22 research outputs found

    Suaeda foliosa Moq. (Caryophyllales: Amaranthaceae) first record of the genus and species for Valparaíso Region, Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.BACKGROUND: The purpose of this paper is to present the finding of Suaeda foliosa in El Yali National Reserve, Chile. With this finding, the southern limit of the distribution is displaced from the current position at 31° S, 300 km southward. FINDINGS: In this work, we found this species on the banks of the Colejuda lagoon, 33° 45' S, which belongs to a body of hypersaline seasonal water found inside the protected area distinguished as a Ramsar site (No. 878). The determination of the genus and species was achieved by comparing with herbarium material deposited in the National Herbarium SGO Natural History Museum in Santiago de Chile. Once we identified the species, the collected material was deposited in the referred Herbarium (SGO 163975). pH, salinity, and conductivity of the water column and soil adjacent the three protected lagoons are compared, discussing the unique conditions of the lagoon Colejuda that may explain the presence of S. foliosa only in their environment and not in other water bodies. CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that El Yali wetland system harbors the S. foliosa southernmost population of the Americas.http://ref.scielo.org/xv9yc

    New locality in Chile for Adesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. (Fabaceae)

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    Indexación: ScieloAdesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. es un arbusto endémico de Chile central, declarado especie rara en el Libro Rojo de la Flora Terrestre de Chile (Benoit 1989). Recientemente ha sido propuesta en categoría "En Peligro Crítico" (CR) según el Reglamento de Clasificación de Especies (Ministerio Medio Ambiente 2012). La distribución geográfica documentada para A. resinosa es extraordinariamente reducida, cuenta con recolecciones en Cerro Vizcachas, Colliguay alto, Altos de Til-Til, Cerro El Roble y Altos de Chicauma, todas localidades restringidas a las partes más altas del Cordón Aconcagua-Maipo de la Cordillera de la Costa de las regiones de Valparaíso y Metropolitana. Hasta hoy se había considerado el Cerro El Roble como límite septentrional de la especie y el cordón Aconcagua-Maipo como refugio de la única población conocida de Adesmia resinosa (García 2010, Ministerio Medio Ambiente 2012). La presente comunicación tiene por propósito dar a conocer el hallazgo de A. resinosa en el Cordón Caquis-Chache de la Cordillera de la Costa de la Región de Valparaíso, que extiende al menos en 25 km, distancia lineal, el límite norte conocido para la especie y señala a este macizo cordillerano costero como el límite septentrional de la especiehttp://www.gayanabotanica.cl/pdfs/2014/2/16_Flores-Toro_Amigo.pd

    Nueva localidad en Chile para Adesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. (Fabaceae)

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    Adesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. es un arbusto endémico de Chile central, declarado especie rara en el Libro Rojo de la Flora Terrestre de Chile (Benoit 1989). Recientemente ha sido propuesta en categoría “En Peligro Crítico” (CR) según el Reglamento de Clasificación de Especies (Ministerio Medio Ambiente 2012)

    Estudio fitosociológico de varias áreas disyuntas del norte de la región de Valparaíso (Chile); sintaxonomía de la vegetación mediterránea y su interés para la conservación

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    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es estudiar, tipificar y catalogar sintaxonómicamente las comunidades vegetales de una parte del territorio biogeográfico, el chileno-central, carente de este tipo de modelos desde hace casi medio siglo

    Riparian or phreatophile woodland and shrubland vegetation in the Central Chilean biogeographic region: phytosociological study

