1,024 research outputs found

    Echoes of Days Gone By: Ottoman Words in the Former Concentration Camp Gusen II, Austria

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    Echoes of Days Gone By: Ottoman Words in the Former Concentration Camp Gusen II, AustriaEchoes of Days Gone By: Ottoman Words in the Former Concentration Camp Gusen II, Austri

    Gauge-invariant charged, monopole and dyon fields in gauge theories

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    We propose explicit recipes to construct the euclidean Green functions of gauge-invariant charged, monopole and dyon fields in four-dimensional gauge theories whose phase diagram contains phases with deconfined electric and/or magnetic charges. In theories with only either abelian electric or magnetic charges, our construction is an euclidean version of Dirac's original proposal, the magnetic dual of his proposal, respectively. Rigorous mathematical control is achieved for a class of abelian lattice theories. In theories where electric and magnetic charges coexist, our construction of Green functions of electrically or magnetically charged fields involves taking an average over Mandelstam strings or the dual magnetic flux tubes, in accordance with Dirac's flux quantization condition. We apply our construction to 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles and Julia-Zee dyons. Connections between our construction and the semiclassical approach are discussed

    Managing Sustainable Consumption: Shaping the Customer Journey with Focus on Sustainability in the Food Industry

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    As consumer awareness surrounding impacts of the climate crisis continues to be a notable threat, businesses are searching for new models to make their sustainability profile even better. As a result, the implementation of a company’s sustainability vision following the SDGs has to be linked closely to the integration of customers into strategic action. One success factor is the management of customers over their entire life cycle. The Customer Journey serves as a model to systematise this approach, by designing touchpoints throughout the purchasing process in order to motivate consumers to act sustainably. Based on behaviour models, the authors develop recommendations for the food industry to design a sustainable Customer Journey that helps to reduce the percentage of consumers reporting positive attitudes to sustainable products while not exhibiting corresponding behaviour.As consumer awareness surrounding impacts of the climate crisis continues to be a notable threat, businesses are searching for new models to make their sustainability profile even better. As a result, the implementation of a company’s sustainability vision following the SDGs has to be linked closely to the integration of customers into strategic action. One success factor is the management of customers over their entire life cycle. The Customer Journey serves as a model to systematise this approach, by designing touchpoints throughout the purchasing process in order to motivate consumers to act sustainably. Based on behaviour models, the authors develop recommendations for the food industry to design a sustainable Customer Journey that helps to reduce the percentage of consumers reporting positive attitudes to sustainable products while not exhibiting corresponding behaviour

    Generierung und Evaluation multisensorischer Stimuli in virtuellen Welten

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    Fröhlich J. Generierung und Evaluation multisensorischer Stimuli in virtuellen Welten. Bielefeld: UniversitÀtsbibliothek Bielefeld; 2014

    Wind and warmth in virtual reality: implementation and evaluation

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    HĂŒlsmann F, Fröhlich J, Mattar N, Wachsmuth I. Wind and warmth in virtual reality: implementation and evaluation. In: VRIC '14: Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference: Laval Virtual. ACM; 2014.One possibility to make virtual worlds more immersive is to address as many human senses as possible. This paper presents the development of a system for creating wind and warmth simulations in Virtual Reality (VR). Therefore, suitable hardware and an implemented software model are described. Technical evaluations of the hardware and of the software components demonstrate the usability of the system in VR Applications. Furthermore, a user study underlines users’ acceptance and indicates a positive influence of wind and warmth stimuli on perceived presence

    A high implicit affiliation motive does not always make you happy: A corresponding explicit motive and corresponding behavior are further needed

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    Satisfaction of the implicit affiliation motive is known to be positively related to emotional well-being, whereas the frustration of the implicit affiliation motive leads to impairment of well-being. In the present research we specified two conditions that are responsible for the satisfaction and frustration of the implicit motive. Referring to research on the congruence of implicit and explicit motives, we assumed that a corresponding explicit affiliation motive leads to satisfaction of the implicit motive. Corresponding affiliation behavior constitutes the second condition. Three studies confirmed the hypothesis that both conditions must be fulfilled in order to positively connect the implicit affiliation motive to emotional well-being. Participants with high implicit and explicit affiliation motives and who additionally showed a large amount of affiliation behavior reported the lowest negative affectivity and the highest life satisfaction compared to participants who lacked one of the condition

