201 research outputs found

    Revitalization of a historical industrial port district - The goods station district in Antwerp

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    Today the industrial heritage close to historic city centres is often part of major redevelopment projects. This is also the case for the former goods station district located in the north of Antwerp, close to the historic port of the city. The good station district was developed during the second half of the nineteenth century when new urban space became available after the demolition of the Spanish city walls in the 1860s. Henceforth, the city and its entrepreneurial citizens had the opportunity to develop a new industrial district with a goods station that linked the port with its hinterland. This industrial zone, which was highly productive during the second half of the nineteenth and the twentieth century, is characterized by many impressive warehouses. Recently however, this fascinating historic district started to undergo dramatic changes. The industry moved to the outskirts of the city and after a period of degeneration ambitious redevelopment plans were developed introducing new functions. The district is redeveloped as a residential district with offices. The vacant warehouses and factories attracted the attention of building promoters because of their valuable, large plots near the centre of the city. Some historic warehouses were demolished to make room for new office and apartment blocks, others were irreversibly changed. Although many warehouses still remain, their safeguarding is endangered by the speed and intensity by which the urban space is being redeveloped.It is, therefore, indispensable to rethink the value of the unique and diverse collection of remaining historical warehouses and their significance in the ever-changing fabric of the district. This paper aims to provide a scientific base to support the preservation and adaptive reuse of these warehouses, which still occupy large parts of the former goods station district. The paper analyses the planning history over the past 150 years of this particular district, located between the port and the goods station in Antwerp. Archival research (cadastral information, urban cartography and historic address books) allowed to define and to understand the establishment, functioning and evolution of the district. Additional research of building permits was necessary to define the historical importance of the warehouses, serving as a base to put forward criteria for their preservation. Furthermore, on-site investigations provided insight into the recent developments and were necessary to evaluate the reconversion projects of the warehouses and the changing integration of the latter in the urban fabric from a critical point of view. Finally, suggestions are formulated for respectful integration and renovation strategies. Henceforth, the study serves qualitative redevelopment projects as it is indeed essential to revalue historic industrial buildings in the evolving city centers and to investigate how this valuable heritage can be preserved for further generations

    Seminal significance: the forgotten father in recurrent pregnancy loss

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    Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is a poorly understood condition that comes with many uncertainties, both for affected couples and healthcare providers. Important goals are to provide answers to these couples and to improve their pregnancy outcomes. To achieve this, we need a better understanding of contributing and predictive factors. Until now, the male role in RPL has been underexposed. In this thesis, we aimed to expand our knowledge regarding the ‘forgotten father’ in RPL. We have found strong clues that in RPL, male contribution really matters.The main conclusions are that advanced paternal age and paternal smoking are associated with an increased risk of pregnancy loss, that inclusion of paternal factors into a prediction model improves the accuracy of predicting ongoing pregnancy after RPL, and that impaired immunomodulatory effects of seminal plasma may play a role in RPL. At the same time, our studies have led to new questions and uncovered new challenges, which are excellent opportunities for further research. Stichting Oranjekliniek, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Leiden University Medical Center, Moeders voor Moeders, Goodlife Pharma, Canon Medical Systems Nederland, Hellp Stichting, Castor EDC, ChipSoftLUMC / Geneeskund

