215 research outputs found

    OverNet: Lightweight Multi-Scale Super-Resolution with Overscaling Network

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    Super-resolution (SR) has achieved great success due to the development of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, as the depth and width of the networks increase, CNN-based SR methods have been faced with the challenge of computational complexity in practice. Moreover, most of them train a dedicated model for each target resolution, losing generality and increasing memory requirements. To address these limitations we introduce OverNet, a deep but lightweight convolutional network to solve SISR at arbitrary scale factors with a single model. We make the following contributions: first, we introduce a lightweight recursive feature extractor that enforces efficient reuse of information through a novel recursive structure of skip and dense connections. Second, to maximize the performance of the feature extractor we propose a reconstruction module that generates accurate high-resolution images from overscaled feature maps and can be independently used to improve existing architectures. Third, we introduce a multi-scale loss function to achieve generalization across scales. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our network outperforms previous state-of-the-art results in standard benchmarks while using fewer parameters than previous approaches.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, conference, accepted by WACV202

    La sucesión de empresas en las Administraciones Públicas y su impacto en el Empleo Público.

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    En esta tesis se ofrece un estudio del fenómeno de la sucesión de empresas en las administraciones públicas y su proyección en el empleo público. Se realiza un estudio de la normativa vigente a la luz de la jurisprudencia nacional y comunitaria y de la doctrina actualmente existente. En este estudio se pone manifiesto la colisión de ordenamientos jurídicos entre el derecho laboral y el derecho administrativo cuando se produce una proceso de reinternalización o reestructuración de un servicio público y es de aplicación lo previsto en el artículo 44 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores y la Directiva 2001/23/CE, que constituye una garantía para la estabilidad en el empleo y la aplicación de los principios constitucionales de igualdad, mérito y capacidad.Ha sido la jurisprudencia española la que ha intentado configurar una solución de compromiso a los fenómenos de reinternalización y reestructuración del sector público mediante la utilización de la figura del personal laboral indefinido no fijo para la integración del personal proveniente de una contrata, concesión o entidad del sector público. Sin embargo, esta es una figura de construcción jurisprudencial que no fue creada para la sucesión de empresas cuando en ella interviene una Administración Pública, sino para sanar la contratación temporal en fraude de ley en el ámbito de las Administraciones Públicas por el abuso en la temporalidad del personal laboral, en particular por entidades locales y comunidades autónomas, por lo que resulta una figura insatisfactoria para resolver los problemas que suceden con la integración del personal que proviene de una entidad que no tiene la consideración de administración pública.Se propone al respecto la teoría de los círculos concéntricos de la integración del personal en la que lo determinante no es tanto la denominación del personal que se integra como el estatuto jurídico de este personal y la vida administrativa que le espera una vez integrados en la administración pública que ha recuperado el servicio público previamente externalizado. Finalmente se efectúa una propuesta de lege ferenda como el fin de completar la transposición de la Directiva 2001/23/CE al artículo 44 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores.<br /

    Striking Deals : Concertation in the Reform of Continental European Welfare States

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    The reform of the welfare state entails changes in interdependent policy fields stretching from social policies to employment and wage policies. These linked policy fields are often governed by varying sets of corporate actors and involve different decision making procedures. Adaptation in one policy field is often uncoordinated with other policies, and can work at cross-purposes, produce negative externalities, or fail due to missing supporting conditions. The paper has two objectives. It first argues that renewed emergence of tripartite concertation is due to the need to co-ordinate policies across policy fields. Second, it evaluates the institutional factors which have facilitated concertation in some cases, but not in others. Using a similar country design, the paper compares four continental European countries with similar reform pressures but different reform trajectories: France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.Die Reform des Wohlfahrtsstaates erfordert Veränderungen in interdependenten Politikfeldern, von der Sozialpolitik bis hin zur Beschäftigungs- und Lohnpolitik. Diese interdependenten Politikfelder werden von unterschiedlichen Konstellationen korporativer und politischer Akteure kontrolliert und sind unterschiedlichen Verfahren der Entscheidungsfindung unterworfen. Adaptionen in einem Sektor sind häufig nicht mit anderen politischen Entscheidungen koordiniert und können somit negative Auswirkungen haben oder aufgrund der ungünstigen Grundbedingungen fehlschlagen. In dem vorliegenden Discussion Paper wird zunächst argumentiert, daß die Notwendigkeit, politische Entscheidungen über die Grenzen der politischen Sektoren hinaus zu koordinieren, zu einer Renaissance dreiseitiger Konzertierung zwischen Tarifparteien und Regierungen geführt hat. Weiterhin werden die institutionellen Faktoren herausgearbeitet, die eine Konzertierung in einigen Fällen ermöglicht haben, in anderen jedoch nicht. Es werden vier Länder verglichen, die ähnliche Strukturen und Reformzwänge aufweisen, aber unterschiedliche Lösungswege gewählt haben: Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien und die Niederlande

