50 research outputs found

    Influència de la tècnica de concentració de mostos en la varietat trepat

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    Existeixen una sèrie de factors edafoclimàtics que poden conduir a una falta de maduresa del raïm. Per a corregir aquest problema la legislació europea vigent permet una sèrie de pràctiques perfectament controlades com són, per exemple, l'ús de mostos concentrats rectificats (MCR) i l'autoenriquiment parcial de mostos. L'objecte d'aquest treball ha estat fer una avaluació de les possibilitats de l'aplicació de la concentració parcial de most mitjançant evaporació al buit. Del most de partida obtingut de la varietat trepat es van fer tres alíquotes, una d'elles es va concentrar parcialment fent servir el concentrador per evaporació al buit, l'altra es va enriquir amb mcr i la tercera es va deixar com a testimoni. Respecte als paràmetres enològics clàssics en els vins, es pot dir que en general no s'observen diferències importants entre els tres lots. Respecte al color s'observa una petita millora i també en el contingut en polifenols per als vins obtinguts a partir de la concentració parcial del most. Els resultats obtinguts en les successives veremes (del 2004 al 2007) posen de manifest que la concentració parcial de mostos per evaporació al buit és una tècnica vàlida i d'interès per a les bodegues per a poder concentrar els seus propis mostos mantenint la tipicitat dels seus vins.Existen una serie de factores edafoclimáticos que pueden conducir a una falta de madurez de la uva. Para corregir este problema la legislación europea vigente permite una serie de prácticas perfectamente controladas como el uso de mostos concentrados rectificados (MCR), así como el autoenriquecimiento parcial de mostos. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido hacer una evaluación de las posibilidades de la aplicación de la concentración parcial de mosto mediante evaporación al vacío. Del mosto obtenido de la variedad trepat se hicieron tres alícuotas, en una de ellas se concentró parcialmente el mosto utilizando un concentrador por evaporación al vacío, la otra se enriqueció con MCR y la otra se dejó como testimonio. Respecto a los parámetros enológicos clásicos en los vinos, se puede decir en general que no se observan diferencias importantes entre los tres lotes. En cuanto al color se observa una pequeña mejora y también en el contenido en polifenoles para los vinos obtenidos a partir de la concentración parcial del mosto. Los resultados obtenidos en las sucesivas vendimias (del 2004 al 2007) ponen de manifiesto que la concentración parcial de mostos por evaporación al vacío es una técnica valida y de interés para las bodegas para poder concentrar sus propios mostos manteniendo la tipicidad de sus vinos

    Effective dispersal and density-dependence in mesophotic macroalgal forests: Insights from the Mediterranean species Cystoseira zosteroides

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    Dispersal and recruitment are fundamental processes for population recovery following disturbances in sessile species. While both processes are well understood for many terrestrial species, they still remain poorly resolved for some macroalgal species. Here we experimentally investigated the effective dispersal and recruit survival of a mesophotic Mediterranean fucoid, Cystoseira zosteroides. In three isolated populations, four sets of settlement collectors were placed at increasing distances (from 0 to 10 m) and different orientations (North, South, East and West). We observed that effective dispersal was restricted to populations' vicinity, with an average of 6.43 m and not further than 13.33 m, following a Weibull distribution. During their first year of life, survival was up to 50%, but it was lower underneath the adult canopy, suggesting a negative density-dependence. To put our results in a broader context we compared the effective dispersal of other fucoid and kelp species reported in the literature, which confirmed the low dispersal ability of brown algae, in particular for fucoids, with an effective dispersal of few meters. Given the importance of recruitment for the persistence and recovery of populations after disturbances, these results underline the vulnerability of C. zosteroides and other fucoid species to escalating threats

    Indicateurs espèces thermophobes: État des populations de la gorgone blanche Eunicella singularis dans le Parc national de Port-Cros.

