418 research outputs found

    Studies of local magnetism and local structure in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4

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    The muon spin rotation (MUSR) study of local magnetism of Sr-doped La2CrO4 is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on magnetic order as detected by local and bulk probes with local atomic environments studies by x ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). Correlations between the MUSR study of local magnetic ordering and the bulk magnetization study are presented along with a discussion of the dependence upon oxygen stoichiometry. Results are presented for both superconducting phases and magnetic phases. Recent data which reveals the existence of local magnetic ordering in the hydrogen-doped YBa2Cu3O7 system are also discussed

    Fabrication and integration of nanostructured optical devices

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    The main goal of this thesis is the numerical and experimental verification of the concept of nanostructured micro-optical elements integrated into an optical fibre. The elements are fabricated with a stack and draw technique. This technology, based on the wellknown method of photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) production, allows the fabrication of Nanostructured Gradient Index (nGRIN) microlenses and axicons with individual nanorods with diameter of 100-300nm. The necessary parameters of materials used in stack and draw method are described and two glasses are chosen for the nanostructured elements fabrication. The procedure of synthesis of clear and doped Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is introduced, which will allow using PMMA in the future in stack and draw technique. Numerical simulations of a Gaussian beam focusing nGRIN microlenses attached to optical fibres are performed using a FFT BPM method. This shows that nGRIN microlenses can be described using the effective refractive index also in the case of the optical fibre illumination. The procedure of fabricating, cutting and polishing of elements 125 um in diameter and 20-60 um long is introduced and explained. Both simulation and experimental results show that the fabricated nanostructured lenses and axicons focus light for the fibre source with wavelength 1550nm

    Impression Management across Applicant and Incumbent Contexts: The Effect on Job Performance

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    Social desirability (impression management) scales often accompany personality measures in selection to detect those who might be engaging in response distortion. Applicants\u27 personality scores may be corrected or eliminated based on scores from the impression management scale. My studies test the effectiveness and usefulness of having social desirability measures in personnel selection. Study One examined whether social desirability (impression management) scales are able to detect faking behavior. The hypotheses were tested on an archival dataset of participants who took personality measures on two separate occasions as incumbents or applicants. Those identified by the faking indicator, who raised their scores beyond the standard error of measurement difference score, had higher extraversion scores in the applicant administration (M =19.16; SD = 1.83) than as incumbent (M =13.88; SD = 5.27). However, for the non-fakers extraversion scores from when the participants were incumbents are higher (M =19.00; SD = 2.13) than their applicant scores (M =18.21; SD = 3.14). Those identified as non-fakers while incumbents had such high scores that there was no opportunity to improve them and fake. The impression management scale was able to identify fakers on the personality measures who had opportunity to improve their scores. For Study Two, I hypothesized that impression management is a necessary skill for salespeople, thus selecting people out or correcting their personality scores because of it results in worse people hired and lowers organizational performance. Impression management is not a necessary skill for salespeople; impression management does not have a relationship with weekly brokerage dollars (r = -.07, p =.45). Further analyses found that removing applicants or correcting their scores actually improved the job performance of the sample

    Introduction: what sort of past does our future need?

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    In this short introduction we set out the aims of the volume, which represents the fruits of two seminars held in the autumn of 2020. The chapters respond to one big thematic issue: how to research and understand historical societal resilience; and one big question: what sort of past does the future need? They attempt to address these through three linked themes: can history be made more relevant to modern policy in respect of environmental and climate challenges? To what extent do our various sources indicate awareness and management of risk and/or the implementation of mitigating strategies in the past? And how can we identify ‘resilience’ in the social praxis of historical agents

