5,438 research outputs found

    Delivered versus Mill Nonlinear Pricing in Free Entry Markets

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    This paper discusses a model where consumers simultaneously differ according to one unobservable (preference for quality) and one observable characteristic (location). In these circumstances nonlinear prices arise in equilibrium. The main question addressed in this work is whether firms should be allowed to practise different nonlinear prices at each location (delivered nonlinear pricing) or should be forced to set an unique nonlinear contract (mill nonlinear pricing). Assuming that firms can costless relocate, we show that the free entry long-run number of firms may be either smaller, equal, or higher under delivered nonlinear pricing. In addition, we show that delivered nonlinear pricing yields in the long-run higher welfare and, consequently, our results support the view that discriminatory nonlinear pricing should not be prohibited.Delivered nonlinear pricing, Mill nonlinear pricing, Asymmetric information, Pricing regulation

    The relevance of results in interpretive research in information systems and technology

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    The rigor and relevance of the results is central to the process of scientific investigation, even in areas where the practice prevails, as is the case of the scientific area of information systems and technology. This issue is also particularly relevant when the underlying epistemological orientation is the interpretivism. Based on a literature review focused on interpretive research in the field of information systems and technology, we find that the generalization of research resulting under the interpretive paradigm are valid and are not exclusive to the positivist orientation. This paper explores the importance of interpretative research in the information systems and technology field. As a result we discuss the different perspectives around the generalization and its interpretation in an interpretative research, supporting the investigator in the grounds of validation of their results.- (undefined


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    Resumo O presente texto é o diálogo a partir da oficina de aprendizagem aplicada no Curso de Gestão Financeira e Orçamentária do SUAS, instituído pelo Programa Capacita SUAS no Pará, tendo como cenário a região dos Tapajós, curso realizado na cidade de Santarém em junho de 2015. O objetivo do Curso é de potencializar os trabalhadores do SUAS, para a correta gestão financeira e orçamentaria do SUAS. Frente a este objetivo é fundamental refletir as atribuições do conselho municipal de assistência social frente a gestão financeira e orçamentária. Portanto, o presente trabalho apresenta o resultado das discussões realizadas no Programa de Educação Permanente Capacita SUAS

    Persuasive Language in Tourism Webpages: Official Webpages of Los Angeles, Seattle and Washington

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    El material de promoción turística ha evolucionado de las guías turísticas en papel al formato digital aprovechando las ventajas que ofrece Internet. La aparición de las páginas web oficiales de turismo ha cambiado el estilo de la escritura cuyo objetivo es persuadir a los turistas. De esta manera, este trabajo es un estudio basado en un corpus de las estrategias persuasivas utilizadas más frecuentemente por las páginas web oficiales de turismo de Los Angeles, Seattle y Washington. Los resultados se han obtenido con el programa AntConc 3.2.4w y el análisis se centrará en los adjetivos, los neologismos, el ego-targeting, las oraciones interrogativas y el imperativo.Tourist promotional material has developed from paper tourist guides into digital promotional material, taking advantage of the benefits of the Internet. The appearance of tourism official webpages has changed the style of writing whose aim is to persuade tourists. In this way, this work is a corpus-based study of the most frequent persuasive strategies used by the tourism official webpages of Los Angeles, Seattle and Washington. The results were extracted with the program AntConc 3.2.4w and the analysis will focus on adjectives, neologisms, ego-targeting, interrogative sentences and the imperative mood.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Private body of culture: simbolic industry, freedom and commons.