    Observing the anisotropic optical response of the heavy-fermion compound UNi2Al3

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    The optical conductivity of heavy fermions can reveal fundamental properties of the charge carrier dynamics in these strongly correlated electron systems. Here we extend the conventional techniques of infrared optics on heavy fermions by measuring the transmission and phase shift of THz radiation that passes through a thin film of UNi2Al3, a material with hexagonal crystal structure. We deduce the optical conductivity in a previously not accessible frequency range, and furthermore we resolve the anisotropy of the optical response (parallel and perpendicular to the hexagonal planes). At frequencies around 7cm^-1, we find a strongly temperature-dependent and anisotropic optical conductivity that - surprisingly - roughly follows the dc behavior.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, accepted for proceedings of QCnP 200

    Combining multi-sensory stimuli in virtual worlds - a progress report

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    Fröhlich J, Wachsmuth I. Combining multi-sensory stimuli in virtual worlds - a progress report. In: Shumaker R, ed. Virtual Augmented and Mixed Reality. Designing and Developing Augmented and Virtual Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 8525. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland; 2014: 44-54.In order to make a significant step towards more realistic virtual experiences, we created a multi-sensory stimuli display for a CAVE-like environment. It comprises graphics, sound, tactile feedback, wind and warmth. In the present report we discuss the possibilities and constraints tied to such an enhancement. To use a multi-modal display in a proper way, many considerations have to be taken into account. This includes safety requirements, hardware devices and software integration. For each stimulus different possibilities are reviewed with regard to their assets and drawbacks. Eventually the resulting setup realized in our lab is described – to our knowledge one of the most comprehensive systems. Technical evaluations as well as user studies accompanied the development and gave hints with respect to necessities and chances

    The effect of multisensory stimuli on path selection in virtual reality environments

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has as a key feature, the users’ interaction with a virtual environment. Depending on the purpose of a given VR application, it can be essential to use multisensory stimulus without biasing users towards specific actions or decisions in the virtual environment (VE). The goal of the present work is to study if the choice of paths can be influenced by the addition of multisensory stimulus when navigating in a VE using an immersive setup. The awareness of having to take such decisions was also considered. For the purpose, we used a VR game-like application contemplating three levels. Each level was symmetrical and had two possible paths to move to the next level (left or right). For each level, there was a multisensory stimulus on the right path (from a subject orientation): wind, vibration, scent respectively. The sample of the study consisted of 50 participants, and the results showed that none of the multisensory stimuli had a significant impact users’ decision. The users’ awareness of having to decide also did not affect their path. We conclude that multisensory stimuli can be used to raise the credibility of the virtual environments without compromising the users’ decisions.This work is financed by the ERDF – European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028618 entitled PERFECT - Perceptual Equivalence in virtual Reality For authEntiC Training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simulating wind and warmth in virtual reality: conception, realization and evaluation for a CAVE environment

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    HĂŒlsmann F, Mattar N, Fröhlich J, Wachsmuth I. Simulating wind and warmth in virtual reality: conception, realization and evaluation for a CAVE environment. JVRB - Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting. 2014;11(10).Wind and warmth sensations proved to be able to enhance users' state of presence in Virtual Reality applications. Still, only few projects deal with their detailed effect on the user and general ways of implementing such stimuli. This work tries to fill this gap: After analyzing requirements for hardware and software concerning wind and warmth simulations, a hardware and also a software setup for the application in a CAVE environment is proposed. The setup is evaluated with regard to technical details and requirements, but also - in the form of a pilot study - in view of user experience and presence. Our setup proved to comply with the requirements and leads to satisfactory results. To our knowledge, the low cost simulation system (approx. 2200 Euro) presented here is one of the most extensive, most flexible and best evaluated systems for creating wind and warmth stimuli in CAVE-based VR applications
