291 research outputs found

    (Barão do) Rio Branco: entre a Monarquia e a República

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    This article uses Luís Cláudio Villafañe Santos’s book Juca Paranhos, o barão do Rio Branco (Villafañe, L.C. Juca Paranhos: o Barão do Rio Branco. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018, 560p), to review José Maria da Silva Paranho’s relationship with the political regimes in which he served.O artigo utiliza a obra Juca Paranhos, o barão do Rio Branco, de Luís Cláudio Villafañe Santos (Villafañe, L.C. Juca Paranhos: o Barão do Rio Branco. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018, 560p) para examinar a relação de José Maria da Silva Paranhos com os regimes políticos em que atuou

    Reciclagem de pavimentos "in situ" a frio com emulsão betuminosa: a experiência portuguesa

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    Esta dissertação procura documentar a experiência portuguesa na reciclagem “in situ”, a frio, de pavimentos flexíveis com recurso a emulsões betuminosas, desde a primeira destas obras realizada no nosso país, em 1993, até ao presente. Assim, principia-se por elaborar uma recensão bibliográfica dos temas associados ao assunto central, sendo de seguida expostos os principais conceitos sobre misturas recicladas a frio com emulsão betuminosa e, por último, passadas em revista as normas e especificações técnicas a que devem obedecer, que mais comummente entre nós se aplicam. Numa segunda fase, são examinadas as principais obras que em Portugal se executaram por este processo. Neste âmbito, descrevem-se os vários materiais utilizados nas misturas recicladas: materiais fresados dos pavimentos; materiais correctivos; e ligantes (emulsão betuminosa e cimento). Nos casos em que foi possível obter os elementos necessários a tal, são ainda apresentados os respectivos estudos de formulação. Prossegue-se fazendo a descrição de aspectos relativos ao processo construtivo, tais como, forma de adição do material correctivo, equipamento utilizado na reciclagem do pavimento (máquina recicladora), equipamento de compactação, faseamento dos trabalhos de ocupação da via, tempo de encerramento ao tráfego, etc. Questões relacionadas com o processo de cura e com o desempenho das misturas recicladas a frio com emulsão betuminosa, são também, analisadas. Finalmente, termina-se fazendo um balanço geral de toda a experiência que sobre esta matéria até à data entre nós se adquiriu, extraindo-se dela as conclusões que se afiguraram mais pertinentes


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    O artigo confronta as visões de Oliveira Vianna e Raymundo Faoro sobre a relação entre Estado e sociedade no Brasil. Embora os dois autores apresentem interpretações distintas sobre essa questão, apontamos para alguns importantes pontos de convergência que muitas vezes deixam de ser notados. Palavras-chave: Oliveira Vianna, Raymundo Faoro, Estado, sociedade, pensamento brasileiro. STATE AND SOCIETY IN Oliveira Vianna AND Raymundo Faoro   The paper compares Oliveira Vianna and Raymundo Faoro’s viewpoints on the relationship between State and Society in Brazil. Although the two authors present distinct interpretations on this issue, some important points of convergence are highlighted that often end up not being noticed. Key Words: Oliveira Vianna, Raymundo Faoro, State, society, Brazilian thought. ÉtaT eT sociÉTÉ dans les textes de Oliveira Vianna et Raymundo Faoro L’article fait une confrontation entre les perceptions de Oliveira Viana et de Raymundo Faoro concernant le lien existant entre l’Etat et la société au Brésil. Même si les deux auteurs présentent des interprétations distinctes du sujet, nous mettons en évidence certains points importants de convergence qui passent souvent inaperçus. Mots-clés: Oliveira Viana, Raymundo Faoro, Etat, société, pensée brésilienne. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.b

    Acute effects of a short-term and high intensity exercise on serum cytokines concentrations of sedentary women submitted to a circuit resistance training

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute effects of short-term and high intensity exercise on serum cytokines concentrations, oxygen consumption and power of sedentary women pre and post 10 weeks of circuit resistance training (CRT). 14 women, 40.23 ± 3.9 years old, 164 ± 6.6 cm and 57.84 ± 7.7 kg were evaluated. Ventilatory threshold (WVT) and VO2peak (IVO2peak) were determined by ergoespirometric incremental test in a cycloergometer. In pre and post CRT, the women performed a test of cycling exercise with two stages: pedaling 30 minutes on WVT and 5 minutes on IVO2peak. The VO2peak was measured by gas analyzer and the cytokines by flow cytometry. The blood samples were taken at rest and immediately after the two stages to measure the plasmatic concentrations of cytokines (IL-1β; IL-6; IL-8; IL-10, IL-12p70 and TNF). Paired Wilcoxon’s test was used to compare the pre and post values of all variables; The cytokines concentrations at rest, and after the two exercise stages were compared by Friedman´s with Tukey post hoc test CRT (α=0.05). The IVO2peak post CRT increased (p=0.01) without alteration of the VO2peak. The IL-6 concentrations were higher after 5 minutes in IVO2peak compared with the rest, both in pre and in post CRT (p\u3c0.05). The alterations in IL-6 plasmatic levels were protocol-dependent; and the proposed CRT increased the power in watts of VO2peak in cycling exercise, but was not sufficient to trigger an inflammatory reaction indicated by serum cytokines levels in women