    Historische stedelijke pakhuizen in Brussel: architectuur en bouw

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    Historische stedelijke pakhuizen zijn opmerkelijke structuren. Ondanks hun robuuste architectuur zijn ze nu echter kwetsbaar stedelijk erfgoed geworden en worden ze met sloop bedreigd. Lopend onderzoek aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel richt zich op de ontwikkeling van kennis over de architectuur, de werking en de bouw van pakhuizen in Antwerpen, Brussel en Gent en hun integratie in het stedelijke weefsel, om zo hun behoud en een respectvolle herbestemming te steunen. Deze paper bevat de resultaten van een grondig archiefonderzoek en van de eerste plaatsbezoeken van de negentiende en twintigste-eeuwse pakhuizen in het historische centrum van Brussel, en meer bepaald in de eerste industriĂ«le zone rond de Zenne en de dokken. Tachtig afgebroken en nog bestaande stedelijke pakhuizen worden geanalyseerd door in de eerste plaats te focussen op de meest voorkomende opslaggoederen: hooi, hout, bier en textiel. Uit de analyse blijkt dat de vier goederen overeenstemmen met vier types pakhuizen die verschillen in hun architectuur, organisatie, bouw en integratie in het stedelijk weefsel.Les anciens entrepĂŽts urbains sont de remarquables Ă©difices. Or, malgrĂ© leur robustesse architecturale, ils constituent aujourd’hui un fragile patrimoine menacĂ© de dĂ©molition. Les recherches actuellement menĂ©es Ă  la Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) s’attachent Ă  accroĂźtre les connaissances relatives Ă  l’architecture, au fonctionnement et Ă  la construction des entrepĂŽts d’Anvers, de Bruxelles et de Gand, ainsi qu’à leur intĂ©gration dans le tissu urbain, afin de favoriser leur sauvegarde et leur rĂ©utilisation respectueuse aprĂšs adaptation. Le prĂ©sent article expose les rĂ©sultats d’un examen approfondi de documents d’archives et d’études inĂ©dites sur le terrain, portant sur des entrepĂŽts du XIXe et du XXe siĂšcles situĂ©s dans le centre historique de Bruxelles, lĂ  oĂč furent implantĂ©es les premiĂšres zones industrielles aux alentours de la Senne et des quais. L’enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 80 bĂątiments dĂ©molis et existants s’intĂ©resse d’abord Ă  l’entreposage de diffĂ©rentes marchandises trĂšs reprĂ©sentĂ©es, Ă  savoir, le foin, le bois d’Ɠuvre, la biĂšre et le textile. Il apparaĂźt qu’à chacune de ces quatre marchandises correspond un type d’entrepĂŽt distinct en termes d’architecture, d’organisation, de construction et d’intĂ©gration urbanistique.Historical urban warehouses are remarkable structures. Today, however, and despite their robust architecture, they have become vulnerable urban heritage threatened with demolition. Current research being carried out at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel focuses on the development of knowledge about the architecture, operation and construction of warehouses in Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent and their integration in the urban fabric, to support their preservation and respectful adaptive reuse. This paper contains the results of in-depth archival and first on-site investigations of nineteenth and twentieth-century warehouses in the historic city centre of Brussels, covering the first industrial zone around the river Senne and the docks. Eighty demolished and still existing urban warehouses are analysed by focusing first on the storage of some well-represented goods: hay, timber, beer and textile. The analysis shows that the four goods correspond to four types of warehouses that differ in their architecture, organisation, construction and integration in the urban fabric

    Historical urban warehouses in Brussels: architecture and construction

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    Historical urban warehouses are remarkable structures. Today, however, and despite their robust architecture, they have become vulnerable urban heritage threatened with demolition. Current research being carried out at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel focuses on the development of knowledge about the architecture, operation and construction of warehouses in Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent and their integration in the urban fabric, to support their preservation and respectful adaptive reuse. This paper contains the results of in-depth archival and first on-site investigations of nineteenth and twentieth-century warehouses in the historic city centre of Brussels, covering the first industrial zone around the river Senne and the docks. Eighty demolished and still existing urban warehouses are analysed by focusing first on the storage of some well-represented goods: hay, timber, beer and textile. The analysis shows that the four goods correspond to four types of warehouses that differ in their architecture, organisation, construction and integration in the urban fabric.Les anciens entrepĂŽts urbains sont de remarquables Ă©difices. Or, malgrĂ© leur robustesse architecturale, ils constituent aujourd’hui un fragile patrimoine menacĂ© de dĂ©molition. Les recherches actuellement menĂ©es Ă  la Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) s’attachent Ă  accroĂźtre les connaissances relatives Ă  l’architecture, au fonctionnement et Ă  la construction des entrepĂŽts d’Anvers, de Bruxelles et de Gand, ainsi qu’à leur intĂ©gration dans le tissu urbain, afin de favoriser leur sauvegarde et leur rĂ©utilisation respectueuse aprĂšs adaptation. Le prĂ©sent article expose les rĂ©sultats d’un examen approfondi de documents d’archives et d’études inĂ©dites sur le terrain, portant sur des entrepĂŽts du XIXe et du XXe siĂšcles situĂ©s dans le centre historique de Bruxelles, lĂ  oĂč furent implantĂ©es les premiĂšres zones industrielles aux alentours de la Senne et des quais. L’enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 80 bĂątiments dĂ©molis et existants s’intĂ©resse d’abord Ă  l’entreposage de diffĂ©rentes marchandises trĂšs reprĂ©sentĂ©es, Ă  savoir, le foin, le bois d’Ɠuvre, la biĂšre et le textile. Il apparaĂźt qu’à chacune de ces quatre marchandises correspond un type d’entrepĂŽt distinct en termes d’architecture, d’organisation, de construction et d’intĂ©gration urbanistique.Historische stedelijke pakhuizen zijn opmerkelijke structuren. Ondanks hun robuuste architectuur zijn ze nu echter kwetsbaar stedelijk erfgoed geworden en worden ze met sloop bedreigd. Lopend onderzoek aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel richt zich op de ontwikkeling van kennis over de architectuur, de werking en de bouw van pakhuizen in Antwerpen, Brussel en Gent en hun integratie in het stedelijke weefsel, om zo hun behoud en een respectvolle herbestemming te steunen. Deze paper bevat de resultaten van een grondig archiefonderzoek en van de eerste plaatsbezoeken van de negentiende en twintigste-eeuwse pakhuizen in het historische centrum van Brussel, en meer bepaald in de eerste industriĂ«le zone rond de Zenne en de dokken. Tachtig afgebroken en nog bestaande stedelijke pakhuizen worden geanalyseerd door in de eerste plaats te focussen op de meest voorkomende opslaggoederen: hooi, hout, bier en textiel. Uit de analyse blijkt dat de vier goederen overeenstemmen met vier types pakhuizen die verschillen in hun architectuur, organisatie, bouw en integratie in het stedelijk weefsel

    Anciens entrepÎts urbains de Bruxelles : architecture et construction

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    Les anciens entrepĂŽts urbains sont de remarquables Ă©difices. Or, malgrĂ© leur robustesse architecturale, ils constituent aujourd’hui un fragile patrimoine menacĂ© de dĂ©molition. Les recherches actuellement menĂ©es Ă  la Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) s’attachent Ă  accroĂźtre les connaissances relatives Ă  l’architecture, au fonctionnement et Ă  la construction des entrepĂŽts d’Anvers, de Bruxelles et de Gand, ainsi qu’à leur intĂ©gration dans le tissu urbain, afin de favoriser leur sauvegarde et leur rĂ©utilisation respectueuse aprĂšs adaptation. Le prĂ©sent article expose les rĂ©sultats d’un examen approfondi de documents d’archives et d’études inĂ©dites sur le terrain, portant sur des entrepĂŽts du XIXe et du XXe siĂšcles situĂ©s dans le centre historique de Bruxelles, lĂ  oĂč furent implantĂ©es les premiĂšres zones industrielles aux alentours de la Senne et des quais. L’enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 80 bĂątiments dĂ©molis et existants s’intĂ©resse d’abord Ă  l’entreposage de diffĂ©rentes marchandises trĂšs reprĂ©sentĂ©es, Ă  savoir, le foin, le bois d’Ɠuvre, la biĂšre et le textile. Il apparaĂźt qu’à chacune de ces quatre marchandises correspond un type d’entrepĂŽt distinct en termes d’architecture, d’organisation, de construction et d’intĂ©gration urbanistique.Historische stedelijke pakhuizen zijn opmerkelijke structuren. Ondanks hun robuuste architectuur zijn ze nu echter kwetsbaar stedelijk erfgoed geworden en worden ze met sloop bedreigd. Lopend onderzoek aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel richt zich op de ontwikkeling van kennis over de architectuur, de werking en de bouw van pakhuizen in Antwerpen, Brussel en Gent en hun integratie in het stedelijke weefsel, om zo hun behoud en een respectvolle herbestemming te steunen. Deze paper bevat de resultaten van een grondig archiefonderzoek en van de eerste plaatsbezoeken van de negentiende en twintigste-eeuwse pakhuizen in het historische centrum van Brussel, en meer bepaald in de eerste industriĂ«le zone rond de Zenne en de dokken. Tachtig afgebroken en nog bestaande stedelijke pakhuizen worden geanalyseerd door in de eerste plaats te focussen op de meest voorkomende opslaggoederen: hooi, hout, bier en textiel. Uit de analyse blijkt dat de vier goederen overeenstemmen met vier types pakhuizen die verschillen in hun architectuur, organisatie, bouw en integratie in het stedelijk weefsel.Historical urban warehouses are remarkable structures. Today, however, and despite their robust architecture, they have become vulnerable urban heritage threatened with demolition. Current research being carried out at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel focuses on the development of knowledge about the architecture, operation and construction of warehouses in Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent and their integration in the urban fabric, to support their preservation and respectful adaptive reuse. This paper contains the results of in-depth archival and first on-site investigations of nineteenth and twentieth-century warehouses in the historic city centre of Brussels, covering the first industrial zone around the river Senne and the docks. Eighty demolished and still existing urban warehouses are analysed by focusing first on the storage of some well-represented goods: hay, timber, beer and textile. The analysis shows that the four goods correspond to four types of warehouses that differ in their architecture, organisation, construction and integration in the urban fabric

