205 research outputs found

    New findings to the role of tunikamycin in grapevine: Disease defense responses

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    Exogenous methyl jasmonate (MeJA) is an effective trigger of cellular damage resulting in the development of limited necrotic lesions that mimic the hypersensitive reaction (HR) lesions associated with resistance to avirulent pathogens. Localized treatment of leaves of intact grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Limberger) or excised leaves with tunikamycin stimulates an agonist-dependent mechanism operating at an early step in the signal pathway for induction of MeJA-dependent UR-like response. With respect to tunikamycin, the fine control mechanism has shown to be both, concentration- and time-dependent. The same treatment also antagonized H2O2 accumulation from the MeJA-induced oxidative burst suggesting that this type of reactive oxygen intermediate plays a minor role in the induction of the HR in grapevine cells challenged by exogenous MeJA. Moreover, our results indicate that the activation of defense reactions of grapevine, at least in part, is dependent and sensitive to N-linked glycosylation.

    Security, Public Order and Paramilitarism in Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1918–1920:: Comparative Considerations

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    This article investigates the struggle for control over the violence that the Second Polish Republic and the First Czechoslovak Republic fought during their early independence in 1918. As violence had spread throughout the European continent during World War I, it became a crucial post-war question to control its expansion throughout the societies, as different paramilitary groups started to take the law into their own hands, either to protect their co-citizen's interests, or to enforce their own political or economic ambitions, and very often both at the same time. Thus, the use and limitation of violence were ambivalent: the newcomer states often relied on paramilitary units as policing forces and instruments to expand their state power into contested, ethnically mixed border areas. On the other hand, these emerging states faced difficulties to control paramilitary groups, which challenged the state's authority and followed their own – often criminal – agenda. This article aspires to comparatively examine the use of violence and its attempted regulation in Poland and Czechoslovakia during the first years of their existence. Furthermore, presenting the Polish-Czech conflict over Cieszyn Silesia, it aims to show how, immediately after the Great War, ethnopolitical tugs-of-war, fought between regular soldiers and paramilitaries of neighbouring states over borderlands created civil war-like scenarios and put the ethnically mixed population in these regions between a proverbial rock and a hard place

    Different Approaches in Recruiting Young Professionals

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    Young Professionals as a significant part of Generation Y have already been examined in various studies that focused on their views, attitudes, values etc. This paper examines the differences in the importance of work and life values among peers of the same age with similar background, but from different study groups. To test the propositions, a life value inventory was distributed among 262 students and alumni from two different study programs at the same Faculty between December 2016 and May 2017. The data were analyzed in the SPSS statistical software with the use of the k-means clustering. The hypotheses expecting differences in life and work values were partially confirmed. The findings are discussed within the framework of strategic leadership and the need of engaging stakeholders

    Biological activity of the elicitor released from mycelium of a grapevine isolate of the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea

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    To obtain primary insight into the pathway(s) by which defense responses in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) are induced, suspension cultures of grapevine cells were treated with an elicitor released from the mycelium of the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea (PERs et FRIES). It induced a typical array of defense responses, including cell death accompanied by the production of H2O2 from the oxidative burst and accumulation of diverse groups of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and key enzymes of the general phenylpropanoid pathway, comprising phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (4CL), chalcone synthase (CHS) and chalcone isomerase (CHI). Nuclear run-off experiments demonstrated that the fungal elicitor caused rapid transcriptional activation of genes encoding diverse defense-related products followed by a massive salicylic acid production.

    Protection of Industrial Property Rights and Copyright in International Trade

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    Import 05/08/2014Po druhé světové válce se z důvodu rozvoje mezinárodního obchodu zvýšil zájem o ochranu průmyslových a autorských práv. Existovalo mnoho mezinárodních smluv a dohod, které se zabývaly ochranou práva duševního vlastnictví. Tyto mezinárodní smlouvy neupravovaly otázku vymáhání práv z duševního vlastnictví. Z tohoto důvodu v roce 1994 vznikla Dohoda o obchodních aspektech práv k duševnímu vlastnictví, neboli Dohoda TRIPS. Kvůli svému obsahu a přínosu v problematice ochrany práv duševního vlastnictví je považována za velmi významnou mezinárodní smlouvu. Cílem této diplomové práce je představit Dohodu TRIPS, dokázat, že její významné postavení mezi ostatními mezinárodními smlouvami z oblasti práv duševního vlastnictví je opodstatnitelné. A zhodnotit řešení mezistátních sporů, které z důvodu nesprávného výkladu této Dohody vznikly. Práce je rozdělena do tří stěžejních částí. První část obsahuje mezinárodní smlouvy předcházející TRIPS. Druhá část je zaměřena na detailní rozbor Dohody TRIPS. Poslední část popisuje vymáhání práv duševního vlastnictví v mezistátních sporech.After the Second World War, due to the development of international trade interest in protection of industrial right and copyright has increased. Many international treaties and agreements, which dealt with protection of intellectual property rights existed. These international agreements didn’t regulate the enforcement of intellectual property rights. For this reason The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights by another name TRIPS Agreement was created in 1994. Due to of content and contribution to the issue of protection of intellectual property rights is considered a very important international treaty. The aim of this thesis it to present TRIPS agreement, to prove that its important position among the other international treaties on intellectual property rights is well-founded, to valorize situation interstate disputes which of the reason for incorrect interpretation of this Agreement arose. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part contains international agreements previous TRIPS agreement. The second part focuses on a detailed analysis of the TRIPS Agreement. The last part describes the enforcement of intellectual property rights in interstate disputes.119 - Katedra právavýborn