    Strength gain in bench press and spirometric parameters in sedentary healthy women

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between strength gain in bench press and spirometric parameters of sedentary women submitted to a circuit resistance training (CRT). 14 healthy and non-trained women 39.8 ± 3.9 years, 60.6 ± 6.6 kg and 163.6 ± 6.6 cm were submitted to a CRT. The training consisted of 3 sessions/week of a circuit training of 9 stations with alternating muscle groups. In each session, the subjects performed the circuit 2 times with one set of 8-12 maximal repetitions (RM) in each station, during 10 weeks. The spirometric maneuvers, slow vital capacity (SVC), forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) were analyzed by spirometric test, while the strength in bench press was measured by 1-RM test. These tests were performed before and after the CRT. Paired Wilcoxon’s test was applied for comparison between the pre versus post CRT values of the spirometric parameters and of the 1-RM test; and the Spearman’s test for correlation between strength gain in bench press and spirometric parameters in the pre and post CRT (α=0.05 for all statistical tests). In post CRT the strength in bench press test increased, but there was not modification in spirometric parameters; and there was not correlation between the strength gain in bench press and the spirometric parameters analyzed. Therefore, our findings suggest that the gain of strength in bench press induced by CRT do not change spirometric parameters in healthy women

    Relationship between blood lactate and pain levels during and after maximum resistance exercises

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the relation between lactate concentration and pain during maximum resistance exercises. 14 healthy and non-trained women 39.8 ± 3.9 years, 60.6 ± 6.6 kg and 163.6 ± 6.6 cm were submitted to one maximum repetition test (1-RM) in leg press 45° (LP) and bench press (BP). Fatigue tests (FT) were performed in the same activity apparatus with 48 hours of interval before and after the 26 training sessions. The FT consisted of 3 exercise maximum bouts with 1 minute of interval and 50% of 1-RM. The measurements analyzed were lactate (LAC), lactate/kg of muscle mass (MM), and pain scale at rest, immediately after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd bouts and 5 minutes after the whole exercise. LAC, LAC/kg MM and pain increased during the FT as compared with rest. It was observed a significant increase in the LAC and LAC/kg MM values at rest and after bouts 1 and 2 in LP and BP before and after training. The pain level was not different in the 5 moments of the FT pre and post-training. Furthermore, there was a weak correlation between lactate and pain in LP and BP pre and post-training. In conclusion, the employed FT was capable to increase the lactate response. However, there was not any change in the pain levels, suggesting that the lactate is not a main factor that promotes increased pain during the tests

    Da Diplomacia da Ciência à Diplomacia da Educação: o caso brasileiro

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    The use of soft power resources in smart strategies, has been usually linked by the literature with developed countries due to a perspective in which—especially—soft power is seen as an extension of hard power. However, Brazil, a developing country, has been signing Cultural Agreements since 1930s aiming to use science and education as diplomatic tools. This paper aims to give an historical perspective to the Brazilian science diplomacy through the signature of these bilateral cultural agreements since de 1930’s, and its development into education diplomacy in the 1960’s. We show in this paper that Brazil created a strong science diplomacy, embedded into its cultural diplomacy, by relying on the creation of a legitimate narrative based on culture, science and education as an alternative for its lack of hard power. These cultural agreements were developed into national exchange programmes focusing mainly on higher education students since 1965, and they exist still nowadays—as one of the world longest science (and education) diplomacy strategies of its kind, creating a successful and steady foreign policy managed by the Brazilian diplomatic body.O uso de recursos de soft power em estratégias inteligentes, geralmente tem sido vinculada pela literatura aos países desenvolvidos devido a uma perspectiva em que - especialmente - soft power é visto como uma extensão do hard power. No entanto, o Brasil, um país em desenvolvimento, assina Acordos Culturais desde a década de 1930, com o objetivo de usar a ciência e a educação como ferramentas diplomáticas. Este artigo tem como objetivo dar uma perspectiva histórica à diplomacia científica brasileira através da assinatura desses acordos culturais bilaterais desde a década de 1930 e seu desenvolvimento na diplomacia educacional na década de 1960. Mostramos neste artigo que o Brasil criou uma forte diplomacia científica, incorporada à sua diplomacia cultural, baseando-se na criação de uma narrativa legítima baseada na cultura, ciência e educação como alternativa à sua falta de força. Esses acordos culturais foram desenvolvidos em programas de intercâmbio nacional focados principalmente em estudantes do ensino superior desde 1965, e ainda existem hoje em dia - uma das estratégias de diplomacia da ciência (e da educação) mais longas do mundo, criando uma política externa bem-sucedida e estável, administrada pelo órgão diplomático brasileiro