    Money Laundering - Legal and Economic Aspects

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    Wojciech Filipkowski PhD, works at the Department of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Białystok as a legal scholar and researcher. His two major fields of research are the phenomena of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. He is also interested in the use of modern technology by law enforcement agencies.Wydział Prawa, Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuBaloun, V. and Scheinost, M., Economy and Crime in the Society in Transition: The Czech Republic Case. In: P. van Duyne, K. von Lampe and N. Passas (eds.), Upperworld and Underworld in Cross-border Crime, Nijmegen 2002, pp. 43-59Besozzi, C., Illegal markets and Organized Crime in Switzerland: A Critical Assessment. In: C. Fijnaut and L. Paoli (eds.), Organised Crime in Europe. Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond, Dordrecht 2004, pp. 499-536Buczkowski, K. and Wojtaszek, M., Pranie pieniędzy. Warszawa 2000Duyne van P., Introduction. In: P. van Duyne, K. von Lampe and N. Passas (eds.), Upperworld and Underworld in Cross-border Crime, Nijmegen 2002, pp. 1-9.Duyne van P., Lampe von K. and Passas N. (eds.), Upperworld and Underworld in Cross-border Crime, Nijmegen 2002 - available at: http://books.google.pl/books?id=WA4sz3zljBkCFijnaut C. and Paoli L. (eds.), Organised Crime in Europe. Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond, Dordrecht 2004 - available at: http://books.google.pl/ books?id=iegCkMlnI_UCGoméz-Céspedes, A., and Stngeland, P., Spain: The Flourishing Illegal Drug Haven in Europe. In: C. Fijnaut and L. Paoli (eds.), Organised Crime in Europe. Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond, Dordrecht 2004, pp. 387-412Gołębiewski, J., Przestępczość zorganizowana w Polsce z perspektywy Centralnego Biura Śledczego. In: E. Pływaczewski (ed.), Przestępczość zorganizowana, Świadek koronny, Terroryzm w ujęciu praktycznym, Kraków 2005, pp. 187-220Guzik-Makaruk, E. M. and Filipkowski, W., System przeciwdziałania i zwalczania procederu prania pieniędzy - ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli instytucji obowiązanych. In: E. Pływaczewski (ed.), Przestępczość zorganizowana, Świadek koronny, Terroryzm w ujęciu praktycznym, Kraków 2005, pp. 233-260Jasiński W., Money Laundering, Warsaw 1998Levi, M., Following the Criminals and terrorist Money Trails. In: P. C. Van Duyne, K. von Lampe, J. L. Newell (eds.), Criminal Finances and Organising Crime in Europe, Nijmegen 2003, pp. 105-121Pływaczewski E., Money Laundering. Possibilities of Counteracting Including the Role of Banking System, Toruń 1993Pływaczewski, E., Organised Crime in Poland: Its Development from ‘Real Socialism’ to Present Times. In: C. Fijnaut and L. Paoli (eds.), Organised Crime in Europe. Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond, Dordrecht 2004, pp. 467-498Pływaczewski, E. and Filipkowski, W., The Development of Organized Crime Policies in Poland: From Socialist Regime to ‘Rechtsstaat’. In: C. Fijnaut and L. Paoli (eds.) Organised Crime in Europe. Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond, Dordrecht 2004, pp. 899-930Potakowski, D., Korelacje między przestępczością skarbową a praniem pieniędzy i ich wpływ na jakość zwalczania zorganizowanych grup przestępczych w Polsce - raport z badań. In: Lelental, S. and Potakowski, D. (eds.), Pozbawianie sprawców korzyści uzyskanych w wyniku przestępstwa, Szczytno 2004, pp. 125-143Savona, E. U. European Money Trails. Amsterdam 1999Wójcik, J. W., Przeciwdziałanie praniu pieniędzy. Kraków 2004Jasiński W., System of Counteracting Money Laundering in Countries Adapting Their Law to the Legislature of the European Union, Prokuratura i Prawo, No. 4, 2000, pp. 50-58Pływaczewski, E., Poland: Counteracting Money Laundering in Central Europe. Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2000, pp. 70-77Sieńczyło-Chlabicz, J. and Filipkowski, W., The Polish Financial Intelligence Unit: A New Institution in the Polish Legal System. Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2001, pp 150-157United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffi c In Narcotic Drugs And Psychotropic Substances, Vienna, 1988United Nations, International Convention for The Suppression of The Financing Of Terrorism, United Nations, New York, 1999United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, Palermo 2000Council of Europe Convention on laundering, search, seizure and confi scation of the proceeds from crime and on the fi nancing of terrorism, Warsaw, 2005Directive of The European Parliament and of The Council on the prevention of the use of the fi nancial system for the purpose of money laundering, and terrorist fi nancing of 2005Protection of Economic Turnover Act of 1994 (Dz.U. 1994, Nr 126, poz. 615)Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2000 (Dz.U. 2000, Nr 116, poz. 1216)Safe Poland. The Improvement of Citizens’ Security Program, Warsaw, 28th of August, 2002Statement of Purposes, Egmont Group of the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, Guernsey, June 23, 2004 - available at: http://www.egmontgroup.org/files/library_egmont_docs/ statement_of_purpose.pdfReview of FATF Anti-Money Laundering Systems and Mutual Evaluation Procedures 1992-1999, FATF-XII, February 16, 2001 - available at: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd32/4534046731.pd

    Strach przed COVID-19, percepcja ryzyka i zagrożenia a poziom stresu u polskich pielęgniarek w czasie pandemii COVID-19

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    Introduction. The outbreak of COVID-19 disease causes severe stress in health care workers, especially nurses.Nurses are at high risk of contracting the disease, as well as an increased risk of developing mental health symptomssuch as fear, anxiety and work-related stress.Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between fear of COVID-19, risk perception, perceivedthreat and stress in Polish nurses during COVID-19 outbreak.Material and Methods. 106 nurses participated in the study. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), Fear of COVID-19 Scale(FOC-6), Risk of Contracting COVID-19 Scale and Perceived Threat of COVID-19 Scale were used in the study.Results. It has been shown that perceived stress, fear of COVID-19, perceived risk and threat are at high level. Allthe variables related to the perception of COVID-19 threat were significantly correlated with the perceived stress.The strongest relationship was between the risk of infection and perceived stress. Risk perception was statisticallysignificant predictor of perceived stress.Conclusions. Polish nurses experience severe stress and perceive COVID-19 as a significant threat for their healthand safety. In addition to protecting medical personnel from infection, nurses experiencing the highest levels ofstress should be given psychological care and support, which could prevent the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their mental health. (JNNN 2021;10(1):3–9)Wstęp. Pandemia COVID-19 powoduje silny stres u pracowników ochrony zdrowia, zwłaszcza u pielęgniarek. Pielęgniarki są w grupie osób szczególnie narażonych na zarażenie wirusem. Są również narażone na odczuwanie psychologicznych negatywnych skutków pandemii, takich jak strach, lęk i stres związany z pracą.Cel. Celem badań było określenie związku między strachem przed COVID-19, postrzeganiem ryzyka i zagrożeniaa stresem u polskich pielęgniarek podczas pandemii COVID-19.Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 106 pielęgniarek. W badaniu wykorzystano Skalę Odczuwanego Stresu(PSS-10), Skalę Strachu przed COVID-19 (FOC-6), Skalę Postrzeganego Ryzyka Zachorowania na COVID-19oraz Skalę Postrzeganego Zagrożenia COVID-19.Wyniki. Wykazano, że postrzegany przez pielęgniarki stres i strach przed COVID-19, postrzegane ryzyko i zagrożeniesą na wysokim poziomie. Wszystkie zmienne związane z postrzeganiem zagrożenia związanego z COVID-19 byłyistotnie statystycznie skorelowane z odczuwanym stresem. Najsilniejszy związek występował między postrzeganymryzykiem a odczuwanym stresem. Postrzeganie ryzyka było statystycznie istotnym predyktorem odczuwanego stresu.Wnioski. Pielęgniarki doświadczają silnego stresu i postrzegają COVID-19 jako istotne zagrożenie dla ich zdrowiai bezpieczeństwa. Oprócz zabezpieczania pracowników ochrony zdrowia przed zakażeniem należałoby pielęgniarkomdoświadczającym najwyższego poziomu stresu zapewnić pomoc psychologiczną i wsparcie, co mogłoby zapobiecnegatywnemu wpływowi pandemii COVID-19 na ich zdrowie psychiczne. (PNN 2021;10(1):3–9

    Electronic Transition of Ferrocenium: Neon Matrix and CASPT2 Studies

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    Electronic absorptions of ferrocenium starting at 632.5 nm were measured in a 6 K neon matrix following mass-selective deposition of the ions. The spectrum shows clear vibrational structure and provides the best-yet resolved view of the electronic states of this cation. The absorption system is identified as the 1 2E1′ ← X 2E2′ transition (D5h symmmetry) on the basis of vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths calculated at the CASPT2 level. Vibrational bands in the spectrum are assigned with the aid of the ground-state frequencies calculated with the DFT method

    Electronic Spectrum of Dihydrogenated Buckminsterfullerene in a 6 K Neon Matrix

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    Vibrationally resolved electronic absorption spectrum of 1,2-dihydrogenated[60]fullerene has been recorded in a 6 K neon matrix after mass-selected deposition of m/z = 722 cations produced from reaction of protonated methane and C60 in an ion source. One system has the origin band at 688.5 ± 0.1 nm and another commencing at 404.8 ± 0.1 nm. Theoretical computations were used to calculate the relative energies of three isomers of dihydrogenated[60]fullerene and time-dependent density functional theory predicted the vertical excitations to 50 electronic states