49 research outputs found

    Oral heath related quality of life in institutionalized elderly in Viseu

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    Background Portugal has an increasingly aging population, due to the raise of average life expectancy and low birth rates. This situation constitutes a challenge for public health, particularly regarding oral health related quality of life. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of oral health on the quality of life of institutionalized elderly people in the district of Viseu, Portugal. Materials and methods An observational descriptive cross-sectional study was designed, composed of a population of elderly residents in nursing homes in the district of Viseu. Data collection was accomplished by an application of a questionnaire to assess sociodemographic and oral health aspects, the GOHAI index and the OHIP-14 index. Results The sample consisted of 529 institutionalized elderly aged 65 years or older. As for gender, 69.4% (n=367) are women and 30.6% (n=162) men. According to the GOHAI index, a considerable number of participants (41.5%) have a “moderate” self-perception of oral health. Regarding the OHIP-14 index, it appears that the impact of oral health on quality of life is low, since the average of the global OHIP-14 was 15 (0-56). “Physical pain” was the most afected dimension (2.70), while the dimension with the least impact was “Social limitation” (1.52). Conclusion in this research, oral health related quality of life was considered reasonable. However, there are participants in whom the impact of oral health in the quality of life is signifcant. Therefore, it is important to continue to develop strategies and join eforts to improve oral health and, consequently, the systemic health and quality of life of institutionalized elderly. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Commission for Health of the University (Comisssão de Ética para a Saúde da UCP, Report number 165, 21st of January 2022). Informed consent was obtained from all participants and all methods were performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki principles for medical research involving human subjects and following the requirements established by Portuguese Law nr 21/2014 for clinical research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prospecção do Uso de Vitrine Virtual na Promoção de Acervo em Bibliotecas

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    The research aimed to identify the active virtual showcases in the promotion of library collections, investigating the use of the QR Code in the interaction of the virtual and physical environment. A prospective study was carried out on the Computer Program Base of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and on the information systems: Journal Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). Most software is from the field of application Marketing (34 citations) from 2019 (19 records) and from legal entities (75.7%). As for the publications, most were found on the Capes Journal Portal (2,091 publications). Virtual showcases have potential in promoting and usability of the collection, but published and/or recorded experiences are almost non-existent, revealing the need to carry out studies in loco to better understand their use.A pesquisa objetivou identificar as vitrines virtuais atuantes na promoção do acervo das bibliotecas, averiguando o uso do QR Code na interação do ambiente virtual e físico. Desenvolveu-se um estudo prospectivo na Base de Programas de Computador do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) e nos sistemas de informação: Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect e Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). A maioria dos softwares é do campo de aplicação Marketing (34 citações) de 2019 (19 registros) e de pessoas jurídicas (75,7%). Quanto às publicações, a maioria pertence ao Portal de Periódicos da Capes (2.091 publicações). As vitrines virtuais apresentam potencial na promoção e na usabilidade do acervo, porém as experiências publicadas e/ou registradas são quase inexistentes, revelando a necessidade de realizar estudos in loco para conhecer melhor seu uso

    Relação da força muscular e limiar de tolerância de dor à pressão em pacientes com lombalgia crônica

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    Relationships of pain, disability and muscle strength may be associated with chronic low back pain. Objective: To evaluate the association between muscle strength of the gluteus medius muscle and handgrip strength, pressure pain  threshold (PPT) and level of disability in patients with chronic low back pain. Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational study involving 50 individuals of both sexes. Level of disability was assessed using Roland-Morris (RMQ) questionnaire. PPT was assessed by algometry in the gluteus medius muscle. The evaluation of muscle strength was conducted with the manual force test (MFT) at gluteus medius. Handgrip strength was assessed by a portable dynamometer. Correlations were established using Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficients. Results: There was a moderate association between the strenght of the gluteus medius muscle and hangrip strength (r=0.44), between hangrip strength and the PPT of gluteus medius (r=0.45), and between gluteus medius strength and disability (r=-0.44). Other correlations investigated were weak or very weak. Conclusion: Data from this study suggest that, in individuals with chronic low back pain, the higher the handgrip strength, the higher the strength and the PPT at gluteus medius. Still, the higher the strength of gluteus medius, the lower the pain in these patients.Relações de dor, incapacidade e força muscular podem estar assoicadas na lombalgia crônica. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre força muscular do músculo glúteo médio e força de preensão palmar, limiar de tolerância de dor à pressão (LTDP) e nível de incapacidade, em pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal observacional do qual participaram 50 indivíduos de ambos os sexos. O nível de incapacidade foi avaliado pelo questionário Roland-Morris (QRM). O LTDP foi avaliado por algometria no músculo glúteo médio. A avaliação da força muscular foi feita através do teste de força manual (TFM) no glúteo médio. A força de preensão palmar foi avaliada por um dinamômetro portátil.  As correlações foram estabelecidas por meio dos coeficientes de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman. Resultados: Houve associação moderada entre a força do glúteo médio e a preensão palmar (r=0,44), entre a força de preensão palmar e o LTDP do glúteo médio (r=0,45), e entre a força do glúteo médio e a incapacidade (r=-0,44). As demais correlações foram fracas ou muito fracas. Conclusão: Os dados do estudo mostram que em indivíduos com lombalgia crônica, quanto maior a força de preensão palmar, maior a força e o limiar de tolerância de dor à pressão do glúteo médio. Ainda, que quanto maior a força do glúteo médio, menor a incapacidade destes pacientes