    Extensive conservation of ancient microsynteny across metazoans due to cis-regulatory constraints

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    This article is distributed exclusively by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the first six months after the full-issue publication date; after six months, it is available under a Creative Commons License.-- et al.The order of genes in eukaryotic genomes has generally been assumed to be neutral, since gene order is largely scrambled over evolutionary time. Only a handful of exceptional examples are known, typically involving deeply conserved clusters of tandemly duplicated genes (e.g., Hox genes and histones). Here we report the first systematic survey of microsynteny conservation across metazoans, utilizing 17 genome sequences. We identified nearly 600 pairs of unrelated genes that have remained tightly physically linked in diverse lineages across over 600 million years of evolution. Integrating sequence conservation, gene expression data, gene function, epigenetic marks, and other genomic features, we provide extensive evidence that many conserved ancient linkages involve (1) the coordinated transcription of neighboring genes, or (2) genomic regulatory blocks (GRBs) in which transcriptional enhancers controlling developmental genes are contained within nearby bystander genes. In addition, we generated ChIP-seq data for key histone modifications in zebrafish embryos, which provided further evidence of putative GRBs in embryonic development. Finally, using chromosome conformation capture (3C) assays and stable transgenic experiments, we demonstrate that enhancers within bystander genes drive the expression of genes such as Otx and Islet, critical regulators of central nervous system development across bilaterians. These results suggest that ancient genomic functional associations are far more common than previously thought—involving ∼12% of the ancestral bilaterian genome—and that cis-regulatory constraints are crucial in determining metazoan genome architecture.M.I., M.S.A., S.W.R., and H.B.F. were funded by NIH grant 1R21HG005240-01A1. H.B.F. is an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow and Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences. J.J.T., A.F-M., O.B., E.C-M., and J.L.G-S. were funded by grants BFU2010-14839, CSD2007-00008, and Proyecto de Excelencia CVI-3488.Peer reviewe

    Dynamics of enhancer chromatin signatures mark the transition from pluripotency to cell specification during embryogenesis

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    This article is distributed exclusively by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the first six months after the full-issue publication date; after six months, it is available under a Creative Commons License.-- et al.The generation of distinctive cell types that form different tissues and organs requires precise, temporal and spatial control of gene expression. This depends on specific cis-regulatory elements distributed in the noncoding DNA surrounding their target genes. Studies performed on mammalian embryonic stem cells and Drosophila embryos suggest that active enhancers form part of a defined chromatin landscape marked by histone H3 lysine 4 mono-methylation (H3K4me1) and histone H3 lysine 27 acetylation (H3K27ac). Nevertheless, little is known about the dynamics and the potential roles of these marks during vertebrate embryogenesis. Here, we provide genomic maps of H3K4me1/me3 and H3K27ac at four developmental time-points of zebrafish embryogenesis and analyze embryonic enhancer activity. We find that (1) changes in H3K27ac enrichment at enhancers accompany the shift from pluripotency to tissue-specific gene expression, (2) in early embryos, the peaks of H3K27ac enrichment are bound by pluripotent factors such as Nanog, and (3) the degree of evolutionary conservation is higher for enhancers that become marked by H3K27ac at the end of gastrulation, suggesting their implication in the establishment of the most conserved (phylotypic) transcriptome that is known to occur later at the pharyngula stage.We thank the Spanish and Andalusian Governments for grants (BFU2010-14839, CSD2007-00008, and Proyecto de Excelencia CVI-3488) for funding this study.Peer reviewe

    Disruptores endócrinos e metabólicos e desordens reprodutivas: perspectivas futuras

