262 research outputs found

    Compliance no regime internacional de refugiados em face de movimento extraordinário de refugiados: a postura adotada pelo Grupo de Visegrado

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    In the present study, we analyze whether in situations of extraordinary flows of refugees and economic migrants to states that are part of an area of free movement of persons, they can adopt restrictive measures of entry and stay in their territory without this affecting their compliance with the international regime of refugees. For this purpose, the behavior of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries was used as a case study, in the period from 2014 to 2017. In an attempt to identify whether their conduct may be considered a lack of compliance with the aforementioned regime, or if the measures adopted by them find some legal protection, care was taken initially to trace the history and evolution of the refugee regime, to take a parallel approach with the human rights regime (in light of the complex regime theory), to consider the normative context of the European Union, and finally the practice of the member countries of the Visegrad Group. In the end, it was concluded that, taking into account the evaluation of the other agents, the conduct of the Visegrad Group fails to meet not only what the refugee regime rules, but also the human rights regime. On the other hand, as it is an exceptional situationhe V4 members' allegation that this situation affects their public order and national security seems to be pertinent, based on the the exception allowed in paragraph 2 of article 33 of the 1951 Convention.NenhumaNo presente trabalho, analisamos se em situações de fluxos extraordinários de refugiados e migrantes econômicos para Estados que integram uma área de livre circulação de pessoas, podem estes adotar medidas restritivas de ingresso e permanência em seu território sem que isto afete sua compliance com o regime internacional de refugiados. Para tal fim, utilizou-se o comportamento dos países do Grupo de Visegrado (V4) como estudo de caso, no período de 2014 a 2017. Na tentativa de identificar se suas condutas podem ser reputadas como falta de compliance ao aludido regime, ou se as medidas por eles adotadas encontram algum amparo legal, houve o cuidado de traçar inicialmente a história e evolução do regime dos refugiados, fazer uma abordagem paralela com o regime de Direitos Humanos (à luz da teoria do complexo de regimes), considerar o contexto normativo da União Europeia, e finalmente a própria prática dos países integrantes do Grupo de Visegrado. Ao final, chegou-se à conclusão que, levando-se em consideração a avaliação dos outros agentes, as condutas do Grupo de Visegrado vão de encontro não só ao que preceitua o regime de refugiado, mas também o regime de Direitos Humanos. Por outro lado, por se tratar de uma situação excepcional, é pertinente a alegação dos membros do V4 de que essa situação afeta sua ordem pública e sua segurança nacional, podendo ser invocada a exceção do parágrafo 2.º do artigo 33 da Convenção de 1951


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    Brazil has advanced in the legislation regarding the social protection of children and adolescents, including reference after the approval of the Statute of Children and Adolescents in 1990. However, mistreatment practices still persist, such as child labor in certain high poverty areas. This study presents an analysis of the child labor relations existing in the potteries of the Ajuaí river community, in the municipality of Abaetetuba, state of Pará, Brazil, under the analysis of the basic principles of child and adolescent protection. The research, based on a case study, involved potters and children and adolescents who worked in the potteries. The social vulnerability of families in the Ajuaí River region is one of the causes that favors the practice of a degrading action involving children and adolescents in potteries activities. Physical exertion and insecurity, besides the legal prohibition of child labor, are elements that make the activity an illegal and inhuman practice. The absence of public power with social programs that meets the basic needs of low-income families contributes to the incidence of child labor in the region

    A inibição do córtex motor não-dominante por meio da estimulação magnética transcraniana a 0,5Hz não interfere no desempenho manual ipsilateral de sujeitos hígidos

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    A redução da excitabilidade do córtex motor primário (M1) dominante melhora o desempenho manual ipsilateral: a inibição do M1 não-dominante poderia, analogamente, aprimorar a função manual direita. Para investigar esta hipótese, utilizou-se a estimulação magnética transcraniana repetitiva (EeMTr) de baixa frequência e o teste Purdue Pegboard. Submetemos 28 voluntários a 10 minutos de EeMTr sobre o M1 direito (0,5 Hz) ou a placebo (bobina perpendicular ao escalpo). Oo teste foi executado antes, imediatamente após e 20 minutos após a EeMTr. Nos dois grupos, o desempenho manual mostrou significativa melhora entre as sessões. A inibição do M1 não-dominante não influenciou significativamente a destreza motora ipsi ou contralateral, apesar da conclusão limitada pelo desempenho discrepante dos grupos na primeira sessão. Eeste resultado contrasta com a melhora da função manual esquerda descrita após a EeMTr sobre o M1 esquerdo e sugere uma inibição transcalosa fisiológica menos intensa do M1 direito para o esquerdo. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTReduction of excitability of the dominant primary motor cortex (M1) improves ipsilateral hand function in healthy subjects. In analogy, inhibition of non-dominant M1 should also improve ipsilateral performance. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we have used slow repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and the Purdue Pegboard test. Twenty-eight volunteers underwent 10 minutes of either 0.5Hz rTMS over right M1 or sham rTMS (coil perpendicular to scalp). The motor task was performed before, immediately after, and 20 minutes after rTMS. In both groups, motor performance improved significantly throughout the sessions. rTMS inhibition of the non-dominant M1 had no significant influence over ipsilateral or contralateral manual dexterity, even though the results were limited by unequal performance between groups at baseline. This is in contrast to an improvement in left hand function previously described following slow rTMS over left M1, and suggests a less prominent physiological transcallosal inhibition from right to left M1

