2,869 research outputs found

    Racionalidad, modelos humanos y economía normativa

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    Los modelos humanos que adoptamos son en parte resultado de consideraciones sobre la racionalidad práctica. Los intentos de hacer una Economía positiva requieren adeptar una posición mínima sobre el ser humano que aparentemente parece no tener conexión con la Ética. Si se aplican los modelos de la Ciencia económica para el estudio de la actividad científica, no hay más remedio que reflexionar sobre el modelo de individuo que suponemos que está detrás de la construcción científica. La misma noción de "racionalidad" supone un modelo de ser humano, ya sea un agente activo o una mera marioneta de las tendencias sociales. Se observa que muchos de los problemas que ha señalado Hausman en conexión con la metodología de la Economía están en parte relacionados con los modelos de ser humano.The models of human behaviour we adopt are, to a certain extent, the result of our reflections on practica) rationality. The attempts to build a purely positive economics always require a minimal commitment to an idea of human being, apparently disconnected from ethics. It is much the same thing with the so-called economics of science-. we apply economic models to analyse scientific activity, widening the economic patterns of action, but we cannot avoi<l reflecting on the individual behind scientific constructions either. The very notion of rationality involves a model of that human being, whether an active agent or a mere puppet of social trends. We explain as Hausman's problems on economic methodology are related with models of human being

    Libertades para enfrentar la pobreza y las desigualdades

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    Ciertas referencias biográficas son útiles para comprender un pensamiento tan articulado y complejo como el de Amartya Sen. Se destaca la importancia teórica de Sen para filósofos políticos, filósofos morales o filósofos de la ciencia. La reflexión filos

    In fact and actually in English history texts (1700-1900)

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, I analyse evidential devises as stancetaking markers in history scientific texts from the Modern English period (1700-1900). For this, I will use the Corpus of History English Texts (CHET), one of the subcorpora within the Coruña Corpus, focussing the attention on how these adverbial devises are used to express interpersonal meanings (Hoye 1997; Biber and Finegan 1988). The adverbials selected for this study, actually and in fact, are said to show authorial stance, therefore they are categorised as epistemic adverbs. From the excerpts available, their use by eighteenth and nineteenth century writers of history texts will be described showing that depending on the context, they may fulfil several pragmatic functions, e.g. indicating different degrees of authorial commitment and detachment towards the information presented, persuasion or politeness and it will be analise as well how authors use those devices to negotiate interactional meanings with their potential readers, mostly colleagues. Keywords: actually, in fact, evidentiality, Coruña Corpus, stance, Modern English

    Possible implementation of subjects taught using English as a Medium of Instruction methodology in tourism studies

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    The present study analyses which conditions would be necessary to implement subjects taught using English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) methodology in the undergraduate degree in tourism studies at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). In the literature review, some of the concepts related to this methodological approach are examined to clarify diverse methodological approaches that are frequently confused, namely Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), EMI, and English for Specific Purposes. With the objective of finding out the specific conditions necessary for implementing EMI subjects in the Degree in Tourism at the ULPGC, a revision of EMI subjects that have been already implemented at this institution would be made. Then a proposal indicating the conditions that are regarded as vital for implementing EMI subjects in this degree would be presented.El presente estudio analiza las condiciones necesarias para implementar asignaturas impartidas con la metodología del inglés como medio de instrucción (EMI) en el Grado en Turismo de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). En la revisión bibliográfica se examinan algunos de los conceptos relacionados con este método para aclarar diversos enfoques metodológicos que se confunden con frecuencia, a saber, el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE), el EMI y el Inglés con Fines Específicos. Con el objetivo de conocer las condiciones específicas necesarias para la implantación de las asignaturas EMI en el Grado en Turismo de la ULPGC, se realiza una revisión de las asignaturas EMI que ya se han implantado en esta institución. A continuación, se presenta una propuesta indicando las condiciones vitales para la implantación de asignaturas EMI en esta titulación.Este estudi analitza les condicions necessàries per a implementar assignatures impartides a través de la metodologia de l’anglés com a mitjà d’instrucció (EMI) en el Grau de Turisme de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). En la revisió bibliográfica s’examinen alguns dels conceptes relacionats amb este mètode per a aclarir diverses metodologies que es confonen freqüentment, com ara l’Aprenentatge Integrat de Contingut i Llengües Estrangeres (AICLE), l’anglès com a mitjà d’instrucció (EMI) i l’anglés amb fins específics (ESP). Amb la finalitat de conéixer les condicions específiques necessàries per a la implantació de les assignatures d’EMI en el Grau de Turisme de l’ULPGC, es realitza una revisió de les assignatures EMI que ja han estat implantades en esta institució. A continuació es presenta una proposta que indica les condicions vitals per a la implantació d’assignatures EMI en esta titulació

    The discourse markers indeed, in fact, really and actually and their Spanish equivalents in economy