    For a Brazilian agenda of policy implementation studies

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    O artigo tem como objetivo propor uma agenda de estudos no campo de implementação de políticas públicas à luz de análises das lacunas da literatura nacional e das correntes analíticas internacionais. Apresenta, portanto, o estado da arte desses estudos na literatura internacional da última década, a partir do qual são identificadas temáticas que abordam a implementação a partir de diferentes perspectivas e modelos analíticos: accountability e transparência, estruturas de governança, envolvimento de atores não estatais, valores e comportamentos dos burocratas, diferentes níveis hierárquicos da burocracia, discricionariedade e autonomia, resultados de incentivos, estratégias de enfrentamentos de pressões, efeitos sociais da implementação, entre outros. Propõe-se, com base nessa análise, uma agenda nacional que possa se apropriar das temáticas e novos paradigmas e assim aplicá-los às análises das realidades complexas da implementação de políticas públicas no Brasil. Como temas da agenda nacional, propomos: desafios do federalismo brasileiro, implementação em contextos de heterogeneidade e desigualdades, impacto da publicização de serviços, processos participativos e intersetorialidade.El artículo tiene como objetivo proponer una agenda de estudios en el campo de análisis de implementación de políticas a la luz de análisis tanto de las lagunas de la literatura nacional y de las diversas corrientes analíticas internacionales. Por lo tanto, presenta el estado del arte de estos estudios en la literatura y en congresos internacionales de la última década a partir del cual se identifican grupos de temáticas que abordan la implementación a partir de diferentes perspectivas y modelos analíticos, desde algunos más tradicionales, influenciados por la administración pública y por la ciencia política, así como enfoques más recientes, de carácter más sociológico. Se propone, con base en este análisis, una agenda nacional que pueda apropiarse de las líneas temáticas y nuevos paradigmas aquí expuestos y pueda aplicarlos a los análisis de las realidades complejas de la implementación de políticas públicas en Brasil. Como temas para la agenda nacional, proponemos: retos del federalismo, implantación en contextos de alta heterogeneidad y diversidad, impacto de subcontratación de servicios, procesos participativos y políticas intersectoriales.The paper aims to propose an agenda of studies in the field of public policies implementation analysis based both on the gaps of national literature and international analytical currents. It presents, therefore, the state of the art of these studies in the literature and in international congresses of the last decade from which groups of themes are identified that approach the implementation from different perspectives and analytical models, from some more traditional, influenced by the public administration and by political science, as well as newer, more sociological approaches. Based on this analysis, it is proposed a national agenda that can appropriate the thematic lines and new paradigms exposed here and can apply them to the analysis of the complex realities of the implementation of public policies in Brazil. As issues for the national agenda, we propose: challenges of federalism, implementation in heterogeneous and diverse contexts, impact of outsourcing, participation processes ant cross-sectoral policies.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 69, n. 4, p. 779-810Gestão PúblicaPolíticas PúblicasISSN Eletrônico: 2357-8017ISSN Impresso: 0034-924

    Effect of pH and volume in the hatching of resistance cysts of the species Dendrocephalus brasiliensis Pesta, 1921 (Crustacea, Anostraca)

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    Branchoneta is an option as live food for aquaculture and it is necessary to develop more studies to get information that makes possible its culture on a large scale. Our aim was to establish a method that results in a higher percentage hatching of D. brasiliensis. We analyzed if the cyst density could cause any significant difference in hatching; for that test we use 2 different conditions: (I) 15 ml glass tube (T1, T2, and T3) with 25 (twenty-five) cysts/repetition; and (II)  Erlenmeyer of 150 ml (T4, T5, and T6) with 25 cysts/repetition totaling 75 cysts/treatment, with triplicates to all treatments. We also tested 3 different pH conditions: acid (pH 3), neutral (pH~7/distilled water) and alkaline (pH 8), all in natural light and temperature. We conclude that there is no difference between the treatments, for none of the conditions tested. But other results have to be considered as Hatching Speed index and the Average Hatching Time with best results for the treatments T3, T1, and T2, respectively. The density of 0.6 ml/cyst (glass tube) resulted in faster hatching, which shows the necessity of further studies to analyze the speed of hatching under different conditions of density. The relative frequency showed that the hatchings peak occurs in the second day. We conclude that pH and density, in this study, not influenced the beginning of the hatching process

    Clinical and epidemiological features and impact of life habits in canine atopic dermatitis in Fortaleza, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT: Canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is a worldwide allergic skin disease. The affected dog population can show different clinical patterns according to geographic region, and a lack of studies in Brazil is observed. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the clinical and epidemiological data of cAD in dogs treated in a private clinical practice in Fortaleza, a city located in the Northeast Region of Brazil. cAD was diagnosed in 35% of dogs, being Shih-tzu and Poodle the most affected breeds. Paws and ears were frequently injured sites. Almost 50% of atopic dogs were diagnosed with superficial pyoderma and 36% with cutaneous malasseziosis. Atopic dogs with outdoor habits were less likely to develop cutaneous malassezial infection, and with routine ear, cleaning habits were less likely to develop bacterial otitis externa. In conclusion, canine atopic dermatitis is a prevalent disease in private clinical practice in Fortaleza, and lifestyle habits can be considered a risk factor for cutaneous malasseziosis infection and bacterial otitis externa in atopic dogs