197 research outputs found

    Mobilidade sustentável e inteligente

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    Sustainable mobility and smart mobility are undoubtedly interconnected. With the increase in the population in urban centers, new solutions can be improved. This article explores the current mobility environment and the most relevant solutions being developed.A Mobilidade sustentável e a mobilidade inteligente estão sem dúvida interligadas. Com o aumento da população nos centros urbanos, novas soluções precisam de ser melhoradas. Este artigo explora o ambiente de mobilidade atual e as soluções de maior relevância que estão a ser desenvolvidas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    I feel, then I Think: stimulus-cogitation in Fernando Pessoa, ortonym

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    A elaboração deste trabalho visa o esclarecimento de uma situação na poesia de Fernando Pessoa na qual um estímulo conduz a uma reflexão. Para a explicar definiram-se, primariamente, estímulo e reflexão, aplicando estes conceitos, posteriormente, à poesia pessoana. Com o apoio de obras de vários teóricos pessoanos e análise de alguns poemas da obra de Pessoa, ortónimo, verificou-se, então, que este processo é recorrente na sua poesia, servindo mais regularmente de propulsores para a reflexão os estímulos visuais e auditivos. Além disso, pode-se também afirmar que o objetivo deste processo visava a transformação da sensação em arte.The preparation of this report aims at clarifying a situation found on Fernando Pessoa’s poetry where a stimulus leads to a reflection. To explain that, it was primarily defined both stimulus and reflection, concepts that were later applied to Pessoa’s poetry. We resorted to several works of Pessoa experts and analyses of several poems among the lyrical work by Fernando Pessoa, ortonym. It was verified that this process is repeated throughout his work, serving more regularly as reflection booster of visual and auditory stimuli. Moreover, it can also be affirmed that the goal of this process is the transformation of sensation in art

    The new legal framework of Industrial Property in Portugal

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    A Propriedade Industrial desempenha um papel determinante para o crescimento econó‑ mico, surgindo como um elemento regulador numa economia de mercado em que neces‑ sariamente se estabelecem relações de concorrência, assegurando a proteção dos investi‑ mentos realizados pelas empresas em atividades de investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D) e criando as condições necessárias ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, à competitividade das economias e à promoção da inovação

    Current and Future Salinity Intrusion in the South-Western Coastal Region of Bangladesh

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    The southwestern coastal regions of Bangladesh (SWCRB) are highly exposed to saltwater intrusions brought about through cyclones and storm surges. These salinity intrusions are contributing to soil and water salinity in the coastal areas. This study aimed to determine the impact of these salinity intrusions on the quality of water and soil in three vulnerable coastal areas. In this investigation, water and soil samples were collected and analysed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and other trace elements. The analysis found many of the parameters to be higher than the recommended values. The study found that in soil samples there was a significant correlation between OM and ECe dS/m, as well as K and TN; and a highly significant correlation between TN and OM. This study further examined the historical salinity data at low and high tides to determine any patterns occurring alongside storm surges and cyclones. Water salinity statistics were obtained from the three locations of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), which neighbours the study area. A Digital Evaluation Model (DEM) predicts the salinity induced by storm gushes in the corresponding impacted zones. Lastly, the study compared projections for future storm surges at current and predicted sea levels. Potential storm gushes circumstances from 1 to 9 m can impact up to 33% of the nation and 97% of the Shyamnagar Upazila. The occurrence of cyclone-related storms will increase and make cultivation and settlement in the region difficult. The predicted sea-level rises and saltwater contamination will intensify the adverse effects of salinity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Symmetry in portuguese fishing communities: students critical sense while solving symmetry tasks