    Medicinal Plants and Other Living Organisms with Antitumor Potential against Lung Cancer

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    Lung cancer is a disease with high morbidity and mortality rates. As a result, it is often associated with a significant amount of suffering and a general decrease in the quality of life. Herbal medicines are recognized as an attractive approach to lung cancer therapy with little side effects and are a major source of new drugs. The aim of this work was to review the medicinal plants and other living organisms with antitumor potential against lung cancer. The assays were conducted with animals and humans, and Lewis lung carcinoma was the most used experimental model. China, Japan, South Korea, and Ethiopia were the countries that most published studies of species with antitumor activity. Of the 38 plants evaluated, 27 demonstrated antitumor activity. In addition, six other living organisms were cited for antitumor activity against lung cancer. Mechanisms of action, combination with chemotherapeutic drugs, and new technologies to increase activity and reduce the toxicity of the treatment are discussed. This review was based on the NAPRALERT databank, Web of Science, and Chemical Abstracts. This work shows that natural products from plants continue to be a rich source of herbal medicines or biologically active compounds against cancer

    Visio Pauli: o corpo no espaço/tempo do Além Mundo

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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar a temática do corpo no espaço e tempo do além mundo apresentada no texto Visio Pauli. Identificaremos através das descrições dos lugares como céu, inferno, paraíso e firmamento como o referencial corporal é fundamental para a compreensão desse tipo de narrativa e como esses elementos corporais estão intrinsecamente ligados a moral da época de circulação desse texto

    Surface runoff model in the Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke experimental watershed

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    In this study, experimentation and hydrologic modeling of rainfall events transformed into runoff in natural forest systems, are investigated, including the following treatments: construction of an iterative optimization computational algorithm to identify the average unity hydrograph (rain-discharge transfer function) of the watershed, and to compute the effective rainfalls adequate to each discharge-rainfall event; applying the methodology to the Igarapé Bolívia watershed, which is located inside the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve; analysis and interpretation of the established algorithm, focusing on its convergence and on the significance of the results of this optimization process; and comparison with other studies in small watersheds of Central Amazonia. Rainfall and runoff measurements were made from July 2004 to September 2006, including the preparation phase of the level-discharge curve of the Igarapé Bolívia and the making of a large and diversified set of rainfall and runoff events.Neste estudo, a experimentação e a modelagem hidrológica de eventos de precipitação transformada em escoamento superficial em sistemas naturais de floresta são investigadas, contemplando os seguintes tratamentosconstrução de algoritmo computacional iterativo de otimização para a identificação do hidrograma unitário médio (função de transferência chuva-descarga) da bacia e para o cálculo das precipitações efetivas adequadas à cada evento chuva-escoamento; aplicação da metodologia à bacia hidrográfica do igarapé Bolívia, situada no interior da Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke; análise e interpretação do algoritmo criado, enfocando a sua convergência e o significado dos resultados desse processo de otimização; e comparação com outros estudos em pequenas bacias da Amazônia Central. O período de medidas de chuva e de vazões estende-se de julho de 2004 a setembro de 2006, incluindo a fase de preparação da curva-chave do igarapé Bolívia e a formação de um conjunto amplo e diversificado de eventos de chuva e de escoamento no curso d'água

    Modeling Actual Evapotranspiration with MSI-Sentinel Images and Machine Learning Algorithms

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    The modernization of computational resources and application of artificial intelligence algorithms have led to advancements in studies regarding the evapotranspiration of crops by remote sensing. Therefore, this research proposed the application of machine learning algorithms to estimate the ETrF (Evapotranspiration Fraction) of sugar can crop using the METRIC (Mapping Evapotranspiration at High Resolution with Internalized Calibration) model with data from the Sentinel-2 satellites constellation. In order to achieve this goal, images from the MSI sensor (MultiSpectral Instrument) from the Sentinel-2 and the OLI (Operational Land Imager) and TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) sensors from the Landsat-8 were acquired nearly at the same time between the years 2018 and 2020 for sugar cane crops. Images from OLI and TIR sensors were intended to calculate ETrF through METRIC (target variable), while for the MSI sensor images, the explanatory variables were extracted in two approaches, using 10 m (approach 1) and 20 m (approach 2) spatial resolution. The results showed that the algorithms were able to identify patterns in the MSI sensor data to predict the ETrF of the METRIC model. For approach 1, the best predictions were XgbLinear (R2 = 0.80; RMSE = 0.15) and XgbTree (R2 = 0.80; RMSE = 0.15). For approach 2, the algorithm that demonstrated superiority was the XgbLinear (R2 = 0.91; RMSE = 0.10), respectively. Thus, it became evident that machine learning algorithms, when applied to the MSI sensor, were able to estimate the ETrF in a simpler way than the one that involves energy balance with the thermal band used in the METRIC model