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    The Mediterranean territory in Chile is an extensive area whose natural vegetation has suffered the impact of man-made activities far more severely than anywhere else in the country. Its northernmost section (the Atacama and Coquimbo regions) is characterised by ombroclimates that range from ultra-hyperarid to arid, and by highly irregular river courses with limited spaces for phreatophilic vegetation that have been exploited by humans as fertile farmlands. However, in the river valleys of the Central Chilean biogeographic province, where the ombroclimate is at least semiarid, there may be permanent watercourses that drain from the Andean mountain range towards the Pacific Ocean that contain representations of riparian or phreatophilic vegetation linked to riverbanks or alluvial terraces, in spite of the inevitable human influence. We studied the most conspicuous plant communities with the most highly developed biomass in these riparian environments, namely willow stands dominated by Salix humboldtiana and accompanied by some autochthonous woody species, in order to clarify their floristic composition and their correct ordination within the syntaxonomy of Chilean vegetation. The data collected suggest the existence of a phytosociological association: Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae ass. nova, as the majority association in the Central Chilean province. Another possible association which replaces this (Baccharido salicifoliae-Myrceugenietum lanceolatae prov.) is also proposed in the transition to a humid ombroclimate and Temperate macrobioclimate.The floristic contents of these Chilean communities are compared with other associations dominated by Salix humboldtiana described for other territories bordering Chile: Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. However, given that they are all located in a Tropical macrobioclimate and their companion flora is therefore clearly different from the flora present in the Chilean communities, we propose the creation of a new phytosociological class to include these syntaxonomically: Mayteno boariae-Salicetea humboldtianae class. nova. This work also ascribes the association Tessario absinthioidis-Baccharidetum marginalis (representing a prior dynamic stage to Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae) to the class Tessario integrifoliae-Baccharideteasalicifoliae.S

    Thermoplastic cassava starch-chitosan bilayer films containing essential oils

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    [EN] Starch-chitosan bilayer films, containing or not essential oils in the casted chitosan layer were obtained by thermo-compression. Bilayer films exhibited a good interfacial adhesion and better mechanical resistance than starch monolayers, although they were less stretchable and less transparent. Starchchitosan films were effective at controlling the bacterial growth in pork meat, but the thermal treatment applied to obtain the bilayers reduced their antimicrobial properties as compared to chitosan monolayers. The addition of essential oils did not promote any antimicrobial action in chitosan mono and bilayer films applied to pork meat. The final amount of essential oils in the films was very limited probably due to the losses occurred during film processing method. Other strategies to incorporate the essential oils into chitosan-based films should be used to improve their final retention in the film matrix and their effective release into the coated food. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competividad (Projects AGL2013-42989-R and AGL2016-76699-R). Author Cristina Valencia-Sullca thanks the Peruvian Grant National Program (PRONABEC).Valencia-Sullca, CE.; Vargas, M.; Atarés Huerta, LM.; Chiralt, A. (2018). Thermoplastic cassava starch-chitosan bilayer films containing essential oils. Food Hydrocolloids. 75:107-115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2017.09.008S1071157

    Salud de los trabajadores

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    Actividad física y su relación con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular de carteros chilenosAnálisis de resultados: riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo Suceso-Istas 21 en Cesfam QuellónAusentismo laboral por enfermedades oftalmológicas, Chile 2009Brote de diarreas por norovirus, posterremoto-tsunami, Constitución, Región del MauleCalidad de vida en profesionales de la salud pública chilenaCaracterización del reposo laboral en personal del SSMN durante el primer semestre de 2010Concentración de nicotina en pelo en trabajadores no fumadores expuestos a humo de tabaco ambientalCondiciones de trabajo y bienestar/malestar docente en profesores de enseñanza media de SantiagoDisfunción auditiva inducida por exposición a xilenoErgonomía aplicada al estudio del síndrome de dolor lumbar en el trabajoEstimación de la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa mineraExposición a plaguicidas inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa en Colombia, 2006-2009Factores de riesgo y daños de salud en conductores de una empresa peruana de transporte terrestre, 2009Las consecuencias de la cultura en salud y seguridad ocupacional en una empresa mineraPercepción de cambios en la práctica médica y estrategias de afrontamientoPercepción de la calidad de vida en la Universidad del BiobíoPesos máximos aceptables para tareas de levantamiento manual de carga en población laboral femeninaRiesgo coronario en trabajadores mineros según la función de Framingham adaptada para la población chilenaTrastornos emocionales y riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de la salu

    IMPACT-Global Hip Fracture Audit: Nosocomial infection, risk prediction and prognostication, minimum reporting standards and global collaborative audit. Lessons from an international multicentre study of 7,090 patients conducted in 14 nations during the COVID-19 pandemic

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