816 research outputs found

    Secondary physical educators\u27 content negotiations

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    In light of growing concern over the relation between physical inactivity and a variety of biomedical and psychosocial conditions and the disjuncture between larger physical activity culture and secondary school physical education curriculum, the purpose of this study was to examine how middle school physical education teachers negotiated content and curricular decisions. A variety of theories guided this study, including Bourdieu\u27s theories of habitus and field (1977), teacher socialization theory (Lawson, 1983; 1988), teacher ideology (Apple, 2004), teacher emotion (Hargreaves, 1998; McCaughtry, 2004), curriculum as a political text (Pinar, Reynolds, Slattery, & Taubman, 2004), and range of critical and post-structural social theories (Ingram & Simon-Ingram, 1991; Wilber, 2001). This qualitative study was grounded in the interpretive tradition. Eight middle school teachers were observed and interviewed for five whole days over the span of one school year. The main finding from this study revealed that the complex interplay of teachers\u27 personal, institutional, and student factors, and the teachers\u27 consideration of these factors, coalesced in ways that resulted in the perpetuation of competitive sport as the dominant content of their curricula

    Morphology and structure of soot emitted from various aircraft engines

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    International audienceWe present here an experimental characterization of the morphology, structure and chemical properties of soot particles emitted from various aircraft engines (CFM56-5C, -7B, SaM-146), and a combustor [Delhaye, 2008 ; Petzold, 2011]. Soot particles have been collected by direct impaction on electron microscope grids. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used to determine the aggregates fractal dimension as well as soot primary particles and aggregates size distributions. The morphology, structure and texture of primary particles are also determined in addition to the elemental composition by the mean of X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry (XREDS)

    Touget – Le Clos

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    Date de l'opération : 1988 (SD) Inventeur(s) : Ferry Daniel L'extension d'un terrain de sport dont la création, en 1974, avait permis de mettre au jour les éléments dispersés de mobiliers de la fin du Deuxième Âge du fer (Gallia, 1976 : 490), a nécessité une intervention archéologique de faible ampleur. Un niveau d'occupation a pu être repéré sur plus de 120 m de long, ainsi qu'une structure creuse ovoïde que le fouilleur interprète comme un silo. Le matériel est abondant dans sa diversité :..


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    Makalah ini membahas mengenai perancangan dan realisasi Alat Bantu Rehabilitasi Motorik Sederhana (ABRAMS). ABRAMS merupakan alat bantu rehabilitasi paska stroke sederhana yang dapat memulihkan kekuatan menggenggam dan meningkatkan rentang pergerakan (Range Of Movement) pergelangan tangan pada pasien pasca stroke. Alat bantu yang umum digunakan berbasis robotik pasif/ aktif. Dalam makalah ini akan dibahas rancangan ABRAMS tanpa teknologi robotik, tetapi menggunakan sensor tekanan MPX5700 dan kamera berbasis pengolahan citra. Hasil desain system memperlihatkan bahwa system sudah dapat memberikan data-data yang penting untuk proses rehabilitasi yaitu mendeteksi kekuatan genggaman dan pendeteksian gerakan pergelangan tangan menggunakan web kamera. Dari hasil rancangan ini dapat dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengklasifikasi kekuatan tangan dan gerakan untuk penyempurnaan system ABRAMS. Kata kunci: ABRAMS, pengolahan citra, sensor tekanan MPX5700, arduino, web camer

    Product ban versus risk management by setting emission and technology requirements: The effect of different regulatory schemes taking the use of trichloroethylene in Sweden and Germany as an example

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    This report highlights the opportunities inherent in smart regulatory measures to effectively reduce risks related to hazardous substance emissions and exposure, and underscores the danger of simplistic and ineffective policy. The example of different regulatory approaches used in Germany and Sweden to regulate the use of trichloroethylene was taken as the basis for the study. During the 1990s, due to environmental, health and safety considerations, the use of trichloroethylene in Europe was a subject of broad concern. As a consequence, the use of trichloroethylene became regulated through multiple approaches, such as labelling, handling regulations and performance standards. Since that time the absolute emissions of trichloroethylene in Europe have been decreasing consistently in all member states. These results were achieved by various regulatory measures governing the use of trichloroethylene in industrial applications that have been introduced by individual Member States. However, given the implementation responsibility at Member State level not all member States have implemented the same set of regulatory measures. In Germany, for example, the use of trichloroethylene is regulated through strict technical standards for equipment and emissions that has required companies to replace existing old machines with the state-of-the-art equipment. In Sweden a general ban on trichloroethylene use was introduced in 1996, which however eventually evolved into an exemption permit system for companies that found no alternative to degreasing with trichloroethylene. --

