245 research outputs found

    Earth dynamics and climate changes

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    The Permian-Triassic boundary and Early Triassic sedimentation in Western European basins: an overview

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    At the scale of the peri-Tethyan basins of western Europe, the “Buntsandstein” continental lithostratigraphic units are frequently attributed to the “Permian-Triassic” because, in most cases, the lack of any “Scythian” (i.e. Early Triassic) biochronological evidence makes it very difficult to attribute the basal beds of the cycle to the Permian or to the Triassic. A careful recognition of unconformities and sedimentary indications of clearly arid climate provide powerful tools for correlation within non-marine successions that are devoid of any biostratigraphic markers, at least on the scale of the West European Plate. From a review of the “Buntsandstein” series of several basins we can characterize the Permian-Triassic boundary and the beginning of Triassic sedimentation at the scale of Western Europe. We clearly show that, except for the Central Germanic Basin, an unconformity can be observed between the Permian and the Triassic. Apart from the Germanic Basin, there is a total lack of typically “Scythian” fossils in the rest of West European basins, and the oldest biochronological markers yielded by these units are palynomorphs allowing to assign an Anisian age generally to the upper part of the “Buntsandstein”, but also its lowermost in a few cases. In the peri-Tethyan basins of western Europe, the Permian-Triassic boundary corresponds to an unconformity overlain by conglomerates containing ventifacts (followed by fluvial sandstones, sometimes rich in paleosols and sometimes totally devoid), which are attributed mainly to the lower Olenekian, i.e. Smithian. Alternatively, the succession passes up directly into fluvial sandstones containing the first paleosols, and then plant debris and palynomorphs attributed to the Anisian. In this way, the lack of typically Early Triassic fossils in most of the peri-Tethyan basins, at the scale of the west European Plate, can be explained by a true stratigraphic hiatus in the earliest Triassic (i.e. Induan) and by arid conditions unfavourable for the development of flora and fauna and their preservation during the Olenekian.En las cuencas peritéthicas de Europa occidental, la unidad litoestratigráfi ca continental “Buntsandstein” es frecuentemente atribuida al “Pérmico-Triásico”, porque, en la mayoría de los casos, la falta de elementos biocronológicos “scythienses” complica la atribución de los niveles basales al Pérmico o al Triásico. Un cuidadoso examen de las discordancias, y el uso de indicadores sedimentarios de climas claramente áridos constituyen herramientas fundamentales para la correlación de estas unidades no marinas, desprovistas de cualquier marcador bioestratigráfi co, al menos en el Oeste de la Placa Europea. La revisión de las series “Buntsandstein” de varias cuencas nos ha permitido caracterizar el límite Pérmico-Triásico y el comienzo de la sedimentación durante el Triásico inferior en el oeste de Europa, demostrando claramente que, excepto en la Cuenca Germánica Central, se puede observar una discordancia entre las series pérmicas y triásicas. Excepto en esta Cuenca Germánica, existe una falta total de fósiles típicamente “scythienses”, y los elementos bioestratigráfi cos más antiguos encontrados son conjuntos de palinomorfos que permiten asignar a los niveles superiores de las series “Buntsandstein” una edad Anisiense, en algunos cortes los niveles inferiores. En las cuencas peritéthicas de Europa occidental, el límite Pérmico-Triásico se corresponde con una discordancia que se recubre por conglomerados con ventifactos (seguidos por areniscas fl uviales, a veces ricas en paleosuelos y a veces totalmente desprovistas de ellos), atribuidos principalmente al Olenekiense inferior (Smithiense), o directamente areniscas fluviales donde aparecen los primeros paleosuelos, así como restos de plantas y palinomorfos, atribuidos al Anisiense. De esta forma en el Oeste de la Placa Europea, la falta de fósiles característicos del Triásico Inferior, en la mayoría de las cuencas perithéticas, puede explicarse por un importante hiato estratigráfi co durante el Triásico Inferior (Induense) y por unas condiciones áridas, desfavorables para la vida y la preservación de fósiles durante el Olenekiense

    Emplacement of inflated Pāhoehoe flows in the Naude’s Nek Pass, Lesotho remnant, Karoo continental flood basalt province: use of flow-lobe tumuli in understanding flood basalt emplacement

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    Physical volcanological features are presented for a 710-m-thick section, of the Naude’s Nek Pass, within the lower part of the Lesotho remnant of the Karoo Large Igneous Province. The section consists of inflated pāhoehoe lava with thin, impersistent sedimentary interbeds towards the base. There are seven discreet packages of compound and hummocky pāhoehoe lobes containing flow-lobe tumuli, making up approximately 50% of the section. Approximately 45% of the sequence consists of 14 sheet lobes, between 10 and 52-m-thick. The majority of the sheet lobes are in two packages indicating prolonged periods of lava supply capable of producing thick sheet lobes. The other sheet lobes are as individual lobes or pairs, within compound flows, suggesting brief increases in lava supply rate. We suggest, contrary to current belief, that there is no evidence that compound flows are proximal to source and sheet lobes (simple flows) are distal to source and we propose that the presence of flow-lobe tumuli in compound flows could be an indicator that a flow is distal to source. We use detailed, previously published, studies of the Thakurvadi Formation (Deccan Traps) as an example. We show that the length of a lobe and therefore the sections that are ‘medial or distal to source’ are specific to each individual lobe and are dependent on the lava supply of each eruptive event, and as such flow lobe tumuli can be used as an indicator of relative distance from source