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    Étude réalisée par l’Universitat de Barcelona, dans le cadre d’un Partenariat Scientifique avec le Parc National de Port-Cros Contrat n° : 13-030 - 83400 PCLes gorgones sont des composantes courantes des communautés coralligènes et elles jouent un rôle très important dans certains écosystèmes méditerranéens de fond dur car il s’agit d’espèces ingénieures qui modèlent l’habitat. Cependant, ces espèces sont parmi les plus menacées par le réchauffement climatique, mais des informations sur leur démographie et leur distribution, aspect crucial pour la conservation et la gestion durable, sont encore rares. Par conséquent, nous avons caractérisé les populations de Eunicella singularis dans le Parc national de Port-Cros tout en examinant leur distribution spatiale et en profondeur, ainsi que la structure de tailles de ces populations et l’affectation des perturbations. Cette espèce est présente principalement dans la partie sud des îles, sur des sites exposés à des courants et à une profondeur allant de 9,5 à 38 m, mais montrant une grande variabilité dans les limites de distribution supérieures et inférieures entre les sites. Les valeurs de la densité, la taille et la mortalité des populations étudiées ont été très semblables aux études précédentes menées dans d'autres endroits de la Méditerranée. La plupart des populations étudiées ont été dominées par des colonies de taille moyenne, ont montré une faible proportion de colonies fortement endommagées, et les colonies les plus blessées avaient des épibiontes, suggérant que la plupart d'entre elles n'ont pas été exposées à de fortes perturbations récentes. Dans un seul site, Le Petit Sarranier, les populations de E. singularis montrent un pourcentage élevé de la surface endommagée, principalement sans épibiose, ainsi que des colonies mortes et une forte dominance de petites colonies. Ça semble indiquer que cette population, celle de moindre profondeur parmi les populations examinées, est exposée à des perturbations naturelles. Nos résultats montrent que les populations les moins profondes (moins de 15 m) présentent des signaux de mortalité récente avec une forte proportion de blessures par rapport aux populations les plus profondes. Ainsi, il semble que la température de l’eau, avec une formation d'une thermocline saisonnière, pourrait être le principal facteur qui affecte les populations peu profondes de E. singularis dans le Parc national de Port-Cros, bien que d'autres facteurs que la température pourraient avoir un rôle important dans le façonnement des tendances observées. Cette étude a fourni une base pour de futures études sur cette espèce dans le Parc, ce qui sera essentiel pour améliorer notre compréhension de la dynamique de cette espèce sur des échelles de temps plus grandes et de leurs tendances futures dans le cadre du scénario global de changement environnemental

    Avaluació de les característiques fenòliques i cromàtiques de la varietat trepat

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    Entre les característiques que defineixen un vi de qualitat, el color i més concretament la composició fenòlica constitueixen un factor determinant a tenir en compte en el moment de qualificar un vi. Els compostos fenòlics confereixen al vi una especificitat que està relacionada no tan sols amb les seves característiques cromàtiques, sinó també amb les seves característiques organolèptiques i la composició química. A l'INCAVI i en col·laboració amb diferents consells reguladors de denominacions d'origen (DO) catalanes, entre ells el de la DO Conca de Barberà, s'està duent a terme un projecte per tal de caracteritzar i tipificar des d'un punt de vista fenòlic els vins de cada zona. En aquesta comunicació es presenten alguns dels resultats obtinguts per als vins rosats de la Conca de Barberà elaborats amb la varietat trepat.Entre las características que definen un vino de calidad, el color y más concretamente la composición fenólica constituyen un factor determinante a tener en cuenta en el momento de la calificación de los vinos. Los compuestos fenólicos confieren al vino una especificidad que está relacionada no sólo con sus características cromáticas, sino también con sus características organolépticas y la composición química. En el INCAVI y en colaboración con diversos consejos reguladores de denominaciones de origen catalanas, entre ellos el de la DO Conca de Barberà, se está llevando a cabo un proyecto con la finalidad de caracterizar y tipificar desde un punto de vista fenólico los vinos de cada zona. En esta comunicación se resentan algunos de los resultados obtenidos para los vinos rosados de la Conca de Barberà elaborados con la variedad trepat

    Portable Electronic Tongue Based on Microsensors for the Analysis of Cava Wines

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    Cava is a quality sparkling wine produced in Spain. As a product with a designation of origin, Cava wine has to meet certain quality requirements throughout its production process; therefore, the analysis of several parameters is of great interest. In this work, a portable electronic tongue for the analysis of Cava wine is described. The system is comprised of compact and low-power-consumption electronic equipment and an array of microsensors formed by six ion-selective field effect transistors sensitive to pH, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl−, and CO32−, one conductivity sensor, one redox potential sensor, and two amperometric gold microelectrodes. This system, combined with chemometric tools, has been applied to the analysis of 78 Cava wine samples. Results demonstrate that the electronic tongue is able to classify the samples according to the aging time, with a percentage of correct prediction between 80% and 96%, by using linear discriminant analysis, as well as to quantify the total acidity, pH, volumetric alcoholic degree, potassium, conductivity, glycerol, and methanol parameters, with mean relative errors between 2.3% and 6.0%, by using partial least squares regressions.We acknowledge funding from the Spanish R & D National Program (MINECO, Projects TEC2011-29045-C04-01 and TEC2014-54449-C3-1-R). P.G.-G. is grateful to MINECO, Spain, for the financial support through a research studentship of the FPI Program. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)

    Compact analytical flow system for the simultaneous determination of L-lactic and L-malic in red wines