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    De la cultura, campo de individuación psíquica y colectiva, depende el diseño de la memoria y el olvido de las comunidades. Ella marca la experiencia simbólica de la vida cotidiana, las relaciones sociales y las instituciones situadas entre el empoderamiento individual y los movimientos de masas. Si es diseñada desde las corporaciones o dominada por abstracciones hegemónicas de sociabilidad como es el mercado, o sometida a las dudas entre los modelos privados o estatales, se escapa un campo a veces tan invisible como urgente: el procomún. En este contexto global tecnoeconómico, donde el conocimiento científico, la información y el entretenimiento son las mercancías elementales del diseño post-industrial, la protección de antiguos y nuevos bienescomunes exige una demanda teórica y creación práctica de otros paradigmas políticos basados en los valores de la libertad, del acceso abierto y de la compartición social de las facultades creativas. El sistema capitalista ya no ofrece soluciones válidas para una gran parte de la humanidad. La ciudad postindustrial del siglo XXI constituye simultáneamente un depósito de gente desempleada y la promesa de otras economías morales posibles. Esta ilusión potencial exige otra representación de la tecnología que integre la posibilidad de expresiones culturales autónomas, condiciones de la variabilidad y de la democratización simbólica.Communities rely on culture to design memories and forgetfulness because culture is the field for collective and individual identity. Culture imprints the symbolic experience of everyday life; also shapes relationships among social institutions, masses and individual empowerment. If corporations, the privates or the State, in a hesitant attitude caused by social abstractions, shape culture, there is a tertium quid sometimes invisible such as the commons. In a context where global economy and technology transform scientific knowledge, information, and entertainment into postindustrial commodities, defending the new commons implies the search for a care and, at the same time, the creation of new political paradigms based on freedom, free access and openness. Capitalism does not offer valid alternatives for a big deal of humanity. The 21st post-industrial city becomes a depot for unemployed people reflecting another possible moral economies. In that reflection there should be another perception of technology together with a cultural homegrown and autonomous expression as required for variability and symbolic democratization

    Dieta de Pomacea canaliculata (gastropoda: ampullariidae) en su hábitat natural basada en análisis de contenidos digestivos e isótopos estables

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    Pomacea canaliculata es una especie nativa de la Cuenca del Río de la Plata, actualmente considerada invasora en el Sur y Este de Asia donde fue introducida con fines comerciales y se ha convertido en la principal plaga de los cultivos de arroz de la región.Realizar más investigaciones en el hábitat natural de este organismo es necesario debido a que características fundamentales de su ecología trófica permanecen aún desconocidas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la dieta de P. canaliculata en su hábitat natural mediante los análisis de contenidos digestivos e isótopos estables de 13C y 15N. Las muestras biológicas fueron tomadas desde noviembre de 2009 hasta diciembre de 2010 en el arroyo Carnaval, un arroyo pampeano característico. Las muestras para análisis de isótopos estables y posterior aplicación de modelos de mezcla fueron colectadas en noviembre de 2011. La aplicación de un diagrama de estrategia trófica permitió establecer una dieta generalista con elevado consumo de detritos, seguidos por plantas vasculares y algas. Los resultados del modelo de mezcla, sin embargo, indicaron que la contribución relativa a la dieta de todos los recursos basales evaluados (materia orgánica particulada fina y gruesa, epipelon y macrófitas acuáticas) fue similar (aproximadamente 40 %). Estos resultados evidenciaron una fuerte plasticidad dietaria para la especie.Pomacea canaliculata is native to Rio de la Plata basin, and it is invasive in most of South and Southeast Asia after accidental introduction during unsuccessful attempts to establish commercial aquaculture of this species, and being present, the number one pest of rice crops in the region. Investigations in its native habitat are still needed because fundamental issues of its trophic ecology remain unknown. The aim of this research was to study the diet of P. canaliculata in its natural habitat through gut content techniques and stable isotopes of 13C and 15N. Biological samples were taken from November 2009 to December 2010 in Carnaval stream, a characteristic Pampean stream. Samples for stable isotopes of 13C and 15N using of a mixing model were collected in November 2011. The trophic strategy diagram evinced a generalist diet with high consumption of detritus followed by the vascular plants and algae. The mixing model results indicated that the relative contribution to the diet was similar for all basal resources: fine and coarse particulate organic matter, epipelon and aquatic macrophytes (approximately 40 %). These results evidenced a strong dietary plasticity for the species.Fil: López Van Oosterom, Maria Vanesa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Ocon, Carolina Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Ferreira, Ana Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Rodrigues Capitulo, Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; Argentin

