7,374 research outputs found

    Dyonic Integrable Models

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    A class of non abelian affine Toda models arising from the axial gauged two-loop WZW model is presented. Their zero curvature representation is constructed in terms of a graded Kac-Moody algebra. It is shown that the discrete multivacua structure of the potential together with non abelian nature of the zero grade subalgebra allows soliton solutions with non trivial electric and topological charges. The dressing transformation is employed to explicitly construct one and two soliton solutions and their bound states in terms of the tau functions. A discussion of the classical spectra of such solutions and the time delays are given in detail.Comment: Latex 30 pages, corrected some typo

    Dynamical Constraints on the Origin of Main Belt Comets

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    In an effort to understand the origin of the Main Belt Comets (MBCs) 7968 Elst-Pizzaro, 118401, and P/2005 U1, the dynamics of these three icy asteroids and a large number of hypothetical MBCs were studied. Results of extensive numerical integrations of these objects suggest that these MBCs were formed in-place through the collisional break up of a larger precursor body. Simulations point specifically to the Themis family of asteroids as the origin of these objects and rule out the possibility of a cometary origin (i.e. inward scattering of comets from outer solar system and their primordial capture in the asteroid belt). Results also indicate that while 7968 Elst-Pizzaro and 118401 maintain their orbits for 1 Gyr, P/2005 U1 diffuses chaotically in eccentricity and becomes unstable in ~20 Myr. The latter suggest that this MBC used to be a member of the Themis family and is now escaping away. Numerical integrations of the orbits of hypothetical MBCs in the vicinity of the Themis family show a clustering of stable orbits (with eccentricities smaller than 0.2 and inclinations less than 25 deg.) suggesting that many more MBCs may exist in the vicinity of this family (although they might have not been activated yet). The details of the results of simulations and the constraints on the models of the formation and origins of MBCs are presented, and their implications for the detection of more of these objects are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the Nov 2009 issue of Meteoritics and Planetary Scienc

    Multicharged Dyonic Integrable Models

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    We introduce and study new integrable models of A_n^{(1)}-Non-Abelian Toda type which admit U(1)\otimes U(1) charged topological solitons. They correspond to the symmetry breaking SU(n+1) \to SU(2)\otimes SU(2)\otimes U(1)^{n-2} and are conjectured to describe charged dyonic domain walls of N=1 SU(n+1) SUSY gauge theory in large n limit. It is shown that this family of relativistic IMs corresponds to the first negative grade q={-1} member of a dyonic hierarchy of generalized cKP type. The explicit relation between the 1-soliton solutions (and the conserved charges as well) of the IMs of grades q=-1 and q=2 is found. The properties of the IMs corresponding to more general symmetry breaking SU(n+1) \to SU(2)^{\otimes p}\otimes U(1)^{n-p} as well as IM with global SU(2) symmetries are discussed.Comment: 48pages, latex, v2. typos in eqns. (1.7) and (3.20) corrected, small improvements in subsection 2.2, new reference added;v3. improvements in text of Sect. 1,2 and 6; new Sect 7 and new refs. added; version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Delimitação de zonas inundáveis entre Belver e Vila Nova da Barquinha

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    Só está disponível o resumo.Delimitação de zonas inundáveis entre Belver e Vila Nova da Barquinha

    T-duality of axial and vector dyonic integrable models

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    A general construction of affine Non Abelian (NA) - Toda models in terms of axial and vector gauged two loop WZNW model is discussed. They represent {\it integrable perturbations} of the conformal σ\sigma-models (with tachyons included) describing (charged) black hole type string backgrounds. We study the {\it off-critical} T-duality between certain families of axial and vector type of integrable models for the case of affine NA- Toda theories with one global U(1) symmetry. In particular we find the Lie algebraic condition defining a subclass of {\it T-selfdual} torsionless NA Toda models and their zero curvature representation.Comment: 20 pages, latex, no figures,improvments in the text of Sects.1,2 and 6;typos corrected,references added, to appear in Ann. of Physics (NY

    Flood hazard mapping by integrating airborne laser scanning data, high resolution images and large scale maps: a case study

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    The assessment and management of flood risks framework impose the mapping of flood hazard in potential flood risks areas. Floods in urban environments may happen due to rainfall extreme events and be exacerbated by saturated or impervious surfaces. Flood risk is greater in urban areas. (...

    Análise do efeito da resolução espacial do modelo digital de superfície de escoamento na delimitação de zonas inundáveis.

