20 research outputs found

    Soil physicochemical properties associated with the yield and phytochemical composition of the edible halophyte Crithmum maritimum

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    There is growing interest in the consumption of halophytes due to their excellent nutritional profile and antioxidant properties, and because their cultivation offers viable alternatives in the face of irreversible global salinization of soils. Nevertheless, abiotic factors strongly influence their phytochemical composition, and little is known about how growing conditions can produce plants with the best nutritional and functional properties. Crithmum maritimum is an edible halophyte with antioxidant properties and considerable potential for sustainable agriculture in marginal environments. However, it is found naturally in contrasting habitats with a wide range of soil physicochemical properties and the extent to which edaphic factors can influence plant performance, accumulation of phytochemicals and their quality remains unknown. We investigated the influence of soil physicochemical properties (texture, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content and mineral element concentrations) on growth and reproductive performance, nutritional traits, and the accumulation of specific metabolites in C. maritimum. Soil, leaf and seed samples were taken from eight C. maritimum populations located on the southern coasts of Spain and Portugal. We found greater vegetative growth and seed production in coarser, sandier soils with lower microelement concentrations. The nutritional traits of leaves varied, with soil organic matter and macronutrient content associated with reduced leaf Na, protein and phenolic (mainly flavonoid) concentrations, whereas soils with lower pH and Fe concentrations, and higher clay content yielded plants with lower leaf Zn concentration and greater accumulation of hydroxycinnamic acids. The nutritional value of the seed oil composition appeared to be enhanced in soils with coarser texture and lower microelement concentrations. The accumulation of specific phenolic compounds in the seed was influenced by a wide range of soil properties including texture, pH and some microelements. These findings from a wide range of natural populations will inform the commercial cultivation of C. maritimum, particularly in the economic exploitation of poorly utilized, saline soils

    Differences in nutrient composition of sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum) grown in different habitats and optimally controlled growing conditions

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    10 páginas.- 1 figura.- 5 tablas.- referenciasCrithmum maritimum L. is an edible halophyte with large potential in human nutrition field. However, it is unclear whether its nutritional value is maintained throughout the contrasting habitats where it commonly grows (cliffs, sandy and rocky beaches) and the nutritional profile of cultivated plants still remains uncertain. In this work, we provided for the first time a comparison of the nutritional profile of C. maritimum across its different type of habitats in the south of Spain and between wild plants and plant material under optimal growing conditions. The protein, amino acids, lipids, fatty acids, minerals composition and phenolic content of plants were analysed. Plants under field conditions exhibited a nutritionally balanced composition (3.8–6.2 g protein/100 g DW, 4.9–7.5 mg lipids/g WW, 3.9–5.0 g Na/100 g DW), with high phenolic content (30.2–48.0 mg/g DW) regardless of the variability of the contrasting habitats. In contrast, under optimal conditions, C. maritimum showed a greater protein and lipid content (10.2 g/100 g DW and 9.6 mg/g WW, respectively), and lower sodium accumulation (1.2 g/100 g DW), allowing a greater consumption of this halophyte without exceeding the daily intake recommendations. Conversely, phenolics were strongly decreased in these plants (6.1 mg/g DW) likely due to the absence of stress factors. © 2021 Elsevier Inc.This work was financially supported by two grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-099260-A- I00 to J. Cambroll é and RTI2018-099322-B-100 to X. Moreira).Peer reviewe

    Incidence and mortality rates of selected infection-related cancers in Puerto Rico and in the United States

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 2002, 17.8% of the global cancer burden was attributable to infections. This study assessed the age-standardized incidence and mortality rates of stomach, liver, and cervical cancer in Puerto Rico (PR) for the period 1992-2003 and compared them to those of Hispanics (USH), non-Hispanic Whites (NHW), and non-Hispanic Blacks (NHB) in the United States (US).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Age-standardized rates [ASR(World)] were calculated based on cancer incidence and mortality data from the PR Cancer Central Registry and SEER, using the direct method and the world population as the standard. Annual percent changes (APC) were calculated using the Poisson regression model from 1992-2003.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incidence and mortality rates from stomach, liver and cervical cancer were lower in NHW than PR; with the exception of mortality from cervical cancer which was similar in both populations. Meanwhile, the incidence rates of stomach, liver and cervical cancers were similar between NHB and PR; except for NHB women who had a lower incidence rate of liver cancer than women in PR. NHB had a lower mortality from liver cancer than persons in PR, and similar mortality from stomach cancer.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The burden of liver, stomach, and cervical cancer in PR compares to that of USH and NHB and continues to be a public health priority. Public health efforts are necessary to further decrease the burden of cancers associated to infections in these groups, the largest minority population groups in the US. Future studies need to identify factors that may prevent infections with cancer-related agents in these populations. Strategies to increase the use of preventive strategies, such as vaccination and screening, among minority populations should also be developed.</p

    The threat posed by lack of knowledge in European plant diversity conservation: the case of the yellow- horned poppy