    Vivência prática de acadêmicos de enfermagem na unidade de clínica médica: relato de experiência / Practical experience of nursing students in the Medical clinic unit: experience report

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    Introdução: A aprendizagem baseada na experiência contribui para a formação de profissionais reflexivos e humanizados com capacidade de formulação do raciocínio crítico, da resolução de problemas e de tomada de decisão. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência de acadêmicos de enfermagem sobre a prática hospitalar da disciplina de Fundamentos de Enfermagem. Métodos: Trata-se de um relato de experiência que aborda a vivência hospitalar dos acadêmicos de enfermagem durante a aula prática obrigatória da disciplina de Fundamentos de Enfermagem, realizado na unidade de Clínica Médica de um hospital de ensino de grande porte, no período de setembro a dezembro de 2018. Resultados: A experiência vivenciada pelos acadêmicos resultou na execução de vários procedimentos; na compreensão das necessidades do paciente sob a perspectiva holística e humanizada; no fortalecimento do vínculo entre os acadêmicos, professores e equipe de saúde; na produção e aplicação de conhecimentos científicos baseados em evidências; e no estabelecimento de raciocínio clínico, crítico e reflexivo. Conclusão: O presente relato evidencia a articulação entre o conhecimento teórico e prático de acadêmicos de enfermagem, fortalecendo o uso de evidências científicas na prática clínica e a formação crítico-reflexiva dos discentes para futura atuação profissional.

    Determining factors of functioning in hemodialysis patients using the international classification of functioning, disability and health

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    Background: Hemodialysis (HD) treatment affects functioning, physical activity level, clinical biomarkers, and body composition. However, the association between these variables with functioning, considering International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) domains remains unclear. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the possible association between physical activity, biomarkers, and body composition with functioning in HD patients in reference to the ICF. Methods: Eighty HD patients performed different tests grouped according to ICF domain: Body structure and function – handgrip strength (HS), 5-repetition sit-to-stand test, and 60-s sit-to-stand test (5-STS, 60-STS, respectively); Activity – short physical performance battery (SPPB); and Participation – participation scale questionnaire. Physical activity [Human Activity Profile questionnaire (HAP)], body composition (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), Parathormone (PTH), and alkaline phosphatase were analyzed as possible variables associated with ICF domains. Data analyses were performed using simple and multiple regression models adjusted for age, duration of HD, and diuresis volume. Results: In the body structure and function domain, appendicular lean mass, PTH level, and age were associated with HS ( R2 = 0.558); HAP and PTH were associated with 5-STS ( R2 = 0.263); and HAP, PTH, duration of HD, and age were associated with 60-STS ( R2 = 0.337). In the activity domain, HAP, PTH, alkaline phosphatase, duration of HD, age, and body fat were associated with SPPB ( R2 = 0.689). Finally, only HAP was associated with the participation scale ( R2 = 0.067). Conclusion: Physical activity and PTH levels are determinant protagonists of functioning in all ICF domains in hemodialysis patients

    Genome-wide analysis of expansin superfamily in wild Arachis discloses a stress-responsive expansin-like B gene

