134 research outputs found

    Teaching based on the case method of building collective protection

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    One of the fundamental aspects in the adaptation of the teaching to the European higher education is changing based models of teacher education to models based on student learning. In this work we present an educational experience developed with the teaching method based on the case method, with a clearly multidisciplinary. The experience has been developed in the teaching of analysis and verification of safety rails. This is a multidisciplinary field that presents great difficulties during their teaching. The use of the case method has given good results in the competences achieved by student

    Analysis of teaching experience based on teaching by the case method. Application to reinforcing wooden floors

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    The technique of reinforcement of wooden floors is a matter clearly multidisciplinary. The teaching of the subject using the "traditional" method, explaining the theory first and then proposing and solving problems has not been successful. This paper discusses the results of a teaching experiencie. It has been the teaching of the subject by the case method. The results are clearly superior to those obtained with the traditional methodology

    Incentives and inhibiting factors of eco-innovation in the Spanish firms.

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    This paper investigates the incentives and inhibiting factors of eco-innovation capacities in the firm. Firms materialize the objectives of eco-innovation from a reactive attitude to external pressures, to a more proactive attitude that implies the voluntary incorporation of eco-innovation activities. This variability in the behaviour of companies with respect to the level of eco-innovation development has been a motivator for the research. However, despite the importance of this research question, this has been approached in a dispersed way from multiple approaches. From a dynamic capabilities perspective, we assume that the innovation capacity of the firm encourages eco-innovations. Our paper is focused on the process of eco-innovation, identifying the elements that facilitate or hinder the eco-innovation in the firm. We study the Spanish case, using a panel from the Spanish Innovation Survey, with a sample of 5,461 Spanish firms. The results highlight that the complexity of the eco-innovation process negatively affects the decision to develop eco-innovations. However, our results suggest that institutions and organizations of the Spanish environment are making efforts to compensate these obstacles and provide incentives to develop eco-innovations

    Physics and Mathematics in the Engineering Curriculum: Correlation with Applied Subjects

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    This paper presents a study in which the relationship between basic subjects (Mathematics and Physics) and applied engineering subjects (related to Machinery, Electrical Engineering, Topography and Buildings) in higher engineering education curricula is evaluated. The analysis has been conducted using the academic records of 206 students for five years. Furthermore, 34 surveys and personal interviews were conducted to analyze the connections between the contents taught in each subject and to identify student perceptions of the correlation with other subjects or disciplines. At the same time, the content of the different subjects have been analyzed to verify the relationship among the disciplines.Aproper coordination among subjects will allow students to relate and interconnect topics of different subjects, even with the ones learnt in previous courses, while also helping to reduce dropout rates and student failures in successfully accomplishing the different courses

    Prediction of standard particleboard mechanical properties utilizing an artificial neural network and subsequent comparison with a multivariate regression model

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    The physical properties (specific gravity, moisture content, thickness swelling and water absorption) and mechanical properties (internal bond strength, bending strength and modulus of elasticity) were determined on 93 Spanish-manufactured standard particleboards of different thicknesses selected randomly at the end of the production process. The testing methods of the corresponding European standards (EN) were used, except in the case of the thickness swelling and absorption tests, for which the Spanish UNE standard was used. The thickness and the values obtained for the physical properties were entered into an artificial neural network in order to predict the mechanical properties of the board. The fit was compared with the usual multivariate regression models. The use of a neural network made it possible to obtain the values of bending strength, modulus of elasticity and internal bond strength of the boards utilizing the known data, not only of thickness, moisture content and specific gravity, but also of thickness swelling and water absorption. The neural network proposed is much better adapted to the observed values than any of the multivariate regression models obtained

