6 research outputs found
Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits
• Leaf dark respiration (Rdark) is an important yet poorly quantified component of the global carbon cycle. Given this, we analyzed a new global database of Rdark and associated leaf traits.
• Data for 899 species were compiled from 100 sites (from the Arctic to the tropics). Several woody and nonwoody plant functional types (PFTs) were represented. Mixed-effects models were used to disentangle sources of variation in Rdark.
• Area-based Rdark at the prevailing average daily growth temperature (T) of each site increased only twofold from the Arctic to the tropics, despite a 20°C increase in growing T (8–28°C). By contrast, Rdark at a standard T (25°C, Rdark25) was threefold higher in the Arctic than in the tropics, and twofold higher at arid than at mesic sites. Species and PFTs at cold sites exhibited higher Rdark25 at a given photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax25) or leaf nitrogen concentration ([N]) than species at warmer sites. Rdark25 values at any given Vcmax25 or [N] were higher in herbs than in woody plants.
• The results highlight variation in Rdark among species and across global gradients in T and aridity. In addition to their ecological significance, the results provide a framework for improving representation of Rdark in terrestrial biosphere models (TBMs) and associated land-surface components of Earth system models (ESMs)
Isotopic composition of respired CO2 and seasonal variability in the Amazon tropical Forest
O presente estudo foi conduzido na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós (FLONA) (2°51'S 54°58'W) localizado no km 67 nos anos de 2003 e 2004. O objetivo foi avaliar as mudanças na composição isotópica do carbono respirado por uma floresta e seus componentes (δ13CR), além da composição isotópica do material orgânico (δ13C) de folhas, solo, serapilheira e madeira morta. A técnica da reta de Keeling e a equação de Farquhar foram utilizadas para determinar o valor de δ13CR e para estimar o valor de ci/ca, respectivamente. De acordo com os resultados, o δ13C respirado pelo ecossistema foi significativamente influenciado pela sazonalidade em 2003. O δ13C das folhas apresentou uma estratificação significativa ao longo do perfil vertical, apresentando valores mais enriquecidos no topo de dossel. O valor médio de ci/ca apresentou um aumento vertical no sentido do sub-bosque. As correlações encontradas entre os valores de δ13C respirado com temperatura, DPV, RFA e precipitação indicam uma estreita relação entre as trocas gasosas e variabilidade climática local, onde a intensificação nas amostragens ao longo de dois anos consecutivos confirmou as diferenças sazonais observadas anteriormente. A definição dos padrões isotópicos de um ecossistema em diferentes condições climáticas é de fundamental importância para a melhor compreensão do ciclo do carbono, desde uma folha até o ecossistema; especialmente na região Amazônica onde as atividades antrópicas têm aumentado significativamente, fortalecendo o cenário de mudanças no clima.This study was conducted in 2003 and 2004 at the km 67 old growth forest in the Tapajós National Forest (2 ° 51'S 54 ° 58'W). The objective was measure the carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) of respired CO2 from the entire ecosystem and isotope composition of organic components leaves, soil, litter and dead wood. The Keeling plot technique and Farquhar's leaf model was used to examine the physiological drivers of the isotopic composition of these components as well as the seasonal response for them. A variation of respired δ13CR - CO2 by the ecosystem was well related with precipitation variation, VPD and PAR, and a significant seasonal difference was found in 2003. The δ13C of leaf organic matter showed a clear stratification along the vertical profile. The estimated ci/ca ratio values showed significant differences between heights and seasons. The results indicated that the isotopic composition of respired CO2 and organic matter was sensitive to microclimatic variations; so far the δ13C values can be used to understand how environmental changes can affect the carbon cycle at ecosystem scale
Respostas de pupunheiras (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) jovens ao alagamento
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos do encharcamento do solo sobre a condutância estomática, o conteúdo relativo de água, o teor de clorofila e a concentração de N, P, K e de açúcares solúveis nos tecidos das folhas, bulbos e raízes de pupunheiras (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) jovens. Plantas com seis meses de idade foram submetidas ao alagamento das raízes por períodos contínuos de sete, 14 e 21 dias. O alagamento induziu o fechamento dos estômatos, apesar de os tecidos das folhas terem mantido conteúdos relativos de água em torno de 90%. O alagamento provocou a redução dos teores de clorofila total, N orgânico, P e principalmente K nos tecidos foliares e redução significativa da biomassa das raízes. A anoxia do sistema radicular induziu o acúmulo de açúcares solúveis nos tecidos de folhas e, principalmente, de bulbos e raízes. Apesar de não ter sido detectada morte de nenhuma planta até o final do período experimental, este conjunto de alterações metabólicas permite afirmar que a pupunheira é sensível ao alagamento das raízes
A network of monitoring networks for evaluating biodiversity conservation effectiveness in Brazilian protected areas
International audienceThe necessity to create national to global-scale biodiversity monitoring systems as part of assessing progress toward biodiversity agendas presents a challenge for signatory countries. This is a brief review of ongoing Brazilian national initiatives that would allow the construction of a general biomonitoring network scheme in protected areas; with additional focus on linking independent monitoring schemes. We discuss some key aspects needed to include monitoring schemes under a single framework that will lead to better evaluation of pressure–state–response indicators for managing biodiversity at several scales; and we point out the potential of embracing citizen science and participatory monitoring to quantify some aspects within those schemes