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    This article analyzes the knowledge and the critical thinking level of students from two schools of different cultural contexts, regarding the mathematical topic of symmetries. The primary goal is to find and compare the critical thinking of students from a fishing community with students of a school of an urban type, when faced with tasks on symmetries involving artefacts / geometric motifs related to fishing activity. With a theoretical foundation based on Ethnomathematics, it gives prominence to the cultural and professional context students are from, so tasks were built taking into account the fishing context. Students revealed difficulties in symmetries identification and particularly in the representation of figures with symmetry. It also found that in tasks completion, students of the fishing context school proved to have a more accurate critical sense than students from the urban type school.Cet article analyse les connaissances et le niveau de la pensée critique des élèves de deux écoles de différents contextes culturels, concernant le sujet mathématique de symétries. L'objectif principal est de trouver et de comparer la pensée critique des élèves d'une communauté de pêche avec des étudiants d'une école de type urbain, lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à des tâches sur les symétries, comprenant des artefacts / motifs géométriques liés à l'activité de pêche. Avec une base théorique basée sur Ethnomathématique, il met en évidence le contexte culturel et professionnel d’ou les étudiants viennent, alors les tâches ont été construites en tenant compte du contexte de la pêche. Les étudiants ont révélé des difficultés dans l'identification des symétries et en particulier dans la représentation des figures avec symétrie. On a également constaté que dans l’achèvement des tâches, les élèves de l'école de contexte de pêche ont montré d’avoir un sens critique plus précis que les élèves de l'école de type urbain.CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, IE, UMinho (FCT R&D unit 317), PortugalNational Funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) and co-financed by European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI) with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Writing at Portuguese Universities: Students’ Perceptions and Practices

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    In Portuguese higher education, teachers from different scientific areas recognize that their students have difficulties with writing. Nevertheless, preparing students for academic writing is not a priority and any intervention depends more on the interest of particular teachers than on any institutional policy. The development of a more institutional approach to academic writing in Portugal will imply a deeper knowledge of the multifaceted reality of the students’ situation, involving identification of their own perceptions of their writing processes and of the academic writing practices they are subject to. This is the aim of our study, based on 1150 students’ answers to a questionnaire about literacy practices in Portuguese higher education.Our results show that students seem to be conscious of the procedural nature of writing and of the role and importance of planning, composing and reviewing in the course of their writing processes. As for their perceptions about institutional interventions aimed at fostering writing abilities and teacher feedback on their written work, the answers to the questionnaire allow us to conclude that such support is not frequently offered. There are, however, some differences in the way these issues are considered across the various fields of study

    Alterações climáticas, sociais e políticas em Portugal: processos de governança num litoral em risco

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    O litoral português é um dos mais ameaçados pela erosão costeira na Europa, um fenômeno que deverá ser agravado pelas alterações climáticas, devido à subida do nível médio do mar e à alteração do regime das ondas na costa atlântica. A par desta fragilidade física, a zona costeira tem sido palco de uma acelerada pressão urbana e turística, que em Portugal se acentuou a partir dos anos 60. Este fenômeno gera uma condição de fragilidade social, que se vem associar a uma fragilidade política resultante da incapacidade do Estado para enfrentar com consistência a gestão do litoral. A principal resposta aos problemas do litoral tem sido o investimento em estruturas pesadas fortemente apoiado por fundos comunitários. Apesar deste tipo de investimento estar cada vez mais comprometido, devido à recessão económica e à perspetiva de redução dos fundos europeus. Partindo de três estudos de caso, a Norte, Centro e Sul, neste artigo abordamos a atual condição social da perceção do risco em três zonas instáveis do litoral português, nas quais foram instalados núcleos urbanos com forte motivação turística: Vagueira, Costa da Caparica e Quarteira. Apesar de terem em comum dinâmicas de crescimento recentes, estas zonas apresentam processos diferenciados de ocupação e erosão. O artigo aborda os três locais a partir da sua condição administrativa e dos efeitos das políticas públicas de ordenamento do litoral. E propõe uma reflexão sobre a necessidade de novos modelos institucionais de governança e de gestão costeira sustentáveis.The Portuguese coast is one of the most threatened by coastal erosion in Europe, a phenomenon that will be intensified by climate change, due to sea level rise and changes in the wave system in the Atlantic coast. Along with this physical fragility, the coast has witnessed an accelerated urban and tourist pressure, which increased in Portugal since the 60's. This phenomenon creates social fragility, which in turn links with a political fragility resulting from the state's inability to deal with coastal management in a consistent way. The main response to coastal problems has been investing in heavy defence structures strongly supported by EU funds. However, this type of investment is increasingly compromised due to the economic downturn and the prospective reduction of European funds. Based on three case studies - in the North, Centre and South of Portugal – we will address the current social condition of risk perception in three unstable areas of the Portuguese coast, where urban centres with a strong touristic motivation were installed: Vagueira, Costa da Caparica and Quarteira. Despite having in common recent growth dynamics, these areas show different occupation processes and different levels of coastal erosion. The paper addresses these three places from the point of view of its administrative condition and the effects of public policies for coastal planning. Furthermore we propose a reflexion about the need for new institutional models of governance and sustainable coastal management