33 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de lecherías con Boophilus microplus resistentes a piretroides y factores de riesgo asociados a su presencia en el Departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia

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    A cross-sectional study was done of the association between risk factors and the prevalence of Boophilus microplus ticks resistant to synthetic pyrethroids (SP) in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia. Eighty-three dairy farms were randomly selected and a sample of 10 to 50 engorged female B. microplus ticks collected at each. Tick progeny were produced to test for SP resistance. The Larval Packet Test with a discriminating dose was done to detect flumethrin (0.01%), deltamethrin (0.09%) and cypermethrin (0.05%) resistance in the ticks. Two reference strains with a specific response type (previously reported in Australia and Mexico) were used: Marmor (resistance to deltamethrin and cypermethrin) and Parkhurst (resistance to flumethrin, deltamethrin and cypermethrin). A third response type of resistance to deltamethrin was identified for the first time in this study and called the Santa Cruz type. Overall prevalence of pyrethroids-resistant ticks among the sampled farms was 92.7%. Flumethrin resistance was observed at 42 % of the farms, deltamethrin resistance at 88.0 % and cypermethrin resistance at 75.9 %. Response type prevalence was: Marmor 32.5 %, Parkhurst 38.5 %, and Santa Cruz 14.4 %. The risk factor significantly associated with occurrence of the Marmor-type response was grazing in public areas, and that significantly associated with occurrence of the Parkhurst-type response was grazing on producer property. The high prevalence of SP-resistant B. microplus tick populations on dairy farms in Santa Cruz Department poses a problem for production, and grazing practices is a risk factor for the presence of the Marmor- and Parkhurst-type responses.Se realizó un estudio de sección cruzada para determinar la prevalencia de ranchos con garrapatas Boophilus microplus resistentes a piretroides sintéticos (PS), así como posibles factores de riesgo en la Zona Integrada del Departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Se muestrearon 83 ranchos, donde se colectaron al menos 10 teleoginas de B. microplus para evaluar en su progenie la respuesta a los PS. Se utilizó la prueba de paquete de larvas, con la dosis discriminante para diagnosticar resistencia a flumetrina (0.01%), deltametrina (0.09%) y cipermetrina (0.05%). Como referencias se evaluaron tres tipos de conductas reportadas en Australia y México: Marmor resistente a deltametrina y cipermetrina, Parkhurst resistente a flumetrina, deltametrina y cipermetrina, y una conducta encontrada por primera vez denominada Santa Cruz (resistente a deltametrina). Para explorar los potenciales factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de garrapatas resistentes a PS se aplicó una encuesta en cada explotación. La prevalencia de lecherías resistentes a PS fue del 92.7 %. El 42.2 % fue resistente a flumetrina, 88.0 % a deltametrina y 75.9 % a cipermetrina. La prevalencia para cada una de las conductas fue: Marmor 32.5 %, Parkhurst 38.5 % y Santa Cruz 14.4 %. Se identificaron factores de riesgo para las conductas tipo Marmor (pastoreo en areas comunales) y Parkhurst (pastoreo en terreno propio). Se concluye que la prevalencia de lecherías con B. microplus resistentes a PS es un problema actual en la zona, y el tipo de pastoreo es un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de resistencia a los comportamientos tipo Parkhurst y Marmor

    Potential economic impact assessment for cattle parasites in Mexico. Review

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    Las pérdidas económicas causadas por parásitos del bovino en México se calcularon anualmente. Los principales factores considerados para esta evaluación incluyeron el número total de animales a riesgo, los posibles efectos dañinos del parasitismo sobre la producción de leche o ganancia de peso, y los decomisos de subproductos pecuarios. Las pérdidas económicas fueron estimadas en dólares americanos (US)ysebasaronenlaspeˊrdidasdelrendimientoproductivodeanimalesnotratados.Estasestimacionesreflejanlosprincipalesefectosdeseisparaˊsitosogruposdeparaˊsitossobrelaproduccioˊnbovina.Elimpactoeconoˊmicopotencial(millonesdedoˊlares)fue:nematodosgastrointestinalesUS) y se basaron en las pérdidas del rendimiento productivo de animales no tratados. Estas estimaciones reflejan los principales efectos de seis parásitos o grupos de parásitos sobre la producción bovina. El impacto económico potencial (millones de dólares) fue: nematodos gastrointestinales US 445.10; coccidias (Eimeria spp.) US23.78;duelasdelhıˊgado(Fasciolahepatica)US 23.78; duelas del hígado (Fasciola hepatica) US 130.91; garrapatas (Rhipicephalus microplus) US573.61;moscadeloscuernos(Haematobiairritans)US 573.61; mosca de los cuernos (Haematobia irritans) US 231.67; y mosca de los establos (Stomoxys calcitrans) US6.79.Engeneral,laspeˊrdidasanualescausadasporlosseisprincipalesparaˊsitosdelbovinoenMeˊxicoseestimaronenUS 6.79. En general, las pérdidas anuales causadas por los seis principales parásitos del bovino en México se estimaron en US 1.41 mil millones. Considerando que la población bovina nacional en 2013 fue de 32.40 millones de bovinos, la pérdida anual estimada fue de US43.57poranimal.Sehacemencioˊndelaslimitacionesquetienenelusodealgunasreferenciasparalasestimaciones,particularmentecuandoseextrapolansituacioneslocalesaunaescalanacional.Sinembargo,elresultadogeneralobtenidoenesteestudiodemuestralamagnitudeimportanciadelparasitismoenelganadodeMeˊxicoylosdesafıˊosparamaximizarlarentabilidaddelaindustriaganaderasinrecurriralusodeestrategiasdecontrolintegradosustentabledeparaˊsitos.ABSTRACTHere,economiclossescausedbycattleparasitesinMexicowereestimatedonanannualbasis.Themainfactorstakenintoconsiderationforthisassessmentincludedthetotalnumberofanimalsatrisk,potentialdetrimentaleffectsofparasitismonmilkproductionorweightgain,andrecordsofcondemnationonlivestockbyproducts.EstimatesinUSdollars(US 43.57 por animal. Se hace mención de las limitaciones que tienen el uso de algunas referencias para las estimaciones, particularmente cuando se extrapolan situaciones locales a una escala nacional. Sin embargo, el resultado general obtenido en este estudio demuestra la magnitud e importancia del parasitismo en el ganado de México y los desafíos para maximizar la rentabilidad de la industria ganadera sin recurrir al uso de estrategias de control integrado sustentable de parásitos. ABSTRACT Here, economic losses caused by cattle parasites in Mexico were estimated on an annual basis. The main factors taken into consideration for this assessment included the total number of animals at risk, potential detrimental effects of parasitism on milk production or weight gain, and records of condemnation on livestock byproducts. Estimates in US dollars (US) were based on reported yield losses in untreated animals. These estimates reflect the major effects on cattle productivity of six parasites, or parasite group. The potential economic impact (USmillions)was:gastrointestinalnematodesUS millions) was: gastrointestinal nematodes US 445.10; coccidia (Eimeria spp.) US23.78;liverfluke(Fasciolahepatica)US 23.78; liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) US 130.91; cattle tick (Rhipicephalus microplus) US573.61;hornfly(Haematobiairritans)US 573.61; horn fly (Haematobia irritans) US 231.67; and stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) US6.79.Overall,theyearlyeconomiclossduetothesixmajorparasitesofcattleinMexicowasestimatedtobeUS 6.79. Overall, the yearly economic loss due to the six major parasites of cattle in Mexico was estimated to be US 1.41 billion. Considering that the national cattle herd registered in 2013 included 32.40 million head, the estimated yearly loss per head was US$ 43.57. The limitations of some of the baseline studies used to develop these estimates, particularly when extrapolated from local situations to a national scale, are acknowledged. However, the general picture obtained from the present effort demonstrates the magnitude and importance of cattle parasitism in Mexico and the challenges to maximize profitability by the livestock industry without adapting sustainable and integrated parasite control strategies

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Primer caso de resistencia al amitraz en la garrapata del ganado boophilus microplus en méxico

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    The objective of this study was to document the first case in Mexico of Amitraz resistance in B. microplus ticks. A sample of B. microplus ticks was obtained in the municipality of Emiliano Zapata, Tabasco, where there had been reports of lack of control with this ixodicide. The tick strain was named ",,San Alfonso",, and (F 1 ) larvae were used from the parental generation of adult engorged females. These were tested with a discriminate dose of Amitraz 0.0002%, (Taktic®) in a emulsifiable concentrated formulation. Modified larval immersion test were used, with a 72 hr exposition time. Abeerden Angus bovines were infested with the F1 larvae generation in order to obtain adult female ticks, that were then tested by adult immersion test with commercial formulas used in Mexico such as: Taktic®, Bovithion®, Dursban®, Esteladon®, Asuntol®, Bayticol®, Permetrin, Batestan®, Ectogan® and Garraban®, using the commercially recommended concentration during a 1 min exposition. The results showed that in the larvae tmortality percentage with Amitraz was 25.3% and the resistance index was 41.9. The ",,San Alfonso",, B. microplus strain also showed resistance to organophosphates and pyrethroids. The percentage of control obtained by Amitraz in the adult phase was 22.8%. According to these findings it was determined that the ",,San Alfonso",, strain is the first case in Mexico of Amitraz resistance in the B. microplus cattle tick.El objetivo de este estudio fue documentar el primer caso de la resistencia de la garrapata B. microplus al Amitraz, en México. Se obtuvo una muestra de garrapatas B. microplus del municipio de Emiliano Zapata, Tabasco, con reportes de fallas de control con este acaricida. La cepa de garrapatas fue denominada ",,San Alfonso",, y se utilizaron larvas (F1) provenientes de la generación parental de hembras repletas, éstas se probaron con dosis discriminate de Amitraz 0.0002 %, (Taktic®) en formulación de concentrado emulsificable, mediante la prueba de inmersion larval modificada, con un tiempo de exposición de 72 h. Larvas de la generación F1 se infestaron artificialmente en bovinos Abeerden Angus para la reproducción de garrapatas hembras adultas, que fueron sometidas a la prueba de inmersión de adultas con formulaciones comerciales utilizadas en México, como el Taktic® Bovithion®, Dursban®, Esteladon®, Asuntol®, Bayticol®, Permetrina, Batestan®, Ectogan® y Garraban®, a la concentración comercialrecomendada durante un tiempo de exposición de un minuto. Los resultados mostraron que en larvas el porcentaje de mortalidad con Amitraz fue de 25.3 %, y el factor de resistencia fue de 41.9. Además la cepa ",,San Alfonso",, mostró resistencia a los organofosforados y piretroides. El porcentaje de control obtenido del Amitraz en la fase adulta fue de 22.8 %. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se determinó que la cepa denominada ",,San Alfonso",, es el primer caso de resistencia al Amitraz en la garrapata del ganado B. microplus detectado en México