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    [EN] This article explores the translation procedures followed in the rendering of the adverbials indeed, in fact, really and actually in a parallel corpus of English texts and their Spanish counterparts in the field of economy. While the adverbials mentioned are all categorized as boosters according to Hyland’s classification of metadiscourse markers (2005) in the source corpus, their Spanish correspondents may fall within other such metadiscourse categories as attitude and hedging markers, for example. The study of these variants contributes to our understanding of the processes involved in the translation of these markers, which seem to correspond to an intention of the translators to provide adequate translated versions so that these texts read as naturally in the target language as possible. Our methodology of inquiry involves corpus linguistics tools in order to interrogate a parallel corpus and retrieve cases of the adverbials indeed, in fact, really and actually. Our approach to discourse markers includes Schiffrin (1987), Fraser (1996), Jucker &amp; Ziv (1998), Aijmer (2002), and especially Buysse (2012), Ghezzi (2014), Carrió-Pastor (2016a, 2016b), and Furkó (2020). Our notion of metadiscourse follows Hyland (2005) from where we have also taken the taxonomy of metadiscourse markers used in the analysis of data to classify findings.  The identification and the classification of the translation procedures rely on Cruz-García (2014). Conclusions report on the most frequent translations procedures and the commonest Spanish forms used to translate the adverbial analysed, including their metadiscourse functions.Research grant FFI2016-77941-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain)Alonso Almeida, F.; Álvarez-Gil, FJ. (2021). The discourse markers indeed, in fact, really and actually and their Spanish equivalents in economy. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 16(1):11-23. https://doi.org/10.4995/rlyla.2021.14397OJS1123161Aijmer, K. (2002). English Discourse Particles (Studies in Corpus Linguistics). Vol. 10. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/scl.10Alonso-Almeida, F. & Sánchez, A. (2016). "'If they have not the french': translation choices in The Happy Deliverie of Women (1612)", The Translator 22/1, 40-58. https://doi.org/10.1080/13556509.2015.1032535Andersen, G & Fretheim, T. (2000). "Introduction", in G. Andersen & T. Fretheim (eds.), Pragmatic Markers and Propositional Attitude. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.79.01andBerk-Seligson, S. (2002). The Bilingual Courtroom: Court Interpreters in the Judicial Process (Language and Legal Discourse). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. https://doi.org/10.7208/chicago/9780226923277.001.0001Blakemore, D. (2004). "Discourse markers", in L. R. Horn & G. Ward (eds.), The Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 221-240. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470756959.ch10Blakemore, D. & Gallai, F. (2014). "Discourse markers in free indirect style and interpreting", Journal of Pragmatics 60, 106-120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2013.11.003Bouveret, M. & Carter-Thomas, S. (2020). "More of the same or something different? An analysis of the French discourse marker par ailleurs in academic writing", Journal of Pragmatics 156, 136-148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2019.04.002Brinton, L. J. (1996). Pragmatic Markers in English. Grammaticalization and Discourse Functions. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110907582Buysse, L. (2012). "So as a multifunctional discourse marker in native and learner speech", Journal of Pragmatics 44/13, 1764-1782. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2012.08.012Carrió-Pastor, M. L. (2016a). A contrastive study of interactive metadiscourse in academic papers written in English and in Spanish, en F. Alonso Almeida, L. Cruz García y V. González Ruiz (Eds.), Corpus-based studies on language varieties. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 80-102.Carrió-Pastor, M. L. (2016b). A contrastive study of the hedges used by English, Spanish and Chinese researchers in academic papers, en F. Alonso Almeida et al. (Eds.), Input a word, analyze the world: Selected approaches to Corpus Linguistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 477-492.Carrió-Pastor, M. L. (2016c). Mitigation of claims in medical research papers: A comparative study of English and Spanish writers. Communication & Medicine, 13: 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1558/cam.28424Carrió Pastor, M. L. (2019). Authorial engagement in business emails: a cross-cultural analysis of attitude and engagement markers, en C. Sancho Guinda (Ed.), Engagement in Professional Genres. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 47-65. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.301.03carCarrió-Pastor, M. L. y Muñiz Calderón, R. (2015). A contrastive analysis of metadiscourse features in business e-mails written by non-native speakers of English. Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 173, 214-221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.055Crible, L. & Pascual, E. (2020). "Combinations of discourse markers with repairs and repetitions in English, French and Spanish", Journal of Pragmatics 156, 54-67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2019.05.002Cruz García, L. (2014). "Copy Adaptation, or How to Translate a Source Product for a Target Market", Meta 58/2, 347-372. https://doi.org/10.7202/1024178arFischer, K. (2006). "Towards an understanding of the spectrum of approaches to discourse particles: introduction to the volume", in K. Fischer (ed.), Approaches to Discourse Particles. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1-20.Fraser, B. (1990). "An approach to discourse markers", Journal of Pragmatics 14/3, 167-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-2166(90)90096-VFraser, B. (1996). "Pragmatic markers", Pragmatics 6, 167-190. https://doi.org/10.1075/prag.6.2.03fraFraser, B. (1999). "What are discourse markers?", Journal of Pragmatics, 31/7, 931-952. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-2166(98)00101-5Furkó, P. B. (2020). Discourse Markers and Beyond Descriptive and Critical Perspectives on Discourse-Pragmatic Devices across Genres and Languages. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37763-2Ghezzi, C. & Molinelli, P. (2014). "Discourse and pragmatic markers from Latin to the Romance languages: New insights", in C. Ghezzi & P. Molinelli (eds.), Discourse and Pragmatic Markers from Latin to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199681600.003.0001Ghezzi, C. (2014). "The development of discourse and pragmatic markers", in C. Ghezzi & P. Molinelli (eds.), Discourse and Pragmatic Markers from Latin to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 10-26. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199681600.003.0002Halliday, M. A. K. & Hasan, R. (1976). Cohesion in English. London: Longman.Hyland, K. (2005). Metadiscourse. Exploring Interaction in Writing. London, New York: Continuum.Jucker, A. H. (1993). "The discourse marker well: A relevance theoretical account", Journal of Pragmatics 19/5, 435-452. https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-2166(93)90004-9Jucker, A. H. & Ziv, Y. (1998). "Discourse markers: Introduction", in A. H. Jucker & Y. Ziv (eds.), Discourse Markers. Description and Theory. Amsterdam, Philadephia: John Benjamins, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.57.03jucLutzky, U. (2012). Discourse Markers in Early Modern English (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series). Vol. 227. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.227Nyan, T. (2016). Context Construction as Mediated by Discourse Markers. Leiden: BRILL. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004273818Schiffrin, D. (1987). Discourse Markers (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511611841Schourup, L. (2011). "The discourse marker now: A relevance-theoretic approach", Journal of Pragmatics 43/8, 2110-2129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2011.01.005Torabi Asr, F. & Demberg, V. (2020). "Interpretation of Discourse Connectives Is Probabilistic: Evidence From the Study of But and Although", Discourse Processes 57/4, 376-399. https://doi.org/10.1080/0163853X.2019.170076