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    Expansins are plant cell wall-loosening proteins involved in adaptive responses to environmental stimuli and various developmental processes. The first genome-wide analysis of the expansin superfamily in the Arachis genus identified 40 members in A. duranensis and 44 in A. ipaënsis, the wild progenitors of cultivated peanut (A. hypogaea). These expansins were further characterized regarding their subfamily classification, distribution along the genomes, duplication events, molecular structure, and phylogeny. A RNA-seq expression analysis in different Arachis species showed that the majority of these expansins are modulated in response to diverse stresses such as water deficit, rootknot nematode (RKN) infection, and UV exposure, with an expansin-like B gene (AraEXLB8) displaying a highly distinct stress-responsive expression profile. Further analysis of the AraEXLB8 coding sequences showed high conservation across the Arachis genotypes, with eight haplotypes identified. The modulation of AraEXLB8 expression in response to the aforementioned stresses was confirmed by qRT-PCR analysis in distinct Arachis genotypes, whilst in situ hybridization revealed transcripts in different root tissues according to the stress imposed. The overexpression of AraEXLB8 in soybean (Glycine max) composite plants remarkably decreased the number of galls in transformed hairy roots inoculated with RKN. This study improves the current understanding of the molecular evolution, divergence, and gene expression of expansins in Arachis, and provides molecular and functional insights into the role of expansin-like B, the less-studied plant expansin subfamily

    Percepção da enfermagem quanto aos desafios e estratégias no contexto da segurança do paciente pediátrico

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    RESUMO OBJETIVO: compreender a percepção da equipe de Enfermagem quanto aos desafios e estratégias vivenciados em relação à segurança do paciente pediátrico. MÉTODOS: estudo qualitativo, exploratório, realizado com 16 profissionais de Enfermagem que atuam em uma unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica de um hospital público de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio entrevistas semiestruturadas e submetidos à análise temática, utilizandointeracionismo simbólico como referencial teórico. RESULTADOS: os achados foram divididos em duas categorias: “desafios vivenciados pela equipe de Enfermagem para o alcance da segurança do paciente” e “estratégias utilizadas para garantia da segurança do paciente”. A percepção da equipe de Enfermagem abrange aspectos que perpassam desde a falta de alinhamento em relação ao conhecimento sobre a temática da segurança do paciente até a dificuldade em reconhecer os riscos, problemas na notificação do evento adverso, sobrecarga de trabalho e falta de rotina no serviço. Observou-se, porém, que os profissionais fizeram proposições e reconheceram a necessidade de investimento em estratégias relevantes para o aprimoramento da segurança do paciente que até o momento não foram efetivadas. CONCLUSÃO: os desafios vivenciados precisam ser avaliados pelos profissionais e gestores em busca de planejamento e execução de estratégias mais efetivas na busca de melhoria da segurança dos pacientes pediátricos, o que inclui o investimento na capacitação de profissionais e estímulo ao envolvimento de familiares

    Concordancia entre los métodos de flotación con sulfato de zinc y sedimentación centrífuga para el diagnóstico de parásitos intestinales

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    Introduction: The diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections depends on the parasite load, the specific gravity density of the parasite eggs, oocysts or cysts, and the density and viscosity of flotation or sedimentation medium where faeces are processed.Objective: To evaluate the concordance between zinc sulphate flotation and centrifugal sedimentation in the recovery of parasites in faecal samples of children.Materials and methods: Faecal samples of 330 children from day care centers were evaluated by zinc sulphate flotation and centrifugal sedimentation techniques. The frequencies of detection of parasites by each method were determined and the agreement between the diagnostic techniques was evaluated using the kappa index, with 95% confidence intervals.Results: The faecal flotation in zinc sulphate diagnosed significantly more cases of Trichuris trichiura infection when compared to centrifugal sedimentation (39/330; 11.8% vs. 13/330; 3.9%, p<0.001), with low diagnostic concordance between methods (kappa=0.264; 95% CI: 0.102-0.427). Moreover, all positive samples for Enterobius vermicularis eggs (n=5) and Strongyloides stercoralis larvae (n=3) were diagnosed only by zinc sulphate. No statistical differences were observed between methods for protozoa identification.Conclusions: The results showed that centrifugal flotation in zinc sulphate solution was significantly more likely to detect light helminths eggs such as those of T. trichiura and E. vermicularis in faeces than the centrifugal sedimentation process.Introducción. El diagnóstico de infecciones parasitarias intestinales depende de la carga de parásitos, la densidad de la gravedad específica de los huevos, ooquistes o quistes de parásitos, y de la densidad y viscosidad de los reactivos de flotación o sedimentación usados para procesar las heces.Objetivo. Evaluar la concordancia entre el método de flotación de sulfato de zinc y la sedimentación por centrifugación en la recuperación de parásitos en muestras fecales de niños.Materiales y métodos. Se evaluaron las muestras fecales de 330 niños de guarderías mediante las técnicas de flotación con sulfato de zinc y de sedimentación por centrifugación. Se determinó la frecuencia de detección de parásitos con cada método y se evaluó la concordancia entre las técnicas de diagnóstico mediante el índice kappa, con intervalos de confianza del 95 %.Resultados. Mediante la flotación fecal con sulfato de zinc, se diagnosticó un número significativamente mayor de casos de infección por Trichuris trichiura que con la sedimentación por centrifugación (39/330; 11,8 % Vs. 13/330; 3,9 %) (p<0,001), con poco acuerdo entre los métodos (kappa=0,264; IC95% 0,102-0,427). Además, todas las muestras positivas para huevos de Enterobius vermicularis (n=5) y larvas de Strongyloides stercoralis (n=3) se diagnosticaron solamente por sulfato de zinc. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los métodos para la identificación de protozoos.Conclusiones. La flotación centrífuga en una solución de sulfato de zinc presentó una probabilidad significativamente mayor de detectar los huevos livianos de helmintos como T. trichiura y E. vermicularis en heces, que el proceso de sedimentación por centrifugación

