92 research outputs found

    The mitochondrial genome of Phallusia mammillata and Phallusia fumigata (Tunicata, Ascidiacea): high genome plasticity at intra-genus level

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    Background: Within Chordata, the subphyla Vertebrata and Cephalochordata (Iancelets) are characterized by a remarkable stability of the mitochondrial (mt) genome, with constancy of gene content and almost invariant gene order, whereas the limited mitochondrial data on the subphylum Tunicata suggest frequent and extensive gene rearrangements, observed also within ascidians of the same genus. Results: To confirm this evolutionary trend and to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of the mitochondrial genome in Tunicata Ascidiacea, we have sequenced and characterized the complete mt genome of two congeneric ascidian species, Phallusia mammillata and Phallusia fumigata (Phlebobranchiata, Ascidiidae). The two mtDNAs are surprisingly rearranged, both with respect to one another and relative to those of other tunicates and chordates, with gene rearrangements affecting both protein-coding and tRNA genes. The new data highlight the extraordinary variability of ascidian mt genome in base composition, tRNA secondary structure, tRNA gene content, and non-coding regions (number, size, sequence and location). Indeed, both Phallusia genomes lack the trnD gene, show loss/acquisition of DHU-arm in two tRNAs, and have a G+C content two-fold higher than other ascidians. Moreover, the mt genome of P. fumigata presents two identical copies of trnI, an extra tRNA gene with uncertain amino acid specificity, and four almost identical sequence regions. In addition, a truncated cytochrome b, lacking a C-terminal tail that commonly protrudes into the mt matrix, has been identified as a new mt feature probably shared by all tunicates. Conclusion: The frequent occurrence of major gene order rearrangements in ascidians both at high taxonomic level and within the same genus makes this taxon an excellent model to study the mechanisms of gene rearrangement, and renders the mt genome an invaluable phylogenetic marker to investigate molecular biodiversity and speciation events in this largely unexplored group of basal chordates

    CAR-modified Cellular Therapies in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Is the Uphill Road Getting Less Steep?

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    The clinical development of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has been more challenging for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) compared to other settings. One of the main reasons is the CLL-associated state of immune dysfunction that specifically involves patient-derived T cells. Here, we provide an overview of the clinical results obtained with CAR T-cell therapy in CLL, describing the identified immunologic reasons for the inferior efficacy. Novel CAR T-cell formulations, such as lisocabtagene maraleucel, administered alone or in combination with the Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor ibrutinib, are currently under investigation. These approaches are based on the rationale that improving the quality of the T-cell source and of the CAR T-cell product may deliver a more functional therapeutic weapon. Further strategies to boost the efficacy of CAR T cells should rely not only on the production of CAR T cells with an improved cellular composition but also on additional changes. Such alterations could include (1) the coadministration of immunomodulatory agents capable of counteracting CLL-related immunological alterations, (2) the design of improved CAR constructs (such as third- and fourth-generation CARs), (3) the incorporation into the manufacturing process of immunomodulatory compounds overcoming the T-cell defects, and (4) the use of allogeneic CAR T cells or alternative CAR-modified cellular vectors. These strategies may allow to develop more effective CAR-modified cellular therapies capable of counteracting the more aggressive and still incurable forms of CLL

    Immunotherapeutic strategies in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: advances and challenges

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    Immune-based therapeutic strategies have drastically changed the landscape of hematological disorders, as they have introduced the concept of boosting immune responses against tumor cells. Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies have been the first form of immunotherapy successfully applied in the treatment of CLL, in the context of chemoimmunotherapy regimens. Since then, several immunotherapeutic approaches have been studied in CLL settings, with the aim of exploiting or eliciting anti-tumor immune responses against leukemia cells. Unfortunately, despite initial promising data, results from pilot clinical studies have not shown optimal results in terms of disease control - especially when immunotherapy was used individually - largely due to CLL-related immune dysfunctions hampering the achievement of effective anti-tumor responses. The growing understanding of the complex interactions between immune cells and the tumor cells has paved the way for the development of new combined approaches that rely on the synergism between novel agents and immunotherapy. In this review, we provide an overview of the most successful and promising immunotherapeutic modalities in CLL, including both antibody-based therapy (i.e. monoclonal antibodies, bispecific antibodies, bi- or tri- specific killer engagers) and adoptive cellular therapy (i.e. CAR T cells and NK cells). We also provide examples of successful new combination strategies and some insights on future perspectives