    Marginal bone level in institutionalized elderly population

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    Orientador: Eduardo HeblingDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O aumento da longevidade da população mundial faz com que a expectativa de manutenção da dentição possa ser observada em idosos. Esse fato pode acarretar em aumento da prevalência das doenças periodontais nessa população. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a condição periodontal de idosos institucionalizados. Foram utilizados dados secundários provenientes de estudo anterior. Foram avaliados os exames radiográficos periapicais padronizados obtidos de uma amostra de 70 pessoas, de ambos os gêneros, com idade acima de 65 anos, funcionalmente independentes ou parcialmente independentes, com o mínimo de 6 dentes em ambas as arcadas, residentes em duas instituições da cidade de Piracicaba-SP, Brasil. As radiografias foram avaliadas por um examinador calibrado (Kappa > 85%), em ambiente escuro, com uso de lupa, negatoscópio e paquímetro digital. O Nível Ósseo Marginal (NOM) interproximal foi utilizado como parâmetro de avaliação. Os dados foram avaliados pelos testes de Wilcoxon e Kruskal-wallis. A prevalência de reduzido NOM foi alta, influenciando a expressiva perda dentária observada entre os idosos. Nenhuma diferença na distribuição do NOM entre os grupos de dentes foi observada. Futuras ações e políticas de saúde devem ser desenvolvidas para melhorar a condição periodontal para essa populaçãoAbstract: The increase in longevity of the world population makes the expectation of maintenance of dentition can be observed in the elderly. This fact may result in increased prevalence of periodontal diseases in this population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the periodontal condition of institutionalized elderly. Secondary data from a previous study were used. Standardized periapical radiographic exams obtained from a sample of 70 subjects, both genders, aged above 65 years, functionally independent or partially independent, with a minimum of 6 teeth in both the arcades, residing in two institutions of the city of Piracicaba-SP, Brazil, were assessed. The radiographs were evaluated by a calibrated examiner (Kappa > 85%), in environment dark, using loupe, negatoscópio and digital caliper. Interdental Marginal Bone Level (MBL) was used as assessed parameter. The data were assessed by means of Wilcoxon and Kruskal-wallis tests. The prevalence of reduced MBL was high, influencing the expressive tooth loss among the elderly. No difference in a distribution of the MBL between the teeth groups was founded. Further preventive actions and health politics have been developed for improve the periodontal status for this populationMestradoOdontologia em Saude ColetivaMestre em Odontologia em Saúde Coletiv

    Pharmacists and their new and important conquest!

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    9q21.13q21.31 deletion in a patient with intellectual disability severe speech delay and and dysmorphic features a newly recognized microdeletion syndrome

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    The increased use of chromosomal microarray analysis has led to the identification of new microdeletion/microduplication syndromes, enabling better genotype-phenotype correlations. Interstitial deletions involving the long arm of chromosome 9 are rare but recently a microdeletion syndrome at 9q21.13 was suggested, with mental retardation, speech delay, epilepsy, autistic behaviour and moderate facial dysmorphism as the main characteristics. Here we present a male child with intellectual disability, severe speech delay, microcephaly and dysmorphic features carrying an interstitial deletion, detected by the Affymetrix Cytoscan HD microarray, of 6.56 Mb at 9q21.13q21.31 region encompassing 16 OMIM genes (arr[GRCh37] 9q21.13q21.31(76551542_83116342)x1). Among the genes in the deleted region the PRUNE2, PCSK5, RORB and TRPM6 genes are expressed in the nervous system and have been describe as being candidate genes to play a role in mental retardation or neurological disorders. Although the cohort of patients identified with deletions in this region is still small our patient phenotype partially overlaps the others described in the literature. The collection of more cases with deletion of the 9q21.13 region will help establishing a clear classification for this CNV, finding the real weight in the patient’s phenotype, delineating the genetic counseling for their families, and clearly establishing this microdeletion as a syndrome.N/