12 research outputs found

    A case-control study on risk factors for nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular cataract: The Casteldaccia Eye Study

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    Purpose: To investigate risk factors for nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular age-related cataract. Methods: A case-control study was carried out on subjects aged 40 years and older, living in Casteldaccia, Sicily. Twenty-seven potential risk factors were investigated. Nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular opacities of the lens were classified according to the Lens Opacities Classification System II. Subjects with advanced lens opacities represented the cases, while an identical number of subjects without or with early cataract, matched for sex and age, were recruited as controls from within the same population. Results: Univariate analysis showed that myopia and iris atrophy were significantly associated with nuclear cataract. Iris atrophy, use of corticosteroids, pseudoexfoliation syndrome and familial occurrence of cataract were positively correlated with cortical cataract. Myopia, iris atrophy, use of corticosteroids and familial occurrence of cataract presented an association with posterior subcapsular cataract. After multivariate analysis, the variables that remained significantly associated were myopia and iris atrophy for nuclear cataract; iris atrophy, pseudoexfoliation syndrome and familial occurrence of cataract for cortical cataract; and myopia, iris atrophy and familial occurrence of cataract for posterior subcapsular cataract. Conclusion: In addition to well known risk factors such as myopia or use of corticosteroids, the Casteldaccia case-control study shows that iris atrophy represents a previously unrecognized risk factor for each of the three types of cataract

    Identification of a major locus for age-related cortical cataract on chromosome 6p12-q12 in the Beaver Dam Eye Study

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    Age-related cataracts are one of the leading causes of visual impairment and blindness among the elderly worldwide. Among age-related cataracts, cortical opacities rank as the second most common type; however, little is known about their molecular pathogenesis or genetics. To identify susceptibility loci for cortical cataracts, we genotyped a subset of families (102 families; n = 224 sib pairs) from the Beaver Dam Eye Study and performed a model-free genome-wide linkage analysis for markers linked to a quantitative measure of cortical opacity. We obtained evidence for linkage at marker D1S1622 on chromosome 1p35 (P < 0.0002) and at marker D6S1053 on 6q12 (P < 0.00008) in the initial scan. Five additional regions on 1q31, 2p24, 2q11, 4q28, and 15q13 that are suggestive of linkage (P ≤ 0.01 or logarithm of the likelihood ratio ≥ 1.18) were observed. The region on chromosomes 6p12-q12 was selected for fine mapping, and the intermarker distance was reduced to 3 cM by adding 11 markers in the interval between D6S1017 and D6S1021. After fine mapping, significant evidence of linkage remained on chromosome 6p12-q12 at D6S1053 (P < 0.00005). The current genome scan for age-related cortical cataracts may lead to identification of novel genes, because few regions identified in the current scan have previously been implicated in congenital or age-related cataracts