    In situ study of partially crystallized bioglass (R) and hydroxylapatite in vitro bioactivity using atomic force microscopy

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    The present work investigates, in situ, the in vitro bioactivity of partially crystallized 45S5 Bioglass! (BG) as a function of immersion time in a simulated body fluid (SBF) using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results obtained for the crystallized BG! were compared to those of hydroxyapatite c- and a-faces. The calcium phosphate layer grows on the crystallized 45S5 B! by multiple two-dimensional nucleation and fusion of these two-dimensional islands, which is essentially the same mode as for the hydroxyapatite c-face. The surface of the crystallized 45S5 BG! was almost fully covered with a dense and compact calcium phosphate layer after 24 h. The calcium phosphate formation on the crystallized BG! arises from a low surface energy of the surface layer and/or an effect of the layer to lower the resistance when the growth units of calcium phosphate incorporate into the growing island. These results indicate that the crystallized 45S5 BG! is suitable to be used as a filler for polymeric matrix bioactive composites, as it maintains a high bioactivity associated with a stiffer behavior (as compared to standard BG!)

    Effect of the human pressure on the streams of the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, a forest area in Central Amazon

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    Physicochemical and chemical variables from water environments were investigated in an area of upland primary forest, near an urban area, in the municipality of Manaus. The investigated surface water streams drain both primary forest and urbanized areas, and are called igarapés in the region. The headwaters of two of these streams are in the urban area, and they run to the forest area and join to make up another stream, and later are joined with another stream which headwaters are located inside the primary forest. This study encompassed the following environmental variables: pH, water electrical conductivity, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ cations and suspended material. It was possible to see significant differences in the concentration of hydrogen ions, electrical conductivity and in the suspended material content, among the studied streams. In the stream in which the headwaters are within the reserve, the mean values corresponding to pH, electrical conductivity and suspended material were 4.47; 6.44 mS cm-1 and 1.25 mg L-1, respectively; and the highest values found in the impacted ones were 6.84, 141.50 mS cm-1 and 9.50 mg L-1. The results show that the stream which drains the forest area maintains its natural characteristics as it is protected from human activities, and the ones which come from the urban area are impacted.Foram investigadas variáveis físico-químicas e químicas de ambientes aquáticos, em área de floresta primária de terra firme, próxima à área urbana, no município de Manaus. Os cursos de águas superficiais investigados drenam tanto área de floresta primária como urbanizada e, na região, são chamados igarapés. Dois desses igarapés têm suas nascentes na área urbana, adentram a área de floresta e lá se juntam. Ainda dentro da mesma área o igarapé resultante encontra-se com um outro que drena apenas área de floresta primária. Neste estudo foram pesquisadas as variáveis ambientaispH, condutividade elétrica da água, os cátions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ e Fe2+) e material em suspensão. Foi possível observar diferenças significativas nas médias da concentração de íons hidrogênio, na condutividade elétrica e na quantidade de material em suspensão, entre os igarapés estudados. No igarapé cuja nascente encontra-se dentro da reserva, os valores médios correspondentes ao pH, condutividade elétrica e material em suspensão foram, respectivamente, 4,47; 6,44 mS cm-1 e 1,25 mg L-1; e os valores mais elevados registrados nos impactados foram 6,84, 141,50 mS cm-1 e 9,50 mg L-1. Os resultados mostram que o igarapé que drena área de floresta mantém suas características naturais por estar protegido das atividades antrópicas, e os que provêm da área urbana encontram-se impactados

    PPAR-γ/IL-10 axis inhibits MyD88 expression and ameliorates murine polymicrobial sepsis

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    Polymicrobial sepsis induces organ failure and is accompanied by overwhelming inflammatory response and impairment of microbial killing. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ is a nuclear receptor with pleiotropic effects on lipid metabolism, inflammation, and cell proliferation. The insulin-sensitizing drugs thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are specific PPAR-γ agonists. TZDs exert anti-inflammatory actions in different disease models, including polymicrobial sepsis. The TZD pioglitazone, which has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, improves sepsis outcome; however, the molecular programs that mediate its effect have not been determined. In a murine model of sepsis, we now show that pioglitazone treatment improves microbial clearance and enhances neutrophil recruitment to the site of infection. We also observed reduced proinflammatory cytokine production and high IL-10 levels in pioglitazone-treated mice. These effects were associated with a decrease in STAT-1-dependent expression of MyD88 in vivo and in vitro. IL-10R blockage abolished PPAR-γ-mediated inhibition of MyD88 expression. These data demonstrate that the primary mechanism by which pioglitazone protects against polymicrobial sepsis is through the impairment of MyD88 responses. This appears to represent a novel regulatory program. In this regard, pioglitazone provides advantages as a therapeutic tool, because it improves different aspects of host defense during sepsis, ultimately enhancing survival