrared-Emitting Multimodal Nanostructures for Controlled In Vivo Magnetic Hyperthermia

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    Deliberate and local increase of the temperature within solid tumors represents an effective therapeutic approach. Thermal therapies embrace this concept leveraging the capability of some species to convert the absorbed energy into heat. To that end, magnetic hyperthermia (MHT) uses magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that can effectively dissipate the energy absorbed under alternating magnetic fields. However, MNPs fail to provide real-time thermal feedback with the risk of unwanted overheating and impeding on-the-fly adjustment of the therapeutic parameters. Localization of MNPs within a tissue in an accurate, rapid, and cost-effective way represents another challenge for increasing the efficacy of MHT. In this work, MNPs are combined with state-of-the-art infrared luminescent nanothermometers (LNTh; Ag2S nanoparticles) in a nanocapsule that simultaneously overcomes these limitations. The novel optomagnetic nanocapsule acts as multimodal contrast agents for different imaging techniques (magnetic resonance, photoacoustic and near-infrared fluorescence imaging, optical and X-ray computed tomography). Most crucially, these nanocapsules provide accurate (0.2 degrees C resolution) and real-time subcutaneous thermal feedback during in vivo MHT, also enabling the attainment of thermal maps of the area of interest. These findings are a milestone on the road toward controlled magnetothermal therapies with minimal side effects.E.X. and R.M. contributed equally to this work. Work partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-106301RB-I00 and PID2019-105195RA-I00), by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MAT2017-85617-R, SEV-2016-0686), by the Comunidad de Madrid (RENIM-CM, B2017/BMD-3867, co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Fund; NANOMAGCOST-CM P2018/NMT-4321), by the European COST Actions CA17115 (MyWave) and CA17140 (Nano2Clinic), by the Spanish Scientific Network HiperNano (RED2018-102626-T) and by the European Commission Horizon 2020 project NanoTBTech (Grant Number: 801305). D.G.-C. acknowledges CAM for funding PEJ-2018-AI/IND-11245. A.B. acknowledges funding from Comunidad de Madrid through TALENTO grant ref. 2019-T1/IND-14014. E.X. is grateful for a Juan de la Cierva Formación scholarship (FJC2018-036734-I). R.M. acknowledges the support of the European Commission through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant agreement N 797945 (LANTERNS). A. E. acknowledges the support from Comunidad de Madrid (Talento project 2018-T1/IND-1005) and from AECC (Ideas Semilla 2019 project). P.R.S. is grateful for a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación scholarship (IJC2019-041915-I). Procedures involving animal experiments were approved by the regional authority for animal experimentation of the Comunidad de Madrid and were conducted in agreement with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Ethics Committee, in compliance with the European Union directives 63/2010UE and Spanish regulation RD 53/2013

    Superparamagnetic-blocked state transition under alternating magnetic fields: towards determining the magnetic anisotropy in magnetic suspensions

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    The potential of magnetic nanoparticles for acting as efficient catalysts, imaging tracers or heating mediators relays on their superparamagnetic behaviour under alternating magnetic fields. In spite of the relevance of this magnetic phenomenon, the identification of specific fingerprints to unequivocally assign superparamagnetic behaviour to nanomaterials is still lacking. Herein, we report on novel experimental and theoretical evidences related to the superparamagnetism observed in magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle suspensions at room temperature. AC magnetization measurements in a broad field frequency range from mHz to kHz and field intensities up to 40 kA m−1 unambiguously demonstrate the transition from superparamagnetic to blocked states at room temperature. Our experimental observations are supported by a theoretical model based on the stochastic Landau–Liftshitz–Gilbert equation. An empirical expression is proposed to determine the effective magnetic anisotropy from the field frequency value beyond which AC magnetization shows hysteretic behaviour. Our results significantly improve the understanding and description of the superparamagnetism of iron oxide nanoparticles, paving the way towards a more efficient exploitation of their unique magnetic properties