    Ada style guide (version 1.1)

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    Ada is a programming language of considerable expressive power. The Ada Language Reference Manual provides a thorough definition of the language. However, it does not offer sufficient guidance on the appropriate use of Ada's powerful features. For this reason, the Goddard Space Flight Center Ada User's Group has produced this style guide which addresses such program style issues. The guide covers three areas of Ada program style: the structural decomposition of a program; the coding and the use of specific Ada features; and the textural formatting of a program

    Laser Pointer Tracking in Projector-Augmented Architectural Environments

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    We present a system that applies a custom-built pan-tilt-zoom camera for laser-pointer tracking in arbitrary real environments. Once placed in a building environment, it carries out a fully automatic self-registration, registrations of projectors, and sampling of surface parameters, such as geometry and reflectivity. After these steps, it can be used for tracking a laser spot on the surface as well as an LED marker in 3D space, using inter-playing fisheye context and controllable detail cameras. The captured surface information can be used for masking out areas that are critical to laser-pointer tracking, and for guiding geometric and radiometric image correction techniques that enable a projector-based augmentation on arbitrary surfaces. We describe a distributed software framework that couples laser-pointer tracking for interaction, projector-based AR as well as video see-through AR for visualizations with the domain specific functionality of existing desktop tools for architectural planning, simulation and building surveying

    Bimbingan Teknik Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan BUMDesa Rahardja Di Desa Rancaekek Wetan Kecamatan Rancaekek Kabupaten Bandung

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    Kegiatan perekonomian di desa Rancaekek Wetan, disemangati dengan aktifnya kembali BUM Desa Rahardja. Sebagian dari anggota masyarakat desa yang terpilih untuk mengelolanya, memerlukan keterampilan yang mumpuni. Salah satu keterampilan yang dituntut adalah pengelolaan pencatatan kegiatan BUMDes secara profesional. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) di BUM Desa Rahardja, Desa Rancaekek Wetan, Kecamatan Rancaekek, Kabupaten Bandung, Propinsi Jawa Barat bertujuan untuk membantu bagaimana cara menyusun laporan keuangan BUMDesa Rahardja dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas kinerjanya. Salah satu amanat Pemerintah mengenai Desa adalah meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa, yang diterapkan melalui pendirian Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes), yang berkewajiban untuk menyusun laporan keuangan. Hasil observasi dan wawancara bersama Tim-PKM dan mitra di lapangan, BUM Desa Rahardja memiliki permasalahan pada bidang manajemen. Khususnya pada aspek pengelolaan pencatatan semua kegiatan BUM Desa, yaitu akuntansi. Solusi untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan PkM tahap ini untuk mengatasi masalah penyusunan laporan keuangan yang dikembangkan dapat berjalan dengan sukses. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan teknis para pengelola BUMDes dalam menyusun laporan keuangan yang sesuai dengan Standar akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Kecil, Mikro dan Menengah (SAK-EMKM). Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan materi bimbingan teknis yang meliputi sistem akuntansi, persamaan dasar akuntansi, jurnal umum, buku besar, buku pembantu serta laporan keuangan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan pemahaman para peserta mengenai konsep dasar akuntansi, penggunaan kode akun

    Rashba spin orbit interaction in a quantum wire superlattice

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    In this work we study the effects of a longitudinal periodic potential on a parabolic quantum wire defined in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For an infinite wire superlattice we find, by direct diagonalization, that the energy gaps are shifted away from the usual Bragg planes due to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Interestingly, our results show that the location of the band gaps in energy can be controlled via the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. We have also calculated the charge conductance through a periodic potential of a finite length via the non-equilibrium Green's function method combined with the Landauer formalism. We find dips in the conductance that correspond well to the energy gaps of the infinite wire superlattice. From the infinite wire energy dispersion, we derive an equation relating the location of the conductance dips as a function of the (gate controllable) Fermi energy to the Rashba spin-orbit coupling strength. We propose that the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction can be extracted via a charge conductance measurement.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure