19 research outputs found

    Investigating potential transferability of place-based research in land system science

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    Much of our knowledge about land use and ecosystem services in interrelated social-ecological systems is derived from place-based research. While local and regional case studies provide valuable insights, it is often unclear how relevant this research is beyond the study areas. Drawing generalized conclusions about practical solutions to land management from local observations and formulating hypotheses applicable to other places in the world requires that we identify patterns of land systems that are similar to those represented by the case study. Here, we utilize the previously developed concept of land system archetypes to investigate potential transferability of research from twelve regional projects implemented in a large joint research framework that focus on issues of sustainable land management across four continents. For each project, we characterize its project archetype, i.e. the unique land system based on a synthesis of more than 30 datasets of land-use intensity, environmental conditions and socioeconomic indicators. We estimate the transferability potential of project research by calculating the statistical similarity of locations across the world to the project archetype, assuming higher transferability potentials in locations with similar land system characteristics. Results show that areas with high transferability potentials are typically clustered around project sites but for some case studies can be found in regions that are geographically distant, especially when values of considered variables are close to the global mean or where the project archetype is driven by large-scale environmental or socioeconomic conditions. Using specific examples from the local case studies, we highlight the merit of our approach and discuss the differences between local realities and information captured in global datasets. The proposed method provides a blueprint for large research programs to assess potential transferability of place-based studies to other geographical areas and to indicate possible gaps in research efforts

    Naproxen affects multiple organs in fish but is still an environmentally better alternative to diclofenac

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    The presence of diclofenac in the aquatic environment and the risks for aquatic wildlife, especially fish, have been raised in several studies. One way to manage risks without enforcing improved wastewater treatment would be to substitute diclofenac (when suitable from a clinical perspective) with another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) associated with less environmental risk. While there are many ecotoxicity-studies of different NSAIDs, they vary extensively in set-up, species studied, endpoints and reporting format, making direct comparisons difficult. We previously published a comprehensive study on the effects of diclofenac in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Our present aim was to generate relevant effect data for another NSAID (naproxen) using a very similar setup, which also allowed direct comparisons with diclofenac regarding hazards and risks. Sticklebacks were therefore exposed to naproxen in flow-through systems for 27 days. Triplicate aquaria with 20 fish per aquarium were used for each concentration (0, 18, 70, 299 or 1232 mu g/L). We investigated bioconcentration, hepatic gene expression, jaw lesions, kidney and liver histology. On day 21, mortalities in the highest exposure concentration group unexpectedly reached >= 25 % in all three replicate aquaria, leading us to terminate and sample that group the same day. On the last day (day 27), the mortality was also significantly increased in the second highest exposure concentration group. Increased renal hematopoietic hyperplasia was observed in fish exposed to 299 and 1232 mu g/L. This represents considerably higher concentrations than those expected in surface waters as a result of naproxen use. Such effects were observed already at 4.6 mu g/L in the experiment with diclofenac (lowest tested concentration). Similar to the responses to diclofenac, a concentration-dependent increase in both relative hepatic gene expression of c7 (complement component 7) and jaw lesions were observed, again at concentrations considerably higher than expected in surface waters. Naproxen bioconcentrated less than diclofenac, in line with the observed effect data. An analysis of recent sales data and reported concentrations in treated sewage effluent in Sweden suggest that despite higher dosages used for naproxen, a complete substitution would only be expected to double naproxen emissions. In summary, naproxen and diclofenac produce highly similar effects in fish but the environmental hazards and risks are clearly lower for naproxen. Hence, if there are concerns for environmental risks to fish with diclofenac, a substitution would be advisable when naproxen presents an adequate alternative from a clinical point-of-view

    Risk factors for delirium in acutely admitted elderly patients: a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Delirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome frequently observed in elderly hospitalised patients and can be found in any medical condition. Due to the severe consequences, early recognition of delirium is important in order to start treatment in time. Despite the high incidence rate, the occurrence of delirium is not always identified as such. Knowledge of potential risk factors is important. The aim of the current study is to determine factors associated with the occurrence of a prevalent delirium among elderly patients acutely admitted to an internal medicine ward. METHODS: All consecutive patients of 65 years and over acutely admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine of the Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, a university hospital, were asked to participate. The presence of delirium was determined within 48 hrs after admission by an experienced geriatrician. RESULTS: In total, 126 patients were included, 29% had a prevalent delirium after acute admission. Compared to patients without delirium, patients with delirium were older, more often were cognitively and physically impaired, more often were admitted due to water and electrolyte disturbances, and were less often admitted due to malignancy or gastrointestinal bleeding. Independent risk factors for having a prevalent delirium after acute admission were premorbid cognitive impairment, functional impairment, an elevated urea nitrogen level, and the number of leucocytes. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the most important independent risk factors for a prevalent delirium after acute admission were cognitive and physical impairment, and a high serum urea nitrogen concentration. These observations might contribute to an earlier identification and treatment of delirium in acutely admitted elderly patients

    The power of the court to grant alternative accommodation orders: an investigation into when an alternative accommodation order as a condition to the eviction of unlawful occupiers in terms of PIE would comply with the court's constitutional mandate

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    In an eviction matter, the court is required to consider all relevant circumstances and grant an order that is just and equitable. An important relevant circumstance to be considered is whether the unlawful occupiers have alternative accommodation. Courts are reluctant to grant eviction orders that would leave the unlawful occupiers homeless. In matters where unlawful occupiers are unable to secure their own alternative accommodation, courts often look to the state to provide alternative accommodation. Courts have ordered the state to provide alternative accommodation to the unlawful occupiers in certain cases as a condition of the eviction order (an alternative accommodation order). This thesis seeks to determine when an alternative accommodation order as a condition to the eviction of unlawful occupiers in terms of the Prevention of Illegal Eviction From and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998 (PIE) would comply with the court's constitutional mandate. Two criteria are determined against which to test whether alternative accommodation orders comply with the court's constitutional mandate. First, the court's constitutional mandate requires that its orders adhere to the existing legal framework. Second, the court's constitutional mandate requires that its orders respect the functions of the branches of government. An alternative accommodation order would only adhere to the legal framework if there is a valid ground for placing this duty on the state. The possible grounds for holding the state liable relate to its constitutional duty to respect, protect, promote and fulfil human rights. One possible ground relates to the state's duty to fulfil the unlawful occupiers' right of access to adequate housing by implementing reasonable short-term housing programmes. Hence, whether the state has a duty to accommodate the unlawful occupiers within its short-term housing programme is a relevant circumstance to be considered by the court. A finding that the state has a duty to accommodate the unlawful occupiers, immediately, is likely to lead to an eviction with an order against the state to provide alternative accommodation, regardless of the other circumstances. If the state does not have a duty to accommodate the unlawful occupiers immediately in terms of its duty to fulfil human rights, its liability to provide alternative accommodation might still be found on its duty to respect and protect human rights. This is because, under some circumstances, the granting of an eviction order that results in homelessness might violate the rights of the unlawful occupiers, whereas a denial of the eviction or a delay in the granting or execution of an eviction order might violate the rights of the landowner. Placing the duty on the state to prevent or mitigate the violation by compensating either of the parties could be justified due to the state's duty to respect and protect human rights. As an alternative to compensation, a court could order the state to provide alternative accommodation to the unlawful occupiers. These two possible grounds for alternative accommodation orders are analysed to determine when alternative accommodation orders based on these grounds would adhere to the existing legal framework and respect the functions of the branches of government. These grounds are likely to have the same outcome. For both grounds, certain factors weigh heavily against an alternative accommodation order: blameworthiness on the part of the unlawful occupiers, a lack of blameworthiness on the part of the state, a finding that the state's limited resources should rather be spent on others who are needier or more deserving. In the conclusion of the thesis, recommendations are made regarding two problem areas in granting alternative accommodation orders in eviction matters - the availability of state resources and the burden of proof

    Sang Pemimpi

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    Integration of animal health related data in operational management decision

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    Um auf strukturellen, markt- und umweltpolitisch induzierte Veränderungen zu reagieren und um den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg der Tier haltenden Betriebe zu erhalten, können die Betriebsleiter mittels Umsatzsteigerungen und/oder Kostensenkung reagieren. Auf Seite der Kosten stellen die Aufwendungen für Tierarzt und Arzneimittel in der Milchviehhaltung einen großen Anteil dar. Ferner sind zu den Kosten die Erlösausfälle bei Tierkrankheiten zu berücksichtigen. Erfolgreiche Strategien zur Reduzierung der genannten Kosten und Erlösausfälle sind nur im gemeinsamen Handeln von Tierhalter und Tierarzt umsetzbar. Basis hierfür kann ein fundierter digitaler Informationsaustausch zwischen den Prozesspartnern sein, der auf die vorhandenen Daten der Prozessteilnehmer zurückgreift, diese zusammenführt und einer integrierten Analyse unterzieht. Bisherige Ansätze, die eine Verbesserung im Bereich der Tiergesundheit anstrebten, sind zumeist Partialansätze einzelner Mitglieder der Prozesskette. Partialansätze auch deshalb, weil die vorhandenen Daten nicht zusammengeführt und als Gesamtheit nutzbar gemacht wurden. Die verfügbare Software setzt die Zusammenführung von tiergesundheits- und tierleistungsrelevanten Daten bisher lediglich in Ansätzen um. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung fokussiert die Integration von tiergesundheitsrelevanten Daten in betriebliche Managemententscheidungen durch die Konzeption und Entwicklung eines IT-Modells, das verteilte, lückenhafte und redundante tiergesundheitsrelevante Daten der einzelnen Prozessteilnehmer (Tierhalter, Tierärzte, LKV) in der Tierproduktion verknüpft. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur verbesserten Nutzung von Tiergesundheits- und Tierleistungsdaten geleistet werden. Dabei werden Belange der Veterinärmedizin und der Milchviehhaltung unter Nutzung neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IT) vereint. Das Vorgehen gliedert sich in die Erarbeitung der thematischen Grundlagen, die Analyse der IST-Situation und eine Markt- und Potentialanalyse zum Einsatz und zur Verwendung branchenspezifischer Software durch Milchviehhalter und Hoftierärzte sowie die Konzeption und Entwicklung des Tiergesundheitssystems und die Umsetzungsplanung mit einer ersten Testphase. Um die Fragestellungen der vorliegenden Arbeit zu beantworten, wurde ein Vorgehensmodell entwickelt und als Methodengerüst verwendet. Angewandt wurden qualitative und quantitative Methoden der Sozialforschung, da unterschiedliche Erklärungsstrategien zur Beantwortung der Fragestellungen nötig waren.For many years agriculture in Germany has been subject of changes due to economic, technical and social developments. These changes are structural, market and environmental induced. Livestock owner may react with increasing turnover and/or cost reduction to face the changes and to achieve sustained success in livestock farming. Expenditures for veterinarian and pharmaceuticals in dairy farming have a large share in the expenditures. Furthermore revenue losses due to animal diseases have to be added to the costs. Strategies to reduce costs and revenue losses can only lead to success if farmers and veterinarians act jointly. Basis for this can be an established digital information exchange between the process partners. Existing data of the process participants are used, consolidated and analysed in such a digital information exchange. Previous activities to improve the animal health were mostly partial solutions of individual members of the process chain. These are partial solutions due to the fact that the existing data are not brought together and that the use as an entity is not possible. The available software merges the animal health data and the animal performance data merely partial. The target of this research focuses on the integration of relevant data on animal health in operating management decisions by conception and development of an IT-model. This IT-model links relevant but distributed, incomplete, and redundant animal health data of the process participants (farmer, veterinarians, and professional associations) in livestock farming. So this contribution shall improve the use of animal health and animal performance data. Thereby issues of veterinary medicine and dairy farming will be joined by using information technology (IT). The procedure is structured in drafting the principles, an analysis of the status quo, and a market- and potential analysis consisting the use and application of sector software by farmers and veterinarians. It is followed by the conception and development of the animal health system and the conception of the implementation with a first product test. To answer the research questions of this paper a process model has been developed which was used as methodical frame. Different explanation strategies were necessary and therefore qualitative and quantitative methods of social research were used

    Consenting to objectifying treatment? Human dignity and individual freedom

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    Thesis (LLM)-- Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine whether an individual can and/or should be allowed to consent to objectifying treatment. This necessitated the determination of the meaning of dignity, the meaning of freedom and the relationship between dignity and freedom. It was found that both the right not to be objectified and the right to consent to objectification could be found within human dignity. This is due to the broad definition of dignity in terms of which dignity has two, sometimes contradicting, components. One component safeguards autonomy and the right to choose, which supports consent to objectification, whereas the other promotes individual self-worth by prohibiting objectifying treatment. By investigating the meaning of freedom it was found that freedom as a constitutional value, and possibly also a free-standing constitutional right, could incorporate the right to consent to objectifying treatment. Three possible solutions to this tension between human dignity and freedom were identified and critically analysed. The first was that an individual cannot and should not be allowed to consent to objectification. This solution is primarily based on the notion that dignity is supreme to freedom and that freedom should yield to communitarian dignity. Furthermore, it is contended that consent to objectification is often invalid due to economic coercion and undue influence. The second possible solution was that, although an individual might not be able to validly consent to objectifying treatment, such consent should still be allowed under certain circumstances. The example of invalid consent due to economic coercion introduced in the previous solution was examined in relation to prostitution. The contention regarding this approach is that, since our government is unable to fulfil the socio-economic needs of those who consent due to economic coercion, such consent should be allowed and strictly regulated. The third possible approach was that circumstances do exist in which individuals can give valid consent to objectification and that in these circumstances they should be allowed to do so. In this solution the grounds of the first approach is criticised by contending, for example, that dignity is not supreme to freedom, that a plural society should allow these type of choices and that consent to objectification is already allowed in some instances. The results of this study were that, although there are situations in which genuine consent is not possible, it can be given under certain circumstances. An individual who cannot give genuine consent to objectification should not be allowed to do so, unless transitional measures dictate otherwise. However, an individual who is capable of giving valid consent to objectification should be allowed to do so. Finally, regardless of whether such consent is genuine or not, strict regulation thereof is required.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of 'n individu kan toestem en/of toegelaat behoort te word om toe te stem tot objektiverende behandeling. Dit genoodsaak dat die betekenis van menswaardigheid en vryheid, asook verhouding tussen hierdie twee begrippe vasgestel word. Daar is bevind dat beide die reg om nie te geobjektifeer te word nie en die reg om toe te stem tot objektivering gevind kan word binne die begrip van menswaardigheid. Hierdie is te danke aan die breë definisie van menswaardigheid in terme waarvan menswaardigheid uit twee, soms weersprekende, komponente bestaan. Een komponent beskerm outonomie en die reg om te kies, wat toestemming tot objektivering ondersteun, terwyl die ander komponent individuele waarde bevorder deurdat dit objektiverende behandeling verbied. Tydens die ondersoek aangaande die betekenis van vryheid is bevind dat vryheid as 'n grondwetlike waarde, en moontlik ook 'n vrystaande grondwetlike reg, die reg om toe te stem tot objektiverende behandeling kan inkorporeer. Drie moontlike oplossings vir hierdie spanning tussen menswaardigheid en vryheid is geïdentifiseer en krities ontleed. Die eerste is dat 'n individu nie kan toestem en ook nie toegelaat behoort te word om toe te stem tot objektivering nie. Hierdie oplossing is hoofsaaklik gebaseer op die veronderstelling dat vryheid onderworpe is aan menswaardigheid en dat individuele vryheid moet toegee tot die menswaardigheid van die gemeenskap. Verder word dit beweer dat toestemming tot objektivering dikwels ongeldig is as gevolg van die ekonomiese dwang en onbehoorlike beïnvloeding. Die tweede moontlike oplossing was dat, alhoewel 'n individu nie noodwendig instaat is om geldige toestemming tot objektiverende behandeling te verskaf nie, sodanige toestemming onder sekere omstandighede steeds toegelaat behoort te word. Die voorbeeld van ongeldig toestemming as gevolg van ekonomiese dwang wat in die vorige oplossing bekendgestel is, is ondersoek aan die hand van prostitusie. Die bewering ingevolge hierdie benadering is dat, aangesien ons regering is nie in staat is om die sosio-ekonomiese behoeftes van diegene wat toestem tot objektivering as gevolg van ekonomiese dwang te vervul nie, sodanige toestemming toegelaat en streng gereguleer behoort te word. Die derde moontlike benadering is dat daar wel omstandighede bestaan waar individue geldige toestemming kan gee tot objektivering en dat hulle in hierdie omstandighede toegelaat behoort te word om dit te gee. In terme van hierdie oplossing word die gronde waarop die eerste benadering gebaseer is gekritiseer, deur byvoorbeeld te argumenteer dat menswaardigheid nie verhewe is bo vryheid nie, dat in ons huidige diverse samelewing sulke soort keuses aanvaar behoort te word en dat toestemming tot objektivering reeds in sommige geval toegelaat word. Die resultate van hierdie studie was dat, alhoewel daar omstandighede bestaan waaronder geldige toestemming nie moontlik is nie, dit wel onder sekere omstandighede gegee kan word. 'n Individu wat nie daartoe instaat is om geldige toestemming tot objektivering te gee nie, behoort nie toegelaat word om dit te doen nie, tensy oorgangsmaatreëls anders bepaal. Waar 'n individu egter in staat is om geldige toestemming tot die objektivering te gee, behoort dit toegelaat word. Ten slotte is streng regulering van toestemming tot objektiverende behandeling nodig ongeag of sodanige toestemming geldig is of nie

    Linking Animal-Health-Related Information to an Integrated-Animal-Health System

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    EU-regulation (EG) 178/2002 and the EU hygiene package have fixed general principles and requirements for the food law. Some of these principles and requirements are related to the issues of traceability and quality assurance along the agro-food-chains and affect all participants of the supply value chain. This paper focuses on the implementation of these requirements to the livestock farmer and veterinarian segment of the supply value chain. Livestock farmers and veterinarians are responsible for animal health, which is one of the key features of quality assurance. Furthermore, both groups already document information related to animal health. Often, the documentation is comprehensive and at times redundant, and is accomplished manually. Currently, an IT-solution does not exist for the entire supply-value chain of livestock farming and animal products in Germany. Only isolated IT-solutions exist. An integrated IT-solution for farmers and veterinarians has not yet been developed. The development of an IT-system meeting these requirements is the main objective of the BMBF-funded project IT Food Trace in collaboration with IBM. In this paper, first results of an analysis of stakeholder acceptance of ITsolutions will be presented (livestock farmers and veterinarians)

    Linking Animal-Health-Related Information to an Integrated-Animal-Health System

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    EU-regulation (EG) 178/2002 and the EU hygiene package have fixed general principles and requirements for the food law. Some of these principles and requirements are related to the issues of traceability and quality assurance along the agro-food-chains and affect all participants of the supply value chain. This paper focuses on the implementation of these requirements to the livestock farmer and veterinarian segment of the supply value chain. Livestock farmers and veterinarians are responsible for animal health, which is one of the key features of quality assurance. Furthermore, both groups already document information related to animal health. Often, the documentation is comprehensive and at times redundant, and is accomplished manually. Currently, an IT-solution does not exist for the entire supply-value chain of livestock farming and animal products in Germany. Only isolated IT-solutions exist. An integrated IT-solution for farmers and veterinarians has not yet been developed. The development of an IT-system meeting these requirements is the main objective of the BMBF-funded project IT Food Trace in collaboration with IBM. In this paper, first results of an analysis of stakeholder acceptance of ITsolutions will be presented (livestock farmers and veterinarians).IT-based animal-health system, traceability, quality assurance, agro-food-chain, livestock production, integrated IT-solution, Livestock Production/Industries,