    Towards an Effective Action for D-Branes

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    We introduce and review several indirect methods to calculate the effective action for a single D-brane or a set of coinciding D-branes.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, needs fortschritte.sty, contribution to the proccedings of the 37th International Symposium Ahrenshoo

    Radio Search for H2CCC toward HD 183143 as a Candidate for a Diffuse Interstellar Band Carrier

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    To clarify the authenticity of a recently proposed identification of H2CCC (linear-C3H2) as a diffuse interstellar band carrier, we searched for the rotational transition of H2CCC at a frequency of 103 GHz toward HD 183143 using a 45-m telescope at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory. Although rms noise levels of 32 mK in the antenna temperature were achieved, detection of H2CCC was unsuccessful, producing a 3 sigma upper limit corresponding to a column density of 2.0 \times 1013 cm-2. The upper limit indicates that the contribution of H2CCC to the diffuse interstellar band at 5450 {\AA} is less than 1/25; thus, it is unlikely that the laboratory bands of the B1B1-X1A1 transition of H2CCC and the diffuse interstellar bands at 5450 {\AA} (and also 4881 {\AA}) toward HD 183143 are related.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters, accepte

    Structural and dynamic characterization of the upper part of the HIV-1 cTAR DNA hairpin

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    First strand transfer is essential for HIV-1 reverse transcription. During this step, the TAR RNA hairpin anneals to the cTAR DNA hairpin; this annealing reaction is promoted by the nucleocapsid protein and involves an initial loop–loop interaction between the apical loops of TAR and cTAR. Using NMR and probing methods, we investigated the structural and dynamic properties of the top half of the cTAR DNA (mini-cTAR). We show that the upper stem located between the apical and the internal loops is stable, but that the lower stem of mini-cTAR is unstable. The residues of the internal loop undergo slow motions at the NMR time-scale that are consistent with conformational exchange phenomena. In contrast, residues of the apical loop undergo fast motions. The lower stem is destabilized by the slow interconversion processes in the internal loop, and thus the internal loop is responsible for asymmetric destabilization of mini-cTAR. These findings are consistent with the functions of cTAR in first strand transfer: its apical loop is suitably exposed to interact with the apical loop of TAR RNA and its lower stem is significantly destabilized to facilitate the subsequent action of the nucleocapsid protein which promotes the annealing reaction

    Contraception and screening for cervical and breast cancer in neuromuscular disease: A retrospective study of 50 patients monitored at a clinical reference centre

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    AbstractObjectiveTo analyse contraceptive methods and the extent of screening for breast and cervical cancer in women with neuromuscular disease, compare these results with data and guidelines for the general population and determine the environmental and attitudinal barriers encountered.Patients and methodsA retrospective, descriptive study in a population of female neuromuscular disease patients (aged 20 to 74) monitored at a clinical reference centre.ResultsComplete datasets were available for 49 patients. Seventy percent used contraception (hormonal contraception in most cases). Sixty-eight percent had undergone screening for cervical cancer at some time in the previous 3 years and 100% of the patients over 50 had undergone a mammography. Architectural accessibility and practical problems were the most common barriers to care and were more frequently encountered by wheelchair-bound, ventilated patients.ConclusionsIn general, the patients had good access to contraceptive care and cervical and breast cancer screening. However, specific measures may be useful for the most severely disabled patients

    Long-Lived Charge Separation Following Pump-Energy Dependent Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Graphene/WS2_2 Heterostructures

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    Van der Waals heterostructures consisting of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have recently shown great promise for high-performance optoelectronic applications. However, an in-depth understanding of the critical processes for device operation, namely interfacial charge transfer (CT) and recombination, has so far remained elusive. Here, we investigate these processes in graphene-WS2_2 heterostructures, by complementarily probing the ultrafast terahertz photoconductivity in graphene and the transient absorption dynamics in WS2_2 following photoexcitation. We find that CT across graphene-WS2_2 interfaces occurs via photo-thermionic emission for sub-A-exciton excitation, and direct hole transfer from WS2_2 to the valence band of graphene for above-A-exciton excitation. Remarkably, we observe that separated charges in the heterostructure following CT live extremely long: beyond 1 ns, in contrast to ~1 ps charge separation reported in previous studies. This leads to efficient photogating of graphene. These findings provide relevant insights to optimize further the performance of optoelectronic devices, in particular photodetection
