1,067 research outputs found

    A nationwide survey of the current status of radiation oncology teaching in Spanish medical schools

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    Background: The present study was designed to collect information on the current status of radiation oncology (RO) teaching in undergraduate medical schools in Spain. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with the support of the Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology (SEOR). An anonymous questionnaire was sent in two waves, one month apart, between January and June 2022, to all Medical Schools and affiliated Institutions having radiotherapy departments throughout the country. Data on load, curricular location of OR, the academic course (or courses) in which the subject of OR was taught, and teachers position were recorded. Results: Responses were obtained from 26 of the 46 available Medical Schools (response rate 56.5%). The average number of theoretical classes was 13 (0-30), seminars: 4.5 (0-12) and hours of practical training 17 (0-60). The scientific content of RO was covered very evenly. Medical physics and radiobiology were taught with different extension in 24 medical schools (92.3%). Information on technological equipment, brachytherapy, indications, and clinical results was provided in all but one medical school. In 13 medical schools (50.0%) the contents of RO were taught in more than one course, but the distribution of RO teaching during the six years of undergraduate training was quite dispersed. The teaching staff included 4 full professors, 8 tenured professors, and 68 clinical associate professors. The average number of associate professors per medical school was 2.2. Also, the average number of full professors and tenured lecturers was 0.42 per medical school, although there were none in 16 centers. Conclusions: The overall teaching content of RO in Spanish medical schools seems appropriate but actions to improve the heterogeneity in the curricular location of RO and the shortage of teachers should be implemented

    Espacio arquitectónico en parques de Quito

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    Espacio Arquitectónico en Parques de Quito, se resuelve en cuatro capítulos, presenta el proceso de la determinación de un problema arquitectónico de la ciudad de Quito, el entorno a resolver y como sucede la ejecución de un proyecto arquitectónico como plan y elemento individual. El primer capítulo de este documento, desarrolla la demanda e integración de espacios arquitectónicos en espacios públicos de la ciudad de Quito y se determina al parque como el espacio con una mayor necesidad de integración a la ciudad. El segundo capítulo, selecciona al Parque Inglés como el contexto a trabajar, por su escala, entorno y situación actual. Se presenta una serie de análisis de campo y análisis de acuerdo a valores de existencia y aproximación en el contexto. En el tercer capítulo se deriva un proyecto general que afecta al parque y surgen programas de orden local – barrial, sectorial y ciudad; y, el proyecto individual que resuelve en específico uno o más programas generales. El cuarto capítulo presenta la propuesta arquitectónica del proyecto, las decisiones y resoluciones en paisajismo y estructura, además de presentar la imagen final de la propuesta individual

    Negative hydrodynamic barriers: an effective system to reduce the freshwater discharge into the sea

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    La necesidad de recursos hídricos para satisfacer las crecientes demandas es un problema generalizado, especialmente acuciante en las zonas áridas y semiáridas. Las zonas costeras son especial mente sensibles a este problema, si bien, en estas áreas se da la paradoja de que los acuíferos costeros, de forma natural, drenan grandes volúmenes de agua dulce al mar a través de la descarga submarina. En este trabajo se plantea, por primera vez, la utiliza ción de barreras hidrodinámicas negativas como un sistema efectivo para reducir el volumen de estas descargas. Para ello, se ha estudia do el acuífero del delta del río Andarax, donde la presencia de una batería de sondeos que captan la cuña de agua salina que penetra en el acuífero, estaría actuando como una barrera hidrodinámica, que por un lado evita el avance de la cuña salina al continente, y por otro, la salida de agua dulce al mar. El problema que suscita este tipo de barreras es el coste económico ligado al consumo energético ne cesario para bombear continuamente agua salina, por lo que su uso sólo sería conveniente allí donde exista una planta desaladora que se abastezca de agua salina de la cuña que penetra en el acuíferoThe growing demand for water is a widespread problem, espe cially in arid and semi-arid areas. Coastal areas are particularly sen sitive to this problem, although in these areas there is the paradox that coastal aquifers naturally drain large volumes of freshwater into the sea through submarine discharge. In this work we propose, for the first time, the use of negative hydrodynamic barriers as an effec tive system to reduce the volume of these discharges. For this purpo se, the aquifer of the Andarax river delta has been studied, where the presence of a set of boreholes that capture the saline water wedge penetrating the aquifer. This would be acting as a hydrodynamic ba rrier, which on the one hand prevents the advance of the saline wed ge to the continent, and on the other hand, the outflow of freshwater to the sea. The problem with this type of barrier is the economic cost linked to the energy consumption required to continuously pump saline water, so its use would only be appropriate where there is a desalination plant that is supplied with saline water from the wedge that penetrates the aquife

    Cross‐talk between two global regulators in Streptomyces: PhoP and AfsR interact in the control of afsS, pstS and phoRP transcription

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    [EN] The regulatory proteins AfsR and PhoP control expression of the biosynthesis of actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin in Streptomyces coelicolor. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that PhoPDBD does not bind directly to the actII-ORF4, redD and atrA promoters, but it binds to the afsS promoter, in a region overlapping with the AfsR operator. DNase I footprinting studies revealed a PhoP protected region of 26 nt (PHO box; two direct repeats of 11 nt) that overlaps with the AfsR binding sequence. Binding experiments indicated a competition between AfsR and PhoP; increasing concentrations of PhoPDBD resulted in the disappearance of the AfsR-DNA complex. Expression studies using the reporter luxAB gene coupled to afsS promoter showed that PhoP downregulates afsS expression probably by a competition with the AfsR activator. Interestingly, AfsR binds to other PhoP-regulated promoters including those of pstS (a component of the phosphate transport system) and phoRP (encoding the two component system itself). Analysis of the AfsR-protected sequences in each of these promoters allowed us to distinguish the AfsR binding sequence from the overlapping PHO box. The reciprocal regulation of the phoRP promoter by AfsR and of afsS by PhoP suggests a fine interplay of these regulators on the control of secondary metabolismSIThis project was supported by grants of the ‘Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología’ (BIO2003-01489, BIO2006-14853-C02-01); Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Madrid (GEN2003-20245-C09-01); the ERA-NET SySMO Project (GEN2006-27745-E/SYS) and the European Union (ACTINOGEN LSHM-CT-2004-005224). F. Santos-Beneit received a fellowship of the FPI programme (Ministry of Education, Spain). We thank S. Horinouchi for the plasmids containing the afsR gene, M. Bibb for strain S. coelicolor M513 (ΔafsR) and B. Martín, J. Merino, A. Casenave and B. Aguado for excellent technical assistanc

    Fruit abscission pattern of ‘Valencia’ orange with canopy shaker system

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    Fruit detachment can occur due to natural causes or be mechanically performed by a combination of mechanical stresses that cause tissue breakage in the plant. Forced abscission should not coincide with natural abscission zones (AZ). Abscission zones are very important in citrus harvesting both in terms of the destination market and of the possible damage caused to the tree or fruit. The objective of this study is to determine the abscission pattern of sweet oranges with a canopy shaker and compare it with other detachment systems. Five plots of Valencia oranges were tested during the 2017 and 2018 harvesting seasons, using a commercial tractor-drawn canopy shaker. The diameter, weight and breakage type were evaluated in the cases of natural fall, snap method, mechanical harvesting with canopy shaker, and pull test. Breakage type AZ-C predominated in natural fall (89.0%) and the snap method (79.5%). Similarly, AZ-A predominated for the canopy shaker (58.8%) and pull test (45.3%). Mechanical action on the fruit produced peel tear by breaking the flavedo, which reached highest frequency in the snap method (7.6%). Peel tear breakage required a mean fruit detachment force value of 99.3 N, higher than the average abscission values for AZ-C (88.7 N) and AZ-A (66.6 N). The fruit that remained on the tree after canopy shaker harvesting showed lower mean values of fruit detachment force (16.3%) than the pre-harvest fruit. The frequency of fruit with calyx with the canopy shaker and snap methods was similar, with a mean value of 36%

    Ultrafast coherent control of giant oscillating molecular dipoles in the presence of static electric fields

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physic 139.8 (2013): 084306 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/139/8/10.1063/1.4818878We propose a scheme to generate electric dipole moments in homonuclear molecular cations by creating, with an ultrashort pump pulse, a quantum superposition of vibrational states on electronic states strongly perturbed by very strong static electric fields. By field-induced molecular stabilization, the dipoles can reach values as large as 50 Debyes and oscillate on a time-scale comparable to that of the slow vibrational motion. We show that both the electric field and the pump pulse parameters can be used to control the amplitude and period of the oscillation, while preventing the molecule from ionizing or dissociatingThis work was supported by the NRF grant funded by the Korean government (2007-0056343 and 2012M3C1A6035358), the Basic Science Research program funded by MEST (2010-0005143), the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council XCHEM 290853, the European grant MC-RG ATTOTREND, the European COST Actions CM0702 (CUSPFEL) and CM1204 (XLIC), the European ITN CORINF, the MICINN Project Nos. CTQ2012-36184, FIS2010-15127, and CSD 2007-00010 (Spain), and the ERA-Chemistry project PIM2010EEC-0075

    Direito das Novas Tecnologias de Informação na Jurisprudência Brasileira

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    Though the Brazilian law still have no systematic statute on internet and digital legal aspects, the case law and precedents of superior courts have been establishing some important guidelines to both the interpretation of existing norms to embrace digital questions, as well as the discussion of the civil regulatory framework of internet in public opinion and the legislative houses. This article presents the most important decisions from Brazilian superior courts on the law of information technologies in order to identify the most polemical questions as well as the solutions found so far.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Direito das Novas Tecnologias de Informação na Jurisprudência Brasileira

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    Though the Brazilian law still have no systematic statute on internet and digital legal aspects, the case law and precedents of superior courts have been establishing some important guidelines to both the interpretation of existing norms to embrace digital questions, as well as the discussion of the civil regulatory framework of internet in public opinion and the legislative houses. This article presents the most important decisions from Brazilian superior courts on the law of information technologies in order to identify the most polemical questions as well as the solutions found so far.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Aquifers with variable density flow as lithospheric isostatic movement analogues

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    La extracción de agua subterránea en un acuífero de densidad variable provoca desequilibrios en la distribución de su carga hidrostática. Cuando se extrae agua dulce, este desequilibrio tiende a compensarse con el ascenso de agua salada “upconing”. Por otra parte, cuando lo que se extrae es agua salada, se produce un aumento en la salinidad bajo el pozo de extracción, un notable descenso en las inmediaciones de este y un ligero ascenso a cierta distancia. Todas estas variaciones en la densidad del agua subterránea, como consecuencia del bombeo, se asemejan a la disposición de las masas litosféricas en regiones con desequilibrios isostáticos. Esta analogía acuífero-litosfera puede ser utilizada para recrear la evolución de una determinada región mediante una distribución estratégica de los sondeos de extracciónThe extraction of groundwater in a variable density aquifer causes instability in the distribution of its hydrostatic load. When freshwater is extracted, this imbalance tends to compensate with the rise of saltwater “upconing”. On the other hand, when saltwater is extracted, there is an increase in salinity under the extraction well, a notable decrease in the vicinity of the well and a slight rise at a certain distance. All these variations in the density of groundwater, as a consequence of pumping, resemble the arrangement of lithospheric masses in regions with isostatic imbalances. This aquifer-lithosphere analogy can be used to recreate the evolution of a certain region through a strategic distribution of the pumping well