    The role of market-implied severity modeling for credit VaR

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    En este trabajo proponemos el uso de mixturas de distribciones beta para modelizar la severidad impícita en el mercado. En nuestro análisis extraemos las tasas de recuperación de la cotización de los credit default swaps (CDS) en lugar de utilizar bonos que han impagado. La principal ventaja de obtener la estructura temporal implícita de tasas de recuperación de los CDS en lugar de utilizar los bonos impagados es que nos permite identificar tasas de recuperación para empresas con baja probabilidad de impago. Del análisis empírico se obtienen resultados que no permiten aceptar que una única distribución beta sea capaz de representar las tasas de recuperación implícitas mientras que la propuesta basada en mixturas de distribuciones beta si que es aceptada. Además, hay que destacar la importancia de utilizar esta metodología de ajuste por su importancia para una correcta estimación del Valor en Riesgo de crédito.In this paper we propose to use beta-component mixtures to model the market-implied severity. In our analysis we extract and identify recovery rates from credit default swaps instead of using defaulted bonds. The main advantage of extracting implied, endogenous and dynamic functions of recovery rates from credit default swaps versus using defaulted bonds is that it allows to identify recovery rates of low probability of default companies. We carry out an empirical analysis and our results show that a single beta distribution is rejected as a correct specification for implied recovery rates while a beta-component mixture is accepted. Futhermore, we highlight the importance of this modeling approach by focusing on its role for credit VaR

    Accuracy estimates based on multifield variational principles

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    Recent developments to fit the so called Free Formulation into a variational framework have suggested the possibility of introducing a new category of error estimates for finite element computations. Such error estimates are based on differences between certain multifield functionals, which give the same value for the true solution. In the present paper the formulation of some estimates of this kind is introduced for elasticity and plate bending problems, and several examples of their performance are discussed. The observed numerical behavior of the new accuracy measures seems to be acceptable from an engineering point of view. However, further numerical experimentation is still needed to establish practical tolerance levels for real problems

    Estimación del error de discretización con principios variacionales multicampo: II. Flexión de placas

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    Desarrollos recientes para encajar dentro de un marco variacional la llamada Formulación Libre sugieren la posibilidad de introducir un nuevo tipo de estimador de error para cálculos por elementos finitos. Este estimador se basa en una diferencia entre ciertos funcionales multicampo, que toman el mismo valor para la solución exacta del problema. En el presente artículo, dividido en dos partes, se introduce la formulación del estimador para problemas de elasticidad y de flexión de placas según las hipótesis clásicas de Kirchhoff. Se presentan también algunos ejemplos para dar idea de los comportamientos numéricos observados