88 research outputs found

    System of teachers behavior : methodology of applications

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    AIESEP World Congress, IDP, FC

    Carbon cycle in the paleoenvironment: an abrupt increase of biogenic carbon in the end-Cretaceous atmosphere

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    A knowledge of what has happened in the past seems helpful in improving the predictability of the link between global-scale phenomena and the carbon cycle; this paper therefore attempts to reconstruct the end-Cretaceous carbon cycle (65 million years ago) by means of modeling. The performed simulation suggests that a great amount (130 gigatons at least) of biogenic carbon was rapidly injected to the atmosphere. Methane originating from gas hydrate (GH) is the most likely candidate for the input of biogenic carbon at the end of the Cretaceous period because it is considered that thick GH stability zones were damaged by perturbations associated with the Chicxulub asteroid impact, and the vast amount of methane was released to the atmosphere as a gas blast. Though GH deposits are greater than other major reservoirs of carbon, these deposits are not commonly categorized as typical carbon reservoirs in terms of the global carbon cycle. How to integrate GH-related methane with well-known carbon reservoirs remains for a future study in order to improve the predictability of the future carbon cycle

    Challenge-Based Learning And Constructive Alignment: A Challenge For Information Systems’ Educators

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    Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is an emerging approach to the design of education activities known for its benefits in fostering student engagement and, consequently, positively affecting their learning outcomes. For the educator, the ’challenge in the challenge’ is to guarantee that the CBL-based education design follows certain regulations, like ensuring proper curriculum coverage with Constructive Alignment. This challenge becomes particularly difficult to address in the field of Information Systems, within Computer Science, where multiple practices can be followed to solve the same problem. This is even more challenging when CBL is applied at course-level, where the curriculum of the course focuses on a subset of those practices. This paper targets two central questions for the educators willing to apply CBL while complying with Constructive Alignment in their course design: (1) How to ensure that the results based on solutions designed to address student-defined challenges are successfully aligned to the course’s intended learning outcomes? (2) How to use these results as evidence of learning and as an assessment component? We discuss our experience and lessons learned applying CBL for the redesign and execution of the Smart Industry Systems course of the University of Twente, while ensuring proper curriculum coverage and compliance with Constructive Alignment

    O negacionismo na pandemia do Covid-19 e a Psicanálise

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has shone through a 21st century contradiction in which "information was" turned into a sea of fake news and denialism. With this, it is possible to perceive, along with the growth of denialism, tied to it, necropolitical practices and mass groups that drive fake news. The present work aims to analyze the denialist rhetoric present in the dynamics of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil through the psychoanalytic perspective, in order to understand the dimensions of scientific negaism during the Covid-19 pandemic. For this, we chose to analyze the following fronts: The Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, Denialism in the Covid-19 Pandemic, Denialism and history and Denial and Mourning. Finally, it was possible to understand that the denialist discourse produces practices and articulations that do not completely prevent the population in relation to the pandemic, thus leaving the population at a higher risk that could be avoided.Pesquisa sem auxílio de agências de fomentoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A pandemia da Covid-19 escancarou uma contradição do século XXI, na qual a “era informação” se transformou em um mar de fake news e o negacionismo. Com isso, é possível perceber, junto com o crescimento do negacionismo, atrelado a ele, práticas necropolíticas e grupos em massa que impulsionam fake news. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a retórica negacionista presente na dinâmica da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil através da ótica psicanalítica, de modo a compreender as dimensões do negacionismo científico durante a pandemia do Covid-19. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as dimensões do negacionismo científico durante a pandemia do Covid-19 a partir das seguintes dimensões: A pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil, O negacionismo na Pandemia do COVID-19, O Negacionismo e a história, Negacionismo, Negação e Luto. Por fim, foi possível entender que o discurso negacionista produz práticas e articulações que não previnem por completo a população em relação a pandemia, deixando assim, a população em um risco maior que poderia ser evitado.2022-04-0

    A transexual crucificada : performance, ética e estética em um protesto na Parada do Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo

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    O presente artigo objetiva, embasado nas concepções teórico-metodológicas bakhtinianas, apresentar uma leitura analítica da performance artística da atriz e modelo transexual Viviany Beleboni à ocasião da 19ª edição da Parada do Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo, em 2015, entendendo-a enquanto uma forma de (re)agir responsivo e responsavelmente à realidade enfrentada pela comunidade LGBT brasileira – com destaque à parcela trans. Discute-se acerca da arte performática bem como sobre as noções bakhtinianas de ética, estética e carnavalização para concluir que, com sua performance, a artista busca dialogar com os discursos que lhe são contemporâneos e, pela arte, contrapô-los

    Cynicism and Prejudice: A Homology with Freudian Fetishism in The Authoritarian Personality

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    The article addresses the cynicism of the authoritarian anthropological type on The Authoritarian Personality in homology with the fetishism described by Freud. Metapsychologically, we work on the ego-synthesis and ego-splitting problems, in addition to the superego externalization. As a massed and enlightened subject, the assumption of contradictory moral discourses in the same psychic structure would enable a maintenance of prejudice and authoritarianism in democratic environments through rationalizations.O trabalho aborda o cinismo do tipo antropológico autoritário de The Authoritarian Personality em homologia com o fetichismo descrito por Freud. Metapsicologicamente, é trabalhado o problema da síntese do eu e cisão interna a tal instância, bem como a externalização do superego. Sendo este sujeito massificado e esclarecido, a assunção de discursos morais contraditórios na mesma estrutura psíquica possibilitaria a manutenção de preconceito e autoritarismo em ambientes democráticos mediante racionalizações


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    Teknologi Komputer merupakan salah satu teknologi yang banyak digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari – hari. Suatu sistem informasi yang sering memanfaatkan komputer untuk mengolah data informasi yang berguna bagi dunia pendidikan, perkantoran, industri, bisnis, militer, pariwisata dan sebagainya. Dimana sistem ini mampu memberikan kemudahan dan kenyamanan kepada pembeli, misalnya pembeli dapat mereview produk – produk dan memilih Kain Tais serta membandingkan antar jenis Kain Tais yang ada. Teknologi yang digunakan dalam pengembangan adalah php dan database MySQL, dengan bahasa pendukung javascript. Dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, dapat membantu administrator DiliBertais dalam mengelola dan melayani kostumer untuk memilih dan memesan produk yang di jual, sehingga dapat memberikan kenyamanan dan kemudahan bagi pengunjung dalam berbelanja. Kata kunci : Sistem Informasi,Penjualan,web

    Gestão, Administração Pública e Planejamento Governamental do Estado do Ceará

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    This article discusses the trajectory travelled by planning in Public Administration of the State of Ceará and the tools used to accomplish it: legal (Multi-Year Plan – PPA, Budget Guidelines Law – LDO and Annual Budget Law – LOA) and managerial (Monitoring Actions and Priority Projects – MAPP and Public Management for Results – GPR). Moreover, it presents a redefinition of the State Planning System with the establishment of State Planning Network, whose main purpose is to integrate Governmental Planning with Sector Planning. For this, it was needed to read various authors on the subject, the query to the relevant legal provisions and the use of diagnostic reports applied with various stakeholders. Thus, it appears that these actions have contributed to strengthening the integration of tools of planning and better systematization of this planning.Este artigo aborda a trajetória percorrida pelo planejamento na Administração Pública do Estado do Ceará e os instrumentos utilizados para realizá-lo: legais (Plano Plurianual – PPA, Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias – LDO e Lei Orçamentária Anual – LOA) e gerenciais (Monitoramento de Ações e Projetos Prioritários – MAPP – e Gestão Pública por Resultados – GPR). Além disso, apresenta-se a redefinição do Sistema Estadual de Planejamento com a instituição da Rede Estadual de Planejamento, cuja principal finalidade é integrar o Planejamento Governamental com o Planejamento Setorial. Para tanto, foi preciso a leitura de diversos autores a respeito do tema, a consulta aos respectivos dispositivos legais e a utilização de relatórios de diagnósticos aplicados com diversos envolvidos. Com isso, verifica-se que essas ações têm contribuído para o fortalecimento da integração dos instrumentos de planejamento e para a melhor sistematização desse planejamento

    Transferência de Tecnologia e seus Aspectos Negociais e Jurídicos: estudo de caso do Capacete ELMO no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19

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    This work aims to contribute to the management of technology transfer between Scientific and Innovation Institutions, government and companies, cooperating with the alignment between legal certainty and negotiation in the process. To support the research, a case study was carried out on the licensing of the ELMO helmet, a technology developed by the Federal University of Ceará and five other legal institutions distinct from the Ceará innovation ecosystem. The triple helix model and the concept of Entrepreneurial University were adopted as theoretical foundations. As the main methodology, participant observation was used. The results showed that the main obstacles in the management of technology transfer were the cultural and mission differences of the partners, the absence or outdatedness of their innovation policies and the lack of knowledge about the Legal Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation. On the other hand, the good practices identified showed that the thematic division of working groups for leveling and alignment favored communication and trust during the business and legal stages of the technology.Este trabalho pretende contribuir com a gestão da transferência de tecnologia entre Instituições Científicas e Tecnológicas e de Inovação (ICTs), governo e empresas, cooperando com o alinhamento entre a segurança jurídica e a negociação no processo. Para embasar a pesquisa, foi realizado um estudo de caso do licenciamento do capacete ELMO, uma tecnologia desenvolvida pela Universidade Federal do Ceará e outras cinco instituições de natureza jurídica distintas do ecossistema cearense de inovação. Foi adotado como fundamentação teórica o modelo da tríplice hélice e o conceito de Universidade Empreendedora. Como metodologia principal, utilizou-se a observação participante. Os resultados mostraram que os principais obstáculos, na gestão da transferência da tecnologia foram as diferenças culturais e de missões dos parceiros, a ausência ou a desatualização de suas políticas de inovação e o desconhecimento sobre o Marco Legal de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. Por outro lado, as boas práticas identificadas apontaram que a divisão temática de grupos de trabalho para nivelamentos e alinhamentos favoreceu a comunicação e a confiança durante as etapas negociais e jurídicas da tecnologia