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    There is increasing evidence of the relation between environmental exposures [mainly to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)] and human health impairment. These compounds include a wide assortment of chemicals used in agriculture (organophosphate and organochlorine compounds, fungicides, etc.) and industrial and commercial applications (bisphenol A, phthalates, perfluorinated compounds, etc.). Currently, the main research areas into this relation are related to neurodevelopmental disorders or cancer, and hormonal, metabolic or reproductive disorders or diseases. The incidence rates of metabolic disorders or conditions–obesity, metabolic syndrome or diabetes–and reproductive or infertility problems are on the rise in human populations. However, the already known risk factors do not fully explain the documented trends for these disorders and diseases. In general, it would be highly advisable to increase the number of epidemiological studies in humans and of mechanistic studies in preclinical and/or cellular models to better understand the links between environmental exposure to EDCs and metabolic disorders or conditions such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes or infertility, including epigenetic aspects as well.Es evidente la importancia que está adquiriendo la asociación entre exposiciones medioambientales (principalmente compuestos alteradores endocrinos) y la afectación de la salud humana. Estos compuestos incluyen una gran variedad de sustancias químicas, tanto de uso hortofrutícola (compuestos organoclorados y organofosforados, fungicidas, etc.), como industrial o comercial (bisfenol A, ftalatos, compuestos perfluorados, etc.). Actualmente, las principales líneas de investigación incluyen los desórdenes en el neurodesarrollo o el cáncer, junto con alteraciones o enfermedades hormonales, metabólicas o reproductivas. La incidencia de desórdenes metabólicos como la obesidad, el síndrome metabólico o la diabetes, y los problemas reproductivos o de infertilidad están incrementándose en poblaciones humanas. No obstante, los factores de riesgo establecidos no pueden explicar completamente las tendencias observadas para estos desórdenes. En general, sería extremadamente recomendable aumentar el número de estudios epidemiológicos en humanos y mecanísticos en modelos preclínicos o celulares que exploren las asociaciones entre exposición a alteradores endocrinos y desórdenes o enfermedades metabólicas como la obesidad, el síndrome metabólico, la diabetes o la infertilidad, incluyendo aspectos epigenéticos.É evidente a importância que tem sido dada à associação entre exposições ambientais (principalmente compostos disruptores endócrinos) e os efeitos na saúde humana. Estes compostos incluem uma variedade de produtos químicos, tanto para uso hortícola (organoclorados e organofosforados, fungicidas, etc.), como no uso industrial e/ou comercial (bisfenol A, ftalatos, compostos perfluorados, etc.). Atualmente, as principais linhas de investigação procuram desordens do desenvolvimento neurológico ou cancro, bem como as alterações hormonais ou doenças associadas à disfunção hormonal, metabólica ou reprodutiva. A incidência de distúrbios metabólicos, como obesidade, síndrome metabólica ou diabetes, e problemas reprodutivos ou infertilidade estão a aumentar em populações humanas. No entanto, os fatores de risco estabelecidos não conseguem explicar totalmente as tendências observadas nestas desordens. Em geral, seria altamente aconselhável aumentar o número de estudos epidemiológicos em humanos e modelos mecanísticos em pré-clínica e/ou celular, para explorar as associações entre a exposição aos disruptores endócrinos e distúrbios ou doenças metabólicas, tais como obesidade, síndrome metabólica, diabetes e infertilidade, incluindo aspetos epigenéticos

    Immunolocalization of dually phosphorylated MAPKs in dividing root meristem cells of Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, Lupinus luteus and Lycopersicon esculentum

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    Key message In plants, phosphorylated MAPKs display constitutive nuclear localization; however, not all studied plant species show co-localization of activated MAPKs to mitotic microtubules. Abstract The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway is involved not only in the cellular response to biotic and abiotic stress but also in the regulation of cell cycle and plant development. The role of MAPKs in the formation of a mitotic spindle has been widely studied and the MAPK signaling pathway was found to be indispensable for the unperturbed course of cell division. Here we show cellular localization of activated MAPKs (dually phosphorylated at their TXY motifs) in both interphase and mitotic root meristem cells of Lupinus luteus, Pisum sativum, Vicia faba (Fabaceae) and Lycopersicon esculentum (Solanaceae). Nuclear localization of activated MAPKs has been found in all species. Colocalization of these kinases to mitotic microtubules was most evident in L. esculentum, while only about 50 % of mitotic cells in the root meristems of P. sativum and V. faba displayed activated MAPKs localized to microtubules during mitosis. Unexpectedly, no evident immunofluorescence signals at spindle microtubules and phragmoplast were noted in L. luteus. Considering immunocytochemical analyses and studies on the impact of FR180204 (an inhibitor of animal ERK1/2) on mitotic cells, we hypothesize that MAPKs may not play prominent role in the regulation of microtubule dynamics in all plant species