    Caracterização fitoquímica e avaliação do potencial acaricida e inseticida do óleo essencial de Hymeneae courbaril L. var. courbaril sobre o ácaro-rajado e o gorgulho do milho

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    As propriedades inseticidas dos óleos essenciais são geralmente reconhecidas ao longo dos séculos e confirmadas cientificamente nas últimas décadas. Tais produtos podem ser usados na agricultura como uma alternativa para o controle de pragas. O óleo essencial derivado das folhas de Hymenaea courbaril L. var. courbaril foi obtido por hidrodestilação com arraste a vapor e caracterizado fitoquimicamente por cromatografia gasosa/espectrometria de massa (CG/EM); seu potencial acaricida e inseticida foi avaliado contra Tetranychus urticae e Sitophilus zeamais, respectivamente, pragas que ocorrem em uma ampla variedade de culturas economicamente importantes em todo o mundo. Após a análise por CG/EM, foram identificados 36 compostos, sendo 46,42% dos monoterpenos e 51,41% dos sesquiterpenos. Os bioensaios inseticidas avaliaram a interferência do óleo essencial na fisiologia nutricional do gorgulho e no processo de fumigação do ácaro. Os ensaios indicaram que o óleo essencial causou uma mortalidade significativa, promovendo danos fisiológicos ao S. zeamais. O valor de CL50 para T. urticae foi de 35,57 ?L/mL de ar; além disso, também foi observado que a oviposição foi afetada negativamente pelo óleo essencial. O óleo essencial de H. courbaril demonstrou ser um potencial controle de pragas por afetar o metabolismo e a reprodução de ambas as espécies de praga testadas

    The impact of the addition of iodoform on the physicochemical properties of an epoxy-based endodontic sealer

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    Due to the low radiopacity of Sealer 26, iodoform is frequently empirically added to this sealer. Thus, the interference of this procedure with the physicochemical properties of Sealer 26 must be evaluated. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the influence of the addition of iodoform on setting time, flow, solubility, pH, and calcium release of an epoxy-based sealer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The control group was pure Sealer 26, and the experimental groups were Sealer 26 added with 1.1 g, 0.55 g or 0.275 g of iodoform. Setting time evaluation was performed in accordance with the ASTM C266-03 speciflcation. The analysis of flow and solubility was in accordance with the ISO 6876-2001 speciflcation. For the evaluation of pH and calcium ion release, polyethylene tubes were filled with the materials and immersed in flasks with 10 ml of deionized water. After 24 h, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 45 days pH was measured. In 45 days, the calcium released was evaluated with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. RESULTS: The addition of iodoform increased setting time in comparison with pure sealer (P<0.05). As for flow, solubility, and calcium release, the mixtures presented results similar to pure sealer (p>0.05). In the 24 h period, the mixture with 1.1 g and 0.55 g of iodoform showed lower pH than pure sealer and than sealer added with 0.275 g of iodoform (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The iodoform added to Sealer 26 interferes with its setting time and solubility properties. Further studies are needed to address the clinical signiflcance of this interference