    Nuclear medium modification of the F2 structure function

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    We study the nuclear effects in the electromagnetic structure function F2(x,Q^2) in nuclei in the deep inelastic lepton nucleus scattering process by taking into account Fermi motion, binding, pion and rho meson cloud contributions. Calculations have been done in a local density approximation using relativistic nuclear spectral functions which include nucleon correlations for nuclear matter. The ratios over deuteron structure function are obtained and compared with the recent JLAB results for light nuclei with special attention to the slope of the x distributions. This magnitude shows a non trivial A dependence and it is insensitive to possible normalization uncertainties. The results have also been compared with some of the older experiments using intermediate mass nuclei.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures. This version matches accepted version to be published in Nuclear Physics

    The tomato mutant ars1 (altered response to salt stress 1) identifies an R1-type MYB transcription factor involved in stomatal closure under salt acclimation

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    [EN] A screening under salt stress conditions of a T-DNA mutant collection of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) led to the identification of the altered response to salt stress 1 (ars1) mutant, which showed a salt-sensitive phenotype. Genetic analysis of the ars1 mutation revealed that a single T-DNA insertion in the ARS1 gene was responsible of the mutant phenotype. ARS1 coded for an R1-MYB type transcription factor and its expression was induced by salinity in leaves. The mutant reduced fruit yield under salt acclimation while in the absence of stress the disruption of ARS1 did not affect this agronomic trait. The stomatal behaviour of ars1 mutant leaves induced higher Na+ accumulation via the transpiration stream, as the decreases of stomatal conductance and transpiration rate induced by salt stress were markedly lower in the mutant plants. Moreover, the mutation affected stomatal closure in a response mediated by abscisic acid (ABA). The characterization of tomato transgenic lines silencing and overexpressing ARS1 corroborates the role of the gene in regulating the water loss via transpiration under salinity. Together, our results show that ARS1 tomato gene contributes to reduce transpirational water loss under salt stress. Finally, this gene could be interesting for tomato molecular breeding, because its manipulation could lead to improved stress tolerance without yield penalty under optimal culture conditions.This work was funded by a research project (AGL2012-40150-C01/C02/C03) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). This work was also supported by grant RYC2010-06369 (Ramon y Cajal Programme) from the MINECO to NF-G and grant E-30-2011-0443170 (JAE-Doc Programme) from the Spanish Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) to IE and BP. The authors have no conflict of interests to declareCampos, JF.; Cara, B.; Perez-Martin, F.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; Egea, I.; Flores, FB.; Fernandez-Garcia, N.... (2016). The tomato mutant ars1 (altered response to salt stress 1) identifies an R1-type MYB transcription factor involved in stomatal closure under salt acclimation. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 14(6):1345-1356. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.124981345135614

    Ectopic phytocystatin expression increases nodule numbers and influences the responses of soybean (Glycine max) to nitrogen deficiency

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    Cysteine proteases and cystatins havemany functions that remain poorly characterised, particularly in crop plants. We therefore investigated the responses of these proteins to nitrogen deficiency in wild-type soybeans and in two independent transgenic soybean lines (OCI-1 and OCI-2) that express the rice cystatin, oryzacystatin-I (OCI). Plants were grown for four weeks under either a high (5 mM) nitrate (HN) regime or in the absence of added nitrate (LN) in the absence or presence of symbiotic rhizobial bacteria. Under the LN regime all lines showed similar classic symptoms of nitrogen deficiency including lower shoot biomass and leaf chlorophyll. However, the LN-induced decreases in leaf protein and increases in root protein tended to be smaller in the OCI-1 and OCI-2 lines than in the wild type. When LN-plants were grown with rhizobia, OCI-1 and OCI-2 roots had significantly more crown nodules than wild-type plants. The growth nitrogen regime had a significant effect on the abundance of transcripts encoding vacuolar processing enzymes (VPEs), LN-dependent increases in VPE2 and VPE3 transcripts in all lines. However, the LN-dependent increases of VPE2 and VPE3 transcripts were significantly lower in the leaves of OCI-1 and OCI-2 plants than in the wild type. These results show that nitrogen availability regulates the leaf and root cysteine protease, VPE and cystatin transcript profiles in a manner that is in some cases influenced by ectopic OCI expression. Moreover, the OCI-dependent inhibition of papain-like cysteine proteases favours increased nodulation and enhanced tolerance to nitrogen limitation, as shown by the smaller LN-dependent decreases in leaf protein observed in the OCI-1 and OCI-2 plants relative to the wild type.FP7-PIRSES-GA-2008-230830 (LEGIM) and PIIF-GA-2011-299347 (Soylife; K.K.).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/phytochem2016-04-30hb201