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    La industrialización y los cambios en el uso del territorio han originado que la flora europea esté considerada entre las más amenazadas del planeta. A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados, los datos que se manejan actualmente en relación a un gran número de especies son insuficientes para realizar una evaluación de su estado de conservación. Un ejemplo interesante lo encontramos en la “adormidera marítima” (Glaucium flavum). Aunque diferentes estudios indican que la sobreexplotación, transformación y eliminación de ecosistemas costeros durante las últimas décadas han afectado en gran medida a la conservación de esta especie, los datos que se manejan actualmente son insuficientes para realizar su evaluación a gran escala. Es necesario realizar un esfuerzo adicional para ampliar la información existente sobre el estado de conservación de ciertas especies que, a pesar de no encontrarse reconocidas como amenazadas, podrían estar experimentando importantes disminuciones en su área de distribución.Due to the effects of industrialization and land use change, the European flora is now considered among the most threatened worldwide. Despite all efforts, currently available data are insufficient to evaluate the conservation status of a great number of species. One interesting example is the “yellow horned poppy” (Glaucium flavum). Various studies indicate that the overexploitation, transformation and elimination of coastal ecosystems over recent decades have affected the conservation of this species to a large extent. However, the paucity of relevant data precludes a large-scale evaluation. An additional effort is therefore necessary to expand the existing information regarding the conservation status of certain species that, while not recognized as threatened, could be undergoing significant reductions in their areas of distribution

    Influence of soil salinity on the protein and fatty acid composition of the edible halophyte Halimione portulacoides

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    2 Tablas.-- 2 FigurasAs the worldwide population continues to rise, so does global demand for agricultural production. This scenario of uncertain food supply is exacerbated by the high salinization of soils worldwide, a serious constraint to crop productivity. In this context, there is an increasing need for alternative sustainable crops. Halophytes are thought to be a promising alternative food source due to their natural ability to grow in saline soils and their multiple potential uses in the food industry. In this study, the protein and fatty acid content of the halophyte Halimione (Atriplex) portulacoides (L.) was studied in different saline conditions. Although more studies are needed to explore the nutritional properties of H. portulacoides, the data presented here suggest that this halophyte should be considered as a promising food crop for saline agriculture.This work was funded by Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. J. Cambrollé also thanks Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (Project CRITHVAL; RTI2018-099260-A-100)

    Cancer disparities between mainland and island Puerto Ricans Disparidades en la incidencia de cáncer en puertorriqueños residentes en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico

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    OBJECTIVES: Examination of cancer rates in a single Hispanic subgroup-Puerto Ricans-and comparison of incidence rates among mainland Puerto Ricans living in the United States, island Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico, and U.S. non-Hispanic whites to reveal ethnic-specific cancer patterns and disparities in Puerto Ricans. METHODS: Incidence data were obtained from the cancer registries of Puerto Rico and three U.S. northeastern states (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut) with a high density of mainland Puerto Ricans. Age-adjusted rates were compared by standardized rate ratios (SRRs). RESULTS: Total cancer incidence was the lowest in island Puerto Ricans, intermediate for mainland Puerto Ricans, and highest in U.S. non-Hispanic whites. Compared to mainland Puerto Ricans, islanders had significantly lower rates (p OBJETIVOS: Se analizaron las tasas de cáncer en un subgrupo de hispanos residentes en los Estados Unidos de América -los puertorriqueños (PRREUA) y se compararon sus tasas de incidencia con las de los puertorriqueños que residen en Puerto Rico (PRRPR) y la población estadounidense blanca sin ascendencia hispana (EUBNH) a fin de encontrar patrones de cáncer y disparidades de orden étnico específicos para los puertorriqueños. MÉTODOS: Se obtuvieron los datos de incidencia de los registros de cáncer de Puerto Rico y tres estados del nordeste de los Estados Unidos (New York, New Jersey y Connecticut) que tienen una elevada densidad de PRREUA. Se compararon las tasas ajustadas por la edad mediante las razones de las tasas estandarizadas (SRR). RESULTADOS: La incidencia total de cáncer fue menor en los PRRPR, intermedia en los PRREUA y mayor en los EUBNH. Los PRRPR presentaron tasas significativamente menores que los PRREUA (P < 0,05) en los principales tipos de cáncer -de pulmón (SRR = 0,36 en hombres; SRR = 0,29 en mujeres), próstata (SRR = 0,71), mama (SRR = 0,73) y colorrectal (SRR = 0,74 en hombres y SRR = 0,65 en mujeres)- así como en algunos tipos de cáncer menos frecuentes (de vejiga, hígado, riñón y pelvis renal, páncreas, tiroides, linfomas no Hodgkin, leucemia y melanoma de piel). En general, las tasas de cáncer en los PRREUA fueron ligeramente menores que las de los EUBNH, aunque de las tres poblaciones los PRREUA tuvieron las mayores tasas de cáncer de estómago, hígado y cervicouterino. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de las desventajas socioeconómicas, los PRRPR tienen una menor incidencia relativa de cáncer. La identificación de los factores que contribuyen a ello podría ayudar en las investigaciones sobre cáncer, y comprender las razones del mayor riesgo de cáncer en los PRREUA podría facilitar el desarrollo de programas de intervención específicos para esta población