    Protection of the Weaker Party

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    Disertační práce se zabývá vybranými aspekty ochrany slabší smluvní strany. S ohledem na vývoj soukromého práva autorka zkoumá postavení zásady ochrany slabší strany v kontextu ostatních soukromoprávních zásad. Zaměřuje se na možnosti terminologického a koncepčního vymezení slabší smluvní strany a analyzuje její pojetí v občanském zákoníku. Vedle materiálního pojetí slabší smluvní strany je pozornost věnována také kategoriím, na které je tradičně nahlíženo jako na slabší ve smluvních vztazích (spotřebitelé, zaměstnanci a nájemci). U uvedených skupin jsou zkoumány důvody vzniku jejich ochranného režimu a rozdílné přístupy k vymezení jejich osoby jak v rovině psaného práva, tak v judikatuře ve vybraných státech.ObhájenoThe dissertation deals with selected aspects of the weaker party protection. With regard to the private law development the author examines the position of the principle of protection of the weaker party in the context of other principles of private law. She focuses on the possibilities of the terminological and conceptual definition of the weaker party and analysis the concept of the weaker party in the Civil Code. In addition to the material weaker party, the attention is also paid to the categories that have been traditionally seen as weaker in contractual relationships (consumers, employees and tenants). The reasons of the protective regime and the different approaches to determination of the mentioned groups are examined both in written law and in case-law in the selected countries

    Voltametrické stanovení vybraných nitrovaných heterocyklických látek za použití různých amalganových elektrod

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    Hlavním cílem této disertační práce je vývoj a testování nových netoxických elektrodových materiálů, jejich příprava a vývoj analytických metod použitelných pro selektivní stanovení nitro-substituovaných polutantů. Pozornost je zaměřena na modifikace leštěné stříbrné pevné amalgamové elektrody (p- AgSAE). Nové elektrodové povrchy se dají rozdělit do dvou skupin. Do první skupiny patří modifikace provedené pomocí rtuti a vzniklá meniskem modifikovaná stříbrná pevná amalgamová elektroda a rtuťovým filmem modifikovaná amalgamová elektroda. Vzhledem k sílící merkurofobii ve společnosti byla také věnována pozornost vývoji druhé skupiny elektrod a to filmových. Leštěná stříbrná pevná amalgamová elektroda byla modifikována bismutovým a uhlíkovým filmem. Byly nalezeny optimální časy pro přípravu těchto filmů a ověřeny všechny podmínky potřebné pro měření. Elektrochemické chování elektrod bylo zkoumáno na karcinogenních a mutagenních polutantech 2-amino-6-nitrobenzothiazolu (ANBT) a 5-nitrobenzimidazolu (5-NBIA). Tyto analýzy byly prováděny pomocí metod stejnosměrné voltametrie (direct current voltametry - DCV) a diferenční pulzní voltametrie (DPV). Pokus o zvýšení citlivosti za použití adsorpční rozpouštěcí DC a DP voltametrie na studovaných elektrodách nebyl úspěšný. Pro snížení meze stanovitelnosti byla...Development and testing of new non-toxic electrode materials, their preparation and the development of analytical methods applicable for determination of selected substituted nitrobenzimidazoles is the main aim of this Ph.D. Thesis. New working electrodes based on the modification of surface of polished silver solid amalgam electrode (p-AgSAE) by other electrodes materials which contain mainly mercury (mercury meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE), mercury film modified silver solid amalgam electrode (MF-AgSAE)), bismuth (bismuth film on silver solid amalgam electrode (BiF-AgSAE)) or carbon (electrode modified by microcrystalline natural graphite-polystyrene composite transducer (CFE)) were developed. The optimum deposition time for preparation of film electrodes were discover and verified. Their electrochemical behavior (stable and reproducible responses during measurement) were investigated and further used in voltammetric determination of mutagenic or carcinogenic environmental pollutants 2-amino-6-nitrobenzimidazole (ANBT) and 5-nitro- benzimidazole (5-NBIA). These analytes could be determined by direct current voltammetry (DCV) or differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The attempt at increasing the sensitivity using adsorptive striping DCV or DPV at all tested electrodes...Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Methyl jasmonate induces a hypersensitive-like response of grapevine in the absence of avirulent pathogens

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    Methyl jasmonate (MeJA), a common plant secondary compound, when applied to the surface of grapevine leaves, caused the formation of lesions that mimic a typical hypersensitive response. Sustained exposure of grapevines to 50 µM MeJA provoked tissue damage, stimulated salicylic acid production, and expression of defense-related genes. Besides these local responses, after several days systemic expression of defense-related genes was induced as well, Thus, grapevine cells that perceived MeJA generated a cascade of events acting at local, short and long distances and causing the coordinated expression of specific defense responses with a timing and magnitude similar to the hypersensitive response against pathogens, MeJA represents a powerful tool to investigate the signals and their respective pathways involved in mechanism of induced disease resistance of grapevine.

    Business Plan - The Establishment Store

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá podnikatelským plánem na založení nového malého podniku speciálních piv s možností degustace. Cílem práce je na základě provedených analýz, plánu a zhodnocení rizik navrhnout podnikatelský plán sloužící jako nástroj pro rozhodování o budoucí realizaci.The master´s thesis deals with the business plan for starting a new small business special burs with casting. The aim of the thesis is to design the business plan on the basis of analysis, plan and risk assessment as decision support tool for future realization.

    Hippokratovský spis O přirozenosti člověka

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