    Incidence of and factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection among people living with HIV in Southern Spain after one year of pandemic

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    Whether people living with HIV (PLWH) are at greater risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection is currently unknown. Prospective serologic studies may allow seroincidence analyses, where all infections are accurately identified. Because of this, we evaluated the incidence of associated factors with and the clinical outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in PLWH in Southern Spain. This prospective cohort study included PLWH from a Tertiary University Hospital in Southern Spain. Patients were enrolled in the study if (1) they had attended as outpatients our Unit from 1 August 2019 to 8 February 2020 and (2) had two subsequent evaluations from 9 February 2020 to 4 March 2021. SARS-CoV-2 infections were diagnosed by PCR, antigen detection or serology. Seven hundred and nine PLWH were included in the study. Of them, 55 [7.8%, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 5.9%-9.9%] patients developed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Between 18 May and 29 November 2020, the rate of seroconversion was 5.3% (95% CI: 3.1%-9.0%) for the general population in the area of Seville and 2.3% (95% CI: 1.3%-2.6%) for PLWH in this study (p = .001). After multivariable analysis, adjusted by age, sex, and risk factors for HIV infection, active tobacco use and CDC stage, active tobacco smoking was the only factor independently associated with lower risk of SARS-Cov-2 infection [Incidence rate ratio: 0.29 (95% CI 0.16-0.55) p < .001]. In conclusion, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among PLWH in Southern Spain during the ongoing pandemic was lower than that reported for the general population in the same area.This work was supported in part by the Instituto de Salud CarlosIII (Project ‘PI16/01443’), integrated in the national I+D+i 2013–2016andco-fundedbytheEuropeanUnion(ERDF/ESF,‘Investinginyour future’), by the Spanish Network for AIDS investigation (RIS)(www.red.es/redes/inicio)(RD16/0025/0010,RD16/0025/0040),asapartoftheNacionalI+D+I,ISCIIISubdirecciónGeneraldeEvaluaciónand the European Fund for Development of Regions (FEDER). JuanA.PinedareceivedaresearchextensiongrantfromtheProgramadeIntensificacióndelaActividaddeInvestigacióndelServicioNacionaldeSaludCarlosIII(I3SNS).FedericoGarciareceivedaresearchextensiongrantfromtheProgramadeIntensificacióndelaActividaddeInves-tigacióndelServicioAndaluzdeSalud.AnaïsCorma-GomezreceivedaRíoHortegagrantfromtheInstitutodeSaludCarlosIII(grantnum-ber CM19/00251). Funding for open access charge: Universidad deMálaga/CBU

    Non-productive angiogenesis disassembles Aß plaque-associated blood vessels

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    The human Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain accumulates angiogenic markers but paradoxically, the cerebral microvasculature is reduced around Aß plaques. Here we demonstrate that angiogenesis is started near Aß plaques in both AD mouse models and human AD samples. However, endothelial cells express the molecular signature of non-productive angiogenesis (NPA) and accumulate, around Aß plaques, a tip cell marker and IB4 reactive vascular anomalies with reduced NOTCH activity. Notably, NPA induction by endothelial loss of presenilin, whose mutations cause familial AD and which activity has been shown to decrease with age, produced a similar vascular phenotype in the absence of Aß pathology. We also show that Aß plaque-associated NPA locally disassembles blood vessels, leaving behind vascular scars, and that microglial phagocytosis contributes to the local loss of endothelial cells. These results define the role of NPA and microglia in local blood vessel disassembly and highlight the vascular component of presenilin loss of function in AD