    Whither Magnetic Hyperthermia? A Tentative Roadmap

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    The scientific community has made great efforts in advancing magnetic hyperthermia for the last two decades after going through a sizeable research lapse from its establishment. All the progress made in various topics ranging from nanoparticle synthesis to biocompatibilization and in vivo testing have been seeking to push the forefront towards some new clinical trials. As many, they did not go at the expected pace. Today, fruitful international cooperation and the wisdom gain after a careful analysis of the lessons learned from seminal clinical trials allow us to have a future with better guarantees for a more definitive takeoff of this genuine nanotherapy against cancer. Deliberately giving prominence to a number of critical aspects, this opinion review offers a blend of state-of-the-art hints and glimpses into the future of the therapy, considering the expected evolution of science and technology behind magnetic hyperthermia.This work was supported by the NoCanTher project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 685795. The authors acknowledge support from the COST Association through the COST actions "RADIOMAG" (TD1402) and "MyWAVE" (CA17115). D.O., A.S.-O. and I.R.-R. acknowledge financial support from the Community of Madrid under Contracts No. PEJD-2017-PRE/IND-3663 and PEJ-2018-AI/IND-11069, from the Spanish Ministry of Science through the Ramon y Cajal grant RYC2018-025253-I and Research Networks RED2018-102626-T, as well as the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the grants MAT2017-85617-R, MAT2017-88148R and the "Severo Ochoa" Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2016-0686). M.B. and N.T.K.T. would like to thank EPSRC for funding (grant EP/K038656/1 and EP/M015157/1) and AOARD (FA2386-171-4042) award. This work was additionally supported by the EMPIR program co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, grant no. 16NRM04 "MagNaStand". The work was further supported by the DFG grant CRC "Matrix in Vision" (SFB 1340/1 2018, no 372486779, project A02)

    Whither magnetic hyperthermia? A tentative roadmap

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    The scientific community has made great efforts in advancing magnetic hyperthermia for the last two decades after going through a sizeable research lapse from its establishment. All the progress made in various topics ranging from nanoparticle synthesis to biocompatibilization and in vivo testing have been seeking to push the forefront towards some new clinical trials. As many, they did not go at the expected pace. Today, fruitful international cooperation and the wisdom gain after a careful analysis of the lessons learned from seminal clinical trials allow us to have a future with better guarantees for a more definitive takeoff of this genuine nanotherapy against cancer. Deliberately giving prominence to a number of critical aspects, this opinion review offers a blend of state-of-the-art hints and glimpses into the future of the therapy, considering the expected evolution of science and technology behind magnetic hyperthermia

    The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer Book 2018

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    (Abridged) This is the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer 2018 book. It is intended as a concise reference guide to all aspects of the scientific and technical design of MSE, for the international astronomy and engineering communities, and related agencies. The current version is a status report of MSE's science goals and their practical implementation, following the System Conceptual Design Review, held in January 2018. MSE is a planned 10-m class, wide-field, optical and near-infrared facility, designed to enable transformative science, while filling a critical missing gap in the emerging international network of large-scale astronomical facilities. MSE is completely dedicated to multi-object spectroscopy of samples of between thousands and millions of astrophysical objects. It will lead the world in this arena, due to its unique design capabilities: it will boast a large (11.25 m) aperture and wide (1.52 sq. degree) field of view; it will have the capabilities to observe at a wide range of spectral resolutions, from R2500 to R40,000, with massive multiplexing (4332 spectra per exposure, with all spectral resolutions available at all times), and an on-target observing efficiency of more than 80%. MSE will unveil the composition and dynamics of the faint Universe and is designed to excel at precision studies of faint astrophysical phenomena. It will also provide critical follow-up for multi-wavelength imaging surveys, such as those of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Gaia, Euclid, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope, the Square Kilometre Array, and the Next Generation Very Large Array.Comment: 5 chapters, 160 pages, 107 figure