    Hypervariability of Ascidian Mitochondrial Gene Order: Exposing the Myth of Deuterostome Organelle Genome Stability

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    The few sequenced mitochondrial (mt) genomes of the class Ascidiacea (Chordata, Tunicata), mostly belonging to congeneric species of the Phlebobranchia order, show extraordinary gene order rearrangements. In order to assess if this hypervariability in gene order is a general feature of Ascidiacea, we report here the gene arrangement of five ascidians belonging to the Aplousobranchia and Stolidobranchia orders. Our data show that Ascidiacea are characterized by: 1) extensive gene order rearrangements both within and between the three major lineages; 2) lack of significant similarities to the gene order of other deuterostomes; and 3) an extent of rearrangements comparable with that of Mollusca (especially the Gastropoda, Bivalvia, and Scaphopoda classes), a phylum with highly rearranged mtDNAs. The only conserved feature is the location of all genes on the same strand, which suggests that selective constraints are related to the mt transcription. Finally, a higher mobility of the tRNA genes is undetectable because of saturation effect, and only the partially conserved cox2-cob gene block seems to retain some phylogenetic signals

    Anti-tumor activity of selinexor in combination with antineoplastic agents in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Despite recent relevant therapeutic progresses, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) remains an incurable disease. Selinexor, an oral inhibitor of the nuclear export protein XPO1, is active as single agent in different hematologic malignancies, including CLL. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-tumor effects of selinexor, used in combination with chemotherapy drugs (i.e. fludarabine and bendamustine) or with the PI3K delta inhibitor idelalisib in CLL. Our results showed a significant decrease in CLL cell viability after treatment with selinexor-containing drug combinations compared to each single compound, with demonstration of synergistic cytotoxic effects. Interestingly, this drug synergism was exerted also in the presence of the protective effect of stromal cells. From the molecular standpoint, the synergistic cytotoxic activity of selinexor plus idelalisib was associated with increased regulatory effects of this drug combination on the tumor suppressors FOXO3A and IkB alpha compared to each single compound. Finally, selinexor was also effective in potentiating the in vivo anti-tumor effects of the PI3K delta inhibitor in mice treated with the drug combination compared to single agents. Our data provide preclinical evidence of the synergism and potential efficacy of a combination treatment targeting XPO1 and PI3K delta in CLL

    Analyzing BioRad-Illumina Single Cell RNA-Seq data with open source tools

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    Single cell RNA-Seq is a powerful technique that is becoming more popular since it enables to sequence the transcriptome of each cell within a population of different cell types in a single experiment. Currently, there are a few different technologies, like BioRad-Illumina ddSeq and 10X Chromium

    The Networks of Genes Encoding Palmitoylated Proteins in Axonal and Synaptic Compartments Are Affected in PPT1 Overexpressing Neuronal-Like Cells

