3,008 research outputs found

    Weight changes following lower limb arthroplasty : a prospective observational study

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    The aim of this study was to assess patterns of weight loss/gain following total hip or knee joint replacement. Four hundred and fifty primary lower limb arthroplasty patients, where the current surgery was the last limiting factor to improved mobility, were selected. Over a one year period 212 gained weight (mean 5.03kg), 92 remained static, and 146 lost weight. The median change was a weight gain of 0.50Kg (p=0.002). All patients had a significant improvement in Oxford outcome scores. Hip arthroplasty patients were statistically more likely to gain weight than knee arthroplasty patients. A successful arthroplasty, restoring a patient's mobility, does not necessarily lead to subsequent weight loss. The majority of patients put on weight with an overall net weight gain. No adverse effect on functional outcome was noted

    Prediction of Benthic Impact for Salmon Net-Pens Based on the Balance of Benthic Oxygen Supply and Demand

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    The ratio between oxygen supply and oxygen demand was examined as a predictor of benthic response to organic enrichment caused by salmon net-pen aquaculture. Oxygen supply to the benthos was calculated based on Fickian diffusion and near-bottom flow velocities. A strong linear correlation was found between measured carbon sedimentation rates and rates of benthic metabolism. This relationship allowed an estimation of oxygen demand based on sedimentation rates. Comparison of several production sites in Maine (USA) coastal waters showed that for sites where oxygen demand exceeded supply benthic impacts were high and for sites where oxygen supply exceeded demand benthic impacts were low. These findings were summarized in the form of a predictive model that should be useful in siting salmon production facilities

    Subsonic Longitudinal Performance Coefficient Extraction from Shuttle Flight Data: an Accuracy Assessment for Determination of Data Base Updates

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    Longitudinal performance comparisons between flight derived and predicted values are presented for the first five NASA Space Shuttle Columbia flights. Though subsonic comparisons are emphasized, comparisons during the transonic and low supersonic regions of flight are included. Computed air data information based on the remotely sensed atmospheric measurements as well as in situ Orbiter Air Data System (ADS) measurements were incorporated. Each air data source provides for comparisons versus the predicted values from the LaRC data base. Principally, L/D, C sub L, and C sub D, comparisons are presented, though some pitching moment results are included. Similarities in flight conditions and spacecraft configuration during the first five flights are discussed. Contributions from the various elements of the data base are presented and the overall differences observed between the flight and predicted values are discussed in terms of expected variations. A discussion on potential data base updates is presented based on the results from the five flights to date

    Does Migration Make You Happy?:A Longitudinal Study of Internal Migration and Subjective Well-Being

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    The authors acknowledge financial support from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (RES-625-28-0001). This project is part of the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC). Financial support from the Marie Curie programme under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / Career Integration Grant n. PCIG10-GA-2011-303728 (CIG Grant NBHCHOICE, Neighbourhood choice, neighbourhood sorting, and neighbourhood effects).The majority of quantitative studies on the consequences of internal migration focus almost exclusively on the labour-market outcomes and the material well-being of migrants. We investigate whether individuals who migrate within the UK become happier after the move than they were before, and whether the effect is permanent or transient. Using life-satisfaction responses from twelve waves of the British Household Panel Survey and employing a fixed-effects model, we derive a temporal pattern of migrants’ subjective well-being around the time of the migration event. Our findings make an original contribution by revealing that, on average, migration is preceded by a period when individuals experience a significant decline in happiness for a variety of reasons, including changes in personal living arrangements. Migration itself causes a boost in happiness, and brings people back to their initial levels. The research contributes, therefore, to advancing an understanding of migration in relation to set-point theory. Perhaps surprisingly, long-distance migrants are at least as happy as short-distance migrants despite the higher social and psychological costs involved. The findings of this paper add to the pressure to retheorize migration within a conceptual framework that accounts for social well-being from a life-course perspective.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Acid–base physiology over tidal periods in the mussel Mytilus edulis: size and temperature are more influential than seawater pH

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Royal Society via the DOI in this recordData accessibility: Additional data available in the Dryad Digital Respoitory: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.k11r5b9 [44].Ocean acidification (OA) studies to date have typically used stable open-ocean pH and CO2 values to predict the physiological responses of intertidal species to future climate scenarios, with few studies accounting for natural fluctuations of abiotic conditions or the alternating periods of emersion and immersion routinely experienced during tidal cycles. Here, we determine seawater carbonate chemistry and the corresponding in situ haemolymph acid–base responses over real time for two populations of mussel (Mytilus edulis) during tidal cycles, demonstrating that intertidal mussels experience daily acidosis during emersion. Using these field data to parameterize experimental work we demonstrate that air temperature and mussel size strongly influence this acidosis, with larger mussels at higher temperatures experiencing greater acidosis. There was a small interactive effect of prior immersion in OA conditions (pHNBS 7.7/pCO2 930 ”atm) such that the haemolymph pH measured at the start of emersion was lower in large mussels exposed to OA. Critically, the acidosis induced in mussels during emersion in situ was greater (ΔpH approximately 0.8 units) than that induced by experimental OA (ΔpH approximately 0.1 units). Understanding how environmental fluctuations influence physiology under current scenarios is critical to our ability to predict the responses of key marine biota to future environmental changes.University of Exeter—Plymouth Marine Laboratory scholarship fundNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Dissolved organic carbon uptake in streams: A review and assessment of reach‐scale measurements

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    Quantifying the role that freshwater ecosystems play in the global carbon cycle requires accurate measurement and scaling of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal in river networks. We reviewed reach‐scale measurements of DOC uptake from experimental additions of simple organic compounds or leachates to inform development of aquatic DOC models that operate at the river network, regional, or continental scale. Median DOC uptake velocity (vf) across all measurements was 2.28 mm min−1. Measurements using simple compound additions resulted in faster vf (2.94 mm min−1) than additions of leachates (1.11 mm min−1). We also reviewed published data of DOC bioavailability for ambient stream water and leaf leachate DOC from laboratory experiments. We used these data to calculate and apply a correction factor to leaf leachate uptake velocity to estimate ambient stream water DOC uptake rates at the reach scale. Using this approach, we estimated a median ambient stream DOC vf of 0.26 mm min−1. Applying these DOC vf values (0.26, 1.11, 2.28, and 2.94 mm min−1) in a river network inverse model in seven watersheds revealed that our estimated ambient DOC vf value is plausible at the network scale and 27 to 45% of DOC input was removed. Applying the median measured simple compound or leachate vf in whole river networks would require unjustifiably high terrestrial DOC inputs to match observed DOC concentrations at the basin mouth. To improve the understanding and importance of DOC uptake in fluvial systems, we recommend using a multiscale approach coupling laboratory assays, with reach‐scale measurements, and modeling

    Spectroscopic imaging of single atoms within a bulk solid

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    The ability to localize, identify and measure the electronic environment of individual atoms will provide fundamental insights into many issues in materials science, physics and nanotechnology. We demonstrate, using an aberration-corrected scanning transmission microscope, the spectroscopic imaging of single La atoms inside CaTiO3. Dynamical simulations confirm that the spectroscopic information is spatially confined around the scattering atom. Furthermore we show how the depth of the atom within the crystal may be estimated.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures. Accepted in Phys.Rev.Let