    Development of photocatalytic coatings for building materials with Bi2O3-ZnO nanoparticles

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    The aim of this study was to develop versatile coatings that can protect the stone surfaces of Ar-chitectural Heritage. Two different 3D media, namely superhydrophobic (SPHB) and hydrooleophobic (OHB), were utilized as host matrices for nanostructured photocatalysts (Bi2O3-ZnO 8/92). These photocatalysts were sensitive to visible light to enhance their efficiency when exposed to sunlight. To prevent the nanophotocatalyst from clumping together in the 3D media, non-ionic dispersant additives (Tween20, TritonX-100, and Brij35) were incorporated. The optimized suspensions were then applied to various substrates such as sandstone, limestone, and granite. The effectiveness of the coatings was assessed by evaluating the hydrophobicity, oleo-phobicity, and photocatalytic activity of the coated substrates. The Bi2O3-ZnO photocatalyst exhib-ited higher activity in the SPHB medium compared to the OHB medium. To simulate real-life con-ditions, the coated substrates were subjected to accelerated weathering tests to predict their dura-bility. Despite a significant reduction in their thickness, the coatings demonstrated sustained hy-drophobic efficiency and self-cleaning capability after the accelerated ageing tests

    Ghrelin as a novel locally produced relaxing peptide of the iris sphincter and dilator muscles

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    Ghrelin is a recently described acylated peptide, which works as a somatosecretagogue and has described effects on the smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle. We examined the production and effects of ghrelin on relaxation of the iris muscles. Contractile effects of 1-5 human ghrelin (frGhr, 10(-9)-6 x 10(-5)M) and 1-5 human des-octanoyl-ghrelin (d-frGhr; 10(-9)-6 x 10(-5)M) were tested on iris rabbit sphincter (n=11 frGhr; n=7 d-frGhr), dilator (n=6 frGhr; n=6 d-frGhr) and rat sphincter (n=6 frGhr; n=8 d-frGhr) precontracted muscles. On rabbit sphincter the effect of frGhr was also tested in presence of: i) L-NA (10(-5)M; n=7); ii) indomethacin (10(-5)M; n=7); iii) DLys(3)GHRP6 (10(-4)M; n=6); and iv) apamin+carybdotoxin (10(-6)M; n=6). Furthermore, on rabbit dilator the effect of frGhr was tested in presence of DLys(3)GHRP6 (10(-4)M; n=7). Finally, ghrelin mRNA production was assessed by "in situ" hybridization in Wistar rat eyes (n=8). In all muscles, frGhr promoted a concentration-dependent relaxation, maximal at 6 x 10(-5)M, 1.5-3 min after its addition, decreasing tension by 34.1+/-12.1%, 25.8+/-4.8% and 52.1+/-10.3% in the rabbit sphincter, dilator and rat sphincter, respectively. In the rabbit sphincter the relaxing effects of frGhr were: (i) enhanced in presence of DLys(3)GHRP6 (118.1+/-21.1%); (ii) blunted by indomethacin; and (iii) not altered by apamin+carybdotoxin (36.4+/-14.4%) or L-NA (52.4+/-11.4%). Relaxing effects of d-frGhr in rabbit (43.3+/-5.2%) and rat (77.1+/-15.3%) sphincter muscles were similar to those of frGhr. In rabbit dilator muscle, d-frGhr did not significantly alter active tension and the relaxing effect of frGhr was blunted by GHSR-1a blockage. Ghrelin mRNA was identified in iris posterior epithelium. In conclusion, ghrelin is a novel, locally produced, relaxing agent of iris dilator and sphincter muscles, an effect that is mediated by GHSR-1a in the former, but not in the latter. Furthermore, in the sphincter it seems to be mediated by prostaglandins, but not by NO or K(Ca) channels.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (nr. POCI/SAU-FCF/60803/2004) through Cardiovascular R&D Unit (FCT nr. 51/94). Authors are sincerely grateful to RS. Moura (SFRH/BPD/15408/2005), Development Unit, Health and Life Sciences Institute, School of Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal for her excellent contribution in the in-situ hybridization techniques