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    CLN1 disease (OMIM # 256730) is an early childhood ceroid-lipofuscinosis associated with mutated CLN1, whose product Palmitoyl-Protein Thioesterase 1 (PPT1) is a lysosomal enzyme involved in the removal of palmitate residues from S-acylated proteins. In neurons, PPT1 expression is also linked to synaptic compartments. The aim of this study was to unravel molecular signatures connected to CLN1. We utilized SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells overexpressing wild type CLN1 (SH-p. wtCLN1) and five selected CLN1 patients' mutations. The cellular distribution of wtPPT1 was consistent with regular processing of endogenous protein, partially detected inside Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2 (LAMP2) positive vesicles, while the mutants displayed more diffuse cytoplasmic pattern. Transcriptomic profiling revealed 802 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in SH-p. wtCLN1 (as compared to empty-vector transfected cells), whereas the number of DEGs detected in the two mutants (p. L222P and p. M57Nfs * 45) was significantly lower. Bioinformatic scrutiny linked DEGs with neurite formation and neuronal transmission. Specifically, neuritogenesis and proliferation of neuronal processes were predicted to be hampered in the wtCLN1 overexpressing cell line, and these findings were corroborated by morphological investigations. Palmitoylation survey identified 113 palmitoylated protein-encoding genes in SH-p. wtCLN1, including 25 ones simultaneously assigned to axonal growth and synaptic compartments. A remarkable decrease in the expression of palmitoylated proteins, functionally related to axonal elongation (GAP43, CRMP1 and NEFM) and of the synaptic marker SNAP25, specifically in SH-p. wtCLN1 cells was confirmed by immunoblotting. Subsequent, bioinformatic network survey of DEGs assigned to the synaptic annotations linked 81 DEGs, including 23 ones encoding for palmitoylated proteins. Results obtained in this experimental setting outlined two affected functional modules (connected to the axonal and synaptic compartments), which can be associated with an altered gene dosage of wtCLN1. Moreover, these modules were interrelated with the pathological effects associated with loss of PPT1 function, similarly as observed in the Ppt1 knockout mice and patients with CLN1 disease.Peer reviewe

    Two novel C-terminus RUNX2 mutations in two cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) patients impairing p53 expression

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    Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), a dominantly inherited skeletal disease, is characterized by a variable phenotype ranging from dental alterations to severe skeletal defects. Either de novo or inherited mutations in the RUNX2 gene have been identified in most CCD patients. Transcription factor RUNX2, the osteogenic master gene, plays a central role in the commitment of mesenchymal stem cells to osteoblast lineage. With the aim to analyse the effects of RUNX2 mutations in CCD patients, we investigated RUNX2 gene expression and the osteogenic potential of two CCD patients’ cells. In addition, with the aim to better understand how RUNX2 mutations interfere with osteogenic differentiation, we performed string analyses to identify proteins interacting with RUNX2 and analysed p53 expression levels. Our findings demonstrated for the first time that, in addition to the alteration of downstream gene expression, RUNX2 mutations impair p53 expression affecting osteogenic maturation. In conclusion, the present work provides new insights into the role of RUNX2 mutations in CCD patients and suggests that an in-depth analysis of the RUNX2-associated gene network may contribute to better understand the complex molecular and phenotypic alterations in mutant subjects

    MitoZoa 2.0: a database resource and search tools for comparative and evolutionary analyses of mitochondrial genomes in Metazoa

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    The MITOchondrial genome database of metaZOAns (MitoZoa) is a public resource for comparative analyses of metazoan mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) at both the sequence and genomic organizational levels. The main characteristics of the MitoZoa database are the careful revision of mtDNA entry annotations and the possibility of retrieving gene order and non-coding region (NCR) data in appropriate formats. The MitoZoa retrieval system enables basic and complex queries at various taxonomic levels using different search menus. MitoZoa 2.0 has been enhanced in several aspects, including: a re-annotation pipeline to check the correctness of protein-coding gene predictions; a standardized annotation of introns and of precursor ORFs whose functionality is post-transcriptionally recovered by RNA editing or programmed translational frameshifting; updates of taxon-related fields and a BLAST sequence similarity search tool. Database novelties and the definition of standard mtDNA annotation rules, together with the user-friendly retrieval system and the BLAST service, make MitoZoa a valuable resource for comparative and evolutionary analyses as well as a reference database to assist in the annotation of novel mtDNA sequences. MitoZoa is freely accessible at http://www.caspur.it/mitozoa