    Frecuencia y patogenicidad de elmeria spp en pollos de engorda de doce granjas en el estado de Morelos

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    Con objeto de determinar las especies de Elmeria más frecuentes, así como su patogenicidad en explotaciones de pollo de engorda, se muestreó una caseta al azar, en 12 granjas avícolas del Estado de Morelos

    Comparative antibiotic resistance in urine cultures before and after the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    An epidemiological surveillance study was conducted at Laboratorios Ruiz (member of Synlab México group) in Puebla, Mexico that included the comparison of the antibiotic susceptibility test results of bacteria isolated from urine cultures at two different periods, between 2017 and 2021. There was an increase in the resistance to beta-lactams in E. coli and K. pneumoniae while a decrease in resistance to aminoglycosides in E. faecalis. The COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the increased antibiotic resistance trends

    Prevalencia de lecherías con Boophilus microplus resistentes a piretroides y factores de riesgo asociados a su presencia en el Departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia

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    Se realizó un estudio de sección cruzada para determinar la prevalencia de ranchos con garrapatas Boophilus microplus resistentes a piretroides sintéticos (PS), así como posibles factores de riesgo en la Zona Integrada del Departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Se muestrearon 83 ranchos, donde se colectaron al menos 10 teleoginas de B. microplus para evaluar en su progenie la respuesta a los PS. Se utilizó la prueba de paquete de larvas, con la dosis discriminante para diagnosticar resistencia a flumetrina (0.01%), deltametrina (0.09%) y cipermetrina (0.05%). Como referencias se evaluaron tres tipos de conductas reportadas en Australia y México: Marmor resistente a deltametrina y cipermetrina, Parkhurst resistente a flumetrina, deltametrina y cipermetrina, y una conducta encontrada por primera vez denominada Santa Cruz (resistente a deltametrina). Para explorar los potenciales factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de garrapatas resistentes a PS se aplicó una encuesta en cada explotación. La prevalencia de lecherías resistentes a PS fue del 92.7 %. El 42.2 % fue resistente a flumetrina, 88.0 % a deltametrina y 75.9 % a cipermetrina. La prevalencia para cada una de las conductas fue: Marmor 32.5 %, Parkhurst 38.5 % y Santa Cruz 14.4 %. Se identificaron factores de riesgo para las conductas tipo Marmor (pastoreo en areas comunales) y Parkhurst (pastoreo en terreno propio). Se concluye que la prevalencia de lecherías con B. microplus resistentes a PS es un problema actual en la zona, y el tipo de pastoreo es un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de resistencia a los comportamientos tipo Parkhurst y Marmor

    Characterization of a Complex Mixture of Immunomodulator Peptides Obtained from Autologous Urine

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    A complex mixture of peptides plays a key role in the regulation of the immune system; different sources as raw materials mainly from animals and vegetables have been reported to provide these extracts. The batch-to-batch product consistency depends on in-process controls established. However, when an immunomodulator is a customized product obtained from the same volunteer who will receive the product to personalize the treatment, the criteria to establish the consistency between volunteers are different. In this sense, it is expected to have the same molecular weight range although the profile of peptide abundance is different. Here, we characterized the peptide profile of three extracts of an immunomodulator obtained from the urine of different volunteers suffering from three different diseases (i.e., allergic rhinitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic rhinopharyngitis), using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and mass spectrometry (MS). The peptides contained in the immunomodulators were stable after six months, stored in a refrigerator. Our results showed a chromatographic profile with the same range of low molecular weight (less than 17 kDa) in all analyzed samples by SEC; these results were also confirmed by MS showing an exact mass spectrum from 3 to 13 kDa. The fact that the peptide profiles were conserved during a six-month period at refrigeration conditions (2 to 8°C) maintaining the quality and stability of the immunomodulator supports the notion that it might be an alternative in the treatment of chronic hypersensibility disorders