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    During the malolactic fermentation of red wines, L-malic acid is mainly converted to L-lactic acid. Both acids should be precisely measured during the entire process to guarantee the quality of the final wine, thus making real-time monitoring approaches of great importance in the winemaking industry. Traditional analytical methods based on laboratory procedures are currently applied and cannot be deployed on-site. In this work, we report on the design and development of a bi-parametric compact analytical flow system integrating two electrochemical biosensors that could be potentially applied in this scenario. The developed flow-system will allow for the first time the simultaneous measurement of both acids in real scenarios at the real-time and in remote way. Miniaturized thin-film platinum four-electrode chips are fabricated on silicon substrates by standard photolithographic techniques and further implemented in a polymeric fluidic structure. This includes a 15 µL flow cell together with the required fluidic channels for sample and reagent fluid management. The four-electrode chip includes counter and pseudo-reference electrodes together with two working electrodes. These are sequentially modified with electropolymerized polypyrrole membranes that entrap the specific receptors for selectively detecting both target analytes. The analytical performance of both biosensors is studied by chronoamperometry, showing a linear range from 5 × 10−6 to 1 × 10−4 M (LOD of 3.2 ± 0.3 × 10−6 M) and from 1 × 10−7 to 1 × 10−6 M (LOD of 6.7 ± 0.2 × 10−8 M) for the L-lactate and the L-malate, respectively. Both biosensors show long-term stability, retaining more than the 90% of their initial sensitivity after more than 30 days, this being a prerequisite for monitoring the whole process of the malolactic fermentation of the red wines (time between 20 and 40 days). The flow system performance is assessed with several wine samples collected during the malolactic fermentation process of three red wines, showing an excellent agreement with the results obtained with the standard method.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biological Processes Highlighted in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the Sparkling Wines Elaboration

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    Sparkling wines elaboration has been studied by several research groups, but this is the first report on analysis of biological processes according to the Gene Ontology terms (GO terms) and related to proteins expressed by yeast cells during the second fermentation of sparkling wines. This work provides a comprehensive study of the most relevant biological processes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae P29, a sparkling wine strain, during the second fermentation under two conditions (without and with endogenous CO2 overpressure) in the middle and the end of second fermentation. Consequently, a proteomic analysis with the OFFGEL fractionator and protein identification with LTQ Orbitrap XL coupled to HPLC were performed. The classification of biological processes was carried out using the tools provided by the Saccharomyces Genome Database. Results indicate that a greater number of biological processes were identified under condition without CO2 overpressure and in the middle of the fermentation versus the end of the second fermentation. The biological processes highlighted under condition without CO2 overpressure in the middle of the fermentation were involved in the carbohydrate and lipid metabolic processes and catabolic and biosynthetic processes. However, under CO2 overpressure, specific protein expression in response to stress, transport, translation, and chromosome organization and specific processes were not found. At the end of fermentation, there were higher specific processes under condition without CO2 overpressure; most were related to cell division, growth, biosynthetic process, and gene transcription resulting in increased cell viability in this condition. Under CO2 overpressure condition, the most representative processes were related to translation as tRNA metabolic process, chromosome organization, mRNA processing, ribosome biogenesis, and ribonucleoprotein complex assembly, probably in response to the stress caused by the hard fermentation conditions. Therefore, a broader knowledge of the adaptation of the yeast, and its behavior under typical conditions to produce sparkling wine, might improve and favor the wine industry and the selection of yeast for obtaining a high-quality wine

    Long-term monitoring of temperate macroalgal assemblages inside and outside a No take marine reserve

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    Macroalgal communities have an essential role in the shallow benthic habitats of temperate seas, where changes in their composition can resonate through entire coastal ecosystems. As all major ecosystems on Earth, algal beds have already been affected by multiple disturbances. Passive conservation tools, such as marine protected areas or No-take zones, have the potential to reduce some of the anthropogenic impacts by limiting human activity. However, without a good knowledge of the natural community dynamics, it is not easy to discern between changes fruit of the intrinsic variability of biological communities and the ones caused by human-related stressors. In this study, we evaluated the natural variability of macroalgal communities' composition inside and outside a Mediterranean No-Take marine reserve during 15 years. We described their temporal dynamics considering their main drivers and we tested the effect of protection in seaweed beds. We did not find differences either in the composition of the macroalgal assemblages or the total algal cover between protected and nonprotected locations over the fifteen years of study. Nevertheless, we observed a positive effect of the protection increasing the cover of some specific species, such as the canopy-forming Treptacantha elegans. Our results highlight the importance of obtaining long-term data in ecological studies to better understand the natural variability of marine communities. Accordingly, a robust understanding of the community dynamics would help us to avoid misinterpretations between 'impacted' or 'in-recovery' communities when recovery times are longer than the study periods

    Application of an E-Tongue to the Analysis of Monovarietal and Blends of White Wines

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    This work presents a multiparametric system capable of characterizing and classifying white wines according to the grape variety and geographical origin. Besides, it quantifies specific parameters of interest for quality control in wine. The system, known as a hybrid electronic tongue, consists of an array of electrochemical microsensors-six ISFET based sensors, a conductivity sensor, a redox potential sensor and two amperometric electrodes, a gold microelectrode and a microelectrode for sensing electrochemical oxygen demand-and a miniaturized optofluidic system. The test sample set comprised eighteen Catalan monovarietal white wines from four different grape varieties, two Croatian monovarietal white wines and seven bi- and trivarietal mixtures prepared from the Catalan varieties. Different chemometric tools were used to characterize (i.e., Principal Component Analysis), classify (i.e., Soft Independent Modeling Class Analogy) and quantify (i.e., Partial-Least Squares) some parameters of interest. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the multisensor system for analysis of wine