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    O perigo de inundação é um componente da avaliação do risco de inundação. Um dos elementos fundamentais na avaliação do perigo de inundação é a estimativa da extensão da zona inundável. Neste trabalho é estudado o efeito da resolução espacial do Modelo Digital de Superfície de Escoamento (MDSe) na extensão da zona inundável. São criados três MDSe de diferentes resoluções que resultam da integração de dados LiDAR, cartografia a escala grande e ortoimagens CIR (Colour Infra-Red). Os dados LiDAR, devidamente filtrados dos objetos no terreno, são convertidos em três Modelos Digitais de Terreno (MDT) em formato raster com 1 m, 2 m, e 4 m. Da cartografia é extraído o edificado na forma de um raster. A vegetação com altura inferior a 2 m é por sua vez extraída das ortoimagens CIR. Os rasters dos objetos e vegetação são redimensionados para células de 1 m, 2 m e 4 m. Os três MDSe assim obtidos são utilizados na simulação hidráulica, com a aplicação do modelo LISFLOOD-FP e com o objetivo de determinar as zonas inundáveis. A metodologia aqui proposta é aplicada a uma zona nas margens do Rio Febros, em Vila Nova de Gaia. Os resultados mostram um aumento de 13% e 20% das áreas inundáveis, respetivamente pela duplicação e quadruplicação da resolução espacial. Conclui-se que uma menor resolução espacial leva a uma sobrestimação da extensão de inundação, que se traduz num aumento da zona de perigo e portanto, um acréscimo de segurança na estimativa do risco de inundação. Relativamente ao tempo computacional, ele é reduzido 15,7 vezes, se a resolução espacial passar de 2 m para 4 m e de 3,8 vezes quando passa de 1 m para 2 m. Assim, numa análise conjunta do desempenho do próprio modelo e da eficiência computacional pode ser considerada como aceitável, a utilização de uma resolução mais grosseira para avaliação do perigo de inundação

    Review: A Coherent and Comprehensive Model of the Evolution of the Outer Solar System

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    Since the discovery of the first extra-solar planets, we are confronted with the puzzling diversity of planetary systems. Processes like planet radial migration in gas-disks and planetary orbital instabilities, often invoked to explain the exotic orbits of the extra-solar planets, at first sight do not seem to have played a role in our system. In reality, though, there are several aspects in the structure of our Solar System that cannot be explained in the classic scenario of in-situ formation and smooth evolution of the giant planets. This paper describes a new view of the evolution of the outer Solar System that emerges from the so-called 'Nice model' and its recent extensions. The story provided by this model describes a very "dynamical" Solar System, with giant planets affected by both radial migrations and a temporary orbital instability. Thus, the diversity between our system and those found so far around other stars does not seem to be due to different processes that operated here and elsewhere, but rather stems from the strong sensitivity of chaotic evolutions to small differences in the initial and environmental conditions.Comment: in press in CR Physique de l'Academie des Science

    Desafios financeiros desenvolvendo competência em educação financeira de maneira lúdica

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, 2015.O presente relatório refere-se ao desenvolvimento do jogo educativo e colaborativo Desafios Financeiros, que auxilia no desenvolvimento de competência em educação financeira à alunos do ensino médio. O projeto consta como um trabalho acadêmico desenvolvido para a matéria de Diplomação em Programação Visual do curso de Desenho Industrial da Universidade de Brasília. Iniciou-se como um projeto em parceria com a pesquisadora Flávia de Oliveira, cuja pesquisa realizada, sob orientação do professor Dr. Ricardo Fragelli, no contexto do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design da Universidade de Brasília, visa investigar as contribuições do design de jogos no ensino de educação financeira. Neste contexto foi explorada a oportunidade de influenciar no ensino de educação financeira de maneira lúdica, por meio de um jogo de mesa que busca explorar as mecânicas de colaboração. Assim, procura-se apresentar como produto final um jogo que proporcione a execução dos requisitos pretendidos. O projeto abrange o levantamento dos requisitos, pesquisa de similares, geração de alternativas, testes e as considerações finais

    Psychobiological Aspects of Panic Disorder

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    Anxiety is a useful warning sign that helps an individual face potential or real danger. At appropriate levels, it serves as a warning for the presence of internal or external threats, causing a person to be alert and prepare to deal appropriately with such situations. Moreover, moderate levels of anxiety can lead to improved performance in several activities. However, anxiety becomes pathological when its duration is excessively long or its intensity is extremely high and leads to significant suffering and distress. In such cases, anxiety is appropriately described as part of a pathological response, characterizing an anxiety disorder. The historical concept of a unitary anxiety disorder has been replaced by a heterogeneous group of psychopathologies with different etiologies. Panic disorder is a complex anxiety disorder that involves both recurrent, unexpected panic attacks, and persistent concern about having additional attacks. The present chapter reviews current psychobiological perspectives in the etiology and treatment of panic disorder. The first section describes the current classification of this anxiety disorder. We then explore possible neural circuitry associated with panic disorder. Finally, the chapter addresses current treatment approaches, considering the efficacy of different forms of psychotherapy and pharmacological treatments