    RNase H2, mutated in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, promotes LINE-1 retrotransposition

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    Long INterspersed Element class 1 (LINE-1) elements are a type of abundant retrotransposons active in mammalian genomes. An average human genome contains ~100 retrotransposition-competent LINE-1s, whose activity is influenced by the combined action of cellular repressors and activators. TREX1, SAMHD1 and ADAR1 are known LINE-1 repressors and when mutated cause the autoinflammatory disorder Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS). Mutations in RNase H2 are the most common cause of AGS, and its activity was proposed to similarly control LINE-1 retrotransposition. It has therefore been suggested that increased LINE-1 activity may be the cause of aberrant innate immune activation in AGS. Here, we establish that, contrary to expectations, RNase H2 is required for efficient LINE-1 retrotransposition. As RNase H1 overexpression partially rescues the defect in RNase H2 null cells, we propose a model in which RNase H2 degrades the LINE-1 RNA after reverse transcription, allowing retrotransposition to be completed. This also explains how LINE-1 elements can retrotranspose efficiently without their own RNase H activity. Our findings appear to be at odds with LINE-1-derived nucleic acids driving autoinflammation in AGS.M.B.-G. is funded by a “Formacion Profesorado Universitario” (FPU) PhD fellowship from the Government of Spain (MINECO, Ref FPU15/03294), and this paper is part of her thesis project (“Epigenetic control of the mobility of a human retrotransposon”). R.V.-A. is funded by a PFIS Fellowship from the Government of Spain (ISCiii, FI16/00413). O.M. is funded by an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (ALTF 7-2015), the European Commission FP7 (Marie Curie Actions, LTFCOFUND2013, GA-2013-609409) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (P2ZHP3_158709). S.R.H. is funded by the Government of Spain (MINECO, RYC-2016-21395 and SAF2015-71589-P). A.P.J’s laboratory is supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC University Unit grant U127527202). J.L.G.P’s laboratory is supported by CICEFEDER- P12-CTS-2256, Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011 and 2013-2016 (FISFEDER- PI14/02152), PCIN-2014-115-ERA-NET NEURON II, the European Research Council (ERC-Consolidator ERC-STG-2012-233764), by an International Early Career Scientist grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (IECS-55007420), by The Wellcome Trust-University of Edinburgh Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISFF2) and by a private donation from Ms Francisca Serrano (Trading y Bolsa para Torpes, Granada, Spain)

    Mutations in genes encoding condensin complex proteins cause microcephaly through decatenation failure at mitosis

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    Correction to Martin et al. available at: Genes & Development 30 (19): 2158 (http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/31/9/953.full.pdf+html).Compaction of chromosomes is essential for accurate segregation of the genome duringmitosis. In vertebrates, two condensin complexes ensure timely chromosome condensation, sister chromatid disentanglement, and maintenance of mitotic chromosome structure. Here,we report that biallelic mutations inNCAPD2,NCAPH, orNCAPD3, encoding subunits of these complexes, cause microcephaly. In addition, hypomorphic Ncaph2 mice have significantly reduced brain size, with frequent anaphase chromatin bridge formation observed in apical neural progenitors during neurogenesis. Such DNA bridges also arise in condensin-deficient patient cells, where they are the consequence of failed sister chromatid disentanglement during chromosome compaction. This results in chromosome segregation errors, leading to micronucleus formation and increased aneuploidy in daughter cells. These findings establish “condensinopathies” as microcephalic disorders, with decatenation failure as an additional disease mechanism for microcephaly, implicating mitotic chromosome condensation as a key process ensuring mammalian cerebral cortex size.This work was supported by funding from the Medical Research Council, the Lister Institute for Preventative Medicine, and the European Research Council (ERC; 281847 to A.P.J.); a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant (BB/ K017632/1 to P.V); a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship (grant 102560/ Z/13/Z to A.J.W.); Medical Research Scotland (to L.S.B.); the Potentials Foundation (to C.A.W.); and the Indian Council of Medical Research (BMS 54/2/2013 to S.R.P). The Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study presents independent research commissioned by the Health Innovation Challenge Fund (grant no. HICF-1009-003), a parallel funding partnership between the Wellcome Trust and the Department of Health, and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (grant no. WT098051). The views expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Wellcome Trust or the Department of Health. The study has UK Research Ethics Committee approval (10/H0305/83) granted by the Cambridge South Research Ethics Committee, and GEN/ 284/12 granted by the Republic of Ireland. We acknowledge the support of the National Institute for Health Research through the Comprehensive Clinical Research Network

    Cenozoic evolution of the steppe-desert biome in Central Asia

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    The origins and development of the arid and highly seasonal steppe-desert biome in Central Asia, the largest of its kind in the world, remain largely unconstrained by existing records. It is unclear how Cenozoic climatic, geological, and biological forces, acting at diverse spatial and temporal scales, shaped Central Asian ecosystems through time. Our synthesis shows that the Central Asian steppe-desert has existed since at least Eocene times but experienced no less than two regime shifts, one at the Eocene–Oligocene Transition and one in the mid-Miocene. These shifts separated three successive “stable states,” each characterized by unique floral and faunal structures. Past responses to disturbance in the Asian steppe-desert imply that modern ecosystems are unlikely to recover their present structures and diversity if forced into a new regime. This is of concern for Asian steppes today, which are being modified for human use and lost to desertification at unprecedented rates

    Gene expression profiling of the astrocyte transcriptome in multiple sclerosis normal appearing white matter reveals a neuroprotective role

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). White matter lesions in MS are surrounded by areas of non-demyelinated normal appearing white matter (NAWM) with complex pathology, including blood brain barrier dysfunction, axonal damage and glial activation. Astrocytes, the most abundant cell type within the CNS, may respond and/or contribute to lesion pathogenesis. We aimed to characterise the transcriptomic profile of astrocytes in NAWM to determine whether specific glial changes exist in the NAWM which contribute to lesion development or prevent disease progression. Astrocytes were isolated from control and NAWM by laser capture microdissection (LCM), using glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) as a marker, and the astrocyte transcriptome determined using microarray analysis. 452 genes were significantly differentially expressed (208 up-regulated and 244 down-regulated, FC ≥ 1.5 and p-value ≤ 0.05). Within the NAWM, astrocytes were associated with significant upregulation of genes involved in the control of iron homeostasis (including metallothionein-1 and -2, ferritin light chain and transferrin), oxidative stress responses, the immune response and neurotrophic support. These findings suggest a neuroprotective role of astrocytes in the NAWM in M

    The Clinical Variability of Maternally Inherited Diabetes and Deafness Is Associated with the Degree of Heteroplasmy in Blood Leukocytes

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    Context: Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (MIDD) is a rare form of diabetes with a matrilineal transmission, sensorineural hearing loss, and macular pattern dystrophy due to an A to G transition at position 3243 of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (m.3243A>G). The phenotypic heterogeneity of MIDD may be the consequence of different levels of mutated mtDNA among mitochondria in a given tissue. Objective: The aim of the present study was thus to ascertain the correlation between the severity of the phenotype in patients with MIDD and the level of heteroplasmy in the blood leukocytes. Participants: The GEDIAM prospective multicenter register was initiated in 1995. Eighty-nine Europid patients from this register, with MIDD and the mtDNA 3243A>G mutation, were included. Patients with MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes) or with mitochondrial diabetes related to other mutations or to deletions of mtDNA were excluded. Results: A significant negative correlation was found between levels of heteroplasmy and age of the patients at the time of sampling for molecular analysis, age at the diagnosis of diabetes, and body mass index. After adjustment for age at sampling for molecular study and gender, the correlation between heteroplasmy levels and age at the diagnosis of diabetes was no more significant. The two other correlations remained significant. A significant positive correlation between levels of heteroplasmy and HbA1c was also found and remained significant after adjustment for age at molecular sampling and gender. Conclusions: These results support the hypothesis that heteroplasmy levels are at least one of the determinants of the severity of the phenotype in MIDD. Heteroplasmy levels are at least one of the determinants of the severity of the phenotype of maternally inherited diabetes and deafness

    DNA Polymerase Epsilon Deficiency Causes IMAGe Syndrome with Variable Immunodeficiency.

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    During genome replication, polymerase epsilon (Pol ε) acts as the major leading-strand DNA polymerase. Here we report the identification of biallelic mutations in POLE, encoding the Pol ε catalytic subunit POLE1, in 15 individuals from 12 families. Phenotypically, these individuals had clinical features closely resembling IMAGe syndrome (intrauterine growth restriction [IUGR], metaphyseal dysplasia, adrenal hypoplasia congenita, and genitourinary anomalies in males), a disorder previously associated with gain-of-function mutations in CDKN1C. POLE1-deficient individuals also exhibited distinctive facial features and variable immune dysfunction with evidence of lymphocyte deficiency. All subjects shared the same intronic variant (c.1686+32C>G) as part of a common haplotype, in combination with different loss-of-function variants in trans. The intronic variant alters splicing, and together the biallelic mutations lead to cellular deficiency of Pol ε and delayed S-phase progression. In summary, we establish POLE as a second gene in which mutations cause IMAGe syndrome. These findings add to a growing list of disorders due to mutations in DNA replication genes that manifest growth restriction alongside adrenal dysfunction and/or immunodeficiency, consolidating these as replisome phenotypes and highlighting a need for future studies to understand the tissue